Initial commit for the port of TUSB to MAX32xxx parts, staring with MAX32690 - Added dcd_max32.c (based on dcd_musb.c) for interfacing with the peripheral - Added MAX32690 part family support - Added max32690evkit board support - Updated examples for unique EP number requirement - Updated to fetch the MSDK Known Issues / Additional Testing Required - msc_dual_lun only shown 1 volume on Windows - USBTMC does not have a valid Windowsdriver - DFU does not have a valid Windows driver - WebUSB is "Device not Recognized" - Need to test build scripts with IAR and Clang
Composite CDC + UAC2 on Pico
This example provides a composite CDC + UAC2 device on top of a Raspberry Pi Pico board.
Use Cases
The CDC + UAC2 composite device happens to be important, especially in the amateur radio community.
Modern radios (
) like Icom IC-7300 + IC-705 expose a sound card and a serial device (composite device
) to the computer over a single USB cable. This allows for Audio I/O and CAT control over a single USB cable which is very convenient.By including and maintaining this example in TinyUSB repository, we enable the amateur radio community to build (
) radios with similar functionality as the (expensive) commercial rigs.This PR is important in bridging this specific gap between the commercial rigs and homebrew equipment.
- is a digital interface for interfacing radios (that lack an inbuilt digital interface) with computers. Digirig Mobile works brilliantly (is OSS!) and is a big improvement over traditional digital interfaces (like the SignaLink USB Interface). By using a Raspberry Pi Pico powered CDC + UAC2 composite device, we can simplify the Digirig Mobile schematic, drastically reduce the manufacturing cost, and (again) enable the homebrewers community to homebrew a modern digital interface with ease themselves.
Build Steps
cd examples/device/cdc_uac2
export PICO_SDK_PATH=$HOME/pico-sdk
cmake -DFAMILY=rp2040 pico .
cmake -DFAMILY=rp2040 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug # use this for debugging
make BOARD=raspberry_pi_pico all
Development Notes
Please try to keep this code synchronized with the uac2_headset
included in this repository.