/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2020 Reinhard Panhuber * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * */ /* plot_audio_samples.py requires following modules: * $ sudo apt install libportaudio * $ pip3 install sounddevice matplotlib * * Then run * $ python3 plot_audio_samples.py */ #include #include #include #include "bsp/board.h" #include "tusb.h" //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // MACRO CONSTANT TYPEDEF PROTYPES //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ #ifndef AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE #define AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE 48000 #endif /* Blink pattern * - 250 ms : device not mounted * - 1000 ms : device mounted * - 2500 ms : device is suspended */ enum { BLINK_NOT_MOUNTED = 250, BLINK_MOUNTED = 1000, BLINK_SUSPENDED = 2500, }; static uint32_t blink_interval_ms = BLINK_NOT_MOUNTED; // Audio controls // Current states bool mute[CFG_TUD_AUDIO_FUNC_1_N_CHANNELS_TX + 1]; // +1 for master channel 0 uint16_t volume[CFG_TUD_AUDIO_FUNC_1_N_CHANNELS_TX + 1]; // +1 for master channel 0 uint32_t sampFreq; uint8_t clkValid; // Range states audio_control_range_2_n_t(1) volumeRng[CFG_TUD_AUDIO_FUNC_1_N_CHANNELS_TX+1]; // Volume range state audio_control_range_4_n_t(1) sampleFreqRng; // Sample frequency range state // Audio test data uint16_t test_buffer_audio[(CFG_TUD_AUDIO_EP_SZ_IN - 2) / 2]; uint16_t startVal = 0; void led_blinking_task(void); void audio_task(void); /*------------- MAIN -------------*/ int main(void) { board_init(); // init device stack on configured roothub port tud_init(BOARD_TUD_RHPORT); // Init values sampFreq = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE; clkValid = 1; sampleFreqRng.wNumSubRanges = 1; sampleFreqRng.subrange[0].bMin = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE; sampleFreqRng.subrange[0].bMax = AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE; sampleFreqRng.subrange[0].bRes = 0; while (1) { tud_task(); // tinyusb device task led_blinking_task(); audio_task(); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Device callbacks //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Invoked when device is mounted void tud_mount_cb(void) { blink_interval_ms = BLINK_MOUNTED; } // Invoked when device is unmounted void tud_umount_cb(void) { blink_interval_ms = BLINK_NOT_MOUNTED; } // Invoked when usb bus is suspended // remote_wakeup_en : if host allow us to perform remote wakeup // Within 7ms, device must draw an average of current less than 2.5 mA from bus void tud_suspend_cb(bool remote_wakeup_en) { (void) remote_wakeup_en; blink_interval_ms = BLINK_SUSPENDED; } // Invoked when usb bus is resumed void tud_resume_cb(void) { blink_interval_ms = tud_mounted() ? BLINK_MOUNTED : BLINK_NOT_MOUNTED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // AUDIO Task //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void audio_task(void) { // Yet to be filled - e.g. put meas data into TX FIFOs etc. // asm("nop"); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Application Callback API Implementations //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // Invoked when audio class specific set request received for an EP bool tud_audio_set_req_ep_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request, uint8_t *pBuff) { (void) rhport; (void) pBuff; // We do not support any set range requests here, only current value requests TU_VERIFY(p_request->bRequest == AUDIO_CS_REQ_CUR); // Page 91 in UAC2 specification uint8_t channelNum = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ctrlSel = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ep = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wIndex); (void) channelNum; (void) ctrlSel; (void) ep; return false; // Yet not implemented } // Invoked when audio class specific set request received for an interface bool tud_audio_set_req_itf_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request, uint8_t *pBuff) { (void) rhport; (void) pBuff; // We do not support any set range requests here, only current value requests TU_VERIFY(p_request->bRequest == AUDIO_CS_REQ_CUR); // Page 91 in UAC2 specification uint8_t channelNum = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ctrlSel = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wValue); uint8_t itf = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wIndex); (void) channelNum; (void) ctrlSel; (void) itf; return false; // Yet not implemented } // Invoked when audio class specific set request received for an entity bool tud_audio_set_req_entity_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request, uint8_t *pBuff) { (void) rhport; // Page 91 in UAC2 specification uint8_t channelNum = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ctrlSel = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wValue); uint8_t itf = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wIndex); uint8_t entityID = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wIndex); (void) itf; // We do not support any set range requests here, only current value requests TU_VERIFY(p_request->bRequest == AUDIO_CS_REQ_CUR); // If request is for our feature unit if ( entityID == 2 ) { switch ( ctrlSel ) { case AUDIO_FU_CTRL_MUTE: // Request uses format layout 1 TU_VERIFY(p_request->wLength == sizeof(audio_control_cur_1_t)); mute[channelNum] = ((audio_control_cur_1_t*) pBuff)->bCur; TU_LOG2(" Set Mute: %d of channel: %u\r\n", mute[channelNum], channelNum); return true; case AUDIO_FU_CTRL_VOLUME: // Request uses format layout 2 TU_VERIFY(p_request->wLength == sizeof(audio_control_cur_2_t)); volume[channelNum] = (uint16_t) ((audio_control_cur_2_t*) pBuff)->bCur; TU_LOG2(" Set Volume: %d dB of channel: %u\r\n", volume[channelNum], channelNum); return true; // Unknown/Unsupported control default: TU_BREAKPOINT(); return false; } } return false; // Yet not implemented } // Invoked when audio class specific get request received for an EP bool tud_audio_get_req_ep_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request) { (void) rhport; // Page 91 in UAC2 specification uint8_t channelNum = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ctrlSel = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ep = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wIndex); (void) channelNum; (void) ctrlSel; (void) ep; // return tud_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, &tmp, 1); return false; // Yet not implemented } // Invoked when audio class specific get request received for an interface bool tud_audio_get_req_itf_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request) { (void) rhport; // Page 91 in UAC2 specification uint8_t channelNum = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ctrlSel = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wValue); uint8_t itf = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wIndex); (void) channelNum; (void) ctrlSel; (void) itf; return false; // Yet not implemented } // Invoked when audio class specific get request received for an entity bool tud_audio_get_req_entity_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request) { (void) rhport; // Page 91 in UAC2 specification uint8_t channelNum = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wValue); uint8_t ctrlSel = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wValue); // uint8_t itf = TU_U16_LOW(p_request->wIndex); // Since we have only one audio function implemented, we do not need the itf value uint8_t entityID = TU_U16_HIGH(p_request->wIndex); // Input terminal (Microphone input) if (entityID == 1) { switch ( ctrlSel ) { case AUDIO_TE_CTRL_CONNECTOR: { // The terminal connector control only has a get request with only the CUR attribute. audio_desc_channel_cluster_t ret; // Those are dummy values for now ret.bNrChannels = 1; ret.bmChannelConfig = (audio_channel_config_t) 0; ret.iChannelNames = 0; TU_LOG2(" Get terminal connector\r\n"); return tud_audio_buffer_and_schedule_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, (void*) &ret, sizeof(ret)); } break; // Unknown/Unsupported control selector default: TU_BREAKPOINT(); return false; } } // Feature unit if (entityID == 2) { switch ( ctrlSel ) { case AUDIO_FU_CTRL_MUTE: // Audio control mute cur parameter block consists of only one byte - we thus can send it right away // There does not exist a range parameter block for mute TU_LOG2(" Get Mute of channel: %u\r\n", channelNum); return tud_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, &mute[channelNum], 1); case AUDIO_FU_CTRL_VOLUME: switch ( p_request->bRequest ) { case AUDIO_CS_REQ_CUR: TU_LOG2(" Get Volume of channel: %u\r\n", channelNum); return tud_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, &volume[channelNum], sizeof(volume[channelNum])); case AUDIO_CS_REQ_RANGE: TU_LOG2(" Get Volume range of channel: %u\r\n", channelNum); // Copy values - only for testing - better is version below audio_control_range_2_n_t(1) ret; ret.wNumSubRanges = 1; ret.subrange[0].bMin = -90; // -90 dB ret.subrange[0].bMax = 90; // +90 dB ret.subrange[0].bRes = 1; // 1 dB steps return tud_audio_buffer_and_schedule_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, (void*) &ret, sizeof(ret)); // Unknown/Unsupported control default: TU_BREAKPOINT(); return false; } break; // Unknown/Unsupported control default: TU_BREAKPOINT(); return false; } } // Clock Source unit if ( entityID == 4 ) { switch ( ctrlSel ) { case AUDIO_CS_CTRL_SAM_FREQ: // channelNum is always zero in this case switch ( p_request->bRequest ) { case AUDIO_CS_REQ_CUR: TU_LOG2(" Get Sample Freq.\r\n"); return tud_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, &sampFreq, sizeof(sampFreq)); case AUDIO_CS_REQ_RANGE: TU_LOG2(" Get Sample Freq. range\r\n"); return tud_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, &sampleFreqRng, sizeof(sampleFreqRng)); // Unknown/Unsupported control default: TU_BREAKPOINT(); return false; } break; case AUDIO_CS_CTRL_CLK_VALID: // Only cur attribute exists for this request TU_LOG2(" Get Sample Freq. valid\r\n"); return tud_control_xfer(rhport, p_request, &clkValid, sizeof(clkValid)); // Unknown/Unsupported control default: TU_BREAKPOINT(); return false; } } TU_LOG2(" Unsupported entity: %d\r\n", entityID); return false; // Yet not implemented } bool tud_audio_tx_done_pre_load_cb(uint8_t rhport, uint8_t itf, uint8_t ep_in, uint8_t cur_alt_setting) { (void) rhport; (void) itf; (void) ep_in; (void) cur_alt_setting; tud_audio_write ((uint8_t *)test_buffer_audio, CFG_TUD_AUDIO_EP_SZ_IN - 2); return true; } bool tud_audio_tx_done_post_load_cb(uint8_t rhport, uint16_t n_bytes_copied, uint8_t itf, uint8_t ep_in, uint8_t cur_alt_setting) { (void) rhport; (void) n_bytes_copied; (void) itf; (void) ep_in; (void) cur_alt_setting; for (size_t cnt = 0; cnt < (CFG_TUD_AUDIO_EP_SZ_IN - 2) / 2; cnt++) { test_buffer_audio[cnt] = startVal++; } return true; } bool tud_audio_set_itf_close_EP_cb(uint8_t rhport, tusb_control_request_t const * p_request) { (void) rhport; (void) p_request; startVal = 0; return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ // BLINKING TASK //--------------------------------------------------------------------+ void led_blinking_task(void) { static uint32_t start_ms = 0; static bool led_state = false; // Blink every interval ms if ( board_millis() - start_ms < blink_interval_ms) return; // not enough time start_ms += blink_interval_ms; board_led_write(led_state); led_state = 1 - led_state; // toggle }