Nekotekina 306f95a9ae New named_thread template (preview)
Old class named_thread renamed to old_thread
It's too hard to move in a single commit
2018-09-27 14:04:16 +03:00

539 lines
11 KiB

#pragma once
#include "types.h"
#include "Atomic.h"
#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include "mutex.h"
#include "cond.h"
#include "lockless.h"
// Report error and call std::abort(), defined in main.cpp
[[noreturn]] void report_fatal_error(const std::string&);
// Will report exception and call std::abort() if put in catch(...)
[[noreturn]] void catch_all_exceptions();
// Hardware core layout
enum class native_core_arrangement : u32
enum class thread_class : u32
enum class thread_state
created, // Initial state
detached, // Set if the thread has been detached successfully (only possible via shared_ptr)
aborting, // Set if the thread has been joined in destructor (mutually exclusive with detached)
finished // Final state, always set at the end of thread execution
template <class Context>
class named_thread;
template <typename T>
struct result_storage
alignas(T) std::byte data[sizeof(T)];
static constexpr bool empty = false;
using type = T;
T* get()
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data);
const T* get() const
return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&data);
template <>
struct result_storage<void>
static constexpr bool empty = true;
using type = void;
template <class Context, typename... Args>
using result_storage_t = result_storage<std::invoke_result_t<Context, Args...>>;
// Detect on_stop() method (should return void)
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct thread_on_stop : std::bool_constant<false> {};
template <typename T>
struct thread_on_stop<T, decltype(std::declval<named_thread<T>&>().on_stop())> : std::bool_constant<true> {};
// Simple list of void() functors
class task_stack
struct task_base
std::unique_ptr<task_base> next;
virtual ~task_base();
virtual void invoke()
if (next)
template <typename F>
struct task_type final : task_base
std::remove_reference_t<F> func;
task_type(F&& func)
: func(std::forward<F>(func))
void invoke() final override
std::unique_ptr<task_base> m_stack;
task_stack() = default;
template <typename F>
task_stack(F&& func)
: m_stack(new task_type<F>(std::forward<F>(func)))
void push(task_stack stack)
auto _top = stack.m_stack.release();
auto _next = m_stack.release();
while (UNLIKELY(_top->next)) _top = _top->next.get();
void reset()
void invoke() const
if (m_stack)
// Thread base class
class thread_base : public std::enable_shared_from_this<thread_base>
// Native thread entry point function type
#ifdef _WIN32
using native_entry = uint(__stdcall*)(void* arg);
using native_entry = void*(*)(void* arg);
// Self pointer for detached thread
std::shared_ptr<thread_base> m_self;
// Thread handle (platform-specific)
atomic_t<std::uintptr_t> m_thread{0};
// Thread mutex
mutable shared_mutex m_mutex;
// Thread condition variable
cond_variable m_cond;
// Thread flags
atomic_t<u32> m_signal{0};
// Thread joining condition variable
mutable cond_variable m_jcv;
// Thread state
atomic_t<thread_state> m_state = thread_state::created;
// Remotely set or caught exception
std::exception_ptr m_exception;
// Thread initial task
task_stack m_task;
// Thread name
lf_value<std::string> m_name;
// CPU cycles thread has run for
u64 m_cycles{0};
// Start thread
static void start(const std::shared_ptr<thread_base>&, task_stack);
void start(native_entry);
// Called at the thread start
void initialize();
// Called at the thread end, returns moved m_self (may be null)
std::shared_ptr<thread_base> finalize(std::exception_ptr) noexcept;
static void finalize() noexcept;
// Internal throwing function. Mutex must be locked and will be unlocked.
[[noreturn]] void _throw();
// Internal notification function
void _notify(cond_variable thread_base::*);
friend class thread_ctrl;
template <class Context>
friend class named_thread;
thread_base(std::string_view name);
// Get thread name
const std::string& get_name() const
return m_name;
// Set thread name (not recommended)
void set_name(std::string_view name)
// Get CPU cycles since last time this function was called. First call returns 0.
u64 get_cycles();
// Get platform-specific thread handle
std::uintptr_t get_native_handle() const
return m_thread.load();
// Get exception
std::exception_ptr get_exception() const;
// Set exception
void set_exception(std::exception_ptr ptr);
// Wait for the thread (it does NOT change thread state, and can be called from multiple threads)
void join() const;
// Make thread to manage a shared_ptr of itself
void detach();
// Notify the thread
void notify();
// Collection of global function for current thread
class thread_ctrl final
// Current thread
static thread_local thread_base* g_tls_this_thread;
// Target cpu core layout
static atomic_t<native_core_arrangement> g_native_core_layout;
// Internal waiting function, may throw. Infinite value is -1.
static bool _wait_for(u64 usec);
friend class thread_base;
// Read current state
static inline thread_state state()
return g_tls_this_thread->m_state;
// Wait once with timeout. Abortable, may throw. May spuriously return false.
static inline bool wait_for(u64 usec)
return _wait_for(usec);
// Wait. Abortable, may throw.
static inline void wait()
// Wait until pred(). Abortable, may throw.
template <typename F, typename RT = std::invoke_result_t<F>>
static inline RT wait(F&& pred)
while (true)
if (RT result = pred())
return result;
// Wait eternally until aborted.
[[noreturn]] static inline void eternalize()
while (true)
// Test exception (may throw).
static void test();
// Get current thread (may be nullptr)
static thread_base* get_current()
return g_tls_this_thread;
// Create detached named thread
template <typename N, typename F>
static inline void spawn(N&& name, F&& func)
auto out = std::make_shared<thread_base>(std::forward<N>(name));
thread_base::start(out, std::forward<F>(func));
// Named thread factory
template <typename N, typename F>
static inline void spawn(std::shared_ptr<thread_base>& out, N&& name, F&& func)
out = std::make_shared<thread_base>(std::forward<N>(name));
thread_base::start(out, std::forward<F>(func));
// Detect layout
static void detect_cpu_layout();
// Returns a core affinity mask. Set whether to generate the high priority set or not
static u16 get_affinity_mask(thread_class group);
// Sets the native thread priority
static void set_native_priority(int priority);
// Sets the preferred affinity mask for this thread
static void set_thread_affinity_mask(u16 mask);
template <typename F>
static inline std::shared_ptr<named_thread<F>> make_shared(std::string_view name, F&& lambda)
return std::make_shared<named_thread<F>>(name, std::forward<F>(lambda));
template <typename T, typename... Args>
static inline std::shared_ptr<named_thread<T>> make_shared(std::string_view name, Args&&... args)
return std::make_shared<named_thread<T>>(name, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Derived from the callable object Context, possibly a lambda
template <class Context>
class named_thread final : public Context, result_storage_t<Context>, public thread_base
using result = result_storage_t<Context>;
using thread = thread_base;
// Type-erased thread entry point
#ifdef _WIN32
static inline uint __stdcall entry_point(void* arg) try
static inline void* entry_point(void* arg) try
const auto maybe_last_ptr = static_cast<named_thread*>(static_cast<thread*>(arg))->entry_point();
return 0;
catch (...)
std::shared_ptr<thread> entry_point()
if constexpr (result::empty)
// No result
// Construct the result using placement new (copy elision should happen)
new (result::get()) typename result::type(Context::operator()());
return thread::finalize(nullptr);
// Normal forwarding constructor
template <typename... Args, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<Context, Args&&...>>>
named_thread(std::string_view name, Args&&... args)
: Context(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
, thread(name)
// Lambda constructor, also the implicit deduction guide candidate
named_thread(std::string_view name, Context&& f)
: Context(std::forward<Context>(f))
, thread(name)
// Wait for the completion and access result (if not void)
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) operator()()
if constexpr (!result::empty)
return *result::get();
// Wait for the completion and access result (if not void)
[[nodiscard]] decltype(auto) operator()() const
if constexpr (!result::empty)
return *result::get();
// Access thread state
operator thread_state() const
return thread::m_state.load();
// Context type doesn't need virtual destructor
// Notify thread if not detached or terminated
if (thread::m_state.compare_and_swap_test(thread_state::created, thread_state::aborting))
// Additional notification if on_stop() method exists
if constexpr (thread_on_stop<Context>())
// Old named_thread
class old_thread
// Pointer to managed resource (shared with actual thread)
std::shared_ptr<thread_base> m_thread;
virtual ~old_thread();
old_thread(const old_thread&) = delete;
old_thread& operator=(const old_thread&) = delete;
// Get thread name
virtual std::string get_name() const;
// Start thread (cannot be called from the constructor: should throw in such case)
void start_thread(const std::shared_ptr<void>& _this);
// Thread task (called in the thread)
virtual void on_task() = 0;
// Thread finalization (called after on_task)
virtual void on_exit() {}
// Called once upon thread spawn within the thread's own context
virtual void on_spawn() {}
// ID initialization
virtual void on_init(const std::shared_ptr<void>& _this)
return start_thread(_this);
// ID finalization
virtual void on_stop()
thread_base* get() const
return m_thread.get();
void join() const
return m_thread->join();
void notify() const
return m_thread->notify();