Elad 575a245f8d
IDM: Implement lock-free smart pointers (#16403)
Replaces `std::shared_pointer` with `stx::atomic_ptr` and `stx::shared_ptr`.

Notes to programmers:

* This pr kills the use of `dynamic_cast`, `std::dynamic_pointer_cast` and `std::weak_ptr` on IDM objects, possible replacement is to save the object ID on the base object, then use idm::check/get_unlocked to the destination type via the saved ID which may be null. Null pointer check is how you can tell type mismatch (as dynamic cast) or object destruction (as weak_ptr locking).
* Double-inheritance on IDM objects should be used with care, `stx::shared_ptr` does not support constant-evaluated pointer offsetting to parent/child type.
* `idm::check/get_unlocked` can now be used anywhere.

Misc fixes:
* Fixes some segfaults with RPCN with interaction with IDM.
* Fix deadlocks in access violation handler due locking recursion.
* Fixes race condition in process exit-spawn on memory containers read.
* Fix bug that theoretically can prevent RPCS3 from booting - fix `id_manager::typeinfo` comparison to compare members instead of `memcmp` which can fail spuriously on padding bytes.
* Ensure all IDM inherited types of base, either has `id_base` or `id_type` defined locally, this allows to make getters such as `idm::get_unlocked<lv2_socket, lv2_socket_raw>()` which were broken before. (requires save-states invalidation)
* Removes broken operator[] overload of `stx::shared_ptr` and `stx::single_ptr` for non-array types.
2024-12-22 20:59:48 +02:00

687 lines
18 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Emu/Memory/vm_ptr.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/ErrorCodes.h"
#include "Utilities/File.h"
#include "Utilities/StrUtil.h"
#include <string>
#include <mutex>
// Open Flags
enum : s32
CELL_FS_O_RDONLY = 000000,
CELL_FS_O_WRONLY = 000001,
CELL_FS_O_RDWR = 000002,
CELL_FS_O_CREAT = 000100,
CELL_FS_O_EXCL = 000200,
CELL_FS_O_TRUNC = 001000,
CELL_FS_O_APPEND = 002000,
CELL_FS_O_MSELF = 010000,
CELL_FS_O_UNK = 01000000, // Tests have shown this is independent of other flags. Only known to be called in Rockband games.
// Seek Mode
enum : s32
enum : s32
enum : s32
CELL_FS_S_IFMT = 0170000,
CELL_FS_S_IFDIR = 0040000, // directory
CELL_FS_S_IFREG = 0100000, // regular
CELL_FS_S_IFLNK = 0120000, // symbolic link
CELL_FS_S_IFWHT = 0160000, // unknown
CELL_FS_S_IRUSR = 0000400, // R for owner
CELL_FS_S_IWUSR = 0000200, // W for owner
CELL_FS_S_IXUSR = 0000100, // X for owner
CELL_FS_S_IRGRP = 0000040, // R for group
CELL_FS_S_IWGRP = 0000020, // W for group
CELL_FS_S_IXGRP = 0000010, // X for group
CELL_FS_S_IROTH = 0000004, // R for other
CELL_FS_S_IWOTH = 0000002, // W for other
CELL_FS_S_IXOTH = 0000001, // X for other
// CellFsDirent.d_type
enum : u8
enum : u32
struct CellFsDirent
u8 d_type;
u8 d_namlen;
char d_name[256];
struct CellFsStat
be_t<s32> mode;
be_t<s32> uid;
be_t<s32> gid;
be_t<s64, 4> atime;
be_t<s64, 4> mtime;
be_t<s64, 4> ctime;
be_t<u64, 4> size;
be_t<u64, 4> blksize;
CHECK_SIZE_ALIGN(CellFsStat, 52, 4);
struct CellFsDirectoryEntry
CellFsStat attribute;
CellFsDirent entry_name;
struct CellFsUtimbuf
be_t<s64, 4> actime;
be_t<s64, 4> modtime;
CHECK_SIZE_ALIGN(CellFsUtimbuf, 16, 4);
// MSelf file structs
struct FsMselfHeader
be_t<u32> m_magic;
be_t<u32> m_format_version;
be_t<u64> m_file_size;
be_t<u32> m_entry_num;
be_t<u32> m_entry_size;
u8 m_reserve[40];
struct FsMselfEntry
char m_name[32];
be_t<u64> m_offset;
be_t<u64> m_size;
u8 m_reserve[16];
enum class lv2_mp_flag
enum class lv2_file_type
regular = 0,
struct lv2_fs_mount_point
const std::string_view root;
const std::string_view file_system;
const std::string_view device;
const u32 sector_size = 512;
const u64 sector_count = 256;
const u32 block_size = 4096;
const bs_t<lv2_mp_flag> flags{};
lv2_fs_mount_point* const next = nullptr;
mutable shared_mutex mutex;
extern lv2_fs_mount_point g_mp_sys_dev_hdd0;
extern lv2_fs_mount_point g_mp_sys_no_device;
struct lv2_fs_mount_info
lv2_fs_mount_point* const mp;
const std::string device;
const std::string file_system;
const bool read_only;
lv2_fs_mount_info(lv2_fs_mount_point* mp = nullptr, std::string_view device = {}, std::string_view file_system = {}, bool read_only = false)
: mp(mp ? mp : &g_mp_sys_no_device)
, device(device.empty() ? this->mp->device : device)
, file_system(file_system.empty() ? this->mp->file_system : file_system)
, read_only((this->mp->flags & lv2_mp_flag::read_only) || read_only) // respect the original flags of the mount point as well
constexpr bool operator==(const lv2_fs_mount_info& rhs) const noexcept
return this == &rhs;
constexpr bool operator==(const lv2_fs_mount_point* const& rhs) const noexcept
return mp == rhs;
constexpr lv2_fs_mount_point* operator->() const noexcept
return mp;
extern lv2_fs_mount_info g_mi_sys_not_found;
struct CellFsMountInfo; // Forward Declaration
struct lv2_fs_mount_info_map
lv2_fs_mount_info_map(const lv2_fs_mount_info_map&) = delete;
lv2_fs_mount_info_map& operator=(const lv2_fs_mount_info_map&) = delete;
// Forwarding arguments to map.try_emplace(): refer to the constructor of lv2_fs_mount_info
template <typename... Args>
bool add(Args&&... args)
return map.try_emplace(std::forward<Args>(args)...).second;
bool remove(std::string_view path);
const lv2_fs_mount_info& lookup(std::string_view path, bool no_cell_fs_path = false, std::string* mount_path = nullptr) const;
u64 get_all(CellFsMountInfo* info = nullptr, u64 len = 0) const;
bool is_device_mounted(std::string_view device_name) const;
static bool vfs_unmount(std::string_view vpath, bool remove_from_map = true);
std::unordered_map<std::string, lv2_fs_mount_info, fmt::string_hash, std::equal_to<>> map;
struct lv2_fs_object
static constexpr u32 id_base = 3;
static constexpr u32 id_step = 1;
static constexpr u32 id_count = 255 - id_base;
static constexpr bool id_lowest = true;
// File Name (max 1055)
const std::array<char, 0x420> name;
// Mount Info
const lv2_fs_mount_info& mp;
lv2_fs_object(std::string_view filename);
lv2_fs_object(utils::serial& ar, bool dummy);
lv2_fs_object(const lv2_fs_object&) = delete;
lv2_fs_object& operator=(const lv2_fs_object&) = delete;
// Normalize a virtual path
static std::string get_normalized_path(std::string_view path);
// Get the device's root path (e.g. "/dev_hdd0") from a given path
static std::string get_device_root(std::string_view filename);
// Filename can be either a path starting with '/' or a CELL_FS device name
// This should be used only when handling devices that are not mounted
// Otherwise, use g_fxo->get<lv2_fs_mount_info_map>().lookup() to look up mounted devices accurately
static lv2_fs_mount_point* get_mp(std::string_view filename, std::string* vfs_path = nullptr);
static std::array<char, 0x420> get_name(std::string_view filename)
std::array<char, 0x420> name;
if (filename.size() >= 0x420)
filename = filename.substr(0, 0x420 - 1);
filename.copy(name.data(), filename.size());
name[filename.size()] = 0;
return name;
void save(utils::serial&) {}
struct lv2_file final : lv2_fs_object
static constexpr u32 id_type = 1;
fs::file file;
const s32 mode;
const s32 flags;
std::string real_path;
const lv2_file_type type;
// IO Container
u32 ct_id{}, ct_used{};
// Stream lock
atomic_t<u32> lock{0};
// Some variables for convenience of data restoration
struct save_restore_t
u64 seek_pos;
u64 atime;
u64 mtime;
} restore_data{};
lv2_file(std::string_view filename, fs::file&& file, s32 mode, s32 flags, const std::string& real_path, lv2_file_type type = {})
: lv2_fs_object(filename)
, file(std::move(file))
, mode(mode)
, flags(flags)
, real_path(real_path)
, type(type)
lv2_file(const lv2_file& host, fs::file&& file, s32 mode, s32 flags, const std::string& real_path, lv2_file_type type = {})
: lv2_fs_object(host.name.data())
, file(std::move(file))
, mode(mode)
, flags(flags)
, real_path(real_path)
, type(type)
lv2_file(utils::serial& ar);
void save(utils::serial& ar);
struct open_raw_result_t
CellError error;
fs::file file;
struct open_result_t
CellError error;
std::string ppath;
std::string real_path;
fs::file file;
lv2_file_type type;
// Open a file with wrapped logic of sys_fs_open
static open_raw_result_t open_raw(const std::string& path, s32 flags, s32 mode, lv2_file_type type = lv2_file_type::regular, const lv2_fs_mount_info& mp = g_mi_sys_not_found);
static open_result_t open(std::string_view vpath, s32 flags, s32 mode, const void* arg = {}, u64 size = 0);
// File reading with intermediate buffer
static u64 op_read(const fs::file& file, vm::ptr<void> buf, u64 size, u64 opt_pos = umax);
u64 op_read(vm::ptr<void> buf, u64 size, u64 opt_pos = umax) const
return op_read(file, buf, size, opt_pos);
// File writing with intermediate buffer
static u64 op_write(const fs::file& file, vm::cptr<void> buf, u64 size);
u64 op_write(vm::cptr<void> buf, u64 size) const
return op_write(file, buf, size);
// For MSELF support
struct file_view;
// Make file view from lv2_file object (for MSELF support)
static fs::file make_view(const shared_ptr<lv2_file>& _file, u64 offset);
struct lv2_dir final : lv2_fs_object
static constexpr u32 id_type = 2;
const std::vector<fs::dir_entry> entries;
// Current reading position
atomic_t<u64> pos{0};
lv2_dir(std::string_view filename, std::vector<fs::dir_entry>&& entries)
: lv2_fs_object(filename)
, entries(std::move(entries))
lv2_dir(utils::serial& ar);
void save(utils::serial& ar);
// Read next
const fs::dir_entry* dir_read()
const u64 old_pos = pos;
if (const u64 cur = (old_pos < entries.size() ? pos++ : old_pos); cur < entries.size())
return &entries[cur];
return nullptr;
// sys_fs_fcntl arg base class (left empty for PODness)
struct lv2_file_op
namespace vtable
struct lv2_file_op
// Speculation
vm::bptrb<vm::ptrb<void>(vm::ptrb<lv2_file_op>)> get_data;
vm::bptrb<u32(vm::ptrb<lv2_file_op>)> get_size;
vm::bptrb<void(vm::ptrb<lv2_file_op>)> _dtor1;
vm::bptrb<void(vm::ptrb<lv2_file_op>)> _dtor2;
// sys_fs_fcntl: read with offset, write with offset
struct lv2_file_op_rw : lv2_file_op
vm::bptrb<vtable::lv2_file_op> _vtable;
be_t<u32> op;
be_t<u32> _x8; // ???
be_t<u32> _xc; // ???
be_t<u32> fd; // File descriptor (3..255)
vm::bptrb<void> buf; // Buffer for data
be_t<u64> offset; // File offset
be_t<u64> size; // Access size
be_t<s32> out_code; // Op result
be_t<u64> out_size; // Size processed
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_op_rw, 0x38);
// sys_fs_fcntl: cellFsSdataOpenByFd
struct lv2_file_op_09 : lv2_file_op
vm::bptrb<vtable::lv2_file_op> _vtable;
be_t<u32> op;
be_t<u32> _x8;
be_t<u32> _xc;
be_t<u32> fd;
be_t<u64> offset;
be_t<u32> _vtabl2;
be_t<u32> arg1; // 0x180
be_t<u32> arg2; // 0x10
be_t<u32> arg_size; // 6th arg
be_t<u32> arg_ptr; // 5th arg
be_t<u32> _x34;
be_t<s32> out_code;
be_t<u32> out_fd;
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_op_09, 0x40);
struct lv2_file_e0000025 : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> size; // 0x30
be_t<u32> _x4; // 0x10
be_t<u32> _x8; // 0x28 - offset of out_code
be_t<u32> name_size;
vm::bcptr<char> name;
be_t<u32> _x14;
be_t<u32> _x18; // 0
be_t<u32> _x1c; // 0
be_t<u32> _x20; // 16
be_t<u32> _x24; // unk, seems to be memory location
be_t<u32> out_code; // out_code
be_t<u32> fd; // 0xffffffff - likely fd out
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_e0000025, 0x30);
// sys_fs_fnctl: cellFsGetDirectoryEntries
struct lv2_file_op_dir : lv2_file_op
struct dir_info : lv2_file_op
be_t<s32> _code; // Op result
be_t<u32> _size; // Number of entries written
vm::bptrb<CellFsDirectoryEntry> ptr;
be_t<u32> max;
CHECK_SIZE(dir_info, 0x10);
vm::bptrb<vtable::lv2_file_op> _vtable;
be_t<u32> op;
be_t<u32> _x8;
dir_info arg;
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_op_dir, 0x1c);
// sys_fs_fcntl: cellFsGetFreeSize (for dev_hdd0)
struct lv2_file_c0000002 : lv2_file_op
vm::bptrb<vtable::lv2_file_op> _vtable;
be_t<u32> op;
be_t<u32> _x8;
vm::bcptr<char> path;
be_t<u32> _x10; // 0
be_t<u32> _x14;
be_t<u32> out_code; // CELL_ENOSYS
be_t<u32> out_block_size;
be_t<u64> out_block_count;
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c0000002, 0x28);
// sys_fs_fcntl: unknown (called before cellFsOpen, for example)
struct lv2_file_c0000006 : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> size; // 0x20
be_t<u32> _x4; // 0x10
be_t<u32> _x8; // 0x18 - offset of out_code
be_t<u32> name_size;
vm::bcptr<char> name;
be_t<u32> _x14; // 0
be_t<u32> out_code; // 0x80010003
be_t<u32> out_id; // set to 0, may return 0x1b5
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c0000006, 0x20);
// sys_fs_fcntl: cellFsArcadeHddSerialNumber
struct lv2_file_c0000007 : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> out_code; // set to 0
vm::bcptr<char> device; // CELL_FS_IOS:ATA_HDD
be_t<u32> device_size; // 0x14
vm::bptr<char> model;
be_t<u32> model_size; // 0x29
vm::bptr<char> serial;
be_t<u32> serial_size; // 0x15
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c0000007, 0x1c);
struct lv2_file_c0000008 : lv2_file_op
u8 _x0[4];
be_t<u32> op; // 0xC0000008
u8 _x8[8];
be_t<u64> container_id;
be_t<u32> size;
be_t<u32> page_type; // 0x4000 for cellFsSetDefaultContainer
// 0x4000 | page_type given by user, valid values seem to be:
be_t<u32> out_code;
u8 _x24[4];
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c0000008, 0x28);
struct lv2_file_c0000015 : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> size; // 0x20
be_t<u32> _x4; // 0x10
be_t<u32> _x8; // 0x18 - offset of out_code
be_t<u32> path_size;
vm::bcptr<char> path;
be_t<u32> _x14; //
be_t<u16> vendorID;
be_t<u16> productID;
be_t<u32> out_code; // set to 0
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c0000015, 0x20);
struct lv2_file_c000001a : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> disc_retry_type; // CELL_FS_DISC_READ_RETRY_NONE results in a 0 here
// CELL_FS_DISC_READ_RETRY_DEFAULT results in a 0x63 here
be_t<u32> _x4; // 0
be_t<u32> _x8; // 0x000186A0
be_t<u32> _xC; // 0
be_t<u32> _x10; // 0
be_t<u32> _x14; // 0
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c000001a, 0x18);
struct lv2_file_c000001c : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> size; // 0x60
be_t<u32> _x4; // 0x10
be_t<u32> _x8; // 0x18 - offset of out_code
be_t<u32> path_size;
vm::bcptr<char> path;
be_t<u32> unk1;
be_t<u16> vendorID;
be_t<u16> productID;
be_t<u32> out_code; // set to 0
be_t<u16> serial[32];
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_c000001c, 0x60);
// sys_fs_fcntl: cellFsAllocateFileAreaWithoutZeroFill
struct lv2_file_e0000017 : lv2_file_op
be_t<u32> size; // 0x28
be_t<u32> _x4; // 0x10, offset
be_t<u32> _x8; // 0x20, offset
be_t<u32> _xc; // -
vm::bcptr<char> file_path;
be_t<u64> file_size;
be_t<u32> out_code;
CHECK_SIZE(lv2_file_e0000017, 0x28);
struct CellFsMountInfo
char mount_path[0x20]; // 0x0
char filesystem[0x20]; // 0x20
char dev_name[0x40]; // 0x40
be_t<u32> unk[5]; // 0x80, probably attributes
CHECK_SIZE(CellFsMountInfo, 0x94);
// Default IO container
struct default_sys_fs_container
shared_mutex mutex;
u32 id = 0;
u32 cap = 0;
u32 used = 0;
// Syscalls
error_code sys_fs_test(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 arg1, u32 arg2, vm::ptr<u32> arg3, u32 arg4, vm::ptr<char> buf, u32 buf_size);
error_code sys_fs_open(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 flags, vm::ptr<u32> fd, s32 mode, vm::cptr<void> arg, u64 size);
error_code sys_fs_read(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<void> buf, u64 nbytes, vm::ptr<u64> nread);
error_code sys_fs_write(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::cptr<void> buf, u64 nbytes, vm::ptr<u64> nwrite);
error_code sys_fs_close(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd);
error_code sys_fs_opendir(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::ptr<u32> fd);
error_code sys_fs_readdir(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsDirent> dir, vm::ptr<u64> nread);
error_code sys_fs_closedir(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd);
error_code sys_fs_stat(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::ptr<CellFsStat> sb);
error_code sys_fs_fstat(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsStat> sb);
error_code sys_fs_link(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> from, vm::cptr<char> to);
error_code sys_fs_mkdir(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 mode);
error_code sys_fs_rename(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> from, vm::cptr<char> to);
error_code sys_fs_rmdir(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path);
error_code sys_fs_unlink(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path);
error_code sys_fs_access(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 mode);
error_code sys_fs_fcntl(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, u32 op, vm::ptr<void> arg, u32 size);
error_code sys_fs_lseek(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, s64 offset, s32 whence, vm::ptr<u64> pos);
error_code sys_fs_fdatasync(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd);
error_code sys_fs_fsync(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd);
error_code sys_fs_fget_block_size(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<u64> sector_size, vm::ptr<u64> block_size, vm::ptr<u64> arg4, vm::ptr<s32> out_flags);
error_code sys_fs_get_block_size(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::ptr<u64> sector_size, vm::ptr<u64> block_size, vm::ptr<u64> arg4);
error_code sys_fs_truncate(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, u64 size);
error_code sys_fs_ftruncate(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, u64 size);
error_code sys_fs_symbolic_link(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> target, vm::cptr<char> linkpath);
error_code sys_fs_chmod(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 mode);
error_code sys_fs_chown(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 uid, s32 gid);
error_code sys_fs_disk_free(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::ptr<u64> total_free, vm::ptr<u64> avail_free);
error_code sys_fs_utime(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::cptr<CellFsUtimbuf> timep);
error_code sys_fs_acl_read(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::ptr<void>);
error_code sys_fs_acl_write(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, vm::ptr<void>);
error_code sys_fs_lsn_get_cda_size(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<u64> ptr);
error_code sys_fs_lsn_get_cda(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<void>, u64, vm::ptr<u64>);
error_code sys_fs_lsn_lock(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd);
error_code sys_fs_lsn_unlock(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd);
error_code sys_fs_lsn_read(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::cptr<void>, u64);
error_code sys_fs_lsn_write(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::cptr<void>, u64);
error_code sys_fs_mapped_allocate(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, u64, vm::pptr<void> out_ptr);
error_code sys_fs_mapped_free(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, vm::ptr<void> ptr);
error_code sys_fs_truncate2(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 fd, u64 size);
error_code sys_fs_newfs(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> dev_name, vm::cptr<char> file_system, s32 unk1, vm::cptr<char> str1);
error_code sys_fs_mount(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> dev_name, vm::cptr<char> file_system, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 unk1, s32 prot, s32 unk2, vm::cptr<char> str1, u32 str_len);
error_code sys_fs_unmount(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::cptr<char> path, s32 unk1, s32 force);
error_code sys_fs_get_mount_info_size(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::ptr<u64> len);
error_code sys_fs_get_mount_info(ppu_thread& ppu, vm::ptr<CellFsMountInfo> info, u64 len, vm::ptr<u64> out_len);