/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2020 Jerzy Kasenberg * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * This file is part of the TinyUSB stack. */ #include "tusb_option.h" #if (TUSB_OPT_DEVICE_ENABLED && CFG_TUD_BTH) //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // INCLUDE //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "bth_device.h" #include //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MACRO CONSTANT TYPEDEF //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ typedef struct { uint8_t itf_num; uint8_t ep_ev; uint8_t ep_acl_in; uint8_t ep_acl_out; uint8_t ep_voice[2]; // Not used yet uint8_t ep_voice_size[2][CFG_TUD_BTH_ISO_ALT_COUNT]; // Endpoint Transfer buffer CFG_TUSB_MEM_ALIGN bt_hci_cmd_t hci_cmd; CFG_TUSB_MEM_ALIGN uint8_t epout_buf[CFG_TUD_BTH_DATA_EPSIZE]; } btd_interface_t; //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // INTERNAL OBJECT & FUNCTION DECLARATION //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ CFG_TUSB_MEM_SECTION btd_interface_t _btd_itf; static bool bt_tx_data(uint8_t ep, void *data, uint16_t len) { // skip if previous transfer not complete TU_VERIFY(!usbd_edpt_busy(TUD_OPT_RHPORT, ep)); TU_ASSERT(usbd_edpt_xfer(TUD_OPT_RHPORT, ep, data, len)); return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // READ API //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // WRITE API //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool tud_bt_event_send(void *event, uint16_t event_len) { return bt_tx_data(_btd_itf.ep_ev, event, event_len); } bool tud_bt_acl_data_send(void *event, uint16_t event_len) { return bt_tx_data(_btd_itf.ep_acl_in, event, event_len); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // USBD Driver API //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void btd_init(void) { tu_memclr(&_btd_itf, sizeof(_btd_itf)); } void btd_reset(uint8_t rhport) { (void)rhport; } uint16_t btd_open(uint8_t rhport, tusb_desc_interface_t const *itf_desc, uint16_t max_len) { tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *desc_ep; uint16_t drv_len = 0; // Size of single alternative of ISO interface const uint16_t iso_alt_itf_size = sizeof(tusb_desc_interface_t) + 2 * sizeof(tusb_desc_endpoint_t); // Size of hci interface const uint16_t hci_itf_size = sizeof(tusb_desc_interface_t) + 3 * sizeof(tusb_desc_endpoint_t); // Ensure this is BT Primary Controller TU_VERIFY(TUSB_CLASS_WIRELESS_CONTROLLER == itf_desc->bInterfaceClass && TUD_BT_APP_SUBCLASS == itf_desc->bInterfaceSubClass && TUD_BT_PROTOCOL_PRIMARY_CONTROLLER == itf_desc->bInterfaceProtocol, 0); // Distinguish interface by number of endpoints, as both interface have same class, subclass and protocol if (itf_desc->bNumEndpoints == 3 && max_len >= hci_itf_size) { _btd_itf.itf_num = itf_desc->bInterfaceNumber; desc_ep = (tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *) tu_desc_next(itf_desc); TU_ASSERT(TUSB_DESC_ENDPOINT == desc_ep->bDescriptorType && TUSB_XFER_INTERRUPT == desc_ep->bmAttributes.xfer, 0); TU_ASSERT(usbd_edpt_open(rhport, desc_ep), 0); _btd_itf.ep_ev = desc_ep->bEndpointAddress; // Open endpoint pair TU_ASSERT(usbd_open_edpt_pair(rhport, tu_desc_next(desc_ep), 2, TUSB_XFER_BULK, &_btd_itf.ep_acl_out, &_btd_itf.ep_acl_in), 0); // Prepare for incoming data from host TU_ASSERT(usbd_edpt_xfer(rhport, _btd_itf.ep_acl_out, _btd_itf.epout_buf, CFG_TUD_BTH_DATA_EPSIZE), 0); drv_len = hci_itf_size; } else if (itf_desc->bNumEndpoints == 2 && max_len >= iso_alt_itf_size) { uint8_t dir; desc_ep = (tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *)tu_desc_next(itf_desc); TU_ASSERT(itf_desc->bAlternateSetting < CFG_TUD_BTH_ISO_ALT_COUNT, 0); TU_ASSERT(desc_ep->bDescriptorType == TUSB_DESC_ENDPOINT, 0); dir = tu_edpt_dir(desc_ep->bEndpointAddress); _btd_itf.ep_voice[dir] = desc_ep->bEndpointAddress; // Store endpoint size for alternative _btd_itf.ep_voice_size[dir][itf_desc->bAlternateSetting] = (uint8_t)desc_ep->wMaxPacketSize.size; desc_ep = (tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *)tu_desc_next(desc_ep); TU_ASSERT(desc_ep->bDescriptorType == TUSB_DESC_ENDPOINT, 0); dir = tu_edpt_dir(desc_ep->bEndpointAddress); _btd_itf.ep_voice[dir] = desc_ep->bEndpointAddress; // Store endpoint size for alternative _btd_itf.ep_voice_size[dir][itf_desc->bAlternateSetting] = (uint8_t)desc_ep->wMaxPacketSize.size; drv_len += iso_alt_itf_size; for (int i = 1; i < CFG_TUD_BTH_ISO_ALT_COUNT && drv_len + iso_alt_itf_size <= max_len; ++i) { // Make sure rest of alternatives matches itf_desc = (tusb_desc_interface_t const *)tu_desc_next(desc_ep); if (itf_desc->bDescriptorType != TUSB_DESC_INTERFACE || TUSB_CLASS_WIRELESS_CONTROLLER != itf_desc->bInterfaceClass || TUD_BT_APP_SUBCLASS != itf_desc->bInterfaceSubClass || TUD_BT_PROTOCOL_PRIMARY_CONTROLLER != itf_desc->bInterfaceProtocol) { // Not an Iso interface instance break; } TU_ASSERT(itf_desc->bAlternateSetting < CFG_TUD_BTH_ISO_ALT_COUNT, 0); desc_ep = (tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *)tu_desc_next(itf_desc); dir = tu_edpt_dir(desc_ep->bEndpointAddress); // Verify that alternative endpoint are same as first ones TU_ASSERT(desc_ep->bDescriptorType == TUSB_DESC_ENDPOINT && _btd_itf.ep_voice[dir] == desc_ep->bEndpointAddress, 0); _btd_itf.ep_voice_size[dir][itf_desc->bAlternateSetting] = (uint8_t)desc_ep->wMaxPacketSize.size; desc_ep = (tusb_desc_endpoint_t const *)tu_desc_next(desc_ep); dir = tu_edpt_dir(desc_ep->bEndpointAddress); // Verify that alternative endpoint are same as first ones TU_ASSERT(desc_ep->bDescriptorType == TUSB_DESC_ENDPOINT && _btd_itf.ep_voice[dir] == desc_ep->bEndpointAddress, 0); _btd_itf.ep_voice_size[dir][itf_desc->bAlternateSetting] = (uint8_t)desc_ep->wMaxPacketSize.size; drv_len += iso_alt_itf_size; } } return drv_len; } // Invoked when a control transfer occurred on an interface of this class // Driver response accordingly to the request and the transfer stage (setup/data/ack) // return false to stall control endpoint (e.g unsupported request) bool btd_control_xfer_cb(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t stage, tusb_control_request_t const *request) { (void)rhport; if ( stage == CONTROL_STAGE_SETUP ) { if (request->bmRequestType_bit.type == TUSB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS && request->bmRequestType_bit.recipient == TUSB_REQ_RCPT_DEVICE) { // HCI command packet addressing for single function Primary Controllers TU_VERIFY(request->bRequest == 0 && request->wValue == 0 && request->wIndex == 0); } else if (request->bmRequestType_bit.recipient == TUSB_REQ_RCPT_INTERFACE) { if (request->bRequest == TUSB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE && _btd_itf.itf_num + 1 == request->wIndex) { // TODO: Set interface it would involve changing size of endpoint size } else { // HCI command packet for Primary Controller function in a composite device TU_VERIFY(request->bRequest == 0 && request->wValue == 0 && request->wIndex == _btd_itf.itf_num); } } else return false; return tud_control_xfer(rhport, request, &_btd_itf.hci_cmd, sizeof(_btd_itf.hci_cmd)); } else if ( stage == CONTROL_STAGE_DATA ) { // Handle class request only TU_VERIFY(request->bmRequestType_bit.type == TUSB_REQ_TYPE_CLASS); if (tud_bt_hci_cmd_cb) tud_bt_hci_cmd_cb(&_btd_itf.hci_cmd, tu_min16(request->wLength, sizeof(_btd_itf.hci_cmd))); } return true; } bool btd_xfer_cb(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t ep_addr, xfer_result_t result, uint32_t xferred_bytes) { (void)result; // received new data from host if (ep_addr == _btd_itf.ep_acl_out) { if (tud_bt_acl_data_received_cb) tud_bt_acl_data_received_cb(_btd_itf.epout_buf, xferred_bytes); // prepare for next data TU_ASSERT(usbd_edpt_xfer(rhport, _btd_itf.ep_acl_out, _btd_itf.epout_buf, CFG_TUD_BTH_DATA_EPSIZE)); } else if (ep_addr == _btd_itf.ep_ev) { if (tud_bt_event_sent_cb) tud_bt_event_sent_cb((uint16_t)xferred_bytes); } else if (ep_addr == _btd_itf.ep_acl_in) { if (tud_bt_acl_data_sent_cb) tud_bt_acl_data_sent_cb((uint16_t)xferred_bytes); } return true; } #endif