2024-01-23 12:24:38 +02:00

948 lines
24 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Emu/CPU/CPUThread.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/SPUInterpreter.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/vm.h"
#include "MFC.h"
#include "util/v128.hpp"
#include "util/logs.hpp"
#include "util/to_endian.hpp"
#include "Loader/ELF.h"
#include <span>
LOG_CHANNEL(spu_log, "SPU");
struct lv2_event_queue;
struct lv2_spu_group;
struct lv2_int_tag;
namespace utils
class shm;
// LUTs for SPU
extern const u32 spu_frest_fraction_lut[32];
extern const u32 spu_frest_exponent_lut[256];
extern const u32 spu_frsqest_fraction_lut[64];
extern const u32 spu_frsqest_exponent_lut[256];
// JIT Block
using spu_function_t = void(*)(spu_thread&, void*, u8*);
// SPU Channels
enum : u32
SPU_RdEventStat = 0, // Read event status with mask applied
SPU_WrEventMask = 1, // Write event mask
SPU_WrEventAck = 2, // Write end of event processing
SPU_RdSigNotify1 = 3, // Signal notification 1
SPU_RdSigNotify2 = 4, // Signal notification 2
SPU_WrDec = 7, // Write decrementer count
SPU_RdDec = 8, // Read decrementer count
SPU_RdEventMask = 11, // Read event mask
SPU_RdMachStat = 13, // Read SPU run status
SPU_WrSRR0 = 14, // Write SPU machine state save/restore register 0 (SRR0)
SPU_RdSRR0 = 15, // Read SPU machine state save/restore register 0 (SRR0)
SPU_WrOutMbox = 28, // Write outbound mailbox contents
SPU_RdInMbox = 29, // Read inbound mailbox contents
SPU_WrOutIntrMbox = 30, // Write outbound interrupt mailbox contents (interrupting PPU)
SPU_Set_Bkmk_Tag = 69, // Causes an event that can be logged in the performance monitor logic if enabled in the SPU
SPU_PM_Start_Ev = 70, // Starts the performance monitor event if enabled
SPU_PM_Stop_Ev = 71, // Stops the performance monitor event if enabled
// MFC Channels
enum : u32
MFC_WrMSSyncReq = 9, // Write multisource synchronization request
MFC_RdTagMask = 12, // Read tag mask
MFC_LSA = 16, // Write local memory address command parameter
MFC_EAH = 17, // Write high order DMA effective address command parameter
MFC_EAL = 18, // Write low order DMA effective address command parameter
MFC_Size = 19, // Write DMA transfer size command parameter
MFC_TagID = 20, // Write tag identifier command parameter
MFC_Cmd = 21, // Write and enqueue DMA command with associated class ID
MFC_WrTagMask = 22, // Write tag mask
MFC_WrTagUpdate = 23, // Write request for conditional or unconditional tag status update
MFC_RdTagStat = 24, // Read tag status with mask applied
MFC_RdListStallStat = 25, // Read DMA list stall-and-notify status
MFC_WrListStallAck = 26, // Write DMA list stall-and-notify acknowledge
MFC_RdAtomicStat = 27, // Read completion status of last completed immediate MFC atomic update command
// SPU Events
enum : u32
SPU_EVENT_MS = 0x1000, // Multisource Synchronization event
SPU_EVENT_A = 0x800, // Privileged Attention event
SPU_EVENT_LR = 0x400, // Lock Line Reservation Lost event
SPU_EVENT_S1 = 0x200, // Signal Notification Register 1 available
SPU_EVENT_S2 = 0x100, // Signal Notification Register 2 available
SPU_EVENT_LE = 0x80, // SPU Outbound Mailbox available
SPU_EVENT_ME = 0x40, // SPU Outbound Interrupt Mailbox available
SPU_EVENT_TM = 0x20, // SPU Decrementer became negative (?)
SPU_EVENT_MB = 0x10, // SPU Inbound mailbox available
SPU_EVENT_QV = 0x8, // MFC SPU Command Queue available
SPU_EVENT_SN = 0x2, // MFC List Command stall-and-notify event
SPU_EVENT_TG = 0x1, // MFC Tag Group status update event
// SPU Class 0 Interrupts
enum : u64
SPU_INT0_STAT_SPU_ERROR_INT = (1ull << 2),
// SPU Class 2 Interrupts
enum : u64
SPU_INT2_STAT_MAILBOX_INT = (1ull << 0),
enum : u32
// SPU Status Register bits (not accurate)
enum : u32
enum : s32
SPU_LS_SIZE = 0x40000,
enum : u32
SYS_SPU_THREAD_SNR1 = 0x5400c,
MFC_LSA_offs = 0x3004,
MFC_EAH_offs = 0x3008,
MFC_EAL_offs = 0x300C,
MFC_Size_Tag_offs = 0x3010,
MFC_Class_CMD_offs = 0x3014,
MFC_CMDStatus_offs = 0x3014,
MFC_QStatus_offs = 0x3104,
Prxy_QueryType_offs = 0x3204,
Prxy_QueryMask_offs = 0x321C,
Prxy_TagStatus_offs = 0x322C,
SPU_Out_MBox_offs = 0x4004,
SPU_In_MBox_offs = 0x400C,
SPU_MBox_Status_offs = 0x4014,
SPU_RunCntl_offs = 0x401C,
SPU_Status_offs = 0x4024,
SPU_NPC_offs = 0x4034,
SPU_RdSigNotify1_offs = 0x1400C,
SPU_RdSigNotify2_offs = 0x1C00C,
enum : u32
RAW_SPU_BASE_ADDR = 0xE0000000,
RAW_SPU_OFFSET = 0x00100000,
RAW_SPU_LS_OFFSET = 0x00000000,
RAW_SPU_PROB_OFFSET = 0x00040000,
SPU_FAKE_BASE_ADDR = 0xE8000000,
struct alignas(16) spu_channel
// Low 32 bits contain value
atomic_t<u64> data;
// Pending value to be inserted when it is possible in pop() or pop_wait()
atomic_t<u64> jostling_value;
static constexpr u32 off_wait = 32;
static constexpr u32 off_count = 63;
static constexpr u64 bit_wait = 1ull << off_wait;
static constexpr u64 bit_count = 1ull << off_count;
// Returns true on success
bool try_push(u32 value)
return data.fetch_op([value](u64& data)
if (!(data & bit_count)) [[likely]]
data = bit_count | value;
return true;
return false;
// Push unconditionally, may require notification
// Performing bitwise OR with previous value if specified, otherwise overwiting it
bool push(u32 value, bool to_or = false)
while (true)
const auto [old, pushed_to_data] = data.fetch_op([&](u64& data)
if (data == bit_wait)
return false;
if (to_or)
data |= bit_count | value;
data = bit_count | value;
return true;
if (!pushed_to_data)
// Insert the pending value in special storage for waiting SPUs, leave no time in which the channel has data
if (!jostling_value.compare_and_swap_test(bit_wait, value))
// Other thread has inserted a value through jostling_value, retry
// Turn off waiting bit manually (must succeed because waiting bit can only be resetted by the thread pushed to jostling_value)
// Return true if count has changed from 0 to 1, this condition is considered satisfied even if we pushed a value directly to the special storage for waiting SPUs
return !pushed_to_data || (old & bit_count) == 0;
// Returns true on success
bool try_pop(u32& out)
return data.fetch_op([&](u64& data)
if (data & bit_count) [[likely]]
out = static_cast<u32>(data);
data = 0;
return true;
return false;
// Reading without modification
bool try_read(u32& out) const
const u64 old = data.load();
out = static_cast<u32>(old);
if (old & bit_count) [[likely]]
return true;
return false;
// Pop unconditionally (loading last value), may require notification
// If the SPU tries to insert a value, do it instead the SPU
u32 pop()
// Value is not cleared and may be read again
constexpr u64 mask = bit_count | bit_wait;
const u64 old = data.fetch_op([&](u64& data)
if ((data & mask) == mask)
// Insert the pending value, leave no time in which the channel has no data
data = bit_count | static_cast<u32>(jostling_value);
data &= ~mask;
if ((old & mask) == mask)
return static_cast<u32>(old);
// Waiting for channel pop state availability, actually popping if specified
s64 pop_wait(cpu_thread& spu, bool pop = true);
// Waiting for channel push state availability, actually pushing if specified
bool push_wait(cpu_thread& spu, u32 value, bool push = true);
void set_value(u32 value, bool count = true)
data.release(u64{count} << off_count | value);
u32 get_value() const
return static_cast<u32>(data);
u32 get_count() const
return static_cast<u32>(data >> off_count);
struct spu_channel_4_t
struct alignas(16) sync_var_t
u8 waiting;
u8 count;
u16 value3_inval;
u32 value0;
u32 value1;
u32 value2;
atomic_t<sync_var_t> values;
atomic_t<u64> jostling_value;
atomic_t<u32> value3;
static constexpr u32 off_wait = 32;
static constexpr u64 bit_wait = 1ull << off_wait;
void clear()
// push unconditionally (overwriting latest value), returns true if needs signaling
void push(u32 value)
while (true)
const auto [old, pushed_to_data] = values.fetch_op([&](sync_var_t& data)
if (data.waiting)
return false;
switch (data.count++)
case 0: data.value0 = value; break;
case 1: data.value1 = value; break;
case 2: data.value2 = value; break;
data.count = 4;
data.value3_inval++; // Ensure the SPU reads the most recent value3 write in try_pop by re-loading
return true;
if (!pushed_to_data)
// Insert the pending value in special storage for waiting SPUs, leave no time in which the channel has data
if (!jostling_value.compare_and_swap_test(bit_wait, value))
// Other thread has inserted a value through jostling_value, retry
// Turn off waiting bit manually (must succeed because waiting bit can only be resetted by the thread pushing to jostling_value)
ensure(atomic_storage<u8>::exchange(values.raw().waiting, 0));
// returns non-zero value on success: queue size before removal
uint try_pop(u32& out)
return values.atomic_op([&](sync_var_t& data)
const uint result = data.count;
if (result != 0)
data.waiting = 0;
out = data.value0;
data.value0 = data.value1;
data.value1 = data.value2;
data.value2 = this->value3;
return result;
// Returns [previous count, value] (if aborted 0 count is returned)
std::pair<u32, u32> pop_wait(cpu_thread& spu);
// returns current queue size without modification
uint try_read(u32 (&out)[4]) const
const sync_var_t data = values.load();
const uint result = data.count;
if (result != 0)
out[0] = data.value0;
out[1] = data.value1;
out[2] = data.value2;
out[3] = value3;
return result;
u32 get_count() const
return std::as_const(values).raw().count;
void set_values(u32 count, u32 value0, u32 value1 = 0, u32 value2 = 0, u32 value3 = 0)
this->values.raw() = { 0, static_cast<u8>(count), {}, value0, value1, value2 };
this->value3 = value3;
struct spu_int_ctrl_t
atomic_t<u64> mask;
atomic_t<u64> stat;
std::shared_ptr<struct lv2_int_tag> tag;
void set(u64 ints);
void clear(u64 ints)
stat &= ~ints;
void clear()
struct spu_imm_table_t
v128 sldq_pshufb[32]; // table for SHLQBYBI, SHLQBY, SHLQBYI instructions
v128 srdq_pshufb[32]; // table for ROTQMBYBI, ROTQMBY, ROTQMBYI instructions
v128 rldq_pshufb[16]; // table for ROTQBYBI, ROTQBY, ROTQBYI instructions
class scale_table_t
std::array<v128, 155 + 174> m_data;
FORCE_INLINE const v128& operator [](s32 scale) const
return m_data[scale + 155];
const scale;
extern const spu_imm_table_t g_spu_imm;
//Single-precision exceptions
FPSCR_SOVF = 1 << 2, //Overflow
FPSCR_SUNF = 1 << 1, //Underflow
FPSCR_SDIFF = 1 << 0, //Different (could be IEEE non-compliant)
//Double-precision exceptions
FPSCR_DOVF = 1 << 13, //Overflow
FPSCR_DUNF = 1 << 12, //Underflow
FPSCR_DINX = 1 << 11, //Inexact
FPSCR_DINV = 1 << 10, //Invalid operation
FPSCR_DNAN = 1 << 9, //NaN
FPSCR_DDENORM = 1 << 8, //Denormal
//Is 128 bits, but bits 0-19, 24-28, 32-49, 56-60, 64-81, 88-92, 96-115, 120-124 are unused
u32 _u32[4]{};
std::string ToString() const
return fmt::format("%08x%08x%08x%08x", _u32[3], _u32[2], _u32[1], _u32[0]);
void Reset()
memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
//slice -> 0 - 1 (double-precision slice index)
//NOTE: slices follow v128 indexing, i.e. slice 0 is RIGHT end of register!
//roundTo -> FPSCR_RN_*
void setSliceRounding(u8 slice, u8 roundTo)
int shift = 8 + 2*slice;
//rounding is located in the left end of the FPSCR
this->_u32[3] = (this->_u32[3] & ~(3 << shift)) | (roundTo << shift);
//Slice 0 or 1
u8 checkSliceRounding(u8 slice) const
case 0:
return this->_u32[3] >> 8 & 0x3;
case 1:
return this->_u32[3] >> 10 & 0x3;
fmt::throw_exception("Unexpected slice value (%d)", slice);
//Single-precision exception flags (all 4 slices)
//slice -> slice number (0-3)
//exception: FPSCR_S* bitmask
void setSinglePrecisionExceptionFlags(u8 slice, u32 exceptions)
_u32[slice] |= exceptions;
//Single-precision divide-by-zero flags (all 4 slices)
//slice -> slice number (0-3)
void setDivideByZeroFlag(u8 slice)
_u32[0] |= 1 << (8 + slice);
//Double-precision exception flags
//slice -> slice number (0-1)
//exception: FPSCR_D* bitmask
void setDoublePrecisionExceptionFlags(u8 slice, u32 exceptions)
_u32[1 + slice] |= exceptions;
// Write the FPSCR
void Write(const v128& r)
_u32[3] = r._u32[3] & 0x00000F07;
_u32[2] = r._u32[2] & 0x00003F07;
_u32[1] = r._u32[1] & 0x00003F07;
_u32[0] = r._u32[0] & 0x00000F07;
// Read the FPSCR
void Read(v128& r) const
r._u32[3] = _u32[3];
r._u32[2] = _u32[2];
r._u32[1] = _u32[1];
r._u32[0] = _u32[0];
enum class spu_type : u32
struct spu_memory_segment_dump_data
u32 ls_addr;
const u8* src_addr;
u32 segment_size;
u32 flags = umax;
enum class spu_debugger_mode : u32
enum class spu_block_hash : u64 {};
class spu_thread : public cpu_thread
virtual void dump_regs(std::string&, std::any& custom_data) const override;
virtual std::string dump_callstack() const override;
virtual std::vector<std::pair<u32, u32>> dump_callstack_list() const override;
virtual std::string dump_misc() const override;
virtual void cpu_task() override final;
virtual void cpu_on_stop() override;
virtual void cpu_return() override;
virtual void cpu_work() override;
virtual ~spu_thread() override;
void cleanup();
void cpu_init();
static const u32 id_base = 0x02000000; // TODO (used to determine thread type)
static const u32 id_step = 1;
static const u32 id_count = (0xFFFC0000 - SPU_FAKE_BASE_ADDR) / SPU_LS_SIZE;
spu_thread(lv2_spu_group* group, u32 index, std::string_view name, u32 lv2_id, bool is_isolated = false, u32 option = 0);
spu_thread(const spu_thread&) = delete;
spu_thread& operator=(const spu_thread&) = delete;
using cpu_thread::operator=;
spu_thread(utils::serial& ar, lv2_spu_group* group = nullptr);
void serialize_common(utils::serial& ar);
void save(utils::serial& ar);
bool savable() const { return get_type() != spu_type::threaded; } // Threaded SPUs are saved as part of the SPU group
u32 pc = 0;
u32 dbg_step_pc = 0;
// May be used internally by recompilers.
u32 base_pc = 0;
// May be used by recompilers.
u8* memory_base_addr = vm::g_base_addr;
// General-Purpose Registers
std::array<v128, 128> gpr;
SPU_FPSCR fpscr;
// MFC command data
spu_mfc_cmd ch_mfc_cmd;
u32 mfc_cmd_id = 0;
// MFC command queue
spu_mfc_cmd mfc_queue[16]{};
u32 mfc_size = 0;
u32 mfc_barrier = -1;
u32 mfc_fence = -1;
// Timestamp of the first postponed command (transfers shuffling related)
u64 mfc_last_timestamp = 0;
// MFC proxy command data
spu_mfc_cmd mfc_prxy_cmd;
shared_mutex mfc_prxy_mtx;
atomic_t<u32> mfc_prxy_mask;
// Tracks writes to MFC proxy command data
u8 all;
bf_t<u8, 0, 1> lsa;
bf_t<u8, 1, 1> eal;
bf_t<u8, 2, 1> eah;
bf_t<u8, 3, 1> tag_size;
bf_t<u8, 4, 1> cmd;
} mfc_prxy_write_state{};
// Reservation Data
u64 rtime = 0;
alignas(64) std::byte rdata[128]{};
u32 raddr = 0;
const decltype(rdata)* resrv_mem{};
// Range Lock pointer
atomic_t<u64, 64>* range_lock{};
u32 srr0;
u32 ch_tag_upd;
u32 ch_tag_mask;
spu_channel ch_tag_stat;
u32 ch_stall_mask;
spu_channel ch_stall_stat;
spu_channel ch_atomic_stat;
spu_channel_4_t ch_in_mbox{};
spu_channel ch_out_mbox;
spu_channel ch_out_intr_mbox;
u64 snr_config = 0; // SPU SNR Config Register
spu_channel ch_snr1{}; // SPU Signal Notification Register 1
spu_channel ch_snr2{}; // SPU Signal Notification Register 2
union ch_events_t
u64 all;
bf_t<u64, 0, 16> events;
bf_t<u64, 16, 8> locks;
bf_t<u64, 30, 1> waiting;
bf_t<u64, 31, 1> count;
bf_t<u64, 32, 32> mask;
atomic_t<ch_events_t> ch_events;
bool interrupts_enabled;
u64 ch_dec_start_timestamp; // timestamp of writing decrementer value
u32 ch_dec_value; // written decrementer value
bool is_dec_frozen = false;
std::pair<u32, u32> read_dec() const; // Read decrementer
atomic_t<u32> run_ctrl; // SPU Run Control register (only provided to get latest data written)
shared_mutex run_ctrl_mtx;
struct alignas(8) status_npc_sync_var
u32 status; // SPU Status register
u32 npc; // SPU Next Program Counter register
atomic_t<status_npc_sync_var> status_npc;
std::array<spu_int_ctrl_t, 3> int_ctrl; // SPU Class 0, 1, 2 Interrupt Management
std::array<std::pair<u32, std::shared_ptr<lv2_event_queue>>, 32> spuq; // Event Queue Keys for SPU Thread
std::shared_ptr<lv2_event_queue> spup[64]; // SPU Ports
spu_channel exit_status{}; // Threaded SPU exit status (not a channel, but the interface fits)
atomic_t<u32> last_exit_status; // Value to be written in exit_status after checking group termination
lv2_spu_group* const group; // SPU Thread Group (access by the spu threads in the group only! From other threads obtain a shared pointer to group using group ID)
const u32 index; // SPU index
const spu_type thread_type;
std::shared_ptr<utils::shm> shm; // SPU memory
const std::add_pointer_t<u8> ls; // SPU LS pointer
const u32 option; // sys_spu_thread_initialize option
const u32 lv2_id; // The actual id that is used by syscalls
u32 spurs_addr = 0;
spu_thread* next_cpu{}; // LV2 thread queues' node link
// Thread name
atomic_ptr<std::string> spu_tname;
std::unique_ptr<class spu_recompiler_base> jit; // Recompiler instance
u64 block_counter = 0;
u64 block_recover = 0;
u64 block_failure = 0;
u64 saved_native_sp = 0; // Host thread's stack pointer for emulated longjmp
u64 ftx = 0; // Failed transactions
u64 stx = 0; // Succeeded transactions (pure counters)
u64 last_ftsc = 0;
u64 last_ftime = 0;
u32 last_faddr = 0;
u64 last_fail = 0;
u64 last_succ = 0;
u64 last_gtsc = 0;
u32 last_getllar = umax; // LS address of last GETLLAR (if matches current GETLLAR we can let the thread rest)
u32 last_getllar_id = umax;
u32 getllar_spin_count = 0;
u32 getllar_busy_waiting_switch = umax; // umax means the test needs evaluation, otherwise it's a boolean
std::vector<mfc_cmd_dump> mfc_history;
u64 mfc_dump_idx = 0;
static constexpr u32 max_mfc_dump_idx = 4096;
bool in_cpu_work = false;
bool allow_interrupts_in_cpu_work = false;
u8 cpu_work_iteration_count = 0;
std::array<v128, 0x4000> stack_mirror; // Return address information
const char* current_func{}; // Current STOP or RDCH blocking function
u64 start_time{}; // Starting time of STOP or RDCH bloking function
bool unsavable = false; // Flag indicating whether saving the spu thread state is currently unsafe
atomic_t<spu_debugger_mode> debugger_mode{};
// PC-based breakpoint list
std::array<atomic_t<bool>, SPU_LS_SIZE / 4> local_breakpoints{};
atomic_t<bool> has_active_local_bps = false;
u32 current_bp_pc = umax;
bool stop_flag_removal_protection = false;
void push_snr(u32 number, u32 value);
static void do_dma_transfer(spu_thread* _this, const spu_mfc_cmd& args, u8* ls);
bool do_dma_check(const spu_mfc_cmd& args);
bool do_list_transfer(spu_mfc_cmd& args);
void do_putlluc(const spu_mfc_cmd& args);
bool do_putllc(const spu_mfc_cmd& args);
bool do_mfc(bool can_escape = true, bool must_finish = true);
u32 get_mfc_completed() const;
bool process_mfc_cmd();
ch_events_t get_events(u64 mask_hint = umax, bool waiting = false, bool reading = false);
void set_events(u32 bits);
void set_interrupt_status(bool enable);
bool check_mfc_interrupts(u32 next_pc);
static bool is_exec_code(u32 addr, std::span<const u8> ls_ptr, u32 base_addr = 0); // Only a hint, do not rely on it other than debugging purposes
static std::vector<u32> discover_functions(u32 base_addr, std::span<const u8> ls, bool is_known_addr, u32 /*entry*/);
u32 get_ch_count(u32 ch);
s64 get_ch_value(u32 ch);
bool set_ch_value(u32 ch, u32 value);
bool stop_and_signal(u32 code);
void halt();
void fast_call(u32 ls_addr);
std::array<std::shared_ptr<utils::serial>, 32> rewind_captures; // shared_ptr to avoid header inclusion
u8 current_rewind_capture_idx = 0;
static spu_exec_object capture_memory_as_elf(std::span<spu_memory_segment_dump_data> segs, u32 pc_hint = umax);
bool capture_state();
bool try_load_debug_capture();
void wakeup_delay(u32 div = 1) const;
// Convert specified SPU LS address to a pointer of specified (possibly converted to BE) type
template<typename T>
to_be_t<T>* _ptr(u32 lsa) const
return reinterpret_cast<to_be_t<T>*>(ls + (lsa % SPU_LS_SIZE));
// Convert specified SPU LS address to a reference of specified (possibly converted to BE) type
template<typename T>
to_be_t<T>& _ref(u32 lsa) const
return *_ptr<T>(lsa);
spu_type get_type() const
return thread_type;
u32 vm_offset() const
return group ? SPU_FAKE_BASE_ADDR + SPU_LS_SIZE * (id & 0xffffff) : RAW_SPU_BASE_ADDR + RAW_SPU_OFFSET * index;
static u8* map_ls(utils::shm& shm, void* ptr = nullptr);
// Returns true if reservation existed but was just discovered to be lost
// It is safe to use on any address, even if not directly accessed by SPU (so it's slower)
bool reservation_check(u32 addr, const decltype(rdata)& data) const;
bool read_reg(const u32 addr, u32& value);
bool write_reg(const u32 addr, const u32 value);
static bool test_is_problem_state_register_offset(u32 offset, bool for_read, bool for_write) noexcept;
static atomic_t<u32> g_raw_spu_ctr;
static atomic_t<u32> g_raw_spu_id[5];
static u32 find_raw_spu(u32 id)
if (id < std::size(g_raw_spu_id)) [[likely]]
return g_raw_spu_id[id];
return -1;
// For named_thread ctor
const struct thread_name_t
const spu_thread* _this;
operator std::string() const;
} thread_name{ this };
union spu_prio_t
u64 all;
bf_t<s64, 0, 9> prio; // Thread priority (0..3071) (firs 9-bits)
bf_t<s64, 9, 55> order; // Thread enqueue order (TODO, last 52-bits)
// For lv2_obj::schedule<spu_thread>
struct priority_t
const spu_thread* _this;
spu_prio_t load() const;
template <typename Func>
auto atomic_op(Func&& func)
return static_cast<std::conditional_t<std::is_void_v<Func>, Func, decltype(_this->group)>>(_this->group)->prio.atomic_op(std::move(func));
} prio{ this };
class spu_function_logger
spu_thread& spu;
spu_function_logger(spu_thread& spu, const char* func) noexcept;
~spu_function_logger() noexcept
if (!spu.is_stopped())
spu.start_time = 0;