diff --git a/.github/workflows/build_iar.yml b/.github/workflows/build_iar.yml index 39d9b9232..6273385e7 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/build_iar.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/build_iar.yml @@ -23,32 +23,6 @@ concurrency: cancel-in-progress: true jobs: - makefile: - runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, X64, hifiphile] - strategy: - fail-fast: false - matrix: - family: - # Alphabetical order - # Note: bundle multiple families into a matrix since there is only one self-hosted instance can - # run IAR build. Too many matrix can hurt due to setup/teardown overhead. - - 'stm32f7 stm32l4' - steps: - - name: Clean workspace - run: | - echo "Cleaning up previous run" - rm -rf "${{ github.workspace }}" - mkdir -p "${{ github.workspace }}" - - - name: Checkout TinyUSB - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - - name: Get Dependencies - run: python3 tools/get_deps.py ${{ matrix.family }} - - - name: Build - run: python3 tools/build_family.py ${{ matrix.family }} TOOLCHAIN=iar - cmake: runs-on: [self-hosted, Linux, X64, hifiphile] strategy: @@ -58,7 +32,7 @@ jobs: # Alphabetical order # Note: bundle multiple families into a matrix since there is only one self-hosted instance can # run IAR build. Too many matrix can hurt due to setup/teardown overhead. - - 'stm32f0 stm32f1 stm32g0 stm32g4 stm32h7' + - 'stm32f0 stm32f1 stm32f7 stm32g0 stm32g4 stm32h7 stm32l4' steps: - name: Clean workspace run: | diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f0/FreeRTOSConfig/FreeRTOSConfig.h b/hw/bsp/stm32f0/FreeRTOSConfig/FreeRTOSConfig.h new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc2f9fc67 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32f0/FreeRTOSConfig/FreeRTOSConfig.h @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +/* + * FreeRTOS Kernel V10.0.0 + * Copyright (C) 2017 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. + * + * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of + * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in + * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to + * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of + * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, + * subject to the following conditions: + * + * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all + * copies or substantial portions of the Software. If you wish to use our Amazon + * FreeRTOS name, please do so in a fair use way that does not cause confusion. + * + * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR + * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS + * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR + * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER + * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN + * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + * + * http://www.FreeRTOS.org + * http://aws.amazon.com/freertos + * + * 1 tab == 4 spaces! + */ + + +#ifndef FREERTOS_CONFIG_H +#define FREERTOS_CONFIG_H + +/*----------------------------------------------------------- + * Application specific definitions. + * + * These definitions should be adjusted for your particular hardware and + * application requirements. + * + * THESE PARAMETERS ARE DESCRIBED WITHIN THE 'CONFIGURATION' SECTION OF THE + * FreeRTOS API DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE ON THE FreeRTOS.org WEB SITE. + * + * See http://www.freertos.org/a00110.html. + *----------------------------------------------------------*/ + +// skip if included from IAR assembler +#ifndef __IASMARM__ + #include "stm32f0xx.h" +#endif + +/* Cortex M23/M33 port configuration. */ +#define configENABLE_MPU 0 +#define configENABLE_FPU 1 +#define configENABLE_TRUSTZONE 0 +#define configMINIMAL_SECURE_STACK_SIZE (1024) + +#define configUSE_PREEMPTION 1 +#define configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION 0 +#define configCPU_CLOCK_HZ SystemCoreClock +#define configTICK_RATE_HZ ( 1000 ) +#define configMAX_PRIORITIES ( 5 ) +#define configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE ( 128 ) +#define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE ( configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION*4*1024 ) +#define configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN 16 +#define configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS 0 +#define configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD 1 +#define configUSE_MUTEXES 1 +#define configUSE_RECURSIVE_MUTEXES 1 +#define configUSE_COUNTING_SEMAPHORES 1 +#define configQUEUE_REGISTRY_SIZE 2 +#define configUSE_QUEUE_SETS 0 +#define configUSE_TIME_SLICING 0 +#define configUSE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT 0 +#define configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY 1 +#define configSTACK_ALLOCATION_FROM_SEPARATE_HEAP 0 + +#define configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION 0 +#define configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION 1 + +/* Hook function related definitions. */ +#define configUSE_IDLE_HOOK 0 +#define configUSE_TICK_HOOK 0 +#define configUSE_MALLOC_FAILED_HOOK 0 // cause nested extern warning +#define configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW 2 + +/* Run time and task stats gathering related definitions. */ +#define configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS 0 +#define configRECORD_STACK_HIGH_ADDRESS 1 +#define configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY 1 // legacy trace +#define configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS 0 + +/* Co-routine definitions. */ +#define configUSE_CO_ROUTINES 0 +#define configMAX_CO_ROUTINE_PRIORITIES 2 + +/* Software timer related definitions. */ +#define configUSE_TIMERS 1 +#define configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY (configMAX_PRIORITIES-2) +#define configTIMER_QUEUE_LENGTH 32 +#define configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE + +/* Optional functions - most linkers will remove unused functions anyway. */ +#define INCLUDE_vTaskPrioritySet 0 +#define INCLUDE_uxTaskPriorityGet 0 +#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelete 0 +#define INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend 1 // required for queue, semaphore, mutex to be blocked indefinitely with portMAX_DELAY +#define INCLUDE_xResumeFromISR 0 +#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelayUntil 1 +#define INCLUDE_vTaskDelay 1 +#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetSchedulerState 0 +#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle 1 +#define INCLUDE_uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark 0 +#define INCLUDE_xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle 0 +#define INCLUDE_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle 0 +#define INCLUDE_pcTaskGetTaskName 0 +#define INCLUDE_eTaskGetState 0 +#define INCLUDE_xEventGroupSetBitFromISR 0 +#define INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall 0 + +/* Define to trap errors during development. */ +// Halt CPU (breakpoint) when hitting error, only apply for Cortex M3, M4, M7 +#if defined(__ARM_ARCH_7M__) || defined (__ARM_ARCH_7EM__) + #define configASSERT(_exp) \ + do {\ + if ( !(_exp) ) { \ + volatile uint32_t* ARM_CM_DHCSR = ((volatile uint32_t*) 0xE000EDF0UL); /* Cortex M CoreDebug->DHCSR */ \ + if ( (*ARM_CM_DHCSR) & 1UL ) { /* Only halt mcu if debugger is attached */ \ + taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); \ + __asm("BKPT #0\n"); \ + }\ + }\ + } while(0) +#else + #define configASSERT( x ) +#endif + +/* FreeRTOS hooks to NVIC vectors */ +#define xPortPendSVHandler PendSV_Handler +#define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler +#define vPortSVCHandler SVC_Handler + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------+ +// Interrupt nesting behavior configuration. +//--------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +// For Cortex-M specific: __NVIC_PRIO_BITS is defined in mcu header +#define configPRIO_BITS 2 + +/* The lowest interrupt priority that can be used in a call to a "set priority" function. */ +#define configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ((1<DHCSR */ \ + if ( (*ARM_CM_DHCSR) & 1UL ) { /* Only halt mcu if debugger is attached */ \ + taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); \ + __asm("BKPT #0\n"); \ + }\ + }\ + } while(0) +#else + #define configASSERT( x ) +#endif + +/* FreeRTOS hooks to NVIC vectors */ +#define xPortPendSVHandler PendSV_Handler +#define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler +#define vPortSVCHandler SVC_Handler + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------+ +// Interrupt nesting behavior configuration. +//--------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +// For Cortex-M specific: __NVIC_PRIO_BITS is defined in mcu header +#define configPRIO_BITS 4 + +/* The lowest interrupt priority that can be used in a call to a "set priority" function. */ +#define configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ((1<DHCSR */ \ + if ( (*ARM_CM_DHCSR) & 1UL ) { /* Only halt mcu if debugger is attached */ \ + taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); \ + __asm("BKPT #0\n"); \ + }\ + }\ + } while(0) +#else + #define configASSERT( x ) +#endif + +/* FreeRTOS hooks to NVIC vectors */ +#define xPortPendSVHandler PendSV_Handler +#define xPortSysTickHandler SysTick_Handler +#define vPortSVCHandler SVC_Handler + +//--------------------------------------------------------------------+ +// Interrupt nesting behavior configuration. +//--------------------------------------------------------------------+ + +// For Cortex-M specific: __NVIC_PRIO_BITS is defined in mcu header +#define configPRIO_BITS 4 + +/* The lowest interrupt priority that can be used in a call to a "set priority" function. */ +#define configLIBRARY_LOWEST_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ((1<
© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. - * All rights reserved.
- * - * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, - * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: - * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause - * - ****************************************************************************** - */ - -/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ -#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H -#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H - -#ifdef __cplusplus - extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver - */ -#define HAL_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - - -/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */ -/** - * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSE_VALUE) - #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)25000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* HSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100U) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSI_VALUE) - #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* HSI_VALUE */ - -/** - * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSI_VALUE) - #define LSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)32000U) /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/ -#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz - The real value may vary depending on the variations - in voltage and temperature. */ -/** - * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSE_VALUE) - #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768U) /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* LSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000U) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral - * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source - * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad. - */ -#if !defined (EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE) - #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE ((uint32_t)12288000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE */ - -/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE, - === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */ - -/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */ -/** - * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section - */ -#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300U) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */ -#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0x0FU) /*!< tick interrupt priority */ -#define USE_RTOS 0U -#define PREFETCH_ENABLE 1U -#define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 1U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */ - -#define USE_HAL_ADC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ADC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CAN register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CEC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CRYP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CRYP register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DAC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DCMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DCMI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DFSDM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DMA2D register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DSI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DSI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_ETH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ETH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HASH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HASH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2C register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2S_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2S register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_IRDA_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* IRDA register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_JPEG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* JPEG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LPTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LPTIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LTDC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIOS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MMC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MMC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NAND_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NAND register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NOR_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NOR register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_PCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* PCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_QSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* QSPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RTC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RTC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SAI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SAI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMARTCARD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMARTCARD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SDRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SDRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPDIFRX_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPDIFRX register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMBUS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* TIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* UART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_USART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* USART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_WWDG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* WWDG register callback disabled */ - -/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the - * HAL drivers code - */ -/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */ - -/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration for NUCLEO 144 board ##################### */ - -/* Section 1 : Ethernet peripheral configuration */ - -/* MAC ADDRESS: MAC_ADDR0:MAC_ADDR1:MAC_ADDR2:MAC_ADDR3:MAC_ADDR4:MAC_ADDR5 */ -#define MAC_ADDR0 2U -#define MAC_ADDR1 0U -#define MAC_ADDR2 0U -#define MAC_ADDR3 0U -#define MAC_ADDR4 0U -#define MAC_ADDR5 0U - -/* Definition of the Ethernet driver buffers size and count */ -#define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for receive */ -#define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for transmit */ -#define ETH_RXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */ -#define ETH_TXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */ - -/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */ -/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/ -#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00 -/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/ -#define PHY_RESET_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) -/* PHY Configuration delay */ -#define PHY_CONFIG_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) - -#define PHY_READ_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) -#define PHY_WRITE_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) - -/* Section 3: Common PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_BCR ((uint16_t)0x00) /*!< Transceiver Basic Control Register */ -#define PHY_BSR ((uint16_t)0x01) /*!< Transceiver Basic Status Register */ - -#define PHY_RESET ((uint16_t)0x8000) /*!< PHY Reset */ -#define PHY_LOOPBACK ((uint16_t)0x4000) /*!< Select loop-back mode */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x1000) /*!< Enable auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_RESTART_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x0200) /*!< Restart auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_POWERDOWN ((uint16_t)0x0800) /*!< Select the power down mode */ -#define PHY_ISOLATE ((uint16_t)0x0400) /*!< Isolate PHY from MII */ - -#define PHY_AUTONEGO_COMPLETE ((uint16_t)0x0020) /*!< Auto-Negotiation process completed */ -#define PHY_LINKED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< Valid link established */ -#define PHY_JABBER_DETECTION ((uint16_t)0x0002) /*!< Jabber condition detected */ - -/* Section 4: Extended PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_SR ((uint16_t)0x1F) /*!< PHY special control/ status register Offset */ - -#define PHY_SPEED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< PHY Speed mask */ -#define PHY_DUPLEX_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Duplex mask */ - - -#define PHY_ISFR ((uint16_t)0x1D) /*!< PHY Interrupt Source Flag register Offset */ -#define PHY_ISFR_INT4 ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Link down inturrupt */ - -/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */ - -/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver -* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver -* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver -*/ - -#define USE_SPI_CRC 1U - -/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/** - * @brief Include module's header file - */ - -#ifdef HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_gpio.h" -#endif /* HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cortex.h" -#endif /* HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_adc.h" -#endif /* HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can_legacy.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cec.h" -#endif /* HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_crc.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cryp.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dac.h" -#endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dcmi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h" -#endif /* HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_flash.h" -#endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nor.h" -#endif /* HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nand.h" -#endif /* HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sdram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hash.h" -#endif /* HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2s.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_iwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_lptim.h" -#endif /* HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_ltdc.h" -#endif /* HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pwr.h" -#endif /* HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.h" -#endif /* HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rng.h" -#endif /* HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rtc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sai.h" -#endif /* HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sd.h" -#endif /* HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spdifrx.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spi.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_tim.h" -#endif /* HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_uart.h" -#endif /* HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_usart.h" -#endif /* HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_irda.h" -#endif /* HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard.h" -#endif /* HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_wwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dfsdm.h" -#endif /* HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dsi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_jpeg.h" -#endif /* HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.h" -#endif /* HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT -/** - * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check. - * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function - * which reports the name of the source file and the source - * line number of the call that failed. - * If expr is true, it returns no value. - * @retval None - */ - #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__)) -/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ - void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line); -#else - #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U) -#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */ - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H */ - - -/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746disco/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746disco/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e44c164b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746disco/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32f746xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32f746xx) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32F746ZGTx_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32F746xx + HSE_VALUE=25000000 + # default to PORT 1 High Speed + BOARD_TUD_RHPORT=1 + BOARD_TUD_MAX_SPEED=OPT_MODE_HIGH_SPEED + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746disco/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746disco/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h deleted file mode 100644 index 03dec8f0d..000000000 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746disco/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -/** - ****************************************************************************** - * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h - * @author MCD Application Team - * @brief HAL configuration file. - ****************************************************************************** - * @attention - * - *

© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. - * All rights reserved.

- * - * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, - * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: - * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause - * - ****************************************************************************** - */ - -/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ -#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H -#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H - -#ifdef __cplusplus - extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver - */ -#define HAL_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - - -/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */ -/** - * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSE_VALUE) - #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* HSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100U) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSI_VALUE) - #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* HSI_VALUE */ - -/** - * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSI_VALUE) - #define LSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)32000U) /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/ -#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz - The real value may vary depending on the variations - in voltage and temperature. */ -/** - * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSE_VALUE) - #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768U) /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* LSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000U) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral - * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source - * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad. - */ -#if !defined (EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE) - #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE ((uint32_t)12288000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE */ - -/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE, - === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */ - -/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */ -/** - * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section - */ -#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300U) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */ -#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0x0FU) /*!< tick interrupt priority */ -#define USE_RTOS 0U -#define PREFETCH_ENABLE 1U -#define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 1U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */ - -#define USE_HAL_ADC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ADC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CAN register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CEC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CRYP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CRYP register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DAC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DCMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DCMI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DFSDM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DMA2D register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DSI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DSI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_ETH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ETH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HASH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HASH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2C register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2S_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2S register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_IRDA_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* IRDA register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_JPEG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* JPEG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LPTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LPTIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LTDC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIOS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MMC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MMC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NAND_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NAND register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NOR_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NOR register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_PCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* PCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_QSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* QSPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RTC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RTC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SAI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SAI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMARTCARD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMARTCARD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SDRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SDRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPDIFRX_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPDIFRX register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMBUS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* TIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* UART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_USART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* USART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_WWDG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* WWDG register callback disabled */ - -/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the - * HAL drivers code - */ -/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */ - -/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration for NUCLEO 144 board ##################### */ - -/* Section 1 : Ethernet peripheral configuration */ - -/* MAC ADDRESS: MAC_ADDR0:MAC_ADDR1:MAC_ADDR2:MAC_ADDR3:MAC_ADDR4:MAC_ADDR5 */ -#define MAC_ADDR0 2U -#define MAC_ADDR1 0U -#define MAC_ADDR2 0U -#define MAC_ADDR3 0U -#define MAC_ADDR4 0U -#define MAC_ADDR5 0U - -/* Definition of the Ethernet driver buffers size and count */ -#define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for receive */ -#define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for transmit */ -#define ETH_RXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */ -#define ETH_TXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */ - -/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */ -/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/ -#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00 -/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/ -#define PHY_RESET_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) -/* PHY Configuration delay */ -#define PHY_CONFIG_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) - -#define PHY_READ_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) -#define PHY_WRITE_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) - -/* Section 3: Common PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_BCR ((uint16_t)0x00) /*!< Transceiver Basic Control Register */ -#define PHY_BSR ((uint16_t)0x01) /*!< Transceiver Basic Status Register */ - -#define PHY_RESET ((uint16_t)0x8000) /*!< PHY Reset */ -#define PHY_LOOPBACK ((uint16_t)0x4000) /*!< Select loop-back mode */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x1000) /*!< Enable auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_RESTART_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x0200) /*!< Restart auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_POWERDOWN ((uint16_t)0x0800) /*!< Select the power down mode */ -#define PHY_ISOLATE ((uint16_t)0x0400) /*!< Isolate PHY from MII */ - -#define PHY_AUTONEGO_COMPLETE ((uint16_t)0x0020) /*!< Auto-Negotiation process completed */ -#define PHY_LINKED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< Valid link established */ -#define PHY_JABBER_DETECTION ((uint16_t)0x0002) /*!< Jabber condition detected */ - -/* Section 4: Extended PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_SR ((uint16_t)0x1F) /*!< PHY special control/ status register Offset */ - -#define PHY_SPEED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< PHY Speed mask */ -#define PHY_DUPLEX_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Duplex mask */ - - -#define PHY_ISFR ((uint16_t)0x1D) /*!< PHY Interrupt Source Flag register Offset */ -#define PHY_ISFR_INT4 ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Link down inturrupt */ - -/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */ - -/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver -* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver -* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver -*/ - -#define USE_SPI_CRC 1U - -/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/** - * @brief Include module's header file - */ - -#ifdef HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_gpio.h" -#endif /* HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cortex.h" -#endif /* HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_adc.h" -#endif /* HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can_legacy.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cec.h" -#endif /* HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_crc.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cryp.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dac.h" -#endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dcmi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h" -#endif /* HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_flash.h" -#endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nor.h" -#endif /* HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nand.h" -#endif /* HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sdram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hash.h" -#endif /* HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2s.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_iwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_lptim.h" -#endif /* HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_ltdc.h" -#endif /* HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pwr.h" -#endif /* HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.h" -#endif /* HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rng.h" -#endif /* HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rtc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sai.h" -#endif /* HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sd.h" -#endif /* HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spdifrx.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spi.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_tim.h" -#endif /* HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_uart.h" -#endif /* HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_usart.h" -#endif /* HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_irda.h" -#endif /* HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard.h" -#endif /* HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_wwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dfsdm.h" -#endif /* HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dsi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_jpeg.h" -#endif /* HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.h" -#endif /* HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT -/** - * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check. - * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function - * which reports the name of the source file and the source - * line number of the call that failed. - * If expr is true, it returns no value. - * @retval None - */ - #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__)) -/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ - void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line); -#else - #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U) -#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */ - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H */ - - -/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746nucleo/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd4d4a753 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746nucleo/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32f746xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32f746xx) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32F746ZGTx_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32F746xx + HSE_VALUE=8000000 + BOARD_TUD_RHPORT=0 + BOARD_TUD_MAX_SPEED=OPT_MODE_FULL_SPEED + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746nucleo/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746nucleo/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h deleted file mode 100644 index 03dec8f0d..000000000 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f746nucleo/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -/** - ****************************************************************************** - * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h - * @author MCD Application Team - * @brief HAL configuration file. - ****************************************************************************** - * @attention - * - *

© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. - * All rights reserved.

- * - * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, - * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: - * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause - * - ****************************************************************************** - */ - -/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ -#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H -#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H - -#ifdef __cplusplus - extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver - */ -#define HAL_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - - -/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */ -/** - * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSE_VALUE) - #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* HSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100U) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSI_VALUE) - #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* HSI_VALUE */ - -/** - * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSI_VALUE) - #define LSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)32000U) /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/ -#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz - The real value may vary depending on the variations - in voltage and temperature. */ -/** - * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSE_VALUE) - #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768U) /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* LSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000U) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral - * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source - * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad. - */ -#if !defined (EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE) - #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE ((uint32_t)12288000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE */ - -/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE, - === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */ - -/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */ -/** - * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section - */ -#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300U) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */ -#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0x0FU) /*!< tick interrupt priority */ -#define USE_RTOS 0U -#define PREFETCH_ENABLE 1U -#define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 1U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */ - -#define USE_HAL_ADC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ADC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CAN register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CEC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CRYP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CRYP register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DAC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DCMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DCMI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DFSDM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DMA2D register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DSI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DSI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_ETH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ETH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HASH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HASH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2C register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2S_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2S register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_IRDA_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* IRDA register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_JPEG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* JPEG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LPTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LPTIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LTDC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIOS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MMC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MMC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NAND_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NAND register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NOR_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NOR register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_PCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* PCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_QSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* QSPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RTC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RTC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SAI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SAI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMARTCARD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMARTCARD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SDRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SDRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPDIFRX_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPDIFRX register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMBUS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* TIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* UART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_USART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* USART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_WWDG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* WWDG register callback disabled */ - -/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the - * HAL drivers code - */ -/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */ - -/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration for NUCLEO 144 board ##################### */ - -/* Section 1 : Ethernet peripheral configuration */ - -/* MAC ADDRESS: MAC_ADDR0:MAC_ADDR1:MAC_ADDR2:MAC_ADDR3:MAC_ADDR4:MAC_ADDR5 */ -#define MAC_ADDR0 2U -#define MAC_ADDR1 0U -#define MAC_ADDR2 0U -#define MAC_ADDR3 0U -#define MAC_ADDR4 0U -#define MAC_ADDR5 0U - -/* Definition of the Ethernet driver buffers size and count */ -#define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for receive */ -#define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for transmit */ -#define ETH_RXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */ -#define ETH_TXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */ - -/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */ -/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/ -#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00 -/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/ -#define PHY_RESET_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) -/* PHY Configuration delay */ -#define PHY_CONFIG_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) - -#define PHY_READ_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) -#define PHY_WRITE_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) - -/* Section 3: Common PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_BCR ((uint16_t)0x00) /*!< Transceiver Basic Control Register */ -#define PHY_BSR ((uint16_t)0x01) /*!< Transceiver Basic Status Register */ - -#define PHY_RESET ((uint16_t)0x8000) /*!< PHY Reset */ -#define PHY_LOOPBACK ((uint16_t)0x4000) /*!< Select loop-back mode */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x1000) /*!< Enable auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_RESTART_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x0200) /*!< Restart auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_POWERDOWN ((uint16_t)0x0800) /*!< Select the power down mode */ -#define PHY_ISOLATE ((uint16_t)0x0400) /*!< Isolate PHY from MII */ - -#define PHY_AUTONEGO_COMPLETE ((uint16_t)0x0020) /*!< Auto-Negotiation process completed */ -#define PHY_LINKED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< Valid link established */ -#define PHY_JABBER_DETECTION ((uint16_t)0x0002) /*!< Jabber condition detected */ - -/* Section 4: Extended PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_SR ((uint16_t)0x1F) /*!< PHY special control/ status register Offset */ - -#define PHY_SPEED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< PHY Speed mask */ -#define PHY_DUPLEX_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Duplex mask */ - - -#define PHY_ISFR ((uint16_t)0x1D) /*!< PHY Interrupt Source Flag register Offset */ -#define PHY_ISFR_INT4 ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Link down inturrupt */ - -/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */ - -/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver -* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver -* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver -*/ - -#define USE_SPI_CRC 1U - -/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/** - * @brief Include module's header file - */ - -#ifdef HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_gpio.h" -#endif /* HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cortex.h" -#endif /* HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_adc.h" -#endif /* HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can_legacy.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cec.h" -#endif /* HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_crc.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cryp.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dac.h" -#endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dcmi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h" -#endif /* HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_flash.h" -#endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nor.h" -#endif /* HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nand.h" -#endif /* HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sdram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hash.h" -#endif /* HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2s.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_iwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_lptim.h" -#endif /* HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_ltdc.h" -#endif /* HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pwr.h" -#endif /* HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.h" -#endif /* HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rng.h" -#endif /* HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rtc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sai.h" -#endif /* HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sd.h" -#endif /* HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spdifrx.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spi.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_tim.h" -#endif /* HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_uart.h" -#endif /* HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_usart.h" -#endif /* HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_irda.h" -#endif /* HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard.h" -#endif /* HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_wwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dfsdm.h" -#endif /* HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dsi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_jpeg.h" -#endif /* HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.h" -#endif /* HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT -/** - * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check. - * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function - * which reports the name of the source file and the source - * line number of the call that failed. - * If expr is true, it returns no value. - * @retval None - */ - #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__)) -/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ - void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line); -#else - #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U) -#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */ - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H */ - - -/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f767nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f767nucleo/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..679a6ce87 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f767nucleo/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32f767xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32f767zi) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32F767ZITx_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32F767xx + HSE_VALUE=8000000 + BOARD_TUD_RHPORT=0 + BOARD_TUD_MAX_SPEED=OPT_MODE_FULL_SPEED + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f767nucleo/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f767nucleo/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h deleted file mode 100644 index 03dec8f0d..000000000 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f767nucleo/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -/** - ****************************************************************************** - * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h - * @author MCD Application Team - * @brief HAL configuration file. - ****************************************************************************** - * @attention - * - *

© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. - * All rights reserved.

- * - * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, - * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: - * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause - * - ****************************************************************************** - */ - -/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ -#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H -#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H - -#ifdef __cplusplus - extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver - */ -#define HAL_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - - -/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */ -/** - * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSE_VALUE) - #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)8000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* HSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100U) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSI_VALUE) - #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* HSI_VALUE */ - -/** - * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSI_VALUE) - #define LSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)32000U) /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/ -#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz - The real value may vary depending on the variations - in voltage and temperature. */ -/** - * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSE_VALUE) - #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768U) /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* LSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000U) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral - * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source - * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad. - */ -#if !defined (EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE) - #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE ((uint32_t)12288000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE */ - -/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE, - === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */ - -/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */ -/** - * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section - */ -#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300U) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */ -#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0x0FU) /*!< tick interrupt priority */ -#define USE_RTOS 0U -#define PREFETCH_ENABLE 1U -#define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 1U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */ - -#define USE_HAL_ADC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ADC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CAN register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CEC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CRYP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CRYP register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DAC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DCMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DCMI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DFSDM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DMA2D register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DSI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DSI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_ETH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ETH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HASH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HASH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2C register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2S_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2S register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_IRDA_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* IRDA register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_JPEG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* JPEG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LPTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LPTIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LTDC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIOS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MMC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MMC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NAND_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NAND register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NOR_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NOR register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_PCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* PCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_QSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* QSPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RTC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RTC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SAI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SAI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMARTCARD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMARTCARD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SDRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SDRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPDIFRX_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPDIFRX register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMBUS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* TIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* UART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_USART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* USART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_WWDG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* WWDG register callback disabled */ - -/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the - * HAL drivers code - */ -/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */ - -/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration for NUCLEO 144 board ##################### */ - -/* Section 1 : Ethernet peripheral configuration */ - -/* MAC ADDRESS: MAC_ADDR0:MAC_ADDR1:MAC_ADDR2:MAC_ADDR3:MAC_ADDR4:MAC_ADDR5 */ -#define MAC_ADDR0 2U -#define MAC_ADDR1 0U -#define MAC_ADDR2 0U -#define MAC_ADDR3 0U -#define MAC_ADDR4 0U -#define MAC_ADDR5 0U - -/* Definition of the Ethernet driver buffers size and count */ -#define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for receive */ -#define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for transmit */ -#define ETH_RXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */ -#define ETH_TXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */ - -/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */ -/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/ -#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00 -/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/ -#define PHY_RESET_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) -/* PHY Configuration delay */ -#define PHY_CONFIG_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) - -#define PHY_READ_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) -#define PHY_WRITE_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) - -/* Section 3: Common PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_BCR ((uint16_t)0x00) /*!< Transceiver Basic Control Register */ -#define PHY_BSR ((uint16_t)0x01) /*!< Transceiver Basic Status Register */ - -#define PHY_RESET ((uint16_t)0x8000) /*!< PHY Reset */ -#define PHY_LOOPBACK ((uint16_t)0x4000) /*!< Select loop-back mode */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x1000) /*!< Enable auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_RESTART_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x0200) /*!< Restart auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_POWERDOWN ((uint16_t)0x0800) /*!< Select the power down mode */ -#define PHY_ISOLATE ((uint16_t)0x0400) /*!< Isolate PHY from MII */ - -#define PHY_AUTONEGO_COMPLETE ((uint16_t)0x0020) /*!< Auto-Negotiation process completed */ -#define PHY_LINKED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< Valid link established */ -#define PHY_JABBER_DETECTION ((uint16_t)0x0002) /*!< Jabber condition detected */ - -/* Section 4: Extended PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_SR ((uint16_t)0x1F) /*!< PHY special control/ status register Offset */ - -#define PHY_SPEED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< PHY Speed mask */ -#define PHY_DUPLEX_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Duplex mask */ - - -#define PHY_ISFR ((uint16_t)0x1D) /*!< PHY Interrupt Source Flag register Offset */ -#define PHY_ISFR_INT4 ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Link down inturrupt */ - -/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */ - -/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver -* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver -* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver -*/ - -#define USE_SPI_CRC 1U - -/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/** - * @brief Include module's header file - */ - -#ifdef HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_gpio.h" -#endif /* HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cortex.h" -#endif /* HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_adc.h" -#endif /* HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can_legacy.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cec.h" -#endif /* HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_crc.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cryp.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dac.h" -#endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dcmi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h" -#endif /* HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_flash.h" -#endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nor.h" -#endif /* HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nand.h" -#endif /* HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sdram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hash.h" -#endif /* HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2s.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_iwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_lptim.h" -#endif /* HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_ltdc.h" -#endif /* HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pwr.h" -#endif /* HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.h" -#endif /* HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rng.h" -#endif /* HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rtc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sai.h" -#endif /* HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sd.h" -#endif /* HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spdifrx.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spi.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_tim.h" -#endif /* HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_uart.h" -#endif /* HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_usart.h" -#endif /* HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_irda.h" -#endif /* HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard.h" -#endif /* HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_wwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dfsdm.h" -#endif /* HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dsi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_jpeg.h" -#endif /* HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.h" -#endif /* HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT -/** - * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check. - * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function - * which reports the name of the source file and the source - * line number of the call that failed. - * If expr is true, it returns no value. - * @retval None - */ - #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__)) -/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ - void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line); -#else - #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U) -#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */ - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H */ - - -/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f769disco/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f769disco/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62a157c58 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f769disco/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32f769xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32f769xx) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32F769ZITx_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32F769xx + HSE_VALUE=25000000 + # default to PORT 1 High Speed + BOARD_TUD_RHPORT=1 + BOARD_TUD_MAX_SPEED=OPT_MODE_HIGH_SPEED + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f769disco/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f769disco/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h deleted file mode 100644 index 581f0e46a..000000000 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stm32f769disco/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h +++ /dev/null @@ -1,472 +0,0 @@ -/** - ****************************************************************************** - * @file stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h - * @author MCD Application Team - * @brief HAL configuration file. - ****************************************************************************** - * @attention - * - *

© Copyright (c) 2016 STMicroelectronics. - * All rights reserved.

- * - * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license, - * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the - * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: - * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause - * - ****************************************************************************** - */ - -/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/ -#ifndef __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H -#define __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H - -#ifdef __cplusplus - extern "C" { -#endif - -/* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/ - -/* ########################## Module Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief This is the list of modules to be used in the HAL driver - */ -#define HAL_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -#define HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED -/* #define HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ -/* #define HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - - -/* ########################## HSE/HSI Values adaptation ##################### */ -/** - * @brief Adjust the value of External High Speed oscillator (HSE) used in your application. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSE is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSE_VALUE) - #define HSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)25000000U) /*!< Value of the External oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* HSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)100U) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief Internal High Speed oscillator (HSI) value. - * This value is used by the RCC HAL module to compute the system frequency - * (when HSI is used as system clock source, directly or through the PLL). - */ -#if !defined (HSI_VALUE) - #define HSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)16000000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* HSI_VALUE */ - -/** - * @brief Internal Low Speed oscillator (LSI) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSI_VALUE) - #define LSI_VALUE ((uint32_t)32000U) /*!< LSI Typical Value in Hz*/ -#endif /* LSI_VALUE */ /*!< Value of the Internal Low Speed oscillator in Hz - The real value may vary depending on the variations - in voltage and temperature. */ -/** - * @brief External Low Speed oscillator (LSE) value. - */ -#if !defined (LSE_VALUE) - #define LSE_VALUE ((uint32_t)32768U) /*!< Value of the External Low Speed oscillator in Hz */ -#endif /* LSE_VALUE */ - -#if !defined (LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT) - #define LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)5000U) /*!< Time out for LSE start up, in ms */ -#endif /* LSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT */ - -/** - * @brief External clock source for I2S peripheral - * This value is used by the I2S HAL module to compute the I2S clock source - * frequency, this source is inserted directly through I2S_CKIN pad. - */ -#if !defined (EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE) - #define EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE ((uint32_t)12288000U) /*!< Value of the Internal oscillator in Hz*/ -#endif /* EXTERNAL_CLOCK_VALUE */ - -/* Tip: To avoid modifying this file each time you need to use different HSE, - === you can define the HSE value in your toolchain compiler preprocessor. */ - -/* ########################### System Configuration ######################### */ -/** - * @brief This is the HAL system configuration section - */ -#define VDD_VALUE ((uint32_t)3300U) /*!< Value of VDD in mv */ -#define TICK_INT_PRIORITY ((uint32_t)0x0FU) /*!< tick interrupt priority */ -#define USE_RTOS 0U -#define PREFETCH_ENABLE 1U -#define ART_ACCLERATOR_ENABLE 1U /* To enable instruction cache and prefetch */ - -#define USE_HAL_ADC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ADC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CAN_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CAN register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CEC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CEC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_CRYP_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* CRYP register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DAC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DAC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DCMI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DCMI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DFSDM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DFSDM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DMA2D_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DMA2D register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_DSI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* DSI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_ETH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* ETH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HASH_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HASH register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_HCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* HCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2C_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2C register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_I2S_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* I2S register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_IRDA_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* IRDA register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_JPEG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* JPEG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LPTIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LPTIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_LTDC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* LTDC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MDIOS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MDIOS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_MMC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* MMC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NAND_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NAND register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_NOR_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* NOR register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_PCD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* PCD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_QSPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* QSPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RNG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RNG register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_RTC_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* RTC register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SAI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SAI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMARTCARD_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMARTCARD register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SDRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SDRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SRAM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SRAM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPDIFRX_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPDIFRX register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SMBUS_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SMBUS register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_SPI_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* SPI register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_TIM_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* TIM register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_UART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* UART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_USART_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* USART register callback disabled */ -#define USE_HAL_WWDG_REGISTER_CALLBACKS 0U /* WWDG register callback disabled */ - -/* ########################## Assert Selection ############################## */ -/** - * @brief Uncomment the line below to expanse the "assert_param" macro in the - * HAL drivers code - */ -/* #define USE_FULL_ASSERT 1 */ - -/* ################## Ethernet peripheral configuration for NUCLEO 144 board ##################### */ - -/* Section 1 : Ethernet peripheral configuration */ - -/* MAC ADDRESS: MAC_ADDR0:MAC_ADDR1:MAC_ADDR2:MAC_ADDR3:MAC_ADDR4:MAC_ADDR5 */ -#define MAC_ADDR0 2U -#define MAC_ADDR1 0U -#define MAC_ADDR2 0U -#define MAC_ADDR3 0U -#define MAC_ADDR4 0U -#define MAC_ADDR5 0U - -/* Definition of the Ethernet driver buffers size and count */ -#define ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for receive */ -#define ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE ETH_MAX_PACKET_SIZE /* buffer size for transmit */ -#define ETH_RXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Rx buffers of size ETH_RX_BUF_SIZE */ -#define ETH_TXBUFNB ((uint32_t)5) /* 5 Tx buffers of size ETH_TX_BUF_SIZE */ - -/* Section 2: PHY configuration section */ -/* LAN8742A PHY Address*/ -#define LAN8742A_PHY_ADDRESS 0x00 -/* PHY Reset delay these values are based on a 1 ms Systick interrupt*/ -#define PHY_RESET_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) -/* PHY Configuration delay */ -#define PHY_CONFIG_DELAY ((uint32_t)0x00000FFF) - -#define PHY_READ_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) -#define PHY_WRITE_TO ((uint32_t)0x0000FFFF) - -/* Section 3: Common PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_BCR ((uint16_t)0x00) /*!< Transceiver Basic Control Register */ -#define PHY_BSR ((uint16_t)0x01) /*!< Transceiver Basic Status Register */ - -#define PHY_RESET ((uint16_t)0x8000) /*!< PHY Reset */ -#define PHY_LOOPBACK ((uint16_t)0x4000) /*!< Select loop-back mode */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_100M ((uint16_t)0x2000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 100 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_FULLDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0100) /*!< Set the full-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_HALFDUPLEX_10M ((uint16_t)0x0000) /*!< Set the half-duplex mode at 10 Mb/s */ -#define PHY_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x1000) /*!< Enable auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_RESTART_AUTONEGOTIATION ((uint16_t)0x0200) /*!< Restart auto-negotiation function */ -#define PHY_POWERDOWN ((uint16_t)0x0800) /*!< Select the power down mode */ -#define PHY_ISOLATE ((uint16_t)0x0400) /*!< Isolate PHY from MII */ - -#define PHY_AUTONEGO_COMPLETE ((uint16_t)0x0020) /*!< Auto-Negotiation process completed */ -#define PHY_LINKED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< Valid link established */ -#define PHY_JABBER_DETECTION ((uint16_t)0x0002) /*!< Jabber condition detected */ - -/* Section 4: Extended PHY Registers */ - -#define PHY_SR ((uint16_t)0x1F) /*!< PHY special control/ status register Offset */ - -#define PHY_SPEED_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0004) /*!< PHY Speed mask */ -#define PHY_DUPLEX_STATUS ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Duplex mask */ - - -#define PHY_ISFR ((uint16_t)0x1D) /*!< PHY Interrupt Source Flag register Offset */ -#define PHY_ISFR_INT4 ((uint16_t)0x0010) /*!< PHY Link down inturrupt */ - -/* ################## SPI peripheral configuration ########################## */ - -/* CRC FEATURE: Use to activate CRC feature inside HAL SPI Driver -* Activated: CRC code is present inside driver -* Deactivated: CRC code cleaned from driver -*/ - -#define USE_SPI_CRC 1U - -/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ -/** - * @brief Include module's header file - */ - -#ifdef HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rcc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RCC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_gpio.h" -#endif /* HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cortex.h" -#endif /* HAL_CORTEX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_adc.h" -#endif /* HAL_ADC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_can_legacy.h" -#endif /* HAL_CAN_LEGACY_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cec.h" -#endif /* HAL_CEC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_crc.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_cryp.h" -#endif /* HAL_CRYP_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dma2d.h" -#endif /* HAL_DMA2D_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dac.h" -#endif /* HAL_DAC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dcmi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DCMI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_eth.h" -#endif /* HAL_ETH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_flash.h" -#endif /* HAL_FLASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nor.h" -#endif /* HAL_NOR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_nand.h" -#endif /* HAL_NAND_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sdram.h" -#endif /* HAL_SDRAM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hash.h" -#endif /* HAL_HASH_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2c.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2C_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_i2s.h" -#endif /* HAL_I2S_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_iwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_IWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_lptim.h" -#endif /* HAL_LPTIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_ltdc.h" -#endif /* HAL_LTDC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pwr.h" -#endif /* HAL_PWR_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_qspi.h" -#endif /* HAL_QSPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rng.h" -#endif /* HAL_RNG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_rtc.h" -#endif /* HAL_RTC_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sai.h" -#endif /* HAL_SAI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_sd.h" -#endif /* HAL_SD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spdifrx.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPDIFRX_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_spi.h" -#endif /* HAL_SPI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_tim.h" -#endif /* HAL_TIM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_uart.h" -#endif /* HAL_UART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_usart.h" -#endif /* HAL_USART_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_irda.h" -#endif /* HAL_IRDA_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_smartcard.h" -#endif /* HAL_SMARTCARD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_wwdg.h" -#endif /* HAL_WWDG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_pcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_PCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_hcd.h" -#endif /* HAL_HCD_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dfsdm.h" -#endif /* HAL_DFSDM_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_dsi.h" -#endif /* HAL_DSI_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_jpeg.h" -#endif /* HAL_JPEG_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -#ifdef HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED - #include "stm32f7xx_hal_mdios.h" -#endif /* HAL_MDIOS_MODULE_ENABLED */ - -/* Exported macro ------------------------------------------------------------*/ -#ifdef USE_FULL_ASSERT -/** - * @brief The assert_param macro is used for function's parameters check. - * @param expr: If expr is false, it calls assert_failed function - * which reports the name of the source file and the source - * line number of the call that failed. - * If expr is true, it returns no value. - * @retval None - */ - #define assert_param(expr) ((expr) ? (void)0 : assert_failed((uint8_t *)__FILE__, __LINE__)) -/* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */ - void assert_failed(uint8_t* file, uint32_t line); -#else - #define assert_param(expr) ((void)0U) -#endif /* USE_FULL_ASSERT */ - - -#ifdef __cplusplus -} -#endif - -#endif /* __STM32F7xx_HAL_CONF_H */ - - -/************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/ diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/family.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/family.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b6ba1a15 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/family.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +include_guard() + +if (NOT BOARD) + message(FATAL_ERROR "BOARD not specified") +endif () + +set(ST_FAMILY f7) +set(ST_PREFIX stm32${ST_FAMILY}xx) + +set(ST_HAL_DRIVER ${TOP}/hw/mcu/st/stm32${ST_FAMILY}xx_hal_driver) +set(ST_CMSIS ${TOP}/hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_${ST_FAMILY}) +set(CMSIS_5 ${TOP}/lib/CMSIS_5) + +# include board specific +include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/boards/${BOARD}/board.cmake) + +# toolchain set up +set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR cortex-m7 CACHE INTERNAL "System Processor") +set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${TOP}/tools/cmake/toolchain/arm_${TOOLCHAIN}.cmake) + +set(FAMILY_MCUS STM32F7 CACHE INTERNAL "") + +# enable LTO if supported +include(CheckIPOSupported) +check_ipo_supported(RESULT IPO_SUPPORTED) +if (IPO_SUPPORTED) + set(CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE) +endif () + + +#------------------------------------ +# BOARD_TARGET +#------------------------------------ +# only need to be built ONCE for all examples +function(add_board_target BOARD_TARGET) + if (NOT TARGET ${BOARD_TARGET}) + # Startup & Linker script + set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) + + add_library(${BOARD_TARGET} STATIC + ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/system_${ST_PREFIX}.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_cortex.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_dma.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_gpio.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_pwr.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_pwr_ex.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_rcc.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_rcc_ex.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_uart.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_uart_ex.c + ${STARTUP_FILE_${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}} + ) + target_include_directories(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR} + ${CMSIS_5}/CMSIS/Core/Include + ${ST_CMSIS}/Include + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Inc + ) + target_compile_options(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + ) + target_compile_definitions(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + ) + + update_board(${BOARD_TARGET}) + + if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") + target_link_options(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + "LINKER:--script=${LD_FILE_GNU}" + -nostartfiles + # nanolib + --specs=nosys.specs + --specs=nano.specs + ) + elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "IAR") + target_link_options(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + "LINKER:--config=${LD_FILE_IAR}" + ) + endif () + endif () +endfunction() + + +#------------------------------------ +# Functions +#------------------------------------ +function(family_configure_example TARGET) + family_configure_common(${TARGET}) + + # Board target + add_board_target(board_${BOARD}) + + #---------- Port Specific ---------- + # These files are built for each example since it depends on example's tusb_config.h + target_sources(${TARGET} PUBLIC + # BSP + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/family.c + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/../board.c + ) + target_include_directories(${TARGET} PUBLIC + # family, hw, board + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR} + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/../../ + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/boards/${BOARD} + ) + + # Add TinyUSB target and port source + family_add_tinyusb(${TARGET} OPT_MCU_STM32F7) + target_sources(${TARGET}-tinyusb PUBLIC + ${TOP}/src/portable/synopsys/dwc2/dcd_dwc2.c + ) + target_link_libraries(${TARGET}-tinyusb PUBLIC board_${BOARD}) + + # Link dependencies + target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PUBLIC board_${BOARD} ${TARGET}-tinyusb) + + # Flashing + family_flash_stlink(${TARGET}) + family_flash_jlink(${TARGET}) +endfunction() + + +function(family_configure_device_example TARGET) + family_configure_example(${TARGET}) +endfunction() + +function(family_configure_host_example TARGET) + family_configure_example(${TARGET}) +endfunction() + +function(family_configure_dual_usb_example TARGET) + family_configure_example(${TARGET}) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stlinkv3mini/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h b/hw/bsp/stm32f7/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h similarity index 100% rename from hw/bsp/stm32f7/boards/stlinkv3mini/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h rename to hw/bsp/stm32f7/stm32f7xx_hal_conf.h diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32g0/boards/stm32g0b1nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32g0/boards/stm32g0b1nucleo/board.cmake index 1ebf8a700..defeb0114 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32g0/boards/stm32g0b1nucleo/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32g0/boards/stm32g0b1nucleo/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(JLINK_DEVICE STM32G0B1RE) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32G0B1RETx_FLASH.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/stm32g0b1xx_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_stm32g0b1xx.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_stm32g0b1xx.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32g0/family.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32g0/family.cmake index 1381eaa5f..fa93566bf 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32g0/family.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32g0/family.cmake @@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ endif () # only need to be built ONCE for all examples function(add_board_target BOARD_TARGET) if (NOT TARGET ${BOARD_TARGET}) + # Startup & Linker script + set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) + add_library(${BOARD_TARGET} STATIC ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/system_${ST_PREFIX}.c ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal.c diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/b_g474e_dpow1/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/b_g474e_dpow1/board.cmake index 9b72672ea..7a276b20d 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/b_g474e_dpow1/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/b_g474e_dpow1/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32g474xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32g474re) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32G474RETx_FLASH.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/stm32g474nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/stm32g474nucleo/board.cmake index 88cd616b3..11c76863f 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/stm32g474nucleo/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32g4/boards/stm32g474nucleo/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32g474xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32g474re) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32G474RETx_FLASH.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32g4/family.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32g4/family.cmake index 45525c744..c89993f6d 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32g4/family.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32g4/family.cmake @@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ endif () # only need to be built ONCE for all examples function(add_board_target BOARD_TARGET) if (NOT TARGET ${BOARD_TARGET}) + # Startup & Linker script + set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) + add_library(${BOARD_TARGET} STATIC ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/system_${ST_PREFIX}.c ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal.c diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/daisyseed/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/daisyseed/board.cmake index 9fac51128..4811c97e8 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/daisyseed/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/daisyseed/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32h750xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32h750ibk6_m7) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/stm32h750ibkx_flash.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h723nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h723nucleo/board.cmake index ac1acd346..b7d133dfa 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h723nucleo/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h723nucleo/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32h723xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32h723zg) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743eval/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743eval/board.cmake index 2cd2a4bac..a28aa87bd 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743eval/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743eval/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32h743xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32h743xi) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743nucleo/board.cmake index 9d5f09be4..f1532a95f 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743nucleo/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h743nucleo/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32h743xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32h743xi) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h745disco/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h745disco/board.cmake index 46744df49..f0e8bd70a 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h745disco/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/stm32h745disco/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32h745xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32h745xi_m7) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash_CM7.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash_CM7.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/waveshare_openh743i/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/waveshare_openh743i/board.cmake index 033d3a9f2..83c8d4833 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/waveshare_openh743i/board.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/boards/waveshare_openh743i/board.cmake @@ -2,10 +2,6 @@ set(MCU_VARIANT stm32h743xx) set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32h743xi) set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.ld) -set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) - -set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) -set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) function(update_board TARGET) target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/family.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/family.cmake index f04a768a5..8f161470e 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32h7/family.cmake +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32h7/family.cmake @@ -34,6 +34,11 @@ endif () # only need to be built ONCE for all examples function(add_board_target BOARD_TARGET) if (NOT TARGET ${BOARD_TARGET}) + # Startup & Linker script + set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) + add_library(${BOARD_TARGET} STATIC ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/system_${ST_PREFIX}.c ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal.c diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l412nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l412nucleo/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e979a7378 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l412nucleo/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32l412xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32l412kb) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32L412KBUx_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32L412xx + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l476disco/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l476disco/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ade0a5c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l476disco/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32l476xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32l476vg) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32L476VGTx_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32L476xx + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l4p5nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l4p5nucleo/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ead241e32 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l4p5nucleo/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32l4p5xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32l4p5zg) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32L4P5ZGTX_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32L4P5xx + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l4r5nucleo/board.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l4r5nucleo/board.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4bbe6a94 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/boards/stm32l4r5nucleo/board.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +set(MCU_VARIANT stm32l4r5xx) +set(JLINK_DEVICE stm32l4r5zi) + +set(LD_FILE_GNU ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/STM32L4RXxI_FLASH.ld) + +function(update_board TARGET) + target_compile_definitions(${TARGET} PUBLIC + STM32L4R5xx + HSE_VALUE=8000000 + ) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.cmake b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.cmake new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d299b2568 --- /dev/null +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +include_guard() + +if (NOT BOARD) + message(FATAL_ERROR "BOARD not specified") +endif () + +set(ST_FAMILY l4) +set(ST_PREFIX stm32${ST_FAMILY}xx) + +set(ST_HAL_DRIVER ${TOP}/hw/mcu/st/stm32${ST_FAMILY}xx_hal_driver) +set(ST_CMSIS ${TOP}/hw/mcu/st/cmsis_device_${ST_FAMILY}) +set(CMSIS_5 ${TOP}/lib/CMSIS_5) + +# include board specific +include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/boards/${BOARD}/board.cmake) + +# toolchain set up +set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR cortex-m4 CACHE INTERNAL "System Processor") +set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE ${TOP}/tools/cmake/toolchain/arm_${TOOLCHAIN}.cmake) + +set(FAMILY_MCUS STM32L4 CACHE INTERNAL "") + +# enable LTO if supported +include(CheckIPOSupported) +check_ipo_supported(RESULT IPO_SUPPORTED) +if (IPO_SUPPORTED) + set(CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION TRUE) +endif () + + +#------------------------------------ +# BOARD_TARGET +#------------------------------------ +# only need to be built ONCE for all examples +function(add_board_target BOARD_TARGET) + if (NOT TARGET ${BOARD_TARGET}) + # Startup & Linker script + set(STARTUP_FILE_GNU ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/gcc/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(STARTUP_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/startup_${MCU_VARIANT}.s) + set(LD_FILE_IAR ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/iar/linker/${MCU_VARIANT}_flash.icf) + + add_library(${BOARD_TARGET} STATIC + ${ST_CMSIS}/Source/Templates/system_${ST_PREFIX}.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_cortex.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_dma.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_gpio.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_pwr.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_pwr_ex.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_rcc.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_rcc_ex.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_uart.c + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Src/${ST_PREFIX}_hal_uart_ex.c + ${STARTUP_FILE_${CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID}} + ) + target_include_directories(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR} + ${CMSIS_5}/CMSIS/Core/Include + ${ST_CMSIS}/Include + ${ST_HAL_DRIVER}/Inc + ) + target_compile_options(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + ) + target_compile_definitions(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + ) + + update_board(${BOARD_TARGET}) + + if (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "GNU") + target_link_options(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + "LINKER:--script=${LD_FILE_GNU}" + -nostartfiles + # nanolib + --specs=nosys.specs + --specs=nano.specs + ) + elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "IAR") + target_link_options(${BOARD_TARGET} PUBLIC + "LINKER:--config=${LD_FILE_IAR}" + ) + endif () + endif () +endfunction() + + +#------------------------------------ +# Functions +#------------------------------------ +function(family_configure_example TARGET) + family_configure_common(${TARGET}) + + # Board target + add_board_target(board_${BOARD}) + + #---------- Port Specific ---------- + # These files are built for each example since it depends on example's tusb_config.h + target_sources(${TARGET} PUBLIC + # BSP + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/family.c + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/../board.c + ) + target_include_directories(${TARGET} PUBLIC + # family, hw, board + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR} + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/../../ + ${CMAKE_CURRENT_FUNCTION_LIST_DIR}/boards/${BOARD} + ) + + # Add TinyUSB target and port source + family_add_tinyusb(${TARGET} OPT_MCU_$(FAMILY_MCUS)) + target_sources(${TARGET}-tinyusb PUBLIC + ${TOP}/src/portable/synopsys/dwc2/dcd_dwc2.c + ${TOP}/src/st/stm32_fsdev/dcd_stm32_fsdev.c + ) + target_link_libraries(${TARGET}-tinyusb PUBLIC board_${BOARD}) + + # Link dependencies + target_link_libraries(${TARGET} PUBLIC board_${BOARD} ${TARGET}-tinyusb) + + # Flashing + family_flash_stlink(${TARGET}) + family_flash_jlink(${TARGET}) +endfunction() + + +function(family_configure_device_example TARGET) + family_configure_example(${TARGET}) +endfunction() + +function(family_configure_host_example TARGET) + family_configure_example(${TARGET}) +endfunction() + +function(family_configure_dual_usb_example TARGET) + family_configure_example(${TARGET}) +endfunction() diff --git a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.mk b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.mk index d492b9645..c16040887 100644 --- a/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.mk +++ b/hw/bsp/stm32l4/family.mk @@ -32,11 +32,11 @@ SRC_C += \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal.c \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_cortex.c \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_dma.c \ - $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_rcc.c \ - $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_rcc_ex.c \ + $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_gpio.c \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_pwr.c \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_pwr_ex.c \ - $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_gpio.c \ + $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_rcc.c \ + $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_rcc_ex.c \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_uart.c \ $(ST_HAL_DRIVER)/Src/stm32$(ST_FAMILY)xx_hal_uart_ex.c