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synced 2025-01-02 15:02:11 +00:00
Split phases of signalling threads and joining them.
681 lines
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681 lines
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#pragma once
#include "util/types.hpp"
#include "Utilities/mutex.h"
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "util/fixed_typemap.hpp"
extern stx::manual_typemap<void, 0x20'00000, 128> g_fixed_typemap;
constexpr auto* g_fxo = &g_fixed_typemap;
enum class thread_state : u32;
// Helper namespace
namespace id_manager
// Common global mutex
extern shared_mutex g_mutex;
// ID traits
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct id_traits
static_assert(sizeof(T) == 0, "ID object must specify: id_base, id_step, id_count");
static constexpr u32 base = 1; // First ID (N = 0)
static constexpr u32 step = 1; // Any ID: N * id_step + id_base
static constexpr u32 count = 65535; // Limit: N < id_count
static constexpr u32 invalid = 0;
static constexpr std::pair<u32, u32> invl_range{0, 0};
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct invl_range_extract_impl
static constexpr std::pair<u32, u32> invl_range{0, 0};
template <typename T>
struct invl_range_extract_impl<T, std::void_t<decltype(&T::id_invl_range)>>
static constexpr std::pair<u32, u32> invl_range = T::id_invl_range;
template <typename T>
struct id_traits<T, std::void_t<decltype(&T::id_base), decltype(&T::id_step), decltype(&T::id_count)>>
static constexpr u32 base = T::id_base;
static constexpr u32 step = T::id_step;
static constexpr u32 count = T::id_count;
static constexpr u32 invalid = -+!base;
static constexpr std::pair<u32, u32> invl_range = invl_range_extract_impl<T>::invl_range;
static_assert(count && step && u64{step} * (count - 1) + base < u32{umax} + u64{base != 0 ? 1 : 0}, "ID traits: invalid object range");
// TODO: Add more conditions
static_assert(!invl_range.second || (u64{invl_range.second} + invl_range.first <= 32 /*....*/ ));
// Correct usage testing
template <typename T, typename T2, typename = void>
struct id_verify : std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_base_of<T, T2>::value>
// If common case, T2 shall be derived from or equal to T
template <typename T, typename T2>
struct id_verify<T, T2, std::void_t<typename T2::id_type>> : std::integral_constant<bool, std::is_same<T, typename T2::id_type>::value>
// If T2 contains id_type type, T must be equal to it
class typeinfo
// Global variable for each registered type
template <typename T>
struct registered
static const u32 index;
// Increment type counter
static u32 add_type(u32 i)
static atomic_t<u32> g_next{0};
return g_next.fetch_add(i);
// Get type index
template <typename T>
static inline u32 get_index()
return registered<T>::index;
// Get type count
static inline u32 get_count()
return add_type(0);
template <typename T>
const u32 typeinfo::registered<T>::index = typeinfo::add_type(1);
// ID value with additional type stored
class id_key
u32 m_value; // ID value
u32 m_type; // True object type
id_key() = default;
id_key(u32 value, u32 type)
: m_value(value)
, m_type(type)
u32 value() const
return m_value;
u32 type() const
return m_type;
operator u32() const
return m_value;
template <typename T>
struct id_map
std::vector<std::pair<id_key, std::shared_ptr<void>>> vec{}, private_copy{};
shared_mutex mutex{}; // TODO: Use this instead of global mutex
// Preallocate memory
template <bool dummy = false> requires (std::is_assignable_v<T&, thread_state>)
id_map& operator=(thread_state state)
if (private_copy.empty())
reader_lock lock(g_mutex);
// Save all entries
private_copy = vec;
// Signal or join threads
for (const auto& [key, ptr] : private_copy)
if (ptr)
*static_cast<T*>(ptr.get()) = state;
return *this;
// Object manager for emulated process. Multiple objects of specified arbitrary type are given unique IDs.
class idm
// Last allocated ID for constructors
static thread_local u32 g_id;
template <typename T>
static inline u32 get_type()
return id_manager::typeinfo::get_index<T>();
template <typename T>
static constexpr u32 get_index(u32 id)
using traits = id_manager::id_traits<T>;
constexpr u32 mask_out = ((1u << traits::invl_range.second) - 1) << traits::invl_range.first;
// Note: if id is lower than base, diff / step will be higher than count
u32 diff = (id & ~mask_out) - traits::base;
if (diff % traits::step)
// id is invalid, return invalid index
return traits::count;
// Get actual index
return diff / traits::step;
// Helper
template <typename F>
struct function_traits;
template <typename F, typename R, typename A1, typename A2>
struct function_traits<R (F::*)(A1, A2&) const>
using object_type = A2;
using result_type = R;
template <typename F, typename R, typename A1, typename A2>
struct function_traits<R (F::*)(A1, A2&)>
using object_type = A2;
using result_type = R;
template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2>
struct function_traits<void (F::*)(A1, A2&) const>
using object_type = A2;
using void_type = void;
template <typename F, typename A1, typename A2>
struct function_traits<void (F::*)(A1, A2&)>
using object_type = A2;
using void_type = void;
// Helper type: pointer + return value propagated
template <typename T, typename RT>
struct return_pair
std::shared_ptr<T> ptr;
RT ret;
explicit operator bool() const
return ptr.operator bool();
T& operator*() const
return *ptr;
T* operator->() const
return ptr.get();
// Unsafe specialization (not refcounted)
template <typename T, typename RT>
struct return_pair<T*, RT>
T* ptr;
RT ret;
explicit operator bool() const
return ptr != nullptr;
T& operator*() const
return *ptr;
T* operator->() const
return ptr;
using map_data = std::pair<id_manager::id_key, std::shared_ptr<void>>;
// Prepare new ID (returns nullptr if out of resources)
static map_data* allocate_id(std::vector<map_data>& vec, u32 type_id, u32 base, u32 step, u32 count, std::pair<u32, u32> invl_range);
// Find ID (additionally check type if types are not equal)
template <typename T, typename Type>
static map_data* find_id(u32 id)
static_assert(id_manager::id_verify<T, Type>::value, "Invalid ID type combination");
const u32 index = get_index<Type>(id);
if (index >= id_manager::id_traits<Type>::count)
return nullptr;
auto& vec = g_fxo->get<id_manager::id_map<T>>().vec;
if (index >= vec.size())
return nullptr;
auto& data = vec[index];
if (data.second)
if (std::is_same<T, Type>::value || data.first.type() == get_type<Type>())
if (!id_manager::id_traits<Type>::invl_range.second || data.first.value() == id)
return &data;
return nullptr;
// Allocate new ID and assign the object from the provider()
template <typename T, typename Type, typename F>
static map_data* create_id(F&& provider)
static_assert(id_manager::id_verify<T, Type>::value, "Invalid ID type combination");
// ID traits
using traits = id_manager::id_traits<Type>;
// Allocate new id
std::lock_guard lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
auto& map = g_fxo->get<id_manager::id_map<T>>();
if (auto* place = allocate_id(map.vec, get_type<Type>(), traits::base, traits::step, traits::count, traits::invl_range))
// Get object, store it
place->second = provider();
if (place->second)
return place;
return nullptr;
// Remove all objects of a type
template <typename T>
static inline void clear()
std::lock_guard lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
// Get last ID (updated in create_id/allocate_id)
static inline u32 last_id()
return g_id;
// Add a new ID of specified type with specified constructor arguments (returns object or nullptr)
template <typename T, typename Make = T, typename... Args>
static inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Make, Args...>::value, std::shared_ptr<Make>> make_ptr(Args&&... args)
if (auto pair = create_id<T, Make>([&] { return std::make_shared<Make>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }))
return {pair->second, static_cast<Make*>(pair->second.get())};
return nullptr;
// Add a new ID of specified type with specified constructor arguments (returns id)
template <typename T, typename Make = T, typename... Args>
static inline std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<Make, Args...>::value, u32> make(Args&&... args)
if (auto pair = create_id<T, Make>([&] { return std::make_shared<Make>(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }))
return pair->first;
return id_manager::id_traits<Make>::invalid;
// Add a new ID for an existing object provided (returns new id)
template <typename T, typename Made = T>
static inline u32 import_existing(const std::shared_ptr<T>& ptr)
if (auto pair = create_id<T, Made>([&] { return ptr; }))
return pair->first;
return id_manager::id_traits<Made>::invalid;
// Add a new ID for an object returned by provider()
template <typename T, typename Made = T, typename F, typename = std::invoke_result_t<F>>
static inline u32 import(F&& provider)
if (auto pair = create_id<T, Made>(std::forward<F>(provider)))
return pair->first;
return id_manager::id_traits<Made>::invalid;
// Access the ID record without locking (unsafe)
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline map_data* find_unlocked(u32 id)
return find_id<T, Get>(id);
// Check the ID without locking (can be called from other method)
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline Get* check_unlocked(u32 id)
if (const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id))
return static_cast<Get*>(found->second.get());
return nullptr;
// Check the ID
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline Get* check(u32 id)
reader_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
return check_unlocked<T, Get>(id);
// Check the ID, access object under shared lock
template <typename T, typename Get = T, typename F, typename FRT = std::invoke_result_t<F, Get&>>
static inline auto check(u32 id, F&& func)
reader_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
if (const auto ptr = check_unlocked<T, Get>(id))
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<FRT>)
return return_pair<Get*, FRT>{ptr, func(*ptr)};
return ptr;
if constexpr (!std::is_void_v<FRT>)
return return_pair<Get*, FRT>{nullptr};
return static_cast<Get*>(nullptr);
// Get the object without locking (can be called from other method)
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline std::shared_ptr<Get> get_unlocked(u32 id)
const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id);
if (found == nullptr) [[unlikely]]
return nullptr;
return std::static_pointer_cast<Get>(found->second);
// Get the object
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline std::shared_ptr<Get> get(u32 id)
reader_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id);
if (found == nullptr) [[unlikely]]
return nullptr;
return std::static_pointer_cast<Get>(found->second);
// Get the object, access object under reader lock
template <typename T, typename Get = T, typename F, typename FRT = std::invoke_result_t<F, Get&>>
static inline std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<FRT>, std::shared_ptr<Get>, return_pair<Get, FRT>> get(u32 id, F&& func)
reader_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id);
if (found == nullptr) [[unlikely]]
return {nullptr};
const auto ptr = static_cast<Get*>(found->second.get());
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<FRT>)
return {found->second, ptr};
return {{found->second, ptr}, func(*ptr)};
// Access all objects of specified type. Returns the number of objects processed.
template <typename T, typename Get = T, typename F, typename FT = decltype(&std::decay_t<F>::operator()), typename FRT = typename function_traits<FT>::void_type>
static inline u32 select(F&& func, int = 0)
static_assert(id_manager::id_verify<T, Get>::value, "Invalid ID type combination");
reader_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
u32 result = 0;
for (auto& id : g_fxo->get<id_manager::id_map<T>>().vec)
if (id.second)
if (std::is_same<T, Get>::value || id.first.type() == get_type<Get>())
func(id.first, *static_cast<typename function_traits<FT>::object_type*>(id.second.get()));
return result;
// Access all objects of specified type. If function result evaluates to true, stop and return the object and the value.
template <typename T, typename Get = T, typename F, typename FT = decltype(&std::decay_t<F>::operator()), typename FRT = typename function_traits<FT>::result_type>
static inline auto select(F&& func)
static_assert(id_manager::id_verify<T, Get>::value, "Invalid ID type combination");
using object_type = typename function_traits<FT>::object_type;
using result_type = return_pair<object_type, FRT>;
reader_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
for (auto& id : g_fxo->get<id_manager::id_map<T>>().vec)
if (auto ptr = static_cast<object_type*>(id.second.get()))
if (std::is_same<T, Get>::value || id.first.type() == get_type<Get>())
if (FRT result = func(id.first, *ptr))
return result_type{{id.second, ptr}, std::move(result)};
return result_type{nullptr};
// Remove the ID
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline bool remove(u32 id)
std::shared_ptr<void> ptr;
std::lock_guard lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
if (const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id))
ptr = std::move(found->second);
return false;
return true;
// Remove the ID if matches the weak/shared ptr
template <typename T, typename Get = T, typename Ptr>
static inline bool remove_verify(u32 id, Ptr sptr)
std::shared_ptr<void> ptr;
std::lock_guard lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
if (const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id); found &&
(!found->second.owner_before(sptr) && !sptr.owner_before(found->second)))
ptr = std::move(found->second);
return false;
return true;
// Remove the ID and return the object
template <typename T, typename Get = T>
static inline std::shared_ptr<Get> withdraw(u32 id)
std::shared_ptr<Get> ptr;
std::lock_guard lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
if (const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id))
ptr = std::static_pointer_cast<Get>(::as_rvalue(std::move(found->second)));
return ptr;
// Remove the ID after accessing the object under writer lock, return the object and propagate return value
template <typename T, typename Get = T, typename F, typename FRT = std::invoke_result_t<F, Get&>>
static inline std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<FRT>, std::shared_ptr<Get>, return_pair<Get, FRT>> withdraw(u32 id, F&& func)
std::unique_lock lock(id_manager::g_mutex);
if (const auto found = find_id<T, Get>(id))
const auto _ptr = static_cast<Get*>(found->second.get());
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<FRT>)
return std::static_pointer_cast<Get>(::as_rvalue(std::move(found->second)));
FRT ret = func(*_ptr);
if (ret)
// If return value evaluates to true, don't delete the object (error code)
return {{found->second, _ptr}, std::move(ret)};
return {std::static_pointer_cast<Get>(::as_rvalue(std::move(found->second))), std::move(ret)};
return {nullptr};