import os import glob import sys import subprocess import time SUCCEEDED = "\033[32msucceeded\033[0m" FAILED = "\033[31mfailed\033[0m" SKIPPED = "\033[33mskipped\033[0m" success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 skip_count = 0 exit_status = 0 total_time = time.monotonic() build_format = '| {:29} | {:30} | {:18} | {:7} | {:6} | {:6} |' build_separator = '-' * 106 def filter_with_input(mylist): if len(sys.argv) > 1: input_args = list(set(mylist).intersection(sys.argv)) if len(input_args) > 0: mylist[:] = input_args # If examples are not specified in arguments, build all all_examples = [] for entry in os.scandir("examples/device"): if entry.is_dir(): all_examples.append("device/" + for entry in os.scandir("examples/host"): if entry.is_dir(): all_examples.append("host/" + filter_with_input(all_examples) all_examples.sort() # If family are not specified in arguments, build all all_families = [] for entry in os.scandir("hw/bsp"): if entry.is_dir() and os.path.isdir(entry.path + "/boards") and != "esp32s2": all_families.append( filter_with_input(all_families) all_families.sort() def build_family(example, family): all_boards = [] for entry in os.scandir("hw/bsp/{}/boards".format(family)): if entry.is_dir(): all_boards.append( all_boards.sort() for board in all_boards: build_board(example, board) def build_board(example, board): global success_count, fail_count, skip_count, exit_status start_time = time.monotonic() flash_size = "-" sram_size = "-" # Check if board is skipped if skip_example(example, board): success = SKIPPED skip_count += 1 print(build_format.format(example, board, success, '-', flash_size, sram_size)) else:"make -C examples/{} BOARD={} clean".format(example, board), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) build_result ="make -j -C examples/{} BOARD={} all".format(example, board), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) if build_result.returncode == 0: success = SUCCEEDED success_count += 1 (flash_size, sram_size) = build_size(example, board)"make -j -C examples/{} BOARD={} copy-artifact".format(example, board), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) else: exit_status = build_result.returncode success = FAILED fail_count += 1 build_duration = time.monotonic() - start_time print(build_format.format(example, board, success, "{:.2f}s".format(build_duration), flash_size, sram_size)) if build_result.returncode != 0: print(build_result.stdout.decode("utf-8")) def build_size(example, board): #elf_file = 'examples/device/{}/_build/{}/{}-firmware.elf'.format(example, board, board) elf_file = 'examples/{}/_build/{}/*.elf'.format(example, board) size_output ='size {}'.format(elf_file), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode("utf-8") size_list = size_output.split('\n')[1].split('\t') flash_size = int(size_list[0]) sram_size = int(size_list[1]) + int(size_list[2]) return (flash_size, sram_size) def skip_example(example, board): ex_dir = 'examples/' + example # board_mk = 'hw/bsp/{}/'.format(family) # family.cmake if not os.path.exists(board_mk): board_mk = 'hw/bsp/{}/family.cmake'.format(family) with open(board_mk) as mk: mk_contents = # Skip all OPT_MCU_NONE these are WIP port if 'CFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_MCU_NONE' in mk_contents: return 1 # Skip if CFG_TUSB_MCU in to match skip file for skip_file in glob.iglob(ex_dir + '/.skip.MCU_*'): mcu_cflag = 'CFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_' + os.path.basename(skip_file).split('.')[2] if mcu_cflag in mk_contents: return 1 # Build only list, if exists only these MCU are built only_list = list(glob.iglob(ex_dir + '/.only.MCU_*')) if len(only_list) > 0: for only_file in only_list: mcu_cflag = 'CFG_TUSB_MCU=OPT_' + os.path.basename(only_file).split('.')[2] if mcu_cflag in mk_contents: return 0 return 1 return 0 print(build_separator) print(build_format.format('Example', 'Board', '\033[39mResult\033[0m', 'Time', 'Flash', 'SRAM')) for example in all_examples: print(build_separator) for family in all_families: build_family(example, family) total_time = time.monotonic() - total_time print(build_separator) print("Build Summary: {} {}, {} {}, {} {} and took {:.2f}s".format(success_count, SUCCEEDED, fail_count, FAILED, skip_count, SKIPPED, total_time)) print(build_separator) sys.exit(exit_status)