2015-02-24 19:38:10 +03:00

461 lines
15 KiB

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Ini.h"
#include "Utilities/Log.h"
#include "Utilities/rFile.h"
#include "Emu/FS/vfsStream.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/Memory.h"
#include "ELF32.h"
#include "Emu/Cell/SPUThread.h"
#include "Emu/ARMv7/ARMv7Thread.h"
#include "Emu/ARMv7/ARMv7Decoder.h"
#include "Emu/ARMv7/PSVFuncList.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
extern void armv7_init_tls();
namespace loader
namespace handlers
handler::error_code elf32::init(vfsStream& stream)
m_ehdr = {};
error_code res = handler::init(stream);
if (res != ok)
return res;
m_stream->Read(&m_ehdr, sizeof(ehdr));
if (!m_ehdr.check())
return bad_file;
if (m_ehdr.data_le.e_phnum && (m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_phentsize : m_ehdr.data_be.e_phentsize) != sizeof(phdr))
return broken_file;
if (m_ehdr.data_le.e_shnum && (m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_shentsize : m_ehdr.data_be.e_shentsize) != sizeof(shdr))
return broken_file;
LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "m_ehdr.e_type = 0x%x", (u16)(m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_type : m_ehdr.data_be.e_type));
if (m_ehdr.data_le.e_phnum)
m_phdrs.resize(m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_phnum : m_ehdr.data_be.e_phnum);
m_stream->Seek(handler::get_stream_offset() + (m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_phoff : m_ehdr.data_be.e_phoff));
size_t size = (m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_phnum : m_ehdr.data_be.e_phnum) * sizeof(phdr);
if (m_stream->Read(m_phdrs.data(), size) != size)
return broken_file;
if (m_ehdr.data_le.e_shnum)
m_shdrs.resize(m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_shnum : m_ehdr.data_be.e_shnum);
m_stream->Seek(handler::get_stream_offset() + (m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_shoff : m_ehdr.data_be.e_shoff));
size_t size = (m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_shnum : m_ehdr.data_be.e_shnum) * sizeof(shdr);
if (m_stream->Read(m_shdrs.data(), size) != size)
return broken_file;
return ok;
handler::error_code elf32::load()
Elf_Machine machine;
switch (machine = (Elf_Machine)(u16)(m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_machine : m_ehdr.data_be.e_machine))
case MACHINE_MIPS: vm::psp::init(); break;
case MACHINE_ARM: vm::psv::init(); break;
case MACHINE_SPU: vm::ps3::init(); break;
return bad_version;
error_code res = load_data(0);
if (res != ok)
return res;
switch (machine)
case MACHINE_MIPS: break;
struct psv_libc_param_t
u32 size; // 0x0000001c
u32 unk1; // 0x00000000
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceLibcHeapSize;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceLibcHeapSizeDefault;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceLibcHeapExtendedAlloc;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceLibcHeapDelayedAlloc;
u32 unk2;
u32 unk3;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> __sce_libcmallocreplace;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> __sce_libcnewreplace;
struct psv_process_param_t
u32 size; // 0x00000030
u32 unk1; // 'PSP2'
u32 unk2; // 0x00000005
u32 unk3;
vm::psv::ptr<const char> sceUserMainThreadName;
vm::psv::ptr<s32> sceUserMainThreadPriority;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceUserMainThreadStackSize;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceUserMainThreadAttribute;
vm::psv::ptr<const char> sceProcessName;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sce_process_preload_disabled;
vm::psv::ptr<u32> sceUserMainThreadCpuAffinityMask;
vm::psv::ptr<psv_libc_param_t> __sce_libcparam;
auto armv7_thr_stop_data = vm::psv::ptr<u32>::make(Memory.PSV.RAM.AllocAlign(3 * 4));
armv7_thr_stop_data[0] = 0xf870; // HACK instruction (Thumb)
armv7_thr_stop_data[1] = SFI_HLE_RETURN;
u32 entry = 0; // actual entry point (ELFs entry point is ignored)
u32 fnid_addr = 0;
u32 code_start = 0;
u32 code_end = 0;
u32 vnid_addr = 0;
std::unordered_map<u32, u32> vnid_list;
auto proc_param = vm::psv::ptr<psv_process_param_t>::make(0);
for (auto& shdr : m_shdrs)
// get secton name
//auto name = vm::psv::ptr<const char>::make(sname_base + shdr.data_le.sh_name);
m_stream->Seek(handler::get_stream_offset() + m_shdrs[m_ehdr.data_le.e_shstrndx].data_le.sh_offset + shdr.data_le.sh_name);
std::string name;
while (!m_stream->Eof())
char c;
m_stream->Read(&c, 1);
if (c == 0) break;
if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".text"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".text analysis...");
code_start = shdr.data_le.sh_addr;
code_end = shdr.data_le.sh_size + code_start;
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceExport.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceExport.rodata analysis...");
auto enid = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr);
auto edata = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(enid.addr() + shdr.data_le.sh_size / 2);
for (u32 j = 0; j < shdr.data_le.sh_size / 8; j++)
switch (const u32 nid = enid[j])
case 0x935cd196: // set entry point
entry = edata[j];
case 0x6c2224ba: // __sce_moduleinfo
// currently nothing, but it should theoretically be the root of analysis instead of section name comparison
case 0x70fba1e7: // __sce_process_param
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unknown export 0x%08x (addr=0x%08x)", nid, edata[j]);
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceFNID.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceFNID.rodata analysis...");
fnid_addr = shdr.data_le.sh_addr;
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceFStub.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceFStub.rodata analysis...");
if (!fnid_addr)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, ".sceFNID.rodata address not found, unable to process imports");
auto fnid = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(fnid_addr);
auto fstub = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr);
for (u32 j = 0; j < shdr.data_le.sh_size / 4; j++)
const u32 nid = fnid[j];
const u32 addr = fstub[j];
u32 index;
if (auto func = get_psv_func_by_nid(nid, &index))
if (func->module)
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Imported function '%s' in module '%s' (nid=0x%08x, addr=0x%x)", func->name, func->module->GetName(), nid, addr);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Imported function '%s' (nid=0x%08x, addr=0x%x)", func->name, nid, addr);
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unknown function 0x%08x (addr=0x%x)", nid, addr);
// TODO: set correct name if possible
index = add_psv_func(psv_func(nid, 0, nullptr, "UNKNOWN", nullptr));
vm::psv::write32(addr, 0xe0700090 | (index & 0xfff0) << 4 | (index & 0xf)); // HACK instruction (ARM)
code_end = std::min<u32>(addr, code_end);
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceVNID.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceVNID.rodata analysis...");
vnid_addr = shdr.data_le.sh_addr;
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceVStub.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceVStub.rodata analysis...");
if (!vnid_addr)
if (shdr.data_le.sh_size)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, ".sceVNID.rodata address not found, unable to process imports");
auto vnid = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(vnid_addr);
auto vstub = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr);
for (u32 j = 0; j < shdr.data_le.sh_size / 4; j++)
const u32 nid = vnid[j];
const u32 addr = vstub[j];
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unknown object 0x%08x (ref_addr=0x%x)", nid, addr);
// TODO: find imported object (vtable, typeinfo or something), assign it to vnid_list[addr]
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".tbss"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".tbss analysis...");
const u32 img_addr = shdr.data_le.sh_addr; // start address of TLS initialization image
const u32 img_size = (&shdr)[1].data_le.sh_addr - img_addr; // calculate its size as the difference between sections
const u32 tls_size = shdr.data_le.sh_size; // full size of TLS
LOG_WARNING(LOADER, "TLS: img_addr=0x%08x, img_size=0x%x, tls_size=0x%x", img_addr, img_size, tls_size);
Emu.SetTLSData(img_addr, img_size, tls_size);
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceRefs.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceRefs.rodata analysis...");
u32 data = 0;
for (auto code = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr); code.addr() < shdr.data_le.sh_addr + shdr.data_le.sh_size; code++)
switch (*code)
case 0x000000ff: // save address for future use
data = *++code;
case 0x0000002f: // movw r*,# instruction is replaced
if (!data) // probably, imported object
auto found = vnid_list.find(code.addr());
if (found != vnid_list.end())
data = found->second;
if (!data)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, ".sceRefs: movw writing failed (ref_addr=0x%x, addr=0x%x)", code, code[1]);
else //if (Ini.HLELogging.GetValue())
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceRefs: movw written at 0x%x (ref_addr=0x%x, data=0x%x)", code[1], code, data);
const u32 addr = *++code;
vm::psv::write16(addr + 0, vm::psv::read16(addr + 0) | (data & 0x800) >> 1 | (data & 0xf000) >> 12);
vm::psv::write16(addr + 2, vm::psv::read16(addr + 2) | (data & 0x700) << 4 | (data & 0xff));
case 0x00000030: // movt r*,# instruction is replaced
if (!data)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, ".sceRefs: movt writing failed (ref_addr=0x%x, addr=0x%x)", code, code[1]);
else //if (Ini.HLELogging.GetValue())
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceRefs: movt written at 0x%x (ref_addr=0x%x, data=0x%x)", code[1], code, data);
const u32 addr = *++code;
vm::psv::write16(addr + 0, vm::psv::read16(addr + 0) | (data & 0x8000000) >> 17 | (data & 0xf0000000) >> 28);
vm::psv::write16(addr + 2, vm::psv::read16(addr + 2) | (data & 0x7000000) >> 12 | (data & 0xff0000) >> 16);
case 0x00000000:
data = 0;
if (Ini.HLELogging.GetValue())
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceRefs: zero code found");
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unknown code in .sceRefs section (0x%08x)", *code);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "__sce_process_param(addr=0x%x) analysis...", proc_param);
if (proc_param->size != 0x30 || proc_param->unk1 != *(u32*)"PSP2" || proc_param->unk2 != 5)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "__sce_process_param: unexpected data found (size=0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)", proc_param->size, proc_param->unk1, proc_param->unk2, proc_param->unk3);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceUserMainThreadName = 0x%x", proc_param->sceUserMainThreadName);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceUserMainThreadPriority = 0x%x", proc_param->sceUserMainThreadPriority);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceUserMainThreadStackSize = 0x%x", proc_param->sceUserMainThreadStackSize);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceUserMainThreadAttribute = 0x%x", proc_param->sceUserMainThreadAttribute);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceProcessName = 0x%x", proc_param->sceProcessName);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sce_process_preload_disabled = 0x%x", proc_param->sce_process_preload_disabled);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceUserMainThreadCpuAffinityMask = 0x%x", proc_param->sceUserMainThreadCpuAffinityMask);
auto libc_param = proc_param->__sce_libcparam;
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "__sce_libcparam(addr=0x%x) analysis...", libc_param);
if (libc_param->size != 0x1c || libc_param->unk1)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "__sce_libcparam: unexpected data found (size=0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)", libc_param->size, libc_param->unk1, libc_param->unk2);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceLibcHeapSize = 0x%x", libc_param->sceLibcHeapSize);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceLibcHeapSizeDefault = 0x%x", libc_param->sceLibcHeapSizeDefault);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceLibcHeapExtendedAlloc = 0x%x", libc_param->sceLibcHeapExtendedAlloc);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "*** &sceLibcHeapDelayedAlloc = 0x%x", libc_param->sceLibcHeapDelayedAlloc);
armv7_decoder_initialize(code_start, code_end);
const std::string& thread_name = proc_param->sceUserMainThreadName ? proc_param->sceUserMainThreadName.get_ptr() : "main_thread";
const u32 stack_size = proc_param->sceUserMainThreadStackSize ? *proc_param->sceUserMainThreadStackSize : 256 * 1024;
const u32 priority = proc_param->sceUserMainThreadPriority ? *proc_param->sceUserMainThreadPriority : 160;
armv7_thread(entry, thread_name, stack_size, priority).args({ Emu.GetPath(), "-emu" }).run();
case MACHINE_SPU: spu_thread(m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_entry : m_ehdr.data_be.e_entry, "main_thread").args({ Emu.GetPath()/*, "-emu"*/ }).run(); break;
return ok;
handler::error_code elf32::load_data(u32 offset, bool skip_writeable)
Elf_Machine machine = (Elf_Machine)(u16)(m_ehdr.is_le() ? m_ehdr.data_le.e_machine : m_ehdr.data_be.e_machine);
for (auto &phdr : m_phdrs)
u32 memsz = m_ehdr.is_le() ? phdr.data_le.p_memsz : phdr.data_be.p_memsz;
u32 filesz = m_ehdr.is_le() ? phdr.data_le.p_filesz : phdr.data_be.p_filesz;
u32 vaddr = offset + (m_ehdr.is_le() ? phdr.data_le.p_vaddr : phdr.data_be.p_vaddr);
u32 offset = m_ehdr.is_le() ? phdr.data_le.p_offset : phdr.data_be.p_offset;
switch (m_ehdr.is_le() ? phdr.data_le.p_type : phdr.data_be.p_type)
case 0x00000001: //LOAD
if (phdr.data_le.p_memsz)
if (machine == MACHINE_ARM && !Memory.PSV.RAM.AllocFixed(vaddr, memsz))
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "%s(): AllocFixed(0x%llx, 0x%x) failed", __FUNCTION__, vaddr, memsz);
return loading_error;
if (skip_writeable == true && (phdr.data_be.p_flags & 2/*PF_W*/) != 0)
if (filesz)
m_stream->Seek(handler::get_stream_offset() + offset);
m_stream->Read(vm::get_ptr(vaddr), filesz);
return ok;