# Host Demos # **Table of Contents** - [Human Interface Device (HID)](#human-interface-device-hid) - [Keyboard](#keyboard) - [Mouse](#mouse) - [Mass Storage Class Device (MSC)](#mass-storage-class-device-msc) - [Communication Class Device (CDC)](#communication-class-device-cdc) - [Serial](#serial) device application code is store at *demos/device/src* containing File | Description ----- | ------------- main.c | Initialization (board, stack) and a RTOS task scheduler call or just simple a indefinite loop for non OS to invoke class-specific tasks. tusb_config.h | tinyusb stack configuration. app_os_prio.h | RTOS task priority definitions Class-specific | Application files for supported classes. The demo will start with the greeting of enabled classes and chosen RTOS then start to blink an LED at 1 Hz. ## Prerequisites ## In order to run application demo, you would need - A [supported development board](../../boards/readme.md) with at least a button for mouse, keyboard demo. - A supported toolchain: LPCXpresso, Keil, IAR. - A [ANSI escape](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code) supported terminal such as [Tera Term](http://en.sourceforge.jp/projects/ttssh2/) to demonstrate properly. ## Human Interface Device (HID) ### Keyboard ### Mouse ## Mass Storage Class Device (MSC) ## Communication Class Device (CDC) ### Serial