stm32f4: Add receive packet function.

This commit is contained in:
William D. Jones 2019-01-30 01:42:17 -05:00
parent 9ce29f5ee6
commit 6918db3639

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@ -340,17 +340,49 @@ bool dcd_edpt_busy (uint8_t rhport, uint8_t ep_addr)
// static bool maybe_handle_setup_packet(void) {
// if (USB->DEVICE.DeviceEndpoint[0].EPINTFLAG.bit.RXSTP)
// {
// // This copies the data elsewhere so we can reuse the buffer.
// dcd_event_setup_received(0, (uint8_t*) sram_registers[0][0].ADDR.reg, true);
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
// TODO: Split into "receive on endpoint 0" and "receive generic"; endpoint 0's
// DOEPTSIZ register is smaller than the others, and so is insufficient for
// determining how much of an OUT transfer is actually remaining.
static void receive_packet(xfer_ctl_t * xfer, /* USB_OTG_OUTEndpointTypeDef * out_ep, */ uint16_t xfer_size) {
uint32_t * rx_fifo = FIFO_BASE(0);
// See above TODO
// uint16_t remaining = (out_ep->DOEPTSIZ & USB_OTG_DOEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ_Msk) >> USB_OTG_DOEPTSIZ_XFRSIZ_Pos;
// xfer->queued_len = xfer->total_len - remaining;
uint16_t remaining = xfer->total_len - xfer->queued_len;
// FIXME: Handle unexpected final packet length.
uint16_t to_recv_size = (remaining > xfer->max_size) ? xfer->max_size : remaining;
uint8_t to_recv_rem = to_recv_size % 4;
uint16_t to_recv_size_aligned = to_recv_size - to_recv_rem;
// Do not assume xfer buffer is aligned.
uint8_t * base = (xfer->buffer + xfer->queued_len);
for(uint16_t i = 0; i < to_recv_size_aligned; i += 4) {
uint32_t tmp = (* rx_fifo);
base[i] = tmp & 0x000000FF;
base[i + 1] = (tmp & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
base[i + 2] = (tmp & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
base[i + 3] = (tmp & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
// Do not read invalid bytes from RX FIFO.
if(to_recv_rem != 0) {
uint32_t tmp = (* rx_fifo);
uint8_t * last_32b_bound = base + to_recv_size_aligned;
last_32b_bound[0] = tmp & 0x000000FF;
if(to_recv_rem > 1) {
last_32b_bound[1] = (tmp & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
if(to_recv_rem > 2) {
last_32b_bound[2] = (tmp & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
xfer->queued_len += xfer_size;
static void transmit_packet(xfer_ctl_t * xfer, USB_OTG_INEndpointTypeDef * in_ep, uint8_t fifo_num) {
uint32_t * tx_fifo = FIFO_BASE(fifo_num);
@ -423,11 +455,16 @@ void OTG_FS_IRQHandler(void) {
uint32_t ctl_word = USB_OTG_FS->GRXSTSP;
uint8_t pktsts = (ctl_word & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS_Msk) >> USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_PKTSTS_Pos;
uint8_t epnum = (ctl_word & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_EPNUM_Msk) >> USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_EPNUM_Pos;
uint16_t bcnt = (ctl_word & USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT_Msk) >> USB_OTG_GRXSTSP_BCNT_Pos;
switch(pktsts) {
case 0x01: // Global OUT NAK (Interrupt)
case 0x02: // Out packet recvd
xfer_ctl_t * xfer = XFER_CTL_BASE(epnum, TUSB_DIR_OUT);
receive_packet(xfer, bcnt);
case 0x03: // Out packet done (Interrupt)
@ -466,12 +503,13 @@ void OTG_FS_IRQHandler(void) {
_setup_offs = 0;
// OUT XFER complete (either single packet or full transfer).
// OUT XFER complete (single packet).
// TODO: Endpoint 0 has to be handled specially due to constrained
// TODO: Because of endpoint 0's constrained size, we handle XFRC
// on a packet-basis. It would be more efficient to only trigger
// XFRC on a completed transfer for non-0 endpoints.
dcd_event_xfer_complete(0, n, xfer->total_len, XFER_RESULT_SUCCESS, true);