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#pragma once
#include "../system_config.h"
#include "Utilities/address_range.h"
#include "Utilities/geometry.h"
#include "gcm_enums.h"
#include <memory>
#include <bitset>
#include <chrono>
extern "C"
#include <libavutil/pixfmt.h>
namespace rsx
// Import address_range utilities
using utils::address_range;
using utils::address_range_vector;
using utils::page_for;
using utils::page_start;
using utils::page_end;
using utils::next_page;
using flags64_t = u64;
using flags32_t = u32;
using flags16_t = u16;
using flags8_t = u8;
extern atomic_t<u64> g_rsx_shared_tag;
enum class problem_severity : u8
//Base for resources with reference counting
class ref_counted
atomic_t<s32> ref_count{ 0 }; // References held
atomic_t<u8> idle_time{ 0 }; // Number of times the resource has been tagged idle
void add_ref()
idle_time = 0;
void release()
bool has_refs() const
return (ref_count > 0);
// Returns number of times the resource has been checked without being used in-between checks
u8 unused_check_count()
if (ref_count)
return 0;
return idle_time++;
namespace limits
fragment_textures_count = 16,
vertex_textures_count = 4,
vertex_count = 16,
fragment_count = 32,
tiles_count = 15,
zculls_count = 8,
color_buffers_count = 4
namespace constants
constexpr std::array<const char*, 16> fragment_texture_names =
"tex0", "tex1", "tex2", "tex3", "tex4", "tex5", "tex6", "tex7",
"tex8", "tex9", "tex10", "tex11", "tex12", "tex13", "tex14", "tex15",
constexpr std::array<const char*, 4> vertex_texture_names =
"vtex0", "vtex1", "vtex2", "vtex3",
// Local RSX memory base (known as constant)
constexpr u32 local_mem_base = 0xC0000000;
* Holds information about a framebuffer
struct gcm_framebuffer_info
u32 address = 0;
u32 pitch = 0;
rsx::surface_color_format color_format;
rsx::surface_depth_format2 depth_format;
u16 width = 0;
u16 height = 0;
u8 bpp = 0;
u8 samples = 0;
address_range range{};
gcm_framebuffer_info() = default;
void calculate_memory_range(u32 aa_factor_u, u32 aa_factor_v)
// Account for the last line of the block not reaching the end
const u32 block_size = pitch * (height - 1) * aa_factor_v;
const u32 line_size = width * aa_factor_u * bpp;
range = address_range::start_length(address, block_size + line_size);
address_range get_memory_range(const u32* aa_factors)
calculate_memory_range(aa_factors[0], aa_factors[1]);
return range;
address_range get_memory_range() const
ensure(range.start == address);
return range;
struct avconf
stereo_render_mode_options stereo_mode = stereo_render_mode_options::disabled; // Stereo 3D display mode
u8 format = 0; // XRGB
u8 aspect = 0; // AUTO
u8 resolution_id = 2; // 720p
u32 scanline_pitch = 0; // PACKED
atomic_t<f32> gamma = 1.f; // NO GAMMA CORRECTION
u32 resolution_x = 1280; // X RES
u32 resolution_y = 720; // Y RES
atomic_t<u32> state = 0; // 1 after cellVideoOutConfigure was called
avconf() noexcept;
~avconf() = default;
avconf(utils::serial& ar);
void save(utils::serial& ar);
u32 get_compatible_gcm_format() const;
u8 get_bpp() const;
double get_aspect_ratio() const;
areau aspect_convert_region(const size2u& image_dimensions, const size2u& output_dimensions) const;
size2u aspect_convert_dimensions(const size2u& image_dimensions) const;
struct blit_src_info
blit_engine::transfer_source_format format;
blit_engine::transfer_origin origin;
u16 offset_x;
u16 offset_y;
u16 width;
u16 height;
u32 pitch;
u32 rsx_address;
void *pixels;
struct blit_dst_info
blit_engine::transfer_destination_format format;
u16 offset_x;
u16 offset_y;
u16 width;
u16 height;
u16 clip_x;
u16 clip_y;
u16 clip_width;
u16 clip_height;
f32 scale_x;
f32 scale_y;
u32 pitch;
u32 rsx_address;
void *pixels;
bool swizzled;
static const std::pair<std::array<u8, 4>, std::array<u8, 4>> default_remap_vector =
static inline std::pair<std::array<u8, 4>, std::array<u8, 4>> decode_remap_encoding(u32 remap_ctl)
// Remapping tables; format is A-R-G-B
// Remap input table. Contains channel index to read color from
const std::array<u8, 4> remap_inputs =
static_cast<u8>(remap_ctl & 0x3),
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 2) & 0x3),
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 4) & 0x3),
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 6) & 0x3),
// Remap control table. Controls whether the remap value is used, or force either 0 or 1
const std::array<u8, 4> remap_lookup =
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 8) & 0x3),
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 10) & 0x3),
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 12) & 0x3),
static_cast<u8>((remap_ctl >> 14) & 0x3),
return std::make_pair(remap_inputs, remap_lookup);
template <typename T>
void pad_texture(void* input_pixels, void* output_pixels, u16 input_width, u16 input_height, u16 output_width, u16 /*output_height*/)
T *src = static_cast<T*>(input_pixels);
T *dst = static_cast<T*>(output_pixels);
for (u16 h = 0; h < input_height; ++h)
const u32 padded_pos = h * output_width;
const u32 pos = h * input_width;
for (u16 w = 0; w < input_width; ++w)
dst[padded_pos + w] = src[pos + w];
static constexpr u32 floor_log2(u32 value)
return value <= 1 ? 0 : std::countl_zero(value) ^ 31;
static constexpr u32 ceil_log2(u32 value)
return floor_log2(value) + u32{!!(value & (value - 1))};
static constexpr u32 next_pow2(u32 x)
if (x <= 2) return x;
return static_cast<u32>((1ULL << 32) >> std::countl_zero(x - 1));
static inline bool fcmp(float a, float b, float epsilon = 0.000001f)
return fabsf(a - b) < epsilon;
// Returns an ever-increasing tag value
static inline u64 get_shared_tag()
return g_rsx_shared_tag++;
static inline u32 get_location(u32 addr)
return (addr >= rsx::constants::local_mem_base) ?
// General purpose alignment without power-of-2 constraint
template <typename T, typename U>
static inline T align2(T value, U alignment)
return ((value + alignment - 1) / alignment) * alignment;
// Copy memory in inverse direction from source
// Used to scale negatively x axis while transfering image data
template <typename Ts = u8, typename Td = Ts>
static void memcpy_r(void* dst, void* src, usz size)
for (u32 i = 0; i < size; i++)
*(static_cast<Td*>(dst) + i) = *(static_cast<Ts*>(src) - i);
// Returns interleaved bits of X|Y|Z used as Z-order curve indices
static inline u32 calculate_z_index(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z, u32 log2_width, u32 log2_height, u32 log2_depth)
AUDIT(x < (1u << log2_width) && y < (1u << log2_height) && z < (1u << log2_depth));
// offset = X' | Y' | Z' which are x,y,z bits interleaved
u32 offset = 0;
u32 shift_count = 0;
if (log2_width)
offset |= (x & 0x1) << shift_count++;
x >>= 1;
if (log2_height)
offset |= (y & 0x1) << shift_count++;
y >>= 1;
if (log2_depth)
offset |= (z & 0x1) << shift_count++;
z >>= 1;
while (x | y | z);
return offset;
/* Note: What the ps3 calls swizzling in this case is actually z-ordering / morton ordering of pixels
* - Input can be swizzled or linear, bool flag handles conversion to and from
* - It will handle any width and height that are a power of 2, square or non square
* Restriction: It has mixed results if the height or width is not a power of 2
* Restriction: Only works with 2D surfaces
template <typename T, bool input_is_swizzled>
void convert_linear_swizzle(const void* input_pixels, void* output_pixels, u16 width, u16 height, u32 pitch)
u32 log2width = ceil_log2(width);
u32 log2height = ceil_log2(height);
// Max mask possible for square texture
u32 x_mask = 0x55555555;
u32 y_mask = 0xAAAAAAAA;
// We have to limit the masks to the lower of the two dimensions to allow for non-square textures
u32 limit_mask = (log2width < log2height) ? log2width : log2height;
// double the limit mask to account for bits in both x and y
limit_mask = 1 << (limit_mask << 1);
//x_mask, bits above limit are 1's for x-carry
x_mask = (x_mask | ~(limit_mask - 1));
//y_mask. bits above limit are 0'd, as we use a different method for y-carry over
y_mask = (y_mask & (limit_mask - 1));
u32 offs_y = 0;
u32 offs_x = 0;
u32 offs_x0 = 0; //total y-carry offset for x
u32 y_incr = limit_mask;
u32 adv = pitch / sizeof(T);
if constexpr (!input_is_swizzled)
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
auto src = static_cast<const T*>(input_pixels) + y * adv;
auto dst = static_cast<T*>(output_pixels) + offs_y;
offs_x = offs_x0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
dst[offs_x] = src[x];
offs_x = (offs_x - x_mask) & x_mask;
offs_y = (offs_y - y_mask) & y_mask;
if (offs_y == 0)
offs_x0 += y_incr;
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
auto src = static_cast<const T*>(input_pixels) + offs_y;
auto dst = static_cast<T*>(output_pixels) + y * adv;
offs_x = offs_x0;
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
dst[x] = src[offs_x];
offs_x = (offs_x - x_mask) & x_mask;
offs_y = (offs_y - y_mask) & y_mask;
if (offs_y == 0)
offs_x0 += y_incr;
* Write swizzled data to linear memory with support for 3 dimensions
* Z ordering is done in all 3 planes independently with a unit being a 2x2 block per-plane
* A unit in 3d textures is a group of 2x2x2 texels advancing towards depth in units of 2x2x1 blocks
* i.e 32 texels per "unit"
template <typename T>
void convert_linear_swizzle_3d(const void* input_pixels, void* output_pixels, u16 width, u16 height, u16 depth)
if (depth == 1)
convert_linear_swizzle<T, true>(input_pixels, output_pixels, width, height, width * sizeof(T));
auto src = static_cast<const T*>(input_pixels);
auto dst = static_cast<T*>(output_pixels);
const u32 log2_w = ceil_log2(width);
const u32 log2_h = ceil_log2(height);
const u32 log2_d = ceil_log2(depth);
for (u32 z = 0; z < depth; ++z)
for (u32 y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (u32 x = 0; x < width; ++x)
*dst++ = src[calculate_z_index(x, y, z, log2_w, log2_h, log2_d)];
void convert_scale_image(u8 *dst, AVPixelFormat dst_format, int dst_width, int dst_height, int dst_pitch,
const u8 *src, AVPixelFormat src_format, int src_width, int src_height, int src_pitch, int src_slice_h, bool bilinear);
void clip_image(u8 *dst, const u8 *src, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_w, int clip_h, int bpp, int src_pitch, int dst_pitch);
void clip_image_may_overlap(u8 *dst, const u8 *src, int clip_x, int clip_y, int clip_w, int clip_h, int bpp, int src_pitch, int dst_pitch, u8* buffer);
std::array<float, 4> get_constant_blend_colors();
* Shuffle texel layout from xyzw to wzyx
* TODO: Variable src/dst and optional se conversion
template <typename T>
void shuffle_texel_data_wzyx(void* data, u32 row_pitch_in_bytes, u16 row_length_in_texels, u16 num_rows)
char* raw_src = static_cast<char*>(data);
T tmp[4];
for (u16 n = 0; n < num_rows; ++n)
T* src = reinterpret_cast<T*>(raw_src);
raw_src += row_pitch_in_bytes;
for (u16 m = 0; m < row_length_in_texels; ++m)
tmp[0] = src[3];
tmp[1] = src[2];
tmp[2] = src[1];
tmp[3] = src[0];
src[0] = tmp[0];
src[1] = tmp[1];
src[2] = tmp[2];
src[3] = tmp[3];
src += 4;
* Clips a rect so that it never falls outside the parent region
* attempt_fit: allows resizing of the requested region. If false, failure to fit will result in the child rect being pinned to (0, 0)
template <typename T>
std::tuple<T, T, T, T> clip_region(T parent_width, T parent_height, T clip_x, T clip_y, T clip_width, T clip_height, bool attempt_fit)
T x = clip_x;
T y = clip_y;
T width = clip_width;
T height = clip_height;
if ((clip_x + clip_width) > parent_width)
if (clip_x >= parent_width)
if (clip_width < parent_width)
width = clip_width;
width = parent_width;
x = static_cast<T>(0);
if (attempt_fit)
width = parent_width - clip_x;
width = std::min(clip_width, parent_width);
if ((clip_y + clip_height) > parent_height)
if (clip_y >= parent_height)
if (clip_height < parent_height)
height = clip_height;
height = parent_height;
y = static_cast<T>(0);
if (attempt_fit)
height = parent_height - clip_y;
height = std::min(clip_height, parent_height);
return std::make_tuple(x, y, width, height);
* Extracts from 'parent' a region that fits in 'child'
static inline std::tuple<position2u, position2u, size2u> intersect_region(
u32 parent_address, u16 parent_w, u16 parent_h,
u32 child_address, u16 child_w, u16 child_h,
u32 pitch)
if (child_address < parent_address)
const auto offset = parent_address - child_address;
const auto src_x = 0u;
const auto src_y = 0u;
const auto dst_y = (offset / pitch);
const auto dst_x = (offset % pitch);
const auto w = std::min<u32>(parent_w, std::max<u32>(child_w, dst_x) - dst_x); // Clamp negatives to 0!
const auto h = std::min<u32>(parent_h, std::max<u32>(child_h, dst_y) - dst_y);
return std::make_tuple<position2u, position2u, size2u>({ src_x, src_y }, { dst_x, dst_y }, { w, h });
const auto offset = child_address - parent_address;
const auto src_y = (offset / pitch);
const auto src_x = (offset % pitch);
const auto dst_x = 0u;
const auto dst_y = 0u;
const auto w = std::min<u32>(child_w, std::max<u32>(parent_w, src_x) - src_x);
const auto h = std::min<u32>(child_h, std::max<u32>(parent_h, src_y) - src_y);
return std::make_tuple<position2u, position2u, size2u>({ src_x, src_y }, { dst_x, dst_y }, { w, h });
static inline f32 get_resolution_scale()
return g_cfg.video.strict_rendering_mode ? 1.f : (g_cfg.video.resolution_scale_percent / 100.f);
static inline int get_resolution_scale_percent()
return g_cfg.video.strict_rendering_mode ? 100 : g_cfg.video.resolution_scale_percent;
template <bool clamp = false>
static inline const std::pair<u16, u16> apply_resolution_scale(u16 width, u16 height, u16 ref_width = 0, u16 ref_height = 0)
ref_width = (ref_width)? ref_width : width;
ref_height = (ref_height)? ref_height : height;
const u16 ref = std::max(ref_width, ref_height);
if (ref > g_cfg.video.min_scalable_dimension)
// Upscale both width and height
width = (get_resolution_scale_percent() * width) / 100;
height = (get_resolution_scale_percent() * height) / 100;
if constexpr (clamp)
width = std::max<u16>(width, 1);
height = std::max<u16>(height, 1);
return { width, height };
template <bool clamp = false>
static inline const std::pair<u16, u16> apply_inverse_resolution_scale(u16 width, u16 height)
// Inverse scale
auto width_ = (width * 100) / get_resolution_scale_percent();
auto height_ = (height * 100) / get_resolution_scale_percent();
if constexpr (clamp)
width_ = std::max<u16>(width_, 1);
height_ = std::max<u16>(height_, 1);
if (std::max(width_, height_) > g_cfg.video.min_scalable_dimension)
return { width_, height_ };
return { width, height };
* Calculates the regions used for memory transfer between rendertargets on succession events
* Returns <src_w, src_h, dst_w, dst_h>
template <typename SurfaceType>
std::tuple<u16, u16, u16, u16> get_transferable_region(const SurfaceType* surface)
auto src = static_cast<const SurfaceType*>(surface->old_contents[0].source);
auto area1 = src->get_normalized_memory_area();
auto area2 = surface->get_normalized_memory_area();
auto w = std::min(area1.x2, area2.x2);
auto h = std::min(area1.y2, area2.y2);
const auto src_scale_x = src->get_bpp() * src->samples_x;
const auto src_scale_y = src->samples_y;
const auto dst_scale_x = surface->get_bpp() * surface->samples_x;
const auto dst_scale_y = surface->samples_y;
const u16 src_w = u16(w / src_scale_x);
const u16 src_h = u16(h / src_scale_y);
const u16 dst_w = u16(w / dst_scale_x);
const u16 dst_h = u16(h / dst_scale_y);
return std::make_tuple(src_w, src_h, dst_w, dst_h);
template <typename SurfaceType>
inline bool pitch_compatible(const SurfaceType* a, const SurfaceType* b)
if (a->get_surface_height() == 1 || b->get_surface_height() == 1)
return true;
return (a->get_rsx_pitch() == b->get_rsx_pitch());
template <bool __is_surface = true, typename SurfaceType>
inline bool pitch_compatible(const SurfaceType* surface, u32 pitch_required, u16 height_required)
if constexpr (__is_surface)
if (height_required == 1 || surface->get_surface_height() == 1)
return true;
if (height_required == 1 || surface->get_height() == 1)
return true;
return (surface->get_rsx_pitch() == pitch_required);
* Remove restart index and emulate using degenerate triangles
* Can be used as a workaround when restart_index doesnt work too well
* dst should be able to hold at least 2xcount entries
template <typename T>
u32 remove_restart_index(T* dst, T* src, int count, T restart_index)
// Converts a stream e.g [1, 2, 3, -1, 4, 5, 6] to a stream with degenerate splits
// Output is e.g [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6] (5 bogus triangles)
T last_index{}, index;
u32 dst_index = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < count;)
index = src[n];
if (index == restart_index)
for (; n < count; ++n)
if (src[n] != restart_index)
if (n == count)
return dst_index;
dst[dst_index++] = last_index; //Duplicate last
if ((dst_index & 1) == 0)
//Duplicate last again to fix face winding
dst[dst_index++] = last_index;
last_index = src[n];
dst[dst_index++] = last_index; //Duplicate next
dst[dst_index++] = index;
last_index = index;
return dst_index;
// The rsx internally adds the 'data_base_offset' and the 'vert_offset' and masks it
// before actually attempting to translate to the internal address. Seen happening heavily in R&C games
static inline u32 get_vertex_offset_from_base(u32 vert_data_base_offset, u32 vert_base_offset)
return (vert_data_base_offset + vert_base_offset) & 0xFFFFFFF;
// Similar to vertex_offset_base calculation, the rsx internally adds and masks index
// before using
static inline u32 get_index_from_base(u32 index, u32 index_base)
return (index + index_base) & 0x000FFFFF;
// Convert color write mask for G8B8 to R8G8
static inline u32 get_g8b8_r8g8_clearmask(u32 mask)
u32 result = 0;
return result;
static inline void get_g8b8_r8g8_colormask(bool &red, bool &/*green*/, bool &blue, bool &alpha)
red = blue;
blue = false;
alpha = false;
static inline void get_g8b8_clear_color(u8& red, u8& /*green*/, u8& blue, u8& /*alpha*/)
red = blue;
static inline u32 get_abgr8_clearmask(u32 mask)
u32 result = 0;
return result;
static inline void get_abgr8_colormask(bool& red, bool& /*green*/, bool& blue, bool& /*alpha*/)
std::swap(red, blue);
static inline void get_abgr8_clear_color(u8& red, u8& /*green*/, u8& blue, u8& /*alpha*/)
std::swap(red, blue);
template <typename T, typename U>
requires std::is_integral_v<T> && std::is_integral_v<U>
u8 renormalize_color8(T input, U base)
// Base will be some POT-1 value
const int value = static_cast<u8>(input & base);
return static_cast<u8>((value * 255) / base);
static inline void get_rgb565_clear_color(u8& red, u8& green, u8& blue, u8& /*alpha*/)
// RSX clear color is just a memcpy, so in this case the input is ARGB8 so only BG have the 16-bit input
const u16 raw_value = static_cast<u16>(green) << 8 | blue;
blue = renormalize_color8(raw_value, 0x1f);
green = renormalize_color8(raw_value >> 5, 0x3f);
red = renormalize_color8(raw_value >> 11, 0x1f);
static inline void get_a1rgb555_clear_color(u8& red, u8& green, u8& blue, u8& alpha, u8 alpha_override)
// RSX clear color is just a memcpy, so in this case the input is ARGB8 so only BG have the 16-bit input
const u16 raw_value = static_cast<u16>(green) << 8 | blue;
blue = renormalize_color8(raw_value, 0x1f);
green = renormalize_color8(raw_value >> 5, 0x1f);
red = renormalize_color8(raw_value >> 10, 0x1f);
// Alpha can technically be encoded into the clear but the format normally just injects constants.
// Will require hardware tests when possible to determine which approach makes more sense.
// alpha = static_cast<u8>((raw_value & (1 << 15)) ? 255 : 0);
alpha = alpha_override;
static inline u32 get_b8_clearmask(u32 mask)
u32 result = 0;
return result;
static inline void get_b8_colormask(bool& red, bool& green, bool& blue, bool& alpha)
red = blue;
green = false;
blue = false;
alpha = false;
static inline void get_b8_clear_color(u8& red, u8& /*green*/, u8& blue, u8& /*alpha*/)
std::swap(red, blue);
static inline color4f decode_border_color(u32 colorref)
color4f result;
result.b = (colorref & 0xFF) / 255.f;
result.g = ((colorref >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255.f;
result.r = ((colorref >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255.f;
result.a = ((colorref >> 24) & 0xFF) / 255.f;
return result;
template <uint integer, uint frac, bool sign = true, typename To = f32>
static inline To decode_fxp(u32 bits)
static_assert(u64{sign} + integer + frac <= 32, "Invalid decode_fxp range");
// Classic fixed point, see PGRAPH section of nouveau docs for TEX_FILTER (lod_bias) and TEX_CONTROL (min_lod, max_lod)
// Technically min/max lod are fixed 4.8 but a 5.8 decoder should work just as well since sign bit is 0
if constexpr (sign) if (bits & (1 << (integer + frac)))
bits = (0 - bits) & (~0u >> (31 - (integer + frac)));
return bits / (-To(1u << frac));
return bits / To(1u << frac);
static inline f32 decode_fp16(u16 bits)
if (bits == 0)
return 0.f;
// Extract components
unsigned int sign = (bits >> 15) & 1;
unsigned int exp = (bits >> 10) & 0x1f;
unsigned int mantissa = bits & 0x3ff;
float base = (sign != 0) ? -1.f : 1.f;
float scale;
if (exp == 0x1F)
// specials (nan, inf)
u32 nan = 0x7F800000 | mantissa;
nan |= (sign << 31);
return std::bit_cast<f32>(nan);
else if (exp > 0)
// normal number, borrows a '1' from the hidden mantissa bit
base *= std::exp2f(f32(exp) - 15.f);
scale = (float(mantissa) / 1024.f) + 1.f;
// subnormal number, borrows a '0' from the hidden mantissa bit
base *= std::exp2f(1.f - 15.f);
scale = float(mantissa) / 1024.f;
return base * scale;
template<bool _signed = false>
u16 encode_fx12(f32 value)
u16 raw = u16(std::abs(value) * 256.);
if constexpr (!_signed)
return raw;
if (value >= 0.f) [[likely]]
return raw;
return u16(0 - raw) & 0x1fff;