mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 00:39:54 +00:00
- added doxygen page for the configuration options - added SPDX-License-Identifiers around the place - changed TOML_UNRELEASED_FEATURES default to 0 - simplified ABI namespace machinery - fixed a number of doxygen bugs
629 lines
20 KiB
629 lines
20 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license.
# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Mark Gillard <mark.gillard@outlook.com.au>
# See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import sys
import re
import os
import os.path as path
import math
import requests
import traceback
#### SETTINGS / MISC #########################################
class Settings:
binary_bitmasks = False
switch_case_limits = [64, 8]
def make_literal(codepoint):
if (codepoint > 0xFFFF):
return "U'\\U{:08X}'".format(codepoint)
return "U'\\u{:04X}'".format(codepoint)
def make_bitmask(codepoint, bits = 64):
if (Settings.binary_bitmasks):
if (bits > 32):
return "0b{:064b}ull".format(codepoint)
return "0b{:032b}u".format(codepoint)
if (bits > 32):
return "0x{:X}ull".format(codepoint)
return "0x{:X}u".format(codepoint)
def make_mask_from_indices(indices):
mask = 0
for i in indices:
mask = mask | (1 << i)
return mask
def range_first(r):
if isinstance(r, int):
return r
return r[0]
def range_last(r):
if isinstance(r, int):
return r
return r[1]
def is_pow2(v):
return v & (v-1) == 0
def calculate_subdivisions(span_size, level):
# if it's a relatively small span, divide it such the effective size of each subchunk
# would be less than or equal to 64 so we'll generate bitmask ops
if (64 < span_size <= 4096):
return int(math.ceil(span_size / 64))
case_limit = Settings.switch_case_limits[min(len(Settings.switch_case_limits)-1, level)]
# try to find a divisor that will yield a power-of-2 size
subdivs = case_limit
while (subdivs > 1):
subdiv_size = int(math.ceil(span_size / float(subdivs)))
if (subdiv_size > 1 and subdiv_size < span_size and is_pow2(subdiv_size)):
return subdivs
subdivs -= 1
# couldn't find divisor that would yield a power-of-2 size
subdivs = case_limit
while (subdivs > 1):
subdiv_size = int(math.ceil(span_size / float(subdivs)))
if (subdiv_size > 1 and subdiv_size < span_size):
return subdivs
subdivs /= 2
return subdivs
#### CHUNK ###################################################
class Chunk:
def __init__(self, first, last, level=0):
self.first = int(first)
self.last = int(last)
self.level = level
self.span_size = (self.last - self.first) + 1
self.count = 0
self.ranges = []
self.subchunks = None
self.subchunk_size = 0
self.first_set = self.last + 1
self.last_set = -1
self.first_unset = self.first
self.all_div_by = None
self.all_div_by_add = None
def low_range_mask(self):
if self.count == 0:
return 0
mask = 0
bits = 0
prev_last_unset = -1
for r in self.ranges:
first = range_first(r)
last = range_last(r)
count = (last - first) + 1
while (prev_last_unset >= 0 and prev_last_unset < first and bits < 64):
prev_last_unset += 1
bits += 1
if (bits >= 64):
while (count > 0 and bits < 64):
mask |= (1 << bits)
bits += 1
count -= 1
if (bits >= 64):
prev_last_unset = last + 1
return mask
def add(self, first, last = None):
f = int(first)
num_added = 0
if (last is None or first == last):
self.count += 1
self.last_set = max(self.last_set, f)
if (self.first_unset == f):
self.first_unset = f + 1
l = int(last)
self.ranges.append((f, l))
self.count += (l - f) + 1
self.last_set = max(self.last_set, l)
if (self.first_unset == f):
self.first_unset = l + 1
self.first_set = min(self.first_set, f)
def analyze(self):
if (self.count > 0 and (self.first != self.first_set or self.last != self.last_set)):
raise Exception('cannot call analyze() on an untrimmed Chunk')
self.all_div_by = None
self.all_div_by_add = None
if (self.span_size <= 1):
for div in range(2, 51):
for add in range(0, 50):
divisible = None
for r in self.ranges:
first = range_first(r)
last = range_last(r)
if (last < self.first_set):
if (first > self.last_set):
first = max(first, self.first_set)
last = min(last, self.last_set)
if (divisible is None):
divisible = True
for cp in range(first, last+1):
divisible = divisible and (((cp + add) % div) == 0)
if not divisible:
if not divisible:
if divisible is not None and divisible:
self.all_div_by = div
if add != 0:
self.all_div_by_add = add
def trim(self):
if (self.subchunks is not None
or self.count == 0
or (self.first_set == self.first and self.last_set == self.last)):
self.first = self.first_set
self.last = self.last_set
self.span_size = (self.last - self.first) + 1
def subdivide(self):
if (self.count > 0 and (self.first != self.first_set or self.last != self.last_set)):
raise Exception('cannot call subdivide() on an untrimmed Chunk')
if (self.subchunks is not None
or self.count >= self.span_size - 1
or self.count <= 1
or (self.last_set - self.first_set) + 1 <= 64
or self.count == (self.last - self.first_set) + 1
or self.count == (self.first_unset - self.first)
or self.count == (self.last_set - self.first_set) + 1
or (len(self.ranges) == 2 and range_first(self.ranges[0]) == self.first and range_last(self.ranges[1]) == self.last)
or len(self.ranges) <= 4
or self.all_div_by is not None
subchunk_count = calculate_subdivisions(self.span_size, self.level)
if (subchunk_count <= 1):
subchunk_size = int(math.ceil(self.span_size / float(subchunk_count)))
if (subchunk_size <= 4):
self.subchunks = []
self.subchunk_size = subchunk_size
for subchunk in range(subchunk_count):
self.first + (subchunk * self.subchunk_size),
min(self.first + (((subchunk + 1) * self.subchunk_size) - 1), self.last),
self.level + 1
for r in self.ranges:
if (isinstance(r, int)):
subchunk = int((r - self.first) / self.subchunk_size)
start_chunk = int((r[0] - self.first) / self.subchunk_size)
end_chunk = int((r[1] - self.first) / self.subchunk_size)
for subchunk in range(start_chunk, end_chunk+1):
max(r[0], self.subchunks[subchunk].first),
min(r[1], self.subchunks[subchunk].last),
#self.ranges = None
for subchunk in self.subchunks:
def always_returns_true(self):
return self.count == self.span_size
def always_returns_false(self):
return self.count == 0
def print_subchunk_case(self, subchunk_index, output_file, level, indent):
print("{}\tcase {}: ".format(indent, subchunk_index), end='', file=output_file)
if (self.subchunks[subchunk_index].count == self.subchunks[subchunk_index].span_size):
self.subchunks[subchunk_index].print(output_file, level + 1, (self.first, self.last))
if (self.subchunks[subchunk_index].subchunks is not None and self.subchunks[subchunk_index].span_size > 64):
print("\n{}\t{{".format(indent), file=output_file)
self.subchunks[subchunk_index].print(output_file, level + 1, (self.first, self.last))
if (self.subchunks[subchunk_index].subchunks is not None and self.subchunks[subchunk_index].span_size > 64):
print("{}\t}}".format(indent), file=output_file)
def return_value_string(self):
# return true; (completely full range)
if (self.always_returns_true()):
return 'true'
# return false; (completely empty range)
elif (self.always_returns_false()):
return 'false'
# return cp == A
elif (self.count == 1):
return 'codepoint == {}'.format(make_literal(self.ranges[0]))
# return cp != A
elif (self.count == self.span_size - 1):
return 'codepoint != {}'.format(make_literal(self.first_unset))
# return cp < A
elif (self.count == (self.first_unset - self.first)):
return 'codepoint < {}'.format(make_literal(self.first_unset))
# return cp >= A
elif (self.count == (self.last - self.first_set) + 1):
return 'codepoint >= {}'.format(make_literal(self.first_set))
# return cp >= A && cp <= B
elif (self.count == (self.last_set - self.first_set) + 1):
return 'codepoint >= {} && codepoint <= {}'.format(make_literal(self.first_set), make_literal(self.last_set))
# return cp <= A || cp >= B
elif (len(self.ranges) == 2 and range_first(self.ranges[0]) == self.first and range_last(self.ranges[1]) == self.last):
return 'codepoint <= {} || codepoint >= {}'.format(make_literal(range_last(self.ranges[0])), make_literal(range_first(self.ranges[1])))
# return cp % X == 0
elif (self.all_div_by is not None):
if (self.all_div_by_add is not None):
return '(static_cast<uint_least64_t>(codepoint) {} {}ull) % {}ull == 0ull'.format(
'-' if self.all_div_by_add < 0 else '+',
return 'static_cast<uint_least64_t>(codepoint) % {}ull == 0ull'.format(self.all_div_by)
# return cp & A (32-bit)
elif ((self.last_set - self.first_set) + 1 <= 32):
if (self.first_set == self.first):
return '(1u << (static_cast<uint_least32_t>(codepoint) - 0x{:X}u)) & {}'.format(self.first_set, make_bitmask(self.low_range_mask(), 32))
return 'codepoint >= {} && ((1u << (static_cast<uint_least32_t>(codepoint) - 0x{:X}u)) & {})'.format(
make_literal(self.first_set), self.first_set, make_bitmask(self.low_range_mask(), 32))
# return cp & A (64-bit)
elif ((self.last_set - self.first_set) + 1 <= 64):
if (self.first_set == self.first):
return '(1ull << (static_cast<uint_least64_t>(codepoint) - 0x{:X}ull)) & {}'.format(self.first_set, make_bitmask(self.low_range_mask()))
return 'codepoint >= {} && ((1ull << (static_cast<uint_least64_t>(codepoint) - 0x{:X}ull)) & {})'.format(
make_literal(self.first_set), self.first_set, make_bitmask(self.low_range_mask()))
return None
def print(self, output_file, level = 0, parent_range = None):
indent = '\t\t' + ('\t' * (2 * level))
if (parent_range is None):
parent_range = (0, 0x7FFFFFFF)
rvs = self.return_value_string()
# return ______;
if (rvs is not None):
print("return {};".format(rvs), file=output_file)
# switch (cp)
elif (self.subchunks is not None):
# guard against non-exhaustive ranges (we may have been trimmed)
if (self.first > parent_range[0] and self.last < parent_range[1]):
print("{}if (codepoint < {} || codepoint > {})\n{}\treturn false;\n".format(indent, make_literal(self.first), make_literal(self.last), indent), file=output_file)
elif (self.first > parent_range[0]):
print("{}if (codepoint < {})\n{}\treturn false;\n".format(indent, make_literal(self.first), indent), file=output_file)
elif (self.last < parent_range[1]):
print("{}if (codepoint > {})\n{}\treturn false;\n".format(indent, make_literal(self.last), indent), file=output_file)
# see if we can avoid emitting a switch altogether, or reduce its scope
always_true = []
always_false = []
not_always_true_or_false = []
for subchunk_index in range(len(self.subchunks)):
even = (subchunk_index % 2) == 0
if self.subchunks[subchunk_index].always_returns_true():
elif self.subchunks[subchunk_index].always_returns_false():
selector = '(static_cast<uint_least32_t>(codepoint) - 0x{:X}u) / {}u'.format(self.first, self.subchunk_size)
# return selector & mask
if (len(always_true) + len(always_false) == len(self.subchunks) and len(self.subchunks) <= 64):
print("{}return ({}) & {};".format(indent, selector, make_bitmask(make_mask_from_indices(always_true))), file=output_file)
# return selector == A ? true : selector & mask
#elif (len(not_always_true_or_false) == 1
# and (len(always_true) + len(always_false)) == len(self.subchunks)-1
# and len(self.subchunks) <= 64):
# print('{}const auto selector = {}; //kek'.format(indent, selector), file=output_file)
# print('{}return selector == {}u ? true : selector & {};'.format(
# indent,
# not_always_true_or_false[0],
# make_bitmask(make_mask_from_indices(always_true))
# ),
# file=output_file
# )
# switch(selector)
print("{}TOML_ASSUME_CODEPOINT_BETWEEN({}, {});".format(indent, make_literal(self.first), make_literal(self.last)), file=output_file)
print("{}switch ({})\n{}{{".format(indent, selector, indent), file=output_file)
if (len(always_true) == 0 and len(always_false) == 0):
for subchunk_index in range(len(self.subchunks)):
self.print_subchunk_case(subchunk_index, output_file, level, indent)
print("{}\tTOML_NO_DEFAULT_CASE;".format(indent), file=output_file)
elif (len(always_true) > len(always_false)):
for subchunk_index in range(len(self.subchunks)):
if not self.subchunks[subchunk_index].always_returns_true():
self.print_subchunk_case(subchunk_index, output_file, level, indent)
print("{}\tdefault: return true;".format(indent), file=output_file)
for subchunk_index in range(len(self.subchunks)):
if not self.subchunks[subchunk_index].always_returns_false():
self.print_subchunk_case(subchunk_index, output_file, level, indent)
print("{}\tdefault: return false;".format(indent), file=output_file)
print("{}}}".format(indent), file=output_file)
print("{}//# chunk summary: {} codepoints from {} ranges (spanning a search area of {})".format(indent, self.count, len(self.ranges), self.span_size), file=output_file)
# return cp == A || cp == B ...
print("return", end='', file=output_file)
line_weight = 0
first_line = True
for range_idx in range(0, len(self.ranges)):
r = self.ranges[range_idx]
range_weight = (1 if (
isinstance(r, int)
or (range_idx == 0 and r[0] == self.first)
or (range_idx == (len(self.ranges)-1) and r[1] == self.last))
else 2
needs_space = True
if ((line_weight + range_weight) > (4 - (1 if first_line else 0))):
print("\n\t{}".format(indent), end='', file=output_file)
line_weight = range_weight
needs_space = False
first_line = False
line_weight += range_weight
if (needs_space):
print(" ", end='', file=output_file)
if (range_idx > 0):
print("|| ", end='', file=output_file)
if (isinstance(r, int)):
print("codepoint == {}".format(make_literal(r)), end='', file=output_file)
elif (range_idx == 0 and r[0] == self.first):
print("codepoint <= {}".format(make_literal(r[1])), end='', file=output_file)
elif (range_idx == (len(self.ranges)-1) and r[1] == self.last):
print("codepoint >= {}".format(make_literal(r[0])), end='', file=output_file)
print("{}codepoint >= {} && codepoint <= {}{}".format(
'(' if len(self.ranges) > 1 else '',
')' if len(self.ranges) > 1 else ''
print(";", file=output_file)
#### FUNCTION GENERATOR #####################################
def emit_function(name, categories, file, codepoints):
# divide the codepoints up into chunks of ranges
root_chunk = Chunk(codepoints[0][0], codepoints[-1][0])
first_codepoint = -1
last_codepoint = -1
for codepoint, category in codepoints:
if (category in categories):
if (first_codepoint == -1):
first_codepoint = codepoint
last_codepoint = codepoint
elif (last_codepoint == codepoint-1):
last_codepoint = codepoint
root_chunk.add(first_codepoint, last_codepoint)
first_codepoint = codepoint
last_codepoint = codepoint
if (first_codepoint != -1):
root_chunk.add(first_codepoint, last_codepoint)
# write the function
print('\n\t//# Returns true if a codepoint belongs to any of these categories: {}'.format(', '.join(categories)), file=file)
print('\t[[nodiscard]]', file=file)
print('\tTOML_GNU_ATTR(const)', file=file)
print('\tconstexpr bool {}(char32_t codepoint) noexcept\n\t{{'.format(name), file=file)
print('\t}', file=file)
#### MAIN ####################################################
def get_script_folder():
return path.dirname(path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
def append_codepoint(codepoints, codepoint, category):
if (codepoint <= 128 # ASCII range (handled separately in C++)
or 0xD800 <= codepoint <= 0xF8FF # surrogates & private use area
or 0x40000 <= codepoint <= 0xDFFFF # planes 4-13
or 0xF0000 <= codepoint <= 0x10FFFD # planes 15-16
or 0xFFFE <= (codepoint & 0xFFFF) <= 0xFFFF # noncharacters
): return
codepoints.append((codepoint, category))
def main():
# get unicode character database
codepoint_list = ''
codepoint_file_path = path.join(get_script_folder(), 'UnicodeData.txt')
if (not path.exists(codepoint_file_path)):
print("Couldn't find unicode database file, will download")
response = requests.get(
codepoint_list = response.text
with open(codepoint_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as codepoint_file:
print(codepoint_list, end='', file=codepoint_file)
print("Reading unicode database file into memory")
with open(codepoint_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as codepoint_file:
codepoint_list = codepoint_file.read()
# parse the database file into codepoints
re_codepoint = re.compile(r'^([0-9a-fA-F]+);(.+?);([a-zA-Z]+);')
current_range_start = -1
codepoints = []
parsed_codepoints = 0
for codepoint_entry in codepoint_list.split('\n'):
match = re_codepoint.search(codepoint_entry)
if (match is None):
if (current_range_start > -1):
raise Exception('Previous codepoint indicated the start of a range but the next one was null')
codepoint = int('0x{}'.format(match.group(1)), 16)
if (current_range_start > -1):
for cp in range(current_range_start, codepoint):
parsed_codepoints += 1
append_codepoint(codepoints, cp, match.group(3))
current_range_start = -1
if (match.group(2).endswith(', First>')):
current_range_start = codepoint
parsed_codepoints += 1
append_codepoint(codepoints, codepoint, match.group(3))
print("Extracted {} of {} codepoints from unicode database file.".format(len(codepoints), parsed_codepoints))
codepoints.sort(key=lambda r:r[0])
# write the output file
output_file_path = path.join(get_script_folder(), '..', 'include', 'toml++', 'toml_utf8_generated.h')
print("Writing to {}".format(output_file_path))
with open(output_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n') as output_file:
'''//# This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license.
//# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Mark Gillard <mark.gillard@outlook.com.au>
//# See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text.
//# this file was generated by generate_unicode_functions.py - do not modify it directly
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include "toml_common.h"
#if TOML_LANG_UNRELEASED // toml/issues/687 (unicode bare keys)
#define TOML_ASSUME_CODEPOINT_BETWEEN(first, last) \\
TOML_ASSUME(codepoint >= first); \\
TOML_ASSUME(codepoint <= last)
namespace toml::impl
{''', file=output_file, end='')
emit_function('is_unicode_letter', ('Ll', 'Lm', 'Lo', 'Lt', 'Lu'), output_file, codepoints)
emit_function('is_unicode_number', ('Nd', 'Nl'), output_file, codepoints)
emit_function('is_unicode_combining_mark', ('Mn', 'Mc'), output_file, codepoints)
''', file=output_file, end='')
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception as err:
'Fatal error: [{}] {}'.format(