mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:27:00 +00:00
For some reason XAudio2 doesn't automatically change the device anymore. So let's just listen for the OnDefaultDeviceChanged event and update the cell audio thread if necessary.
594 lines
13 KiB
594 lines
13 KiB
#include "StrFmt.h"
#include "StrUtil.h"
#include "cfmt.h"
#include "util/endian.hpp"
#include "util/logs.hpp"
#include "util/v128.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include "Thread.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string wchar_to_utf8(const wchar_t *src)
std::string utf8_string;
const auto tmp_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, src, -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, src, -1, utf8_string.data(), tmp_size, nullptr, nullptr);
return utf8_string;
std::string wchar_path_to_ansi_path(const std::wstring& src)
std::wstring buf_short;
std::string buf_final;
// Get the short path from the wide char path(short path should only contain ansi characters)
auto tmp_size = GetShortPathNameW(src.data(), nullptr, 0);
GetShortPathNameW(src.data(), buf_short.data(), tmp_size);
// Convert wide char to ansi
tmp_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buf_short.data(), -1, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buf_short.data(), -1, buf_final.data(), tmp_size, nullptr, nullptr);
return buf_final;
std::string utf8_path_to_ansi_path(const std::string& src)
std::wstring buf_wide;
// Converts the utf-8 path to wide char
const auto tmp_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, src.c_str(), -1, nullptr, 0);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, src.c_str(), -1, buf_wide.data(), tmp_size);
return wchar_path_to_ansi_path(buf_wide);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::pair<const fmt_type_info*, u64>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
// Dynamic format arg
const auto& pair = get_object(arg);
if (pair.first)
pair.first->fmt_string(out, pair.second);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<fmt::base57>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const auto& _arg = get_object(arg);
if (_arg.data && _arg.size)
// Precomputed tail sizes if input data is not multiple of 8
static constexpr u8 s_tail[8] = {0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10};
// Get full output size
const usz out_size = _arg.size / 8 * 11 + s_tail[_arg.size % 8];
out.resize(out.size() + out_size);
const auto ptr = &out.front() + (out.size() - out_size);
// Each 8 bytes of input data produce 11 bytes of base57 output
for (usz i = 0, p = 0; i < _arg.size; i += 8, p += 11)
// Load up to 8 bytes
be_t<u64> be_value;
if (_arg.size - i < sizeof(be_value))
std::memset(&be_value, 0, sizeof(be_value));
std::memcpy(&be_value, _arg.data + i, _arg.size - i);
std::memcpy(&be_value, _arg.data + i, sizeof(be_value));
u64 value = be_value;
for (int j = 10; j >= 0; j--)
if (p + j < out_size)
ptr[p + j] = "0123456789ACEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"[value % 57];
value /= 57;
void fmt_class_string<const void*>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%p", arg);
void fmt_class_string<const char*>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
if (arg)
out += reinterpret_cast<const char*>(arg);
out += "(NULLSTR)";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::string>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::string_view>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::vector<char>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::vector<char>& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::u8string>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::u8string& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::u8string_view>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::u8string_view& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::vector<char8_t>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::vector<char8_t>& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
void format_byte_array(std::string& out, const uchar* data, usz size)
if (!size)
out += "{ EMPTY }";
out += "{ ";
for (usz i = 0;; i++)
if (i == size - 1)
fmt::append(out, "%02X", data[i]);
if ((i % 4) == 3)
// Place a comma each 4 bytes for ease of byte placement finding
fmt::append(out, "%02X, ", data[i]);
fmt::append(out, "%02X ", data[i]);
out += " }";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<char>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hhx", static_cast<char>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<uchar>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hhx", static_cast<uchar>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<schar>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hhx", static_cast<schar>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<short>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hx", static_cast<short>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<ushort>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hx", static_cast<ushort>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<int>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#x", static_cast<int>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<uint>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#x", static_cast<uint>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<long>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#lx", static_cast<long>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<ulong>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#lx", static_cast<ulong>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<llong>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#llx", static_cast<llong>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<ullong>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#llx", static_cast<ullong>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<float>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%gf", static_cast<float>(std::bit_cast<f64>(arg)));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<double>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%g", std::bit_cast<f64>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<bool>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += arg ? "true" : "false";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<b8>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg) ? "true" : "false";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<v128>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const v128& vec = get_object(arg);
fmt::append(out, "0x%016llx%016llx", vec._u64[1], vec._u64[0]);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<u128>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
// TODO: it should be supported as full-fledged integral type (with %u, %d, etc, fmt)
const u128& num = get_object(arg);
if (!num)
out += '0';
#ifdef _MSC_VER
fmt::append(out, "0x%016llx%016llx", num.hi, num.lo);
fmt::append(out, "0x%016llx%016llx", static_cast<u64>(num >> 64), static_cast<u64>(num));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<s128>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
return fmt_class_string<u128>::format(out, arg);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<src_loc>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const src_loc& loc = get_object(arg);
if (loc.col != umax)
fmt::append(out, "\n(in file %s:%u[:%u]", loc.file, loc.line, loc.col);
fmt::append(out, "\n(in file %s:%u", loc.file, loc.line);
if (loc.func && *loc.func)
fmt::append(out, ", in function %s)", loc.func);
out += ')';
// Print error code (may be irrelevant)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (DWORD error = GetLastError())
fmt::append(out, " (e=0x%08x[%u])", error, error);
if (int error = errno)
fmt::append(out, " (errno=%d)", error);
namespace fmt
[[noreturn]] void raw_verify_error(const src_loc& loc, const char8_t* msg)
std::string out;
fmt::append(out, "%s%s", msg ? msg : u8"Verification failed", loc);
[[noreturn]] void raw_throw_exception(const src_loc& loc, const char* fmt, const fmt_type_info* sup, const u64* args)
std::string out;
raw_append(out, fmt, sup, args);
fmt::append(out, "%s", loc);
struct cfmt_src;
// Temporary implementation
struct fmt::cfmt_src
const fmt_type_info* sup;
const u64* args;
bool test(usz index) const
if (!sup[index].fmt_string)
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
T get(usz index) const
T res{};
std::memcpy(&res, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(args + index), sizeof(res));
return res;
void skip(usz extra)
sup += extra + 1;
args += extra + 1;
usz fmt_string(std::string& out, usz extra) const
const usz start = out.size();
sup[extra].fmt_string(out, args[extra]);
return out.size() - start;
// Returns type size (0 if unknown, pointer, unsigned, assumed max)
usz type(usz extra) const
// Hack: use known function pointers to determine type
#define TYPE(type) \
if (sup[extra].fmt_string == &fmt_class_string<type>::format) return sizeof(type);
if (std::is_signed<char>::value) TYPE(char);
#undef TYPE
return 0;
static constexpr usz size_char = 1;
static constexpr usz size_short = 2;
static constexpr usz size_int = 0;
static constexpr usz size_long = sizeof(ulong);
static constexpr usz size_llong = sizeof(ullong);
static constexpr usz size_size = sizeof(usz);
static constexpr usz size_max = sizeof(std::uintmax_t);
static constexpr usz size_diff = sizeof(std::ptrdiff_t);
void fmt::raw_append(std::string& out, const char* fmt, const fmt_type_info* sup, const u64* args) noexcept
cfmt_append(out, fmt, cfmt_src{sup, args});
std::string fmt::replace_all(std::string_view src, std::string_view from, std::string_view to, usz count)
std::string target;
target.reserve(src.size() + to.size());
for (usz i = 0, replaced = 0; i < src.size();)
const usz pos = src.find(from, i);
if (pos == umax || replaced++ >= count)
// No match or too many encountered, append the rest of the string as is
// Append source until the matched string position
target.append(src.substr(i, pos - i));
// Replace string
i = pos + from.size();
return target;
std::vector<std::string> fmt::split(std::string_view source, std::initializer_list<std::string_view> separators, bool is_skip_empty)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (usz index = 0; index < source.size();)
usz pos = -1;
usz sep_size = 0;
for (auto& separator : separators)
if (usz pos0 = source.find(separator, index); pos0 < pos)
pos = pos0;
sep_size = separator.size();
if (!sep_size)
result.emplace_back(&source[index], source.size() - index);
return result;
std::string_view piece = {&source[index], pos - index};
index = pos + sep_size;
if (piece.empty() && is_skip_empty)
if (result.empty() && !is_skip_empty)
return result;
std::string fmt::trim(const std::string& source, const std::string& values)
usz begin = source.find_first_not_of(values);
if (begin == source.npos)
return {};
return source.substr(begin, source.find_last_not_of(values) + 1);
std::string fmt::to_upper(const std::string& string)
std::string result;
std::transform(string.begin(), string.end(), result.begin(), ::toupper);
return result;
std::string fmt::to_lower(const std::string& string)
std::string result;
std::transform(string.begin(), string.end(), result.begin(), ::tolower);
return result;
bool fmt::match(const std::string& source, const std::string& mask)
usz source_position = 0, mask_position = 0;
for (; source_position < source.size() && mask_position < mask.size(); ++mask_position, ++source_position)
switch (mask[mask_position])
case '?': break;
case '*':
for (usz test_source_position = source_position; test_source_position < source.size(); ++test_source_position)
if (match(source.substr(test_source_position), mask.substr(mask_position + 1)))
return true;
return false;
if (source[source_position] != mask[mask_position])
return false;
if (source_position != source.size())
return false;
if (mask_position != mask.size())
return false;
return true;