mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:14:49 +00:00
* Improve debugger * Added 'Step Over' functionality * Added special SPU pause functionality that pauses the SPU thread when the tag mask is at 0x80000000 by holding ctrl while pausing * Go to address dialog now evaluates expressions, including defined variables such as pc, r1, r2, etc * Requires QtScript to be linked with the project * Made the option to center shown addresses (Go to addr/pc) optional by making it an entry in the GUI ini config * Shown addresses now appear 'selected' * New keyboard shortcuts! - Ctrl+G -> Go to address - F10 -> Step Over - F11 -> Step (Into)
142 lines
3.3 KiB
142 lines
3.3 KiB
#pragma once
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/Memory.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "Emu/IdManager.h"
#include "Emu/CPU/CPUThread.h"
#include "Emu/CPU/CPUDisAsm.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/PPUThread.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/SPUThread.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/RawSPUThread.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/PPUDisAsm.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/SPUDisAsm.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/PPUInterpreter.h"
#include "custom_dock_widget.h"
#include "instruction_editor_dialog.h"
#include "register_editor_dialog.h"
#include "gui_settings.h"
#include <QListWidget>
#include <QPushButton>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QKeyEvent>
#include <QWheelEvent>
#include <QTimer>
#include <QTextEdit>
#include <QSplitter>
class debugger_list;
class debugger_frame : public custom_dock_widget
const QString NoThreadString = tr("No Thread");
const QString RunString = tr("Run");
const QString PauseString = tr("Pause");
debugger_list* m_list;
QSplitter* m_right_splitter;
QFont m_mono;
QTextEdit* m_regs;
QPushButton* m_go_to_addr;
QPushButton* m_go_to_pc;
QPushButton* m_btn_capture;
QPushButton* m_btn_step;
QPushButton* m_btn_step_over;
QPushButton* m_btn_run;
QComboBox* m_choice_units;
QString m_current_choice;
QTimer* m_update;
QSplitter* m_splitter;
QAction* m_breakpoints_list_delete;
u64 m_threads_created = 0;
u64 m_threads_deleted = 0;
u32 m_last_pc = -1;
u32 m_last_stat = 0;
u32 m_last_step_over_breakpoint = -1;
bool m_no_thread_selected = true;
std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> xgui_settings;
std::unique_ptr<CPUDisAsm> m_disasm;
QListWidget* m_breakpoints_list;
std::weak_ptr<cpu_thread> cpu;
explicit debugger_frame(std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> settings, QWidget *parent = 0);
void SaveSettings();
void ChangeColors();
void UpdateUI();
void UpdateUnitList();
u32 GetPc() const;
void DoUpdate();
void WriteRegs();
void EnableButtons(bool enable);
void ClearBreakpoints();
void ShowGotoAddressDialog();
u64 EvaluateExpression(const QString& expression);
void OnUpdate();
/** Override inherited method from Qt to allow signalling when close happened.*/
void closeEvent(QCloseEvent* event) override;
void showEvent(QShowEvent* event) override;
void hideEvent(QHideEvent* event) override;
void DebugFrameClosed();
public Q_SLOTS:
void DoStep(bool stepOver = false);
private Q_SLOTS:
void OnBreakpointList_doubleClicked();
void OnBreakpointList_rightClicked(const QPoint &pos);
void OnBreakpointList_delete();
void OnSelectUnit();
void Show_PC();
void EnableUpdateTimer(bool state);
class debugger_list : public QListWidget
debugger_frame* m_debugFrame;
u32 m_pc;
u32 m_item_count;
bool m_no_thread_selected;
QColor m_color_bp;
QColor m_color_pc;
QColor m_text_color_bp;
QColor m_text_color_pc;
bool m_center_shown_addresses;
debugger_list(debugger_frame* parent, std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> settings);
void ShowAddress(u32 addr);
void RemoveBreakPoint(u32 pc, bool eraseFromMap = true);
bool IsBreakPoint(u32 pc);
void AddBreakPoint(u32 pc);
u32 GetCenteredAddress(u32 address);
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event);
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent* event);
void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* event);
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event);