import sys
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from multiprocessing import Pool

# Mandatory Dependencies that is always fetched
# path, url, commit, family (Alphabet sorted by path)
deps_mandatory = {
    'lib/FreeRTOS-Kernel': ['',
    'lib/lwip': ['',
    'tools/uf2': ['',

# Optional Dependencies per MCU
# path, url, commit, family (Alphabet sorted by path)
deps_optional = {
    'hw/mcu/allwinner': ['',
    'hw/mcu/bridgetek/ft9xx/ft90x-sdk': ['',
    'hw/mcu/broadcom': ['',
                        'broadcom_32bit broadcom_64bit'],
    'hw/mcu/gd/nuclei-sdk': ['',
    'hw/mcu/infineon/mtb-xmclib-cat3': ['',
    'hw/mcu/microchip': ['',
                         'sam3x samd11 samd21 samd51 same5x same7x saml2x samg'],
    'hw/mcu/mindmotion/mm32sdk': ['',
    'hw/mcu/nordic/nrfx': ['',
    'hw/mcu/nuvoton': ['',
    'hw/mcu/nxp/lpcopen': ['',
                           'lpc11 lpc13 lpc15 lpc17 lpc18 lpc40 lpc43'],
    'hw/mcu/nxp/mcux-sdk': ['',
                            'kinetis_k32l2 kinetis_kl lpc51 lpc54 lpc55 mcx imxrt'],
    'hw/mcu/raspberry_pi/Pico-PIO-USB': ['',
    'hw/mcu/renesas/fsp': ['',
    'hw/mcu/renesas/rx': ['',
    'hw/mcu/silabs/cmsis-dfp-efm32gg12b': ['',
    'hw/mcu/sony/cxd56/spresense-exported-sdk': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_f0': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_f1': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_f2': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_f3': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_f4': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_f7': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_g0': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_g4': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_h7': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_l0': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_l1': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_l4': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_l5': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_u5': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_wb': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32f0xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32f1xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32f2xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32f3xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32f4xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32f7xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32g0xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32g4xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32h7xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32l0xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32l1xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32l4xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32l5xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32u5xx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/st/stm32wbxx_hal_driver': ['',
    'hw/mcu/ti': ['',
                  'msp430 msp432e4 tm4c123'],
    'hw/mcu/wch/ch32v307': ['',
    'lib/CMSIS_5': ['',
                    'imxrt kinetis_k32l2 kinetis_kl lpc51 lpc54 lpc55 mcx mm32 msp432e4 nrf ra saml2x'
                    'stm32f0 stm32f1 stm32f2 stm32f3 stm32f4 stm32f7 stm32g0 stm32g4 '
                    'stm32h7 stm32l0 stm32l1 stm32l4 stm32l5 stm32u5 stm32wb'],
    'lib/sct_neopixel': ['',

# combined 2 deps
deps_all = {**deps_mandatory, **deps_optional}

# TOP is tinyusb root dir
TOP = Path(__file__).parent.parent.resolve()

def get_a_dep(d):
    if d not in deps_all.keys():
        print('{} is not found in dependency list')
        return 1
    url = deps_all[d][0]
    commit = deps_all[d][1]
    families = deps_all[d][2]

    print('cloning {} with {}'.format(d, url))

    p = Path(TOP / d)
    git_cmd = "git -C {}".format(p)

    # Init git deps if not existed
    if not p.exists():
        p.mkdir(parents=True)"{} init".format(git_cmd), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)"{} remote add origin {}".format(git_cmd, url), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    # Check if commit is already fetched
    result ="{} rev-parse HEAD".format(git_cmd, commit), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
    head = result.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines()[0]

    if commit != head:"{} reset --hard".format(git_cmd, commit), shell=True)"{} fetch --depth 1 origin {}".format(git_cmd, commit), shell=True)"{} checkout FETCH_HEAD".format(git_cmd), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

    return 0

# Arguments can be
# - family name
# - specific deps path
# - all
if __name__ == "__main__":
    status = 0
    deps = list(deps_mandatory.keys())
    # get all if  'all' is argument
    if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == 'all':
        deps += deps_optional.keys()
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            if arg in deps_all.keys():
                # if arg is a dep, add it
                # arg is a family name, add all deps of that family
                for d in deps_optional:
                    if arg in deps_optional[d][2]:

    with Pool() as pool:
        status = sum(, deps))