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582 lines
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#pragma once
#include "Emu/RSX/RSXFragmentProgram.h"
#include "Emu/RSX/RSXVertexProgram.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/vm.h"
#include "Utilities/GSL.h"
#include "Utilities/hash.h"
#include "Utilities/mutex.h"
#include <deque>
enum class SHADER_TYPE
namespace program_hash_util
// Based on
// https://github.com/AlexAltea/nucleus/blob/master/nucleus/gpu/rsx_pgraph.cpp
// TODO: eliminate it and implement independent hash utility
union qword
u64 dword[2];
u32 word[4];
struct vertex_program_utils
struct vertex_program_metadata
std::bitset<512> instruction_mask;
u32 ucode_length;
u32 referenced_textures_mask;
static size_t get_vertex_program_ucode_hash(const RSXVertexProgram &program);
static vertex_program_metadata analyse_vertex_program(const u32* data, u32 entry, RSXVertexProgram& dst_prog);
struct vertex_program_storage_hash
size_t operator()(const RSXVertexProgram &program) const;
struct vertex_program_compare
bool operator()(const RSXVertexProgram &binary1, const RSXVertexProgram &binary2) const;
struct fragment_program_utils
struct fragment_program_metadata
u32 program_start_offset;
u32 program_ucode_length;
u32 program_constants_buffer_length;
u16 referenced_textures_mask;
* returns true if the given source Operand is a constant
static bool is_constant(u32 sourceOperand);
static size_t get_fragment_program_ucode_size(void *ptr);
static fragment_program_metadata analyse_fragment_program(void *ptr);
static size_t get_fragment_program_ucode_hash(const RSXFragmentProgram &program);
struct fragment_program_storage_hash
size_t operator()(const RSXFragmentProgram &program) const;
struct fragment_program_compare
bool operator()(const RSXFragmentProgram &binary1, const RSXFragmentProgram &binary2) const;
* Cache for program help structure (blob, string...)
* The class is responsible for creating the object so the state only has to call getGraphicPipelineState
* Template argument is a struct which has the following type declaration :
* - a typedef VertexProgramData to a type that encapsulate vertex program info. It should provide an Id member.
* - a typedef FragmentProgramData to a types that encapsulate fragment program info. It should provide an Id member and a fragment constant offset vector.
* - a typedef PipelineData encapsulating monolithic program.
* - a typedef PipelineProperties to a type that encapsulate various state info relevant to program compilation (alpha test, primitive type,...)
* - a typedef ExtraData type that will be passed to the buildProgram function.
* It should also contains the following function member :
* - static void recompile_fragment_program(RSXFragmentProgram *RSXFP, FragmentProgramData& fragmentProgramData, size_t ID);
* - static void recompile_vertex_program(RSXVertexProgram *RSXVP, VertexProgramData& vertexProgramData, size_t ID);
* - static PipelineData build_program(VertexProgramData &vertexProgramData, FragmentProgramData &fragmentProgramData, const PipelineProperties &pipelineProperties, const ExtraData& extraData);
* - static void validate_pipeline_properties(const VertexProgramData &vertexProgramData, const FragmentProgramData &fragmentProgramData, PipelineProperties& props);
template<typename backend_traits>
class program_state_cache
using pipeline_storage_type = typename backend_traits::pipeline_storage_type;
using pipeline_properties = typename backend_traits::pipeline_properties;
using vertex_program_type = typename backend_traits::vertex_program_type;
using fragment_program_type = typename backend_traits::fragment_program_type;
using binary_to_vertex_program = std::unordered_map<RSXVertexProgram, vertex_program_type, program_hash_util::vertex_program_storage_hash, program_hash_util::vertex_program_compare> ;
using binary_to_fragment_program = std::unordered_map<RSXFragmentProgram, fragment_program_type, program_hash_util::fragment_program_storage_hash, program_hash_util::fragment_program_compare>;
struct pipeline_key
u32 vertex_program_id;
u32 fragment_program_id;
pipeline_properties properties;
struct pipeline_key_hash
size_t operator()(const pipeline_key &key) const
size_t hashValue = 0;
hashValue ^= rpcs3::hash_base<unsigned>(key.vertex_program_id);
hashValue ^= rpcs3::hash_base<unsigned>(key.fragment_program_id);
hashValue ^= rpcs3::hash_struct<pipeline_properties>(key.properties);
return hashValue;
struct pipeline_key_compare
bool operator()(const pipeline_key &key1, const pipeline_key &key2) const
return (key1.vertex_program_id == key2.vertex_program_id) && (key1.fragment_program_id == key2.fragment_program_id) && (key1.properties == key2.properties);
struct async_link_task_entry
const vertex_program_type& vp;
const fragment_program_type& fp;
pipeline_properties props;
async_link_task_entry(const vertex_program_type& _V, const fragment_program_type& _F, const pipeline_properties& _P)
: vp(_V), fp(_F), props(_P)
struct async_decompile_task_entry
RSXVertexProgram vp;
RSXFragmentProgram fp;
bool is_fp;
std::vector<u8> tmp_cache;
async_decompile_task_entry(const RSXVertexProgram& _V)
: vp(_V), is_fp(false)
async_decompile_task_entry(const RSXFragmentProgram& _F)
: fp(_F), is_fp(true)
std::memcpy(tmp_cache.data(), fp.addr, fp.ucode_length);
fp.addr = tmp_cache.data();
shared_mutex m_pipeline_mutex;
shared_mutex m_decompiler_mutex;
size_t m_next_id = 0;
bool m_cache_miss_flag; // Set if last lookup did not find any usable cached programs
bool m_program_compiled_flag; // Set if last lookup caused program to be linked
binary_to_vertex_program m_vertex_shader_cache;
binary_to_fragment_program m_fragment_shader_cache;
std::unordered_map <pipeline_key, pipeline_storage_type, pipeline_key_hash, pipeline_key_compare> m_storage;
std::unordered_map <pipeline_key, std::unique_ptr<async_link_task_entry>, pipeline_key_hash, pipeline_key_compare> m_link_queue;
std::deque<async_decompile_task_entry> m_decompile_queue;
vertex_program_type __null_vertex_program;
fragment_program_type __null_fragment_program;
pipeline_storage_type __null_pipeline_handle;
/// bool here to inform that the program was preexisting.
std::tuple<const vertex_program_type&, bool> search_vertex_program(const RSXVertexProgram& rsx_vp, bool force_load = true)
const auto& I = m_vertex_shader_cache.find(rsx_vp);
if (I != m_vertex_shader_cache.end())
return std::forward_as_tuple(I->second, true);
if (!force_load)
return std::forward_as_tuple(__null_vertex_program, false);
LOG_NOTICE(RSX, "VP not found in buffer!");
vertex_program_type& new_shader = m_vertex_shader_cache[rsx_vp];
backend_traits::recompile_vertex_program(rsx_vp, new_shader, m_next_id++);
return std::forward_as_tuple(new_shader, false);
/// bool here to inform that the program was preexisting.
std::tuple<const fragment_program_type&, bool> search_fragment_program(const RSXFragmentProgram& rsx_fp, bool force_load = true)
const auto& I = m_fragment_shader_cache.find(rsx_fp);
if (I != m_fragment_shader_cache.end())
return std::forward_as_tuple(I->second, true);
if (!force_load)
return std::forward_as_tuple(__null_fragment_program, false);
LOG_NOTICE(RSX, "FP not found in buffer!");
void* fragment_program_ucode_copy = malloc(rsx_fp.ucode_length);
std::memcpy(fragment_program_ucode_copy, rsx_fp.addr, rsx_fp.ucode_length);
RSXFragmentProgram new_fp_key = rsx_fp;
new_fp_key.addr = fragment_program_ucode_copy;
fragment_program_type &new_shader = m_fragment_shader_cache[new_fp_key];
backend_traits::recompile_fragment_program(rsx_fp, new_shader, m_next_id++);
return std::forward_as_tuple(new_shader, false);
struct program_buffer_patch_entry
u32 hex_key;
f32 fp_key;
u32 hex_value;
f32 fp_value;
program_buffer_patch_entry(f32& key, f32& value)
fp_key = key;
fp_value = value;
program_buffer_patch_entry(u32& key, u32& value)
hex_key = key;
hex_value = value;
bool test_and_set(f32 value, f32* dst) const
u32 hex = (u32&)value;
if ((hex & 0x7FFFFFFF) == (hex_key & 0x7FFFFFFF))
hex = (hex & ~0x7FFFFFF) | hex_value;
*dst = (f32&)hex;
return true;
return false;
std::unordered_map<f32, program_buffer_patch_entry> db;
void add(program_buffer_patch_entry& e)
db[e.fp_key] = e;
void add(f32& key, f32& value)
db[key] = { key, value };
void clear()
bool is_empty() const
return db.size() == 0;
program_state_cache() = default;
for (auto& pair : m_fragment_shader_cache)
const vertex_program_type& get_transform_program(const RSXVertexProgram& rsx_vp) const
auto I = m_vertex_shader_cache.find(rsx_vp);
if (I != m_vertex_shader_cache.end())
return I->second;
fmt::throw_exception("Trying to get unknown transform program" HERE);
const fragment_program_type& get_shader_program(const RSXFragmentProgram& rsx_fp) const
auto I = m_fragment_shader_cache.find(rsx_fp);
if (I != m_fragment_shader_cache.end())
return I->second;
fmt::throw_exception("Trying to get unknown shader program" HERE);
// Returns 2 booleans.
// First flag hints that there is more work to do (busy hint)
// Second flag is true if at least one program has been linked successfully (sync hint)
template<typename... Args>
std::pair<bool, bool> async_update(u32 max_decompile_count, Args&& ...args)
// Decompile shaders and link one pipeline object per 'run'
// NOTE: Linking is much slower than decompilation step, so always decompile at least 1 unit
// TODO: Use try_lock instead
bool busy = false;
u32 count = 0;
writer_lock lock(m_decompiler_mutex);
while (!m_decompile_queue.empty())
const auto& decompile_task = m_decompile_queue.front();
if (decompile_task.is_fp)
if (++count >= max_decompile_count)
// Allows configurable decompiler 'load'
// Smaller unit count will release locks faster
busy = true;
async_link_task_entry* link_entry;
pipeline_key key;
reader_lock lock(m_pipeline_mutex);
if (!m_link_queue.empty())
auto It = m_link_queue.begin();
link_entry = It->second.get();
key = It->first;
return { busy, false };
pipeline_storage_type pipeline = backend_traits::build_pipeline(link_entry->vp, link_entry->fp, link_entry->props, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
LOG_SUCCESS(RSX, "New program compiled successfully");
writer_lock lock(m_pipeline_mutex);
m_storage[key] = std::move(pipeline);
return { (busy || !m_link_queue.empty()), true };
template<typename... Args>
pipeline_storage_type& get_graphics_pipeline(
const RSXVertexProgram& vertexShader,
const RSXFragmentProgram& fragmentShader,
pipeline_properties& pipelineProperties,
bool allow_async,
Args&& ...args
const auto &vp_search = search_vertex_program(vertexShader, !allow_async);
const auto &fp_search = search_fragment_program(fragmentShader, !allow_async);
const bool already_existing_fragment_program = std::get<1>(fp_search);
const bool already_existing_vertex_program = std::get<1>(vp_search);
bool link_only = false;
m_cache_miss_flag = true;
m_program_compiled_flag = false;
if (!allow_async || (already_existing_vertex_program && already_existing_fragment_program))
const vertex_program_type &vertex_program = std::get<0>(vp_search);
const fragment_program_type &fragment_program = std::get<0>(fp_search);
backend_traits::validate_pipeline_properties(vertex_program, fragment_program, pipelineProperties);
pipeline_key key = { vertex_program.id, fragment_program.id, pipelineProperties };
const auto I = m_storage.find(key);
if (I != m_storage.end())
m_cache_miss_flag = false;
return I->second;
if (allow_async)
// Programs already exist, only linking required
link_only = true;
LOG_NOTICE(RSX, "Add program (vp id = %d, fp id = %d)", vertex_program.id, fragment_program.id);
m_program_compiled_flag = true;
pipeline_storage_type pipeline = backend_traits::build_pipeline(vertex_program, fragment_program, pipelineProperties, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
writer_lock lock(m_pipeline_mutex);
auto &rtn = m_storage[key] = std::move(pipeline);
LOG_SUCCESS(RSX, "New program compiled successfully");
return rtn;
verify(HERE), allow_async;
if (link_only)
const vertex_program_type &vertex_program = std::get<0>(vp_search);
const fragment_program_type &fragment_program = std::get<0>(fp_search);
pipeline_key key = { vertex_program.id, fragment_program.id, pipelineProperties };
reader_lock lock(m_pipeline_mutex);
if (m_link_queue.find(key) != m_link_queue.end())
// Already in queue
return __null_pipeline_handle;
LOG_NOTICE(RSX, "Add program (vp id = %d, fp id = %d)", vertex_program.id, fragment_program.id);
m_program_compiled_flag = true;
m_link_queue[key] = std::make_unique<async_link_task_entry>(vertex_program, fragment_program, pipelineProperties);
reader_lock lock(m_decompiler_mutex);
auto vertex_program_found = std::find_if(m_decompile_queue.begin(), m_decompile_queue.end(), [&](const auto& V)
if (V.is_fp) return false;
return program_hash_util::vertex_program_compare()(V.vp, vertexShader);
auto fragment_program_found = std::find_if(m_decompile_queue.begin(), m_decompile_queue.end(), [&](const auto& F)
if (!F.is_fp) return false;
return program_hash_util::fragment_program_compare()(F.fp, fragmentShader);
const bool add_vertex_program = (vertex_program_found == m_decompile_queue.end());
const bool add_fragment_program = (fragment_program_found == m_decompile_queue.end());
if (add_vertex_program)
if (add_fragment_program)
return __null_pipeline_handle;
size_t get_fragment_constants_buffer_size(const RSXFragmentProgram &fragmentShader) const
const auto I = m_fragment_shader_cache.find(fragmentShader);
if (I != m_fragment_shader_cache.end())
return I->second.FragmentConstantOffsetCache.size() * 4 * sizeof(float);
LOG_ERROR(RSX, "Can't retrieve constant offset cache");
return 0;
void fill_fragment_constants_buffer(gsl::span<f32, gsl::dynamic_range> dst_buffer, const RSXFragmentProgram &fragment_program, bool sanitize = false) const
const auto I = m_fragment_shader_cache.find(fragment_program);
if (I == m_fragment_shader_cache.end())
verify(HERE), (dst_buffer.size_bytes() >= ::narrow<int>(I->second.FragmentConstantOffsetCache.size()) * 16);
f32* dst = dst_buffer.data();
alignas(16) f32 tmp[4];
for (size_t offset_in_fragment_program : I->second.FragmentConstantOffsetCache)
char* data = (char*)fragment_program.addr + (u32)offset_in_fragment_program;
const __m128i vector = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)data);
const __m128i shuffled_vector = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(vector, 8), _mm_srli_epi16(vector, 8));
if (!patch_table.is_empty())
_mm_store_ps(tmp, _mm_castsi128_ps(shuffled_vector));
bool patched;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
patched = false;
for (auto& e : patch_table.db)
//TODO: Use fp comparison with fabsf without hurting performance
patched = e.second.test_and_set(tmp[i], &dst[i]);
if (patched)
if (!patched)
dst[i] = tmp[i];
else if (sanitize)
//Convert NaNs and Infs to 0
const auto masked = _mm_and_si128((__m128i&)shuffled_vector, _mm_set1_epi32(0x7fffffff));
const auto valid = _mm_cmplt_epi32(masked, _mm_set1_epi32(0x7f800000));
const auto result = _mm_and_si128((__m128i&)shuffled_vector, valid);
_mm_stream_si128((__m128i*)dst, (__m128i&)result);
_mm_stream_si128((__m128i*)dst, shuffled_vector);
dst += 4;
void clear()