Since endpoint 0 is used for control requests, it doesn't have a class driver attached to it. As such, the corresponding `_usbd_dev.ep2drv` entry points to driver `0xFF`, which is invalid and this makes the `TU_ASSERT(drvid < USBD_CLASS_DRIVER_COUNT);` line fail, and eventually causes an endpoint stall. So as-is the stack cannot respond to any endpoint requests on endpoint 0. However, standard requests on endpoint 0 do not need a class driver to produce a valid response. This commit changes the order of execution so that the assert is only checked if the endpoint is not 0.
TinyUSB is an open-source cross-platform USB Host/Device stack for embedded system, designed to be memory-safe with no dynamic allocation and thread-safe with all interrupt events are deferred then handled in the non-ISR task function.
├── docs # Documentation
├── examples # Sample with Makefile and Segger Embedded build support
├── hw
│ ├── bsp # Supported boards source files
│ └── mcu # Low level mcu core & peripheral drivers
├── lib # Sources from 3rd party such as freeRTOS, fatfs ...
├── src # All sources files for TinyUSB stack itself.
├── test # Unit tests for the stack
└── tools # Files used internally
Special thanks for all the people who had spent their precious time and effort to helped this project so far. Check out file for the list of all contributors and their awesome work for the stack.
Supported MCUs
The stack supports the following MCUs
- MicroChip: SAMD21, SAMD51 (device only)
- Nordic: nRF52840, nRF52833
- NXP:
- LPC Series: 11Uxx, 13xx, 175x_6x, 177x_8x, 18xx, 40xx, 43xx, 51Uxx, 54xxx, 55xx
- iMX RT Series: RT1011, RT1015, RT1021, RT1052, RT1062, RT1064
- Sony: CXD56
- ST: STM32 series: L0, F0, F1, F2, F3, F4, F7, H7 (device only)
- ValentyUSB eptri
Here is the list of supported Boards that can be used with provided examples.
Device Stack
Support multiple device configurations by dynamically changing usb descriptors. Low power functions such as suspend, resume and remote wakeup. Following device classes are supported:
- Communication Class (CDC)
- Human Interface Device (HID): Generic (In & Out), Keyboard, Mouse, Gamepad etc ...
- Mass Storage Class (MSC): with multiple LUNs
- Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI)
- Vendor-specific class support with generic In & Out endpoints. Can be used with MS OS 2.0 compatible descriptor to load winUSB driver without INF file.
- WebUSB with vendor-specific class
Host Stack
Most active development is on the Device stack. The Host stack is under rework and largely untested.
- Human Interface Device (HID): Keyboard, Mouse, Generic
- Mass Storage Class (MSC)
- Hub currently only support 1 level of hub (due to my laziness)
OS Abtraction layer
TinyUSB is completely thread-safe by pushing all ISR events into a central queue, then process it later in the non-ISR context task function. It also uses semphore/mutex to access shared resource such as CDC FIFO. Therefore the stack needs to use some of OS's basic APIs. Following OSes are already supported out of the box.
- No OS : Disabling USB IRQ is used as way to provide mutex
- FreeRTOS
- Mynewt Due to the newt package build system, Mynewt examples are better to be on its own repo
Compiler & IDE
The stack is developed with GCC compiler, and should be compilable with others. Folder examples
provide Makefile and Segger Embedded Studio build support. Here is instruction to build example.
Getting Started
Here is the details for getting started with the stack.
Want to help add TinyUSB support for a new MCU? Read here for an explanation on the low-level API needed by TinyUSB.
MIT license for all TinyUSB sources src
folder, Full license is here. However each file is individually licensed especially those in lib
and hw/mcu
folder. Please make sure you understand all the license term for files you use in your project.
TinyUSB is currently used by these other projects:
- Adafruit nRF52 Arduino
- Adafruit nRF52 Bootloader
- Adafruit SAMD Arduino
- CircuitPython
- MicroPython
- TinyUSB Arduino Library
Let's me know if your project also uses TinyUSB and want to share.