Initial commit for the port of TUSB to MAX32xxx parts, staring with MAX32690
- Added dcd_max32.c (based on dcd_musb.c) for interfacing with the peripheral
- Added MAX32690 part family support
- Added max32690evkit board support
- Updated examples for unique EP number requirement
- Updated to fetch the MSDK
Known Issues / Additional Testing Required
- msc_dual_lun only shown 1 volume on Windows
- USBTMC does not have a valid Windowsdriver
- DFU does not have a valid Windows driver
- WebUSB is "Device not Recognized"
- Need to test build scripts with IAR and Clang
IAR generates warning Pe111 'statement is unreachable'. In a couple of
cases, replace return statements with TU_ATTR_FALLTHROUGH; because some
compilers apparently can't figure out that the return statements are
unreachable but do whinge about an imagined fall-through without them!
- Examples should be CMake buildable from their own subdirectory; such a build will error out based on
matching .skip.MCU_xxx or a mismatched .only.MCU_
- It should be possible to build from a higher level and use .skip.MCU_ and .only.MCU_ to filter which
examples get built
- The intention is for the CMakeLists.txts in the examples to be non family specific and without MCU based IFs. I have
started this work, but am not really sure the state of the esp32 stuff; in any case the plan is to have
everything encapsulated in the FAMILY/family.cmake
- pico_examples now just includes examples/device/CMakeLists.txt and examples/host/CMakeLists.txt directly, as they
also build correctly when included from there.
Note that .skip.MCU_ for esp32 in the directories it wasn't previously avaiable has not been added, as the .skip is common to the regular Makefile builds also. It isn't clear whether these examples should build for esp32, but if not .skip should be added.