kd-11 73312fc363 rsx: Several fixes and improvements
- Do not ignore non-centered pixel blitting
- Register method ac00+16
- Bump texture memory heap to account for GPU texture scaling requirements (vulkan)
- Explicit MRT location index output to better convey intent (openGL)
2017-09-21 16:17:06 +03:00

521 lines
14 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Utilities/VirtualMemory.h"
#include "Utilities/hash.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/vm.h"
#include "gcm_enums.h"
#include "Common/ProgramStateCache.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/Modules/cellMsgDialog.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
namespace rsx
struct blit_src_info
blit_engine::transfer_source_format format;
blit_engine::transfer_origin origin;
u16 offset_x;
u16 offset_y;
u16 width;
u16 height;
u16 slice_h;
u16 pitch;
void *pixels;
u32 rsx_address;
struct blit_dst_info
blit_engine::transfer_destination_format format;
u16 offset_x;
u16 offset_y;
u16 width;
u16 height;
u16 pitch;
u16 clip_x;
u16 clip_y;
u16 clip_width;
u16 clip_height;
bool swizzled;
void *pixels;
u32 rsx_address;
enum protection_policy
protect_policy_one_page, //Only guard one page, preferrably one where this section 'wholly' fits
protect_policy_full_range //Guard the full memory range. Shared pages may be invalidated by access outside the object we're guarding
class buffered_section
u32 locked_address_base = 0;
u32 locked_address_range = 0;
u32 cpu_address_base = 0;
u32 cpu_address_range = 0;
utils::protection protection = utils::protection::rw;
bool locked = false;
bool dirty = false;
inline bool region_overlaps(u32 base1, u32 limit1, u32 base2, u32 limit2)
return (base1 < limit2 && base2 < limit1);
buffered_section() {}
~buffered_section() {}
void reset(u32 base, u32 length, protection_policy protect_policy= protect_policy_full_range)
verify(HERE), locked == false;
cpu_address_base = base;
cpu_address_range = length;
locked_address_base = (base & ~4095);
if (protect_policy == protect_policy_one_page)
locked_address_range = 4096;
if (locked_address_base < base)
//Try the next page if we can
//TODO: If an object spans a boundary without filling either side, guard the larger page occupancy
const u32 next_page = locked_address_base + 4096;
if ((base + length) >= (next_page + 4096))
//The object spans the entire page. Guard this instead
locked_address_base = next_page;
locked_address_range = align(base + length, 4096) - locked_address_base;
protection = utils::protection::rw;
locked = false;
void protect(utils::protection prot)
if (prot == protection) return;
utils::memory_protect(vm::base(locked_address_base), locked_address_range, prot);
protection = prot;
locked = prot != utils::protection::rw;
void unprotect()
locked = false;
void discard()
protection = utils::protection::rw;
dirty = true;
locked = false;
bool overlaps(std::pair<u32, u32> range)
return region_overlaps(locked_address_base, locked_address_base + locked_address_range, range.first, range.first + range.second);
bool overlaps(u32 address)
return (locked_address_base <= address && (address - locked_address_base) < locked_address_range);
* Check if range overlaps with this section.
* ignore_protection_range - if true, the test should not check against the aligned protection range, instead
* tests against actual range of contents in memory
bool overlaps(std::pair<u32, u32> range, bool ignore_protection_range)
if (!ignore_protection_range)
return region_overlaps(locked_address_base, locked_address_base + locked_address_range, range.first, range.first + range.second);
return region_overlaps(cpu_address_base, cpu_address_base + cpu_address_range, range.first, range.first + range.second);
* Check if the page containing the address tramples this section. Also compares a former trampled page range to compare
* If true, returns the range <min, max> with updated invalid range
std::tuple<bool, std::pair<u32, u32>> overlaps_page(std::pair<u32, u32> old_range, u32 address)
const u32 page_base = address & ~4095;
const u32 page_limit = address + 4096;
const u32 compare_min = std::min(old_range.first, page_base);
const u32 compare_max = std::max(old_range.second, page_limit);
if (!region_overlaps(locked_address_base, locked_address_base + locked_address_range, compare_min, compare_max))
return std::make_tuple(false, old_range);
return std::make_tuple(true, get_min_max(std::make_pair(compare_min, compare_max)));
bool is_locked() const
return locked;
bool is_dirty() const
return dirty;
void set_dirty(bool state)
dirty = state;
u32 get_section_base() const
return cpu_address_base;
u32 get_section_size() const
return cpu_address_range;
bool matches(u32 cpu_address, u32 size) const
return (cpu_address_base == cpu_address && cpu_address_range == size);
std::pair<u32, u32> get_min_max(std::pair<u32, u32> current_min_max)
u32 min = std::min(current_min_max.first, locked_address_base);
u32 max = std::max(current_min_max.second, locked_address_base + locked_address_range);
return std::make_pair(min, max);
template <typename pipeline_storage_type, typename backend_storage>
class shaders_cache
struct pipeline_data
u64 vertex_program_hash;
u64 fragment_program_hash;
u64 pipeline_storage_hash;
u32 vp_ctrl;
u32 fp_ctrl;
u32 fp_texture_dimensions;
u16 fp_unnormalized_coords;
u16 fp_height;
u16 fp_pixel_layout;
u16 fp_lighting_flags;
u16 fp_shadow_textures;
u16 fp_redirected_textures;
u16 fp_alphakill_mask;
u64 fp_zfunc_mask;
pipeline_storage_type pipeline_properties;
std::string version_prefix;
std::string root_path;
std::string pipeline_class_name;
std::unordered_map<u64, std::vector<u8>> fragment_program_data;
backend_storage& m_storage;
shaders_cache(backend_storage& storage, std::string pipeline_class, std::string version_prefix_str = "v1")
: version_prefix(version_prefix_str)
, pipeline_class_name(pipeline_class)
, m_storage(storage)
root_path = Emu.GetCachePath() + "/shaders_cache";
template <typename... Args>
void load(Args&& ...args)
std::string directory_path = root_path + "/pipelines/" + pipeline_class_name;
if (!fs::is_dir(directory_path))
fs::create_path(root_path + "/raw");
fs::dir root = fs::dir(directory_path);
fs::dir_entry tmp;
u32 entry_count = 0;
for (auto It = root.begin(); It != root.end(); ++It, entry_count++);
if (entry_count <= 2)
entry_count -= 2;
f32 delta = 100.f / entry_count;
f32 tally = 0.f;
// Progress dialog
auto dlg = Emu.GetCallbacks().get_msg_dialog();
dlg->type.se_normal = true;
dlg->type.bg_invisible = true;
dlg->type.progress_bar_count = 1;
dlg->on_close = [](s32 status)
dlg->Create("Preloading cached shaders from disk.\nPlease wait...");
u32 processed = 0;
while (root.read(tmp))
if (tmp.name == "." || tmp.name == "..")
std::vector<u8> bytes;
fs::file f(directory_path + "/" + tmp.name);
dlg->ProgressBarSetMsg(0, fmt::format("Loading pipeline object %u of %u", processed, entry_count));
if (f.size() != sizeof(pipeline_data))
LOG_ERROR(RSX, "Cached pipeline object %s is not binary compatible with the current shader cache", tmp.name.c_str());
f.read<u8>(bytes, f.size());
auto unpacked = unpack(*(pipeline_data*)bytes.data());
m_storage.add_pipeline_entry(std::get<1>(unpacked), std::get<2>(unpacked), std::get<0>(unpacked), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
tally += delta;
if (tally > 1.f)
u32 value = (u32)tally;
dlg->ProgressBarInc(0, value);
tally -= (f32)value;
void store(pipeline_storage_type &pipeline, RSXVertexProgram &vp, RSXFragmentProgram &fp)
pipeline_data data = pack(pipeline, vp, fp);
std::string fp_name = root_path + "/raw/" + fmt::format("%llX.fp", data.fragment_program_hash);
std::string vp_name = root_path + "/raw/" + fmt::format("%llX.vp", data.vertex_program_hash);
if (!fs::is_file(fp_name))
const auto size = program_hash_util::fragment_program_utils::get_fragment_program_ucode_size(fp.addr);
fs::file(fp_name, fs::rewrite).write(fp.addr, size);
if (!fs::is_file(vp_name))
fs::file(vp_name, fs::rewrite).write<u32>(vp.data);
u64 state_hash = 0;
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u32>(data.vp_ctrl);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u32>(data.fp_ctrl);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u32>(data.fp_texture_dimensions);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_unnormalized_coords);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_height);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_pixel_layout);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_lighting_flags);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_shadow_textures);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_redirected_textures);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u16>(data.fp_alphakill_mask);
state_hash ^= rpcs3::hash_base<u64>(data.fp_zfunc_mask);
std::string pipeline_file_name = fmt::format("%llX+%llX+%llX+%llX.bin", data.vertex_program_hash, data.fragment_program_hash, data.pipeline_storage_hash, state_hash);
std::string pipeline_path = root_path + "/pipelines/" + pipeline_class_name + "/" + version_prefix + "-" + pipeline_file_name;
fs::file(pipeline_path, fs::rewrite).write(&data, sizeof(pipeline_data));
RSXVertexProgram load_vp_raw(u64 program_hash)
std::vector<u32> data;
std::string filename = fmt::format("%llX.vp", program_hash);
fs::file f(root_path + "/raw/" + filename);
f.read<u32>(data, f.size() / sizeof(u32));
RSXVertexProgram vp = {};
vp.data = data;
vp.skip_vertex_input_check = true;
return vp;
RSXFragmentProgram load_fp_raw(u64 program_hash)
std::vector<u8> data;
std::string filename = fmt::format("%llX.fp", program_hash);
fs::file f(root_path + "/raw/" + filename);
f.read<u8>(data, f.size());
RSXFragmentProgram fp = {};
fragment_program_data[program_hash] = data;
fp.addr = fragment_program_data[program_hash].data();
return fp;
std::tuple<pipeline_storage_type, RSXVertexProgram, RSXFragmentProgram> unpack(pipeline_data &data)
RSXVertexProgram vp = load_vp_raw(data.vertex_program_hash);
RSXFragmentProgram fp = load_fp_raw(data.fragment_program_hash);
pipeline_storage_type pipeline = data.pipeline_properties;
vp.output_mask = data.vp_ctrl;
fp.ctrl = data.fp_ctrl;
fp.texture_dimensions = data.fp_texture_dimensions;
fp.unnormalized_coords = data.fp_unnormalized_coords;
fp.front_back_color_enabled = (data.fp_lighting_flags & 0x1) != 0;
fp.back_color_diffuse_output = ((data.fp_lighting_flags >> 1) & 0x1) != 0;
fp.back_color_specular_output = ((data.fp_lighting_flags >> 2) & 0x1) != 0;
fp.front_color_diffuse_output = ((data.fp_lighting_flags >> 3) & 0x1) != 0;
fp.front_color_specular_output = ((data.fp_lighting_flags >> 4) & 0x1) != 0;
fp.shadow_textures = data.fp_shadow_textures;
fp.redirected_textures = data.fp_redirected_textures;
for (u8 index = 0; index < 16; ++index)
fp.textures_alpha_kill[index] = (data.fp_alphakill_mask & (1 << index))? 1: 0;
fp.textures_zfunc[index] = (data.fp_zfunc_mask >> (index << 2)) & 0xF;
return std::make_tuple(pipeline, vp, fp);
pipeline_data pack(pipeline_storage_type &pipeline, RSXVertexProgram &vp, RSXFragmentProgram &fp)
pipeline_data data_block = {};
data_block.pipeline_properties = pipeline;
data_block.vertex_program_hash = m_storage.get_hash(vp);
data_block.fragment_program_hash = m_storage.get_hash(fp);
data_block.pipeline_storage_hash = m_storage.get_hash(pipeline);
data_block.vp_ctrl = vp.output_mask;
data_block.fp_ctrl = fp.ctrl;
data_block.fp_texture_dimensions = fp.texture_dimensions;
data_block.fp_unnormalized_coords = fp.unnormalized_coords;
data_block.fp_lighting_flags = (u16)fp.front_back_color_enabled | (u16)fp.back_color_diffuse_output << 1 |
(u16)fp.back_color_specular_output << 2 | (u16)fp.front_color_diffuse_output << 3 | (u16)fp.front_color_specular_output << 4;
data_block.fp_shadow_textures = fp.shadow_textures;
data_block.fp_redirected_textures = fp.redirected_textures;
for (u8 index = 0; index < 16; ++index)
data_block.fp_alphakill_mask |= (u32)(fp.textures_alpha_kill[index] & 0x1) << index;
data_block.fp_zfunc_mask |= (u32)(fp.textures_zfunc[index] & 0xF) << (index << 2);
return data_block;
namespace vertex_cache
// A null vertex cache
template <typename storage_type, typename upload_format>
class default_vertex_cache
virtual storage_type* find_vertex_range(uintptr_t /*local_addr*/, upload_format, u32 /*data_length*/) { return nullptr; }
virtual void store_range(uintptr_t /*local_addr*/, upload_format, u32 /*data_length*/, u32 /*offset_in_heap*/) {}
virtual void purge() {}
// A weak vertex cache with no data checks or memory range locks
// Of limited use since contents are only guaranteed to be valid once per frame
// TODO: Strict vertex cache with range locks
template <typename upload_format>
struct uploaded_range
uintptr_t local_address;
upload_format buffer_format;
u32 offset_in_heap;
u32 data_length;
template <typename upload_format>
class weak_vertex_cache : public default_vertex_cache<uploaded_range<upload_format>, upload_format>
using storage_type = uploaded_range<upload_format>;
std::unordered_map<uintptr_t, std::vector<storage_type>> vertex_ranges;
storage_type* find_vertex_range(uintptr_t local_addr, upload_format fmt, u32 data_length) override
for (auto &v : vertex_ranges[local_addr])
if (v.buffer_format == fmt && v.data_length == data_length)
return &v;
return nullptr;
void store_range(uintptr_t local_addr, upload_format fmt, u32 data_length, u32 offset_in_heap) override
storage_type v = {};
v.buffer_format = fmt;
v.data_length = data_length;
v.local_address = local_addr;
v.offset_in_heap = offset_in_heap;
void purge() override