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synced 2025-03-29 19:20:22 +00:00
Correct a case-sensitive file extension issue in the MAX32690 build scripts. Did not present itself as an issue under MinGW or MSYS, just Linux.
103 lines
3.0 KiB
103 lines
3.0 KiB
DEPS_SUBMODULES += lib/CMSIS_5 hw/mcu/analog/max32
# Important locations in the hw support for MCU
MAX32_CMSIS = hw/mcu/analog/max32/Libraries/CMSIS
MAX32_PERIPH = hw/mcu/analog/max32/Libraries/PeriphDrivers
# Add any board specific make rules
include $(TOP)/$(BOARD_PATH)/board.mk
CPU_CORE ?= cortex-m4
PORT ?= 0
SRC_S_GCC += $(MAX32_CMSIS)/Device/Maxim/MAX32690/Source/GCC/startup_max32690.S
LD_FILE = $(FAMILY_PATH)/max32690.ld
# --------------
# Compiler Flags
# --------------
# Flags for the MAX32690 SDK
-DTARGET_REV=0x4131 \
-DMAX32690 \
-DFLASH_ORIGIN=0x10000000 \
-DFLASH_SIZE=0x340000 \
-DSRAM_ORIGIN=0x20000000 \
-DSRAM_SIZE=0x100000 \
# Flags for TUSB features
# mcu driver cause following warnings
CFLAGS += -Wno-error=unused-parameter \
-Wno-error=strict-prototypes \
-Wno-error=old-style-declaration \
-Wno-error=sign-compare \
-Wno-error=cast-qual \
LDFLAGS_GCC += -nostartfiles --specs=nosys.specs --specs=nano.specs
# For flash-jlink target
JLINK_DEVICE = max32690
# flash target using Jlink by default
flash: flash-jlink
# Optional flash option when running within an installed MSDK to use OpenOCD
# Mainline OpenOCD does not yet have the MAX32's flash algorithm integrated.
# If the MSDK is installed, flash-msdk can be run to utilize the the modified
# openocd with the algorithms
MAXIM_PATH := $(subst \,/,$(MAXIM_PATH))
flash-msdk: $(BUILD)/$(PROJECT).elf
$(MAXIM_PATH)/Tools/OpenOCD/openocd -s $(MAXIM_PATH)/Tools/OpenOCD/scripts \
-f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -f target/max32690.cfg \
-c "program $(BUILD)/$(PROJECT).elf verify; init; reset; exit"
# -----------------
# Sources & Include
# -----------------
SRC_C += \
src/portable/analog/max32/dcd_max32.c \
$(MAX32_CMSIS)/Device/Maxim/MAX32690/Source/heap.c \
$(MAX32_CMSIS)/Device/Maxim/MAX32690/Source/system_max32690.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/SYS/mxc_assert.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/SYS/mxc_delay.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/SYS/mxc_lock.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/SYS/nvic_table.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/SYS/pins_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/SYS/sys_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/CTB/ctb_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/CTB/ctb_reva.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/CTB/ctb_common.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/FLC/flc_common.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/FLC/flc_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/FLC/flc_reva.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/GPIO/gpio_common.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/GPIO/gpio_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/GPIO/gpio_reva.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/ICC/icc_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/ICC/icc_reva.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/UART/uart_common.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/UART/uart_me18.c \
$(PERIPH_SRC)/UART/uart_revb.c \
INC += \
$(TOP)/lib/CMSIS_5/CMSIS/Core/Include \
$(TOP)/$(MAX32_CMSIS)/Include \
$(TOP)/$(MAX32_CMSIS)/Device/Maxim/MAX32690/Include \
$(TOP)/$(MAX32_PERIPH)/Include/MAX32690 \