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synced 2025-02-21 21:41:09 +00:00
Jan/13/2023 13:04 The FRDM-K32L2B3 Freedom development board provides a platform for evaluation and development of the K32 L2B MCU Family. - https://www.nxp.com/part/FRDM-K32L2B3#/ TinyUSB does not include the board specific drivers. Those drivers need to be extracted from the MCUXpresso IDE and SDK. Install MCUXPresso version 11.6 or later and SDK 2.12 or later. Then build the example project "frdmk32l2b_hellow_worldvirual_com". From the frdmk32l2b_hellow_worldvirual_com project copy these files to this directory structure, in this directory: hw/mcu/nxp/mcux-sdk/devices/K32L2B31A CMSIS/ config/ drivers/ gcc/ fsl_device_registers.h K32L2B31A_features.h K32L2B31A.h ./CMSIS: cmsis_armcc.h cmsis_armclang_ltm.h cmsis_gcc.h cmsis_version.h mpu_armv7.h cmsis_armclang.h cmsis_compiler.h cmsis_iccarm.h core_cm0plus.h ./config: clock_config.c clock_config.h system_K32L2B31A.c system_K32L2B31A.h ./drivers: fsl_clock.c fsl_common_arm.h fsl_gpio.c fsl_lpuart.h fsl_smc.h fsl_clock.h fsl_common.c fsl_gpio.h fsl_port.h fsl_uart.c fsl_common_arm.c fsl_common.h fsl_lpuart.c fsl_smc.c fsl_uart.h ./gcc: frdmk32l2b.ld startup_k32l2b31a.c frdmk32l2b_library.ld frdmk32l2b_memory.ld The linker files have been renamed and the #include directive edited to match. Then to build a test project change to the directory examples/devices/cdc_msc and do: make BOARD=frdm_k32l2b The resulting .hex file will be found in the _build directory, copy that will to the FRDM board to run the demo.