mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 12:31:50 +00:00
Fix validations, create sets in layouts
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,6 +70,24 @@ namespace RT64 {
void setAccelerationStructure(uint32_t descriptorIndex, const RenderAccelerationStructure *accelerationStructure) override;
struct MetalDescriptorSetLayout {
#ifdef __OBJC__
std::vector<id<MTLSamplerState>> staticSamplers;
NSMutableArray* argumentDescriptors = nil;
MetalDevice *device = nullptr;
std::vector<RenderDescriptorRangeType> descriptorTypes;
std::vector<uint32_t> descriptorToRangeIndex;
std::vector<uint32_t> samplerIndices;
uint32_t bufferOffset = 0;
uint32_t entryCount = 0;
uint32_t descriptorTypeMaxIndex = 0;
MetalDescriptorSetLayout(MetalDevice *device, const RenderDescriptorSetDesc &desc);
struct MetalSwapChain : RenderSwapChain {
#ifdef __OBJC__
id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable = nil;
@ -362,6 +380,7 @@ namespace RT64 {
MetalDevice *device = nullptr;
std::vector<RenderPushConstantRange> pushConstantRanges;
uint32_t setCount = 0;
std::vector<MetalDescriptorSetLayout *> setLayoutHandles;
MetalPipelineLayout(MetalDevice *device, const RenderPipelineLayoutDesc &desc);
~MetalPipelineLayout() override;
@ -6,6 +6,11 @@
#include "rt64_metal.h"
namespace RT64 {
static size_t calculateAlignedSize(size_t size, size_t alignment = 16) {
return (size + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
MTLDataType toMTL(RenderDescriptorRangeType type) {
switch (type) {
case RenderDescriptorRangeType::TEXTURE:
@ -506,6 +511,9 @@ namespace RT64 {
if (desc.flags & RenderTextureFlag::RENDER_TARGET) {
descriptor.usage |= MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget;
if (desc.flags & RenderTextureFlag::DEPTH_TARGET) {
descriptor.usage |= MTLTextureUsageRenderTarget;
if (desc.flags & RenderTextureFlag::STORAGE) {
descriptor.usage |= MTLTextureUsageShaderRead | MTLTextureUsageShaderWrite;
@ -603,7 +611,93 @@ namespace RT64 {
totalPushConstantSize += range.size;
pushConstantsBuffer = [device->device newBufferWithLength: totalPushConstantSize options: MTLResourceStorageModeShared];
if (totalPushConstantSize > 0) {
uint32_t alignedSize = calculateAlignedSize(totalPushConstantSize);
pushConstantsBuffer = [device->device newBufferWithLength: alignedSize options: MTLResourceStorageModeShared];
setCount = desc.descriptorSetDescsCount;
// Create Descriptor Set Layouts
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < desc.descriptorSetDescsCount; i++) {
const RenderDescriptorSetDesc &setDesc = desc.descriptorSetDescs[i];
setLayoutHandles.emplace_back(new MetalDescriptorSetLayout(device, setDesc));
MetalDescriptorSetLayout::MetalDescriptorSetLayout(MetalDevice *device, const RenderDescriptorSetDesc &desc) {
assert(device != nullptr);
assert(device != nullptr);
this->device = device;
entryCount = 0;
argumentDescriptors = [NSMutableArray array];
// Figure out the total amount of entries that will be required.
uint32_t rangeCount = desc.descriptorRangesCount;
if (desc.lastRangeIsBoundless) {
assert((desc.descriptorRangesCount > 0) && "There must be at least one descriptor set to define the last range as boundless.");
// Spirv-cross orders by binding number, so we sort
std::vector<RenderDescriptorRange> sortedRanges(desc.descriptorRanges, desc.descriptorRanges + desc.descriptorRangesCount);
std::sort(sortedRanges.begin(), sortedRanges.end(), [](const RenderDescriptorRange &a, const RenderDescriptorRange &b) {
return a.binding < b.binding;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rangeCount; i++) {
const RenderDescriptorRange &range = sortedRanges[i];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < range.count; j++) {
if (range.immutableSampler != nullptr) {
const auto *sampler = static_cast<const MetalSampler *>(range.immutableSampler[j]);
samplerIndices.emplace_back(range.binding - 1 + j);
MTLArgumentDescriptor *argumentDesc = [MTLArgumentDescriptor new];
argumentDesc.dataType = toMTL(range.type);
// DX shaders start at 1, so we need to subtract 1 to match the Metal API.
argumentDesc.index = range.binding - 1;
argumentDesc.arrayLength = range.count > 1 ? range.count : 0;
if (range.type == RenderDescriptorRangeType::TEXTURE) {
argumentDesc.textureType = MTLTextureType2D;
[argumentDescriptors addObject:argumentDesc];
if (desc.lastRangeIsBoundless) {
const RenderDescriptorRange &lastDescriptorRange = desc.descriptorRanges[desc.descriptorRangesCount - 1];
// Ensure at least one entry is created for boundless ranges.
entryCount += std::max(desc.boundlessRangeSize, 1U);
MTLArgumentDescriptor *argumentDesc = [MTLArgumentDescriptor new];
argumentDesc.dataType = toMTL(lastDescriptorRange.type);
argumentDesc.index = lastDescriptorRange.binding - 1;
argumentDesc.arrayLength = lastDescriptorRange.count > 1 ? lastDescriptorRange.count : 0;
// TODO: Fix the upper bound length, metal wants fixed
argumentDesc.arrayLength = 8192;
if (lastDescriptorRange.type == RenderDescriptorRangeType::TEXTURE) {
argumentDesc.textureType = MTLTextureType2D;
[argumentDescriptors addObject:argumentDesc];
// argumentDescriptors must not be empty
assert([argumentDescriptors count] > 0 && "argumentDescriptors must not be empty.");
if (!descriptorTypes.empty()) {
descriptorTypeMaxIndex = uint32_t(descriptorTypes.size()) - 1;
MetalPipelineLayout::~MetalPipelineLayout() {
@ -647,6 +741,7 @@ namespace RT64 {
this->device = device;
MTLSamplerDescriptor *descriptor = [MTLSamplerDescriptor new];
descriptor.supportArgumentBuffers = true;
descriptor.minFilter = toMTL(desc.minFilter);
descriptor.magFilter = toMTL(desc.magFilter);
descriptor.mipFilter = toMTL(desc.mipmapMode);
@ -766,6 +861,8 @@ namespace RT64 {
[descriptor.colorAttachments setObject: colorAttachmentDescriptor atIndexedSubscript: i];
descriptor.depthAttachmentPixelFormat = toMTL(desc.depthTargetFormat);
// State variables, initialized here to be reused in encoder re-binding
renderState = new MetalRenderState();
@ -821,23 +918,8 @@ namespace RT64 {
const RenderDescriptorRange &range = sortedRanges[i];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < range.count; j++) {
if (range.immutableSampler != nullptr) {
const auto *sampler = static_cast<const MetalSampler *>(range.immutableSampler[j]);
samplerIndices.emplace_back(range.binding - 1 + j);
MTLArgumentDescriptor *argumentDesc = [MTLArgumentDescriptor new];
argumentDesc.dataType = toMTL(range.type);
// DX shaders start at 1, so we need to subtract 1 to match the Metal API.
argumentDesc.index = range.binding - 1;
argumentDesc.arrayLength = range.count > 1 ? range.count : 0;
if (desc.lastRangeIsBoundless) {
@ -846,13 +928,6 @@ namespace RT64 {
// Ensure at least one entry is created for boundless ranges.
entryCount += std::max(desc.boundlessRangeSize, 1U);
MTLArgumentDescriptor *argumentDesc = [MTLArgumentDescriptor new];
argumentDesc.dataType = toMTL(lastDescriptorRange.type);
argumentDesc.index = lastDescriptorRange.binding - 1;
argumentDesc.arrayLength = lastDescriptorRange.count > 1 ? lastDescriptorRange.count : 0;
if (!descriptorTypes.empty()) {
@ -881,14 +956,10 @@ namespace RT64 {
const auto nativeResource = (interfaceTexture != nullptr) ? interfaceTexture->mtlTexture : nil;
uint32_t descriptorIndexClamped = std::min(descriptorIndex, descriptorTypeMaxIndex);
RenderDescriptorRangeType descriptorType = descriptorTypes[descriptorIndexClamped];
uint32_t descriptorRangeIndex = descriptorToRangeIndex[descriptorIndexClamped];
switch (descriptorType) {
case RenderDescriptorRangeType::TEXTURE:
case RenderDescriptorRangeType::READ_WRITE_TEXTURE: {
assert(argumentDescriptors[descriptorRangeIndex].dataType == MTLDataTypeTexture && "Descriptor type mismatch.");
indicesToTextures[descriptorIndex] = interfaceTexture->mtlTexture;
argumentDescriptors[descriptorRangeIndex].textureType = interfaceTexture->mtlTexture.textureType;
case RenderDescriptorRangeType::CONSTANT_BUFFER:
@ -1143,63 +1214,46 @@ namespace RT64 {
atIndex: vertexBufferIndices[i]];
// Push constants go to the end, they'll be bound last
int maxIndex = -1;
if (!indicesToRenderDescriptorSets.empty()) {
for (const auto &i2d : indicesToRenderDescriptorSets) {
uint32_t descriptorSetIndex = i2d.first;
const auto *descriptorSet = i2d.second;
// Encode Descriptor set layouts and mark resources
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeGraphicsPipelineLayout->setCount; i++) {
const auto *setLayout = activeGraphicsPipelineLayout->setLayoutHandles[i];
auto argumentEncoder = [device->device newArgumentEncoderWithArguments: setLayout->argumentDescriptors];
uint32_t bufferLength = argumentEncoder.encodedLength;
auto buffer = [device->device newBufferWithLength: bufferLength options: MTLResourceStorageModeShared];
[argumentEncoder setArgumentBuffer: buffer offset: 0];
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < setLayout->staticSamplers.size(); j++) {
auto sampler = setLayout->staticSamplers[j];
if (sampler != nil) {
[argumentEncoder setSamplerState:sampler atIndex:setLayout->samplerIndices[j]];
if (indicesToRenderDescriptorSets.count(i) != 0) {
const auto *descriptorSet = indicesToRenderDescriptorSets[i];
// Mark resources in the argument buffer as resident
for (const auto& pair : descriptorSet->indicesToTextures) {
uint32_t index = pair.first;
const auto *texture = pair.second;
if (texture != nil) {
[renderEncoder useResource:texture usage:MTLResourceUsageRead stages:MTLRenderStageFragment];
for (auto *buffer: descriptorSet->residentBuffers) {
if (buffer != nil) {
[renderEncoder useResource:buffer usage:MTLResourceUsageRead stages:MTLRenderStageFragment];
maxIndex = std::max(maxIndex, int(descriptorSetIndex));
NSMutableArray* descriptorArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:descriptorSet->argumentDescriptors.size()];
for (MTLArgumentDescriptor* descriptor : descriptorSet->argumentDescriptors) {
[descriptorArray addObject:descriptor];
auto argumentEncoder = [this->device->device newArgumentEncoderWithArguments:descriptorArray];
uint32_t bufferLength = argumentEncoder.encodedLength;
auto buffer = [this->device->device newBufferWithLength:bufferLength options:MTLResourceStorageModeShared];
[argumentEncoder setArgumentBuffer:buffer offset:0];
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < descriptorSet->staticSamplers.size(); i++) {
auto sampler = descriptorSet->staticSamplers[i];
if (sampler != nil) {
[argumentEncoder setSamplerState:sampler atIndex:descriptorSet->samplerIndices[i]];
for (const auto& pair : descriptorSet->indicesToTextures) {
uint32_t index = pair.first;
auto *texture = pair.second;
if (texture != nil) {
[argumentEncoder setTexture:texture atIndex: index];
[renderEncoder useResource:texture usage:MTLResourceUsageRead stages:MTLRenderStageFragment];
// DX shaders start at 1, so we need to subtract 1 to match the Metal API.
[argumentEncoder setTexture:texture atIndex: index - 1];
[renderEncoder setFragmentBuffer:buffer offset:0 atIndex:descriptorSetIndex];
// TODO: Mark and bind buffers
[renderEncoder setFragmentBuffer:buffer offset:0 atIndex:i];
if (graphicsPushConstantsBuffer != nil) {
uint32_t pushConstantsIndex = activeGraphicsPipelineLayout->setCount;
[renderEncoder setFragmentBuffer: graphicsPushConstantsBuffer
offset: 0
atIndex: maxIndex + 1];
atIndex: pushConstantsIndex];
@ -1396,7 +1450,7 @@ namespace RT64 {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
scissorVector.emplace_back(MTLScissorRect {
uint32_t(scissorRects[i].right - scissorRects[i].left),
uint32_t(scissorRects[i].bottom - scissorRects[i].top)
@ -1786,4 +1840,4 @@ namespace RT64 {
std::unique_ptr<MetalInterface> createdInterface = std::make_unique<MetalInterface>();
return createdInterface->isValid() ? std::move(createdInterface) : nullptr;
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