// This file is a part of toml++ and is subject to the the terms of the MIT license. // Copyright (c) Mark Gillard // See https://github.com/marzer/tomlplusplus/blob/master/LICENSE for the full license text. // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #include "tests.hpp" namespace { template static auto format_to_string(const T& obj, format_flags flags = Formatter::default_flags, format_flags exclude_flags = format_flags::none) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "*****\n" << Formatter{ obj, flags & ~(exclude_flags) } << "\n*****"; return ss.str(); } struct char32_printer { char32_t value; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const char32_printer& p) { if (p.value <= U'\x1F') return os << '\'' << impl::control_char_escapes[static_cast(p.value)] << '\''; else if (p.value == U'\x7F') return os << "'\\u007F'"sv; else if (p.value < 127u) return os << '\'' << static_cast(static_cast(p.value)) << '\''; else return os << static_cast(p.value); } }; struct string_difference { source_position position; size_t index; char32_t a, b; friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const string_difference& diff) { if (diff.a && diff.b && diff.a != diff.b) os << char32_printer{ diff.a } << " vs "sv << char32_printer{ diff.b } << " at "sv; return os << diff.position << ", index "sv << diff.index; } }; static optional find_first_difference(std::string_view str_a, std::string_view str_b) noexcept { string_difference diff{ { 1u, 1u } }; impl::utf8_decoder a, b; for (size_t i = 0, e = std::min(str_a.length(), str_b.length()); i < e; i++, diff.index++) { a(static_cast(str_a[i])); b(static_cast(str_b[i])); if (a.has_code_point() != b.has_code_point() || a.error() != b.error()) return diff; if (a.error()) { a.reset(); b.reset(); continue; } if (!a.has_code_point()) continue; if (a.codepoint != b.codepoint) { diff.a = a.codepoint; diff.b = b.codepoint; return diff; } if (a.codepoint == U'\n') { diff.position.line++; diff.position.column = 1u; } else diff.position.column++; } if (str_a.length() != str_b.length()) return diff; return {}; } } #define CHECK_FORMATTER(formatter, data, expected) \ do \ { \ const auto str = format_to_string(data); \ const auto diff = find_first_difference(str, expected); \ if (diff) \ FORCE_FAIL("string mismatch: "sv << *diff); \ } \ while (false) TEST_CASE("formatters") { const auto data_date = toml::date{ 2021, 11, 2 }; const auto data_time = toml::time{ 20, 33, 0 }; const auto data = toml::table{ { "integers"sv, toml::table{ { "zero"sv, 0 }, { "one"sv, 1 }, { "dec"sv, 10 }, { "bin"sv, 10, toml::value_flags::format_as_binary }, { "oct"sv, 10, toml::value_flags::format_as_octal }, { "hex"sv, 10, toml::value_flags::format_as_hexadecimal } } }, { "floats"sv, toml::table{ { "pos_zero"sv, +0.0 }, { "neg_zero"sv, -0.0 }, { "one"sv, 1.0 }, { "pos_inf"sv, +std::numeric_limits::infinity() }, { "neg_inf"sv, -std::numeric_limits::infinity() }, { "pos_nan"sv, +std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() }, { "neg_nan"sv, -std::numeric_limits::quiet_NaN() } } }, { "dates and times"sv, toml::table{ { "dates"sv, toml::table{ { "val"sv, data_date } } }, { "times"sv, toml::table{ { "val"sv, data_time } } }, { "date-times"sv, toml::table{ { "local"sv, toml::table{ { "val"sv, toml::date_time{ data_date, data_time } } } }, { "offset"sv, toml::table{ { "val"sv, toml::date_time{ data_date, data_time, toml::time_offset{} } } } } } } } }, { "bools"sv, toml::table{ { "true"sv, true }, // { "false"sv, false } } }, { "strings"sv, toml::array{ R"()"sv, R"(string)"sv, R"(string with a single quote in it: ')"sv, R"(string with a double quote in it: ")"sv, "string with a tab: \t"sv, R"(a long string to force the array over multiple lines)"sv }, }, { "a"sv, toml::table{ { "val", true }, { "b"sv, toml::table{ { "val", true }, { "c"sv, toml::table{ { "val", true } } } } } } } }; SECTION("toml_formatter") { static constexpr auto expected = R"(***** strings = [ '', 'string', "string with a single quote in it: '", 'string with a double quote in it: "', 'string with a tab: ', 'a long string to force the array over multiple lines' ] [a] val = true [a.b] val = true [a.b.c] val = true [bools] false = false true = true ['dates and times'.date-times.local] val = 2021-11-02T20:33:00 ['dates and times'.date-times.offset] val = 2021-11-02T20:33:00Z ['dates and times'.dates] val = 2021-11-02 ['dates and times'.times] val = 20:33:00 [floats] neg_inf = -inf neg_nan = nan neg_zero = -0.0 one = 1.0 pos_inf = inf pos_nan = nan pos_zero = 0.0 [integers] bin = 0b1010 dec = 10 hex = 0xA oct = 0o12 one = 1 zero = 0 *****)"sv; CHECK_FORMATTER(toml_formatter, data, expected); } SECTION("json_formatter") { static constexpr auto expected = R"(***** { "a" : { "b" : { "c" : { "val" : true }, "val" : true }, "val" : true }, "bools" : { "false" : false, "true" : true }, "dates and times" : { "date-times" : { "local" : { "val" : "2021-11-02T20:33:00" }, "offset" : { "val" : "2021-11-02T20:33:00Z" } }, "dates" : { "val" : "2021-11-02" }, "times" : { "val" : "20:33:00" } }, "floats" : { "neg_inf" : "-Infinity", "neg_nan" : "NaN", "neg_zero" : -0.0, "one" : 1.0, "pos_inf" : "Infinity", "pos_nan" : "NaN", "pos_zero" : 0.0 }, "integers" : { "bin" : 10, "dec" : 10, "hex" : 10, "oct" : 10, "one" : 1, "zero" : 0 }, "strings" : [ "", "string", "string with a single quote in it: '", "string with a double quote in it: \"", "string with a tab: \t", "a long string to force the array over multiple lines" ] } *****)"sv; CHECK_FORMATTER(json_formatter, data, expected); } SECTION("yaml_formatter") { static constexpr auto expected = R"(***** a: b: c: val: true val: true val: true bools: false: false true: true 'dates and times': date-times: local: val: '2021-11-02T20:33:00' offset: val: '2021-11-02T20:33:00Z' dates: val: '2021-11-02' times: val: '20:33:00' floats: neg_inf: -.inf neg_nan: .NAN neg_zero: -0.0 one: 1.0 pos_inf: .inf pos_nan: .NAN pos_zero: 0.0 integers: bin: 10 dec: 10 hex: 0xA oct: 0o12 one: 1 zero: 0 strings: - '' - string - "string with a single quote in it: '" - 'string with a double quote in it: "' - "string with a tab: \t" - 'a long string to force the array over multiple lines' *****)"sv; CHECK_FORMATTER(yaml_formatter, data, expected); } }