#include "SwitchHDLHandler.h" #include #include "../../source/log.h" SwitchHDLHandler::SwitchHDLHandler(std::unique_ptr &&controller) : SwitchVirtualGamepadHandler(std::move(controller)) { } SwitchHDLHandler::~SwitchHDLHandler() { Exit(); } Result SwitchHDLHandler::Initialize() { Result rc = m_controllerHandler.Initialize(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return rc; hidScanInput(); HidControllerID lastOfflineID = CONTROLLER_PLAYER_1; for (int i = 0; i != 8; ++i) { if (!hidIsControllerConnected(static_cast(i))) { lastOfflineID = static_cast(i); break; } } //WriteToLog("Found last offline ID: ", lastOfflineID); rc = InitHdlState(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return rc; svcSleepThread(1e+7L); hidScanInput(); //WriteToLog("Is last offline id connected? ", hidIsControllerConnected(lastOfflineID)); //WriteToLog("Last offline id type: ", hidGetControllerType(lastOfflineID)); Result rc2 = hidInitializeVibrationDevices(&m_vibrationDeviceHandle, 1, lastOfflineID, hidGetControllerType(lastOfflineID)); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc2)) { /* m_vibrationDeviceHandle = 3 | (lastOfflineID & 0xff) << 8; WriteToLog("Initializing vibration device with handle ", m_vibrationDeviceHandle); Service IActiveVibrationDeviceList; WriteToLog("Got vibration device list object_id ", IActiveVibrationDeviceList.object_id); if (R_SUCCEEDED(serviceDispatch(hidGetServiceSession(), 203, .out_num_objects = 1, .out_objects = &IActiveVibrationDeviceList))) { WriteToLog("Got vibration device list object_id ", IActiveVibrationDeviceList.object_id); Result rc69 = serviceDispatchIn(&IActiveVibrationDeviceList, 0, m_vibrationDeviceHandle); serviceClose(&IActiveVibrationDeviceList); if (R_SUCCEEDED(rc69)) { WriteToLog("Activated vibration handle"); InitOutputThread(); } else WriteToLog("Failed to activate handle, result: ", rc69); } */ InitOutputThread(); } else WriteToLog("Failed to iniitalize vibration with error ", rc2); InitInputThread(); return rc; } void SwitchHDLHandler::Exit() { m_controllerHandler.Exit(); ExitInputThread(); ExitOutputThread(); ExitHdlState(); } Result SwitchHDLHandler::InitHdlState() { m_hdlHandle = 0; m_deviceInfo = {0}; m_hdlState = {0}; // Set the controller type to Pro-Controller, and set the npadInterfaceType. m_deviceInfo.deviceType = HidDeviceType_FullKey15; m_deviceInfo.npadInterfaceType = NpadInterfaceType_USB; // Set the controller colors. The grip colors are for Pro-Controller on [9.0.0+]. m_deviceInfo.singleColorBody = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(107, 107, 107); m_deviceInfo.singleColorButtons = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(0, 0, 0); m_deviceInfo.colorLeftGrip = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(23, 125, 62); m_deviceInfo.colorRightGrip = RGBA8_MAXALPHA(23, 125, 62); m_hdlState.batteryCharge = 4; // Set battery charge to full. m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_LEFT].dx = 0x1234; m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_LEFT].dy = -0x1234; m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_RIGHT].dx = 0x5678; m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_RIGHT].dy = -0x5678; return hiddbgAttachHdlsVirtualDevice(&m_hdlHandle, &m_deviceInfo); } Result SwitchHDLHandler::ExitHdlState() { return hiddbgDetachHdlsVirtualDevice(m_hdlHandle); } //Sets the state of the class's HDL controller to the state stored in class's hdl.state Result SwitchHDLHandler::UpdateHdlState() { //Checks if the virtual device was erased, in which case re-attach the device bool found_flag = false; HiddbgHdlsStateList list; hiddbgDumpHdlsStates(&list); for (int i = 0; i != list.total_entries; ++i) { if (list.entries[i].HdlsHandle == m_hdlHandle) { found_flag = true; break; } } if (!found_flag) hiddbgAttachHdlsVirtualDevice(&m_hdlHandle, &m_deviceInfo); return hiddbgSetHdlsState(m_hdlHandle, &m_hdlState); } void SwitchHDLHandler::FillHdlState(const NormalizedButtonData &data) { m_hdlState.buttons = 0; m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.right_action ? KEY_A : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.bottom_action ? KEY_B : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.top_action ? KEY_X : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.left_action ? KEY_Y : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.left_stick_click ? KEY_LSTICK : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.right_stick_click ? KEY_RSTICK : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.left_bumper ? KEY_L : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.right_bumper ? KEY_R : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= ((data.left_trigger > 0.0f) ? KEY_ZL : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= ((data.right_trigger > 0.0f) ? KEY_ZR : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.start ? KEY_PLUS : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.back ? KEY_MINUS : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.dpad_left ? KEY_DLEFT : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.dpad_up ? KEY_DUP : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.dpad_right ? KEY_DRIGHT : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.dpad_down ? KEY_DDOWN : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.capture ? KEY_CAPTURE : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.home ? KEY_HOME : 0); m_hdlState.buttons |= (data.guide ? KEY_HOME : 0); m_controllerHandler.ConvertAxisToSwitchAxis(data.left_stick_x, data.left_stick_y, 0, &m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_LEFT].dx, &m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_LEFT].dy); m_controllerHandler.ConvertAxisToSwitchAxis(data.right_stick_x, data.right_stick_y, 0, &m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_RIGHT].dx, &m_hdlState.joysticks[JOYSTICK_RIGHT].dy); } void SwitchHDLHandler::UpdateInput() { Result rc; rc = GetController()->GetInput(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return; FillHdlState(GetController()->GetNormalizedButtonData()); rc = UpdateHdlState(); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return; } void SwitchHDLHandler::UpdateOutput() { //Implement rumble here Result rc; HidVibrationValue value; rc = hidGetActualVibrationValue(&m_vibrationDeviceHandle, &value); if (R_FAILED(rc)) return; rc = GetController()->SetRumble(static_cast(value.amp_high * 255.0f), static_cast(value.amp_low * 255.0f)); svcSleepThread(1e+7L); }