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synced 2025-03-15 22:21:25 +00:00
937 lines
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937 lines
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#pragma once
#include <thread>
#include <queue>
#include <deque>
#include <variant>
#include <stack>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "GCM.h"
#include "rsx_cache.h"
#include "RSXFIFO.h"
#include "RSXOffload.h"
#include "RSXZCULL.h"
#include "rsx_utils.h"
#include "Common/bitfield.hpp"
#include "Common/profiling_timer.hpp"
#include "Common/texture_cache_types.h"
#include "Program/RSXVertexProgram.h"
#include "Program/RSXFragmentProgram.h"
#include "Utilities/Thread.h"
#include "Utilities/geometry.h"
#include "Capture/rsx_trace.h"
#include "Capture/rsx_replay.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/lv2/sys_rsx.h"
#include "Emu/IdManager.h"
#include "Emu/system_config.h"
extern atomic_t<bool> g_user_asked_for_frame_capture;
extern atomic_t<bool> g_disable_frame_limit;
extern rsx::frame_trace_data frame_debug;
extern rsx::frame_capture_data frame_capture;
namespace rsx
namespace overlays
class display_manager;
struct rsx_iomap_table
std::array<atomic_t<u32>, 4096> ea;
std::array<atomic_t<u32>, 4096> io;
std::array<shared_mutex, 0x8'0000> rs;
rsx_iomap_table() noexcept;
// Try to get the real address given a mapped address
// Returns -1 on failure
u32 get_addr(u32 offs) const noexcept
return this->ea[offs >> 20] | (offs & 0xFFFFF);
template <bool IsFullLock, uint Stride>
bool lock(u32 addr, u32 len, cpu_thread* self = nullptr) noexcept
if (len <= 1) return false;
const u32 end = addr + len - 1;
bool added_wait = false;
for (u32 block = addr / 8192; block <= (end / 8192); block += Stride)
auto& mutex_ = rs[block];
if (IsFullLock ? !mutex_.try_lock() : !mutex_.try_lock_shared()) [[ unlikely ]]
if (self)
added_wait |= !self->state.test_and_set(cpu_flag::wait);
if (!self || self->id_type() != 0x55u)
IsFullLock ? mutex_.lock() : mutex_.lock_shared();
while (IsFullLock ? !mutex_.try_lock() : !mutex_.try_lock_shared())
if (added_wait)
return true;
template <bool IsFullLock, uint Stride>
void unlock(u32 addr, u32 len) noexcept
ensure(len >= 1);
const u32 end = addr + len - 1;
for (u32 block = (addr / 8192); block <= (end / 8192); block += Stride)
if constexpr (IsFullLock)
enum framebuffer_creation_context : u8
context_draw = 0,
context_clear_color = 1,
context_clear_depth = 2,
context_clear_all = context_clear_color | context_clear_depth
enum pipeline_state : u32
fragment_program_ucode_dirty = 0x1, // Fragment program ucode changed
vertex_program_ucode_dirty = 0x2, // Vertex program ucode changed
fragment_program_state_dirty = 0x4, // Fragment program state changed
vertex_program_state_dirty = 0x8, // Vertex program state changed
fragment_state_dirty = 0x10, // Fragment state changed (alpha test, etc)
vertex_state_dirty = 0x20, // Vertex state changed (scale_offset, clip planes, etc)
transform_constants_dirty = 0x40, // Transform constants changed
fragment_constants_dirty = 0x80, // Fragment constants changed
framebuffer_reads_dirty = 0x100, // Framebuffer contents changed
fragment_texture_state_dirty = 0x200, // Fragment texture parameters changed
vertex_texture_state_dirty = 0x400, // Fragment texture parameters changed
scissor_config_state_dirty = 0x800, // Scissor region changed
zclip_config_state_dirty = 0x1000, // Viewport Z clip changed
scissor_setup_invalid = 0x2000, // Scissor configuration is broken
scissor_setup_clipped = 0x4000, // Scissor region is cropped by viewport constraint
polygon_stipple_pattern_dirty = 0x8000, // Rasterizer stippling pattern changed
line_stipple_pattern_dirty = 0x10000, // Line stippling pattern changed
push_buffer_arrays_dirty = 0x20000, // Push buffers have data written to them (immediate mode vertex buffers)
fragment_program_dirty = fragment_program_ucode_dirty | fragment_program_state_dirty,
vertex_program_dirty = vertex_program_ucode_dirty | vertex_program_state_dirty,
invalidate_pipeline_bits = fragment_program_dirty | vertex_program_dirty,
invalidate_zclip_bits = vertex_state_dirty | zclip_config_state_dirty,
memory_barrier_bits = framebuffer_reads_dirty,
all_dirty = ~0u
enum eng_interrupt_reason : u32
backend_interrupt = 0x0001, // Backend-related interrupt
memory_config_interrupt = 0x0002, // Memory configuration changed
display_interrupt = 0x0004, // Display handling
pipe_flush_interrupt = 0x0008, // Flush pipelines
all_interrupt_bits = memory_config_interrupt | backend_interrupt | display_interrupt | pipe_flush_interrupt
enum FIFO_state : u8
running = 0,
empty = 1, // PUT == GET
spinning = 2, // Puller continuously jumps to self addr (synchronization technique)
nop = 3, // Puller is processing a NOP command
lock_wait = 4 // Puller is processing a lock acquire
enum FIFO_hint : u8
hint_conditional_render_eval = 1,
hint_zcull_sync = 2
enum result_flags: u8
result_none = 0,
result_error = 1,
result_zcull_intr = 2
enum ROP_control : u32
alpha_test_enable = (1u << 0),
framebuffer_srgb_enable = (1u << 1),
csaa_enable = (1u << 4),
msaa_mask_enable = (1u << 5),
msaa_config_mask = (3u << 6),
polygon_stipple_enable = (1u << 9),
alpha_func_mask = (7u << 16)
u32 get_vertex_type_size_on_host(vertex_base_type type, u32 size);
u32 get_address(u32 offset, u32 location, u32 size_to_check = 0,
u32 line = __builtin_LINE(),
u32 col = __builtin_COLUMN(),
const char* file = __builtin_FILE(),
const char* func = __builtin_FUNCTION());
struct tiled_region
u32 address;
u32 base;
GcmTileInfo *tile;
u8 *ptr;
void write(const void *src, u32 width, u32 height, u32 pitch);
void read(void *dst, u32 width, u32 height, u32 pitch);
struct vertex_array_buffer
rsx::vertex_base_type type;
u8 attribute_size;
u8 stride;
std::span<const std::byte> data;
u8 index;
bool is_be;
struct vertex_array_register
rsx::vertex_base_type type;
u8 attribute_size;
std::array<u32, 4> data;
u8 index;
struct empty_vertex_array
u8 index;
struct draw_array_command
u32 __dummy;
struct draw_indexed_array_command
std::span<const std::byte> raw_index_buffer;
struct draw_inlined_array
u32 __dummy;
u32 __dummy2;
struct interleaved_attribute_t
u8 index;
bool modulo;
u16 frequency;
struct interleaved_range_info
bool interleaved = false;
bool single_vertex = false;
u32 base_offset = 0;
u32 real_offset_address = 0;
u8 memory_location = 0;
u8 attribute_stride = 0;
rsx::simple_array<interleaved_attribute_t> locations;
// Check if we need to upload a full unoptimized range, i.e [0-max_index]
std::pair<u32, u32> calculate_required_range(u32 first, u32 count) const;
enum attribute_buffer_placement : u8
none = 0,
persistent = 1,
transient = 2
struct vertex_input_layout
std::vector<interleaved_range_info> interleaved_blocks{}; // Interleaved blocks to be uploaded as-is
std::vector<std::pair<u8, u32>> volatile_blocks{}; // Volatile data blocks (immediate draw vertex data for example)
rsx::simple_array<u8> referenced_registers{}; // Volatile register data
std::array<attribute_buffer_placement, 16> attribute_placement = fill_array(attribute_buffer_placement::none);
vertex_input_layout() = default;
void clear()
bool validate() const
// Criteria: At least one array stream has to be defined to feed vertex positions
// This stream cannot be a const register as the vertices cannot create a zero-area primitive
if (!interleaved_blocks.empty() && interleaved_blocks.front().attribute_stride != 0)
return true;
if (!volatile_blocks.empty())
return true;
for (u8 index = 0; index < limits::vertex_count; ++index)
switch (attribute_placement[index])
case attribute_buffer_placement::transient:
// Ignore register reference
if (std::find(referenced_registers.begin(), referenced_registers.end(), index) != referenced_registers.end())
// The source is inline array or immediate draw push buffer
return true;
case attribute_buffer_placement::persistent:
return true;
case attribute_buffer_placement::none:
return false;
u32 calculate_interleaved_memory_requirements(u32 first_vertex, u32 vertex_count) const
u32 mem = 0;
for (auto &block : interleaved_blocks)
const auto range = block.calculate_required_range(first_vertex, vertex_count);
mem += range.second * block.attribute_stride;
return mem;
struct framebuffer_layout
u16 width;
u16 height;
std::array<u32, 4> color_addresses;
std::array<u32, 4> color_pitch;
std::array<u32, 4> actual_color_pitch;
std::array<bool, 4> color_write_enabled;
u32 zeta_address;
u32 zeta_pitch;
u32 actual_zeta_pitch;
bool zeta_write_enabled;
rsx::surface_target target;
rsx::surface_color_format color_format;
rsx::surface_depth_format2 depth_format;
rsx::surface_antialiasing aa_mode;
rsx::surface_raster_type raster_type;
u32 aa_factors[2];
bool ignore_change;
struct frame_statistics_t
u32 draw_calls;
u32 submit_count;
s64 setup_time;
s64 vertex_upload_time;
s64 textures_upload_time;
s64 draw_exec_time;
s64 flip_time;
struct display_flip_info_t
std::deque<u32> buffer_queue;
u32 buffer;
bool skip_frame;
bool emu_flip;
bool in_progress;
frame_statistics_t stats;
inline void push(u32 _buffer)
inline bool pop(u32 _buffer)
if (buffer_queue.empty())
return false;
const auto index = buffer_queue.front();
if (index == _buffer)
buffer = _buffer;
return true;
while (!buffer_queue.empty());
// Need to observe this happening in the wild
rsx_log.error("Display queue was discarded while not empty!");
return false;
struct backend_configuration
bool supports_multidraw; // Draw call batching
bool supports_hw_a2c; // Alpha to coverage
bool supports_hw_renormalization; // Should be true on NV hardware which matches PS3 texture renormalization behaviour
bool supports_hw_msaa; // MSAA support
bool supports_hw_a2one; // Alpha to one
bool supports_hw_conditional_render; // Conditional render
bool supports_passthrough_dma; // DMA passthrough
bool supports_asynchronous_compute; // Async compute
bool supports_host_gpu_labels; // Advanced host synchronization
struct sampled_image_descriptor_base;
class thread : public cpu_thread
u64 timestamp_ctrl = 0;
u64 timestamp_subvalue = 0;
u64 m_cycles_counter = 0;
display_flip_info_t m_queued_flip{};
void cpu_task() override;
atomic_t<bool> m_rsx_thread_exiting{ true };
std::array<push_buffer_vertex_info, 16> vertex_push_buffers;
std::vector<u32> element_push_buffer;
s32 m_skip_frame_ctr = 0;
bool skip_current_frame = false;
backend_configuration backend_config{};
std::unique_ptr<FIFO::FIFO_control> fifo_ctrl;
std::vector<std::pair<u32, u32>> dump_callstack_list() const override;
FIFO::flattening_helper m_flattener;
u32 fifo_ret_addr = RSX_CALL_STACK_EMPTY;
u32 saved_fifo_ret = RSX_CALL_STACK_EMPTY;
// Occlusion query
bool zcull_surface_active = false;
std::unique_ptr<reports::ZCULL_control> zcull_ctrl;
// Framebuffer setup
rsx::gcm_framebuffer_info m_surface_info[rsx::limits::color_buffers_count];
rsx::gcm_framebuffer_info m_depth_surface_info;
framebuffer_layout m_framebuffer_layout{};
bool framebuffer_status_valid = false;
// Overlays
rsx::overlays::display_manager* m_overlay_manager = nullptr;
// Invalidated memory range
address_range m_invalidated_memory_range;
// Profiler
rsx::profiling_timer m_profiler;
frame_statistics_t m_frame_stats;
RsxDmaControl* ctrl = nullptr;
u32 dma_address{0};
rsx_iomap_table iomap_table;
u32 restore_point = 0;
u32 dbg_step_pc = 0;
u32 last_known_code_start = 0;
atomic_t<u32> external_interrupt_lock{ 0 };
atomic_t<bool> external_interrupt_ack{ false };
atomic_t<bool> is_inited{ false };
bool is_fifo_idle() const;
void flush_fifo();
// Returns [count of found commands, PC of their start]
std::pair<u32, u32> try_get_pc_of_x_cmds_backwards(u32 count, u32 get) const;
void recover_fifo(u32 line = __builtin_LINE(),
u32 col = __builtin_COLUMN(),
const char* file = __builtin_FILE(),
const char* func = __builtin_FUNCTION());
static void fifo_wake_delay(u64 div = 1);
u32 get_fifo_cmd() const;
void dump_regs(std::string&) const override;
void cpu_wait(bs_t<cpu_flag> old) override;
static constexpr u32 id_base = 0x5555'5555; // See get_current_cpu_thread()
// Performance approximation counters
atomic_t<u64> idle_time{ 0 }; // Time spent idling in microseconds
u64 last_update_timestamp = 0; // Timestamp of last load update
u64 FIFO_idle_timestamp = 0; // Timestamp of when FIFO queue becomes idle
FIFO_state state = FIFO_state::running;
u32 approximate_load = 0;
u32 sampled_frames = 0;
enum class flip_request : u32
emu_requested = 1,
native_ui = 2,
any = emu_requested | native_ui
atomic_bitmask_t<flip_request> async_flip_requested{};
u8 async_flip_buffer{ 0 };
GcmTileInfo tiles[limits::tiles_count];
GcmZcullInfo zculls[limits::zculls_count];
void capture_frame(const std::string &name);
const backend_configuration& get_backend_config() const { return backend_config; }
std::shared_ptr<named_thread<class ppu_thread>> intr_thread;
// I hate this flag, but until hle is closer to lle, its needed
bool isHLE{ false };
u32 flip_status;
int debug_level;
atomic_t<bool> requested_vsync{true};
atomic_t<bool> enable_second_vhandler{false};
RsxDisplayInfo display_buffers[8];
u32 display_buffers_count{0};
u32 current_display_buffer{0};
shared_mutex sys_rsx_mtx;
u32 device_addr{0};
u32 label_addr{0};
u32 main_mem_size{0};
u32 local_mem_size{0};
u32 rsx_event_port{0};
u32 driver_info{0};
void send_event(u64, u64, u64) const;
bool m_rtts_dirty = true;
std::array<bool, 16> m_textures_dirty;
std::array<bool, 4> m_vertex_textures_dirty;
bool m_framebuffer_state_contested = false;
rsx::framebuffer_creation_context m_current_framebuffer_context = rsx::framebuffer_creation_context::context_draw;
rsx::atomic_bitmask_t<rsx::eng_interrupt_reason> m_eng_interrupt_mask;
u32 m_graphics_state = 0;
u64 ROP_sync_timestamp = 0;
program_hash_util::fragment_program_utils::fragment_program_metadata current_fp_metadata = {};
program_hash_util::vertex_program_utils::vertex_program_metadata current_vp_metadata = {};
std::array<u32, 4> get_color_surface_addresses() const;
u32 get_zeta_surface_address() const;
void get_framebuffer_layout(rsx::framebuffer_creation_context context, framebuffer_layout &layout);
bool get_scissor(areau& region, bool clip_viewport);
* Analyze vertex inputs and group all interleaved blocks
void analyse_inputs_interleaved(vertex_input_layout&);
RSXVertexProgram current_vertex_program = {};
RSXFragmentProgram current_fragment_program = {};
vertex_program_texture_state current_vp_texture_state = {};
fragment_program_texture_state current_fp_texture_state = {};
// Runs shader prefetch and resolves pipeline status flags
void analyse_current_rsx_pipeline();
// Prefetch and analyze the currently active fragment program ucode
void prefetch_fragment_program();
// Prefetch and analyze the currently active vertex program ucode
void prefetch_vertex_program();
void get_current_vertex_program(const std::array<std::unique_ptr<rsx::sampled_image_descriptor_base>, rsx::limits::vertex_textures_count>& sampler_descriptors);
* Gets current fragment program and associated fragment state
void get_current_fragment_program(const std::array<std::unique_ptr<rsx::sampled_image_descriptor_base>, rsx::limits::fragment_textures_count>& sampler_descriptors);
bool invalidate_fragment_program(u32 dst_dma, u32 dst_offset, u32 size);
void on_framebuffer_options_changed(u32 opt);
u64 target_rsx_flip_time = 0;
u64 int_flip_index = 0;
u64 last_guest_flip_timestamp = 0;
u64 last_host_flip_timestamp = 0;
vm::ptr<void(u32)> flip_handler = vm::null;
vm::ptr<void(u32)> user_handler = vm::null;
vm::ptr<void(u32)> vblank_handler = vm::null;
vm::ptr<void(u32)> queue_handler = vm::null;
atomic_t<u64> vblank_count{0};
bool capture_current_frame = false;
u64 vblank_at_flip = umax;
u64 flip_notification_count = 0;
void post_vblank_event(u64 post_event_time);
atomic_t<bool> sync_point_request = false;
bool in_begin_end = false;
struct desync_fifo_cmd_info
u32 cmd;
u64 timestamp;
std::queue<desync_fifo_cmd_info> recovered_fifo_cmds_history;
atomic_t<s32> async_tasks_pending{ 0 };
bool zcull_stats_enabled = false;
bool zcull_rendering_enabled = false;
bool zcull_pixel_cnt_enabled = false;
reports::conditional_render_eval cond_render_ctrl;
virtual u64 get_cycles() = 0;
virtual ~thread();
static constexpr auto thread_name = "rsx::thread"sv;
virtual void on_task();
virtual void on_exit();
* Execute a backend local task queue
virtual void do_local_task(FIFO_state state);
virtual void emit_geometry(u32) {}
void run_FIFO();
thread(const thread&) = delete;
thread& operator=(const thread&) = delete;
virtual void clear_surface(u32 /*arg*/) {}
virtual void begin();
virtual void end();
virtual void execute_nop_draw();
virtual void on_init_thread() = 0;
virtual void on_frame_end(u32 buffer, bool forced = false);
virtual void flip(const display_flip_info_t& info) = 0;
virtual u64 timestamp();
virtual bool on_access_violation(u32 /*address*/, bool /*is_writing*/) { return false; }
virtual void on_invalidate_memory_range(const address_range & /*range*/, rsx::invalidation_cause) {}
virtual void notify_tile_unbound(u32 /*tile*/) {}
// control
virtual void renderctl(u32 /*request_code*/, void* /*args*/) {}
// zcull
void notify_zcull_info_changed();
void clear_zcull_stats(u32 type);
void check_zcull_status(bool framebuffer_swap);
void get_zcull_stats(u32 type, vm::addr_t sink);
u32 copy_zcull_stats(u32 memory_range_start, u32 memory_range, u32 destination);
void enable_conditional_rendering(vm::addr_t ref);
void disable_conditional_rendering();
virtual void begin_conditional_rendering(const std::vector<reports::occlusion_query_info*>& sources);
virtual void end_conditional_rendering();
// sync
void sync();
flags32_t read_barrier(u32 memory_address, u32 memory_range, bool unconditional);
virtual void sync_hint(FIFO_hint hint, reports::sync_hint_payload_t payload);
virtual bool release_GCM_label(u32 /*address*/, u32 /*value*/) { return false; }
std::span<const std::byte> get_raw_index_array(const draw_clause& draw_indexed_clause) const;
std::variant<draw_array_command, draw_indexed_array_command, draw_inlined_array>
get_draw_command(const rsx::rsx_state& state) const;
* Immediate mode rendering requires a temp push buffer to hold attrib values
* Appends a value to the push buffer (currently only supports 32-wide types)
void append_to_push_buffer(u32 attribute, u32 size, u32 subreg_index, vertex_base_type type, u32 value);
u32 get_push_buffer_vertex_count() const;
void append_array_element(u32 index);
u32 get_push_buffer_index_count() const;
* Computes VRAM requirements needed to upload raw vertex streams
* result.first contains persistent memory requirements
* result.second contains volatile memory requirements
std::pair<u32, u32> calculate_memory_requirements(const vertex_input_layout& layout, u32 first_vertex, u32 vertex_count);
* Generates vertex input descriptors as an array of 16x4 s32s
void fill_vertex_layout_state(const vertex_input_layout& layout, u32 first_vertex, u32 vertex_count, s32* buffer, u32 persistent_offset = 0, u32 volatile_offset = 0);
* Uploads vertex data described in the layout descriptor
* Copies from local memory to the write-only output buffers provided in a sequential manner
void write_vertex_data_to_memory(const vertex_input_layout& layout, u32 first_vertex, u32 vertex_count, void *persistent_data, void *volatile_data);
shared_mutex m_mtx_task;
void handle_emu_flip(u32 buffer);
void handle_invalidated_memory_range();
* Fill buffer with 4x4 scale offset matrix.
* Vertex shader's position is to be multiplied by this matrix.
* if flip_y is set, the matrix is modified to use d3d convention.
void fill_scale_offset_data(void *buffer, bool flip_y) const;
* Fill buffer with user clip information
void fill_user_clip_data(void *buffer) const;
* Fill buffer with vertex program constants.
* Relocation table allows to do a partial fill with only selected registers.
void fill_vertex_program_constants_data(void* buffer, const std::vector<u16>& reloc_table);
* Fill buffer with fragment rasterization state.
* Fills current fog values, alpha test parameters and texture scaling parameters
void fill_fragment_state_buffer(void* buffer, const RSXFragmentProgram& fragment_program);
* Notify that a section of memory has been mapped
* If there is a notify_memory_unmapped request on this range yet to be handled,
* handles it immediately.
void on_notify_memory_mapped(u32 address_base, u32 size);
* Notify that a section of memory has been unmapped
* Any data held in the defined range is discarded
void on_notify_memory_unmapped(u32 address_base, u32 size);
* Notify to check internal state during semaphore wait
virtual void on_semaphore_acquire_wait() {}
virtual std::pair<std::string, std::string> get_programs() const { return std::make_pair("", ""); }
virtual bool scaled_image_from_memory(blit_src_info& /*src_info*/, blit_dst_info& /*dst_info*/, bool /*interpolate*/) { return false; }
void reset();
void init(u32 ctrlAddress);
// Emu App/Game flip, only immediately flips when called from rsxthread
void request_emu_flip(u32 buffer);
void pause();
void unpause();
void wait_pause();
// Get RSX approximate load in %
u32 get_load();
// Get stats object
frame_statistics_t& get_stats() { return m_frame_stats; }
// Returns true if the current thread is the active RSX thread
inline bool is_current_thread() const
return !!cpu_thread::get_current<rsx::thread>();
inline thread* get_current_renderer()
return g_fxo->try_get<rsx::thread>();
template<bool IsFullLock = false, uint Stride = 128>
class reservation_lock
u32 addr = 0, length = 0;
bool locked = false;
inline void lock_range(u32 addr, u32 length)
this->addr = addr;
this->length = length;
this->locked = get_current_renderer()->iomap_table.lock<IsFullLock, Stride>(addr, length, get_current_cpu_thread());
reservation_lock(u32 addr, u32 length)
if (g_cfg.core.rsx_accurate_res_access &&
addr < constants::local_mem_base)
lock_range(addr, length);
reservation_lock(u32 addr, u32 length, bool setting)
if (setting && addr < constants::local_mem_base)
lock_range(addr, length);
// Multi-range lock. If ranges overlap, the combined range will be acquired.
// If ranges do not overlap, the first range that is in main memory will be acquired.
reservation_lock(u32 dst_addr, u32 dst_length, u32 src_addr, u32 src_length)
if (g_cfg.core.rsx_accurate_res_access)
const auto range1 = utils::address_range::start_length(dst_addr, dst_length);
const auto range2 = utils::address_range::start_length(src_addr, src_length);
utils::address_range target_range;
if (!range1.overlaps(range2)) [[likely]]
target_range = (dst_addr < constants::local_mem_base) ? range1 : range2;
// Very unlikely
target_range = range1.get_min_max(range2);
if (target_range.start < constants::local_mem_base)
lock_range(target_range.start, target_range.length());
if (locked)
get_current_renderer()->iomap_table.unlock<IsFullLock, Stride>(addr, length);
class eng_lock
rsx::thread* pthr;
eng_lock(rsx::thread* target)
if (pthr->is_current_thread())
pthr = nullptr;
if (pthr) pthr->unpause();