mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 10:21:21 +00:00
916 lines
20 KiB
916 lines
20 KiB
#include "StrFmt.h"
#include "StrUtil.h"
#include "cfmt.h"
#include "util/endian.hpp"
#include "util/logs.hpp"
#include "util/v128.hpp"
#include <locale>
#include <codecvt>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string_view>
#include "Thread.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <Windows.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
#elif defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
std::string wchar_to_utf8(std::wstring_view src)
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string utf8_string;
const int size = ::narrow<int>(src.size());
const auto tmp_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, src.data(), size, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, src.data(), size, utf8_string.data(), tmp_size, nullptr, nullptr);
return utf8_string;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>, wchar_t> converter{};
return converter.to_bytes(src.data());
std::string utf16_to_utf8(std::u16string_view src)
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t> converter{};
return converter.to_bytes(src.data());
std::u16string utf8_to_utf16(std::string_view src)
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<char16_t>, char16_t> converter{};
return converter.from_bytes(src.data());
std::wstring utf8_to_wchar(std::string_view src)
#ifdef _WIN32
std::wstring wchar_string;
const int size = ::narrow<int>(src.size());
const auto tmp_size = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, src.data(), size, nullptr, 0);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, src.data(), size, wchar_string.data(), tmp_size);
return wchar_string;
std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t>, wchar_t> converter{};
return converter.from_bytes(src.data());
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#elif defined(__clang__)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string fmt::win_error_to_string(unsigned long error, void* module_handle)
std::string message;
LPWSTR message_buffer = nullptr;
module_handle, error, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPWSTR>(&message_buffer), 0, nullptr))
message = fmt::format("%s (0x%x)", fmt::trim(wchar_to_utf8(message_buffer), " \t\n\r\f\v"), error);
message = fmt::format("0x%x", error);
if (message_buffer)
return message;
std::string fmt::win_error_to_string(const fmt::win_error& error)
return fmt::win_error_to_string(error.error, error.module_handle);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<fmt::win_error>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%s", fmt::win_error_to_string(get_object(arg)));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::pair<const fmt_type_info*, u64>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
// Dynamic format arg
const auto& pair = get_object(arg);
if (pair.first)
pair.first->fmt_string(out, pair.second);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<fmt::base57>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const auto& _arg = get_object(arg);
if (_arg.data && _arg.size)
// Precomputed tail sizes if input data is not multiple of 8
static constexpr u8 s_tail[8] = {0, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10};
// Get full output size
const usz out_size = _arg.size / 8 * 11 + s_tail[_arg.size % 8];
out.resize(out.size() + out_size);
const auto ptr = &out.front() + (out.size() - out_size);
// Each 8 bytes of input data produce 11 bytes of base57 output
for (usz i = 0, p = 0; i < _arg.size; i += 8, p += 11)
// Load up to 8 bytes
be_t<u64> be_value;
if (_arg.size - i < sizeof(be_value))
std::memset(&be_value, 0, sizeof(be_value));
std::memcpy(&be_value, _arg.data + i, _arg.size - i);
std::memcpy(&be_value, _arg.data + i, sizeof(be_value));
u64 value = be_value;
for (int j = 10; j >= 0; j--)
if (p + j < out_size)
ptr[p + j] = "0123456789ACEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"[value % 57];
value /= 57;
fmt::base57_result fmt::base57_result::from_string(std::string_view str)
fmt::base57_result result(str.size() / 11 * 8 + (str.size() % 11 ? 8 : 0));
// Each 11 chars of input produces 8 bytes of byte output
for (usz i = 0, p = 0; i < result.size; i += 8, p += 11)
// Load up to 8 bytes
const std::string_view be_value = str.substr(p);
be_t<u64> value = 0;
for (u64 j = 10, multiplier = 0; j != umax; j--)
if (multiplier == 0)
multiplier = 1;
// Do it first to avoid overflow
multiplier *= 57;
if (j < be_value.size())
auto to_val = [](u8 c) -> u64
if (std::isdigit(c))
return c - '0';
if (std::isupper(c))
// Omitted characters
if (c == 'B' || c == 'D' || c == 'I' || c == 'O')
return umax;
if (c > 'O')
c -= 4;
else if (c > 'I')
c -= 3;
else if (c > 'D')
c -= 2;
else if (c > 'B')
return c - 'A' + 10;
if (std::islower(c))
// Omitted characters
if (c == 'l')
return umax;
if (c > 'l')
return c - 'a' + 10 + 22;
return umax;
const u64 res = to_val(be_value[j]);
if (res == umax)
// Invalid input character
result = {};
if (u64{umax} / multiplier < res)
// Overflow
result = {};
const u64 addend = res * multiplier;
if (~value < addend)
// Overflow
result = {};
value += addend;
if (!result.size)
if (result.size - i < sizeof(value))
std::memcpy(result.memory.get() + i, &value, result.size - i);
std::memcpy(result.memory.get() + i, &value, sizeof(value));
return result;
void fmt_class_string<const void*>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%p", arg);
void fmt_class_string<const char*>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
if (arg)
out += reinterpret_cast<const char*>(arg);
out += "(NULLSTR)";
void fmt_class_string<const wchar_t*>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += wchar_to_utf8(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::string>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::string_view>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::vector<char>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::vector<char>& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::u8string>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::u8string& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::u8string_view>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::u8string_view& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::vector<char8_t>>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::vector<char8_t>& obj = get_object(arg);
out.append(obj.cbegin(), obj.cend());
template <>
void fmt_class_string<fmt::buf_to_hexstring>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const auto& _arg = get_object(arg);
const std::vector<u8> buf(_arg.buf, _arg.buf + _arg.len);
out.reserve(out.size() + (buf.size() * 3));
static constexpr char hex[16] = {'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'};
const bool use_linebreak = _arg.line_length > 0;
for (usz index = 0; index < buf.size(); index++)
if (index > 0)
if (use_linebreak && (index % _arg.line_length) == 0)
out += '\n';
out += ' ';
if (_arg.with_prefix)
out += "0x";
out += hex[buf[index] >> 4];
out += hex[buf[index] & 15];
void format_byte_array(std::string& out, const uchar* data, usz size)
if (!size)
out += "{ EMPTY }";
out += "{ ";
for (usz i = 0;; i++)
if (i == size - 1)
fmt::append(out, "%02X", data[i]);
if ((i % 4) == 3)
// Place a comma each 4 bytes for ease of byte placement finding
fmt::append(out, "%02X, ", data[i]);
fmt::append(out, "%02X ", data[i]);
out += " }";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<char>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hhx", static_cast<char>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<uchar>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hhx", static_cast<uchar>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<schar>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hhx", static_cast<schar>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<short>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hx", static_cast<short>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<ushort>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#hx", static_cast<ushort>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<int>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#x", static_cast<int>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<uint>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#x", static_cast<uint>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<long>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#lx", static_cast<long>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<ulong>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#lx", static_cast<ulong>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<llong>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#llx", static_cast<llong>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<ullong>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%#llx", static_cast<ullong>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<float>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%gf", static_cast<float>(std::bit_cast<f64>(arg)));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<double>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
fmt::append(out, "%g", std::bit_cast<f64>(arg));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<bool>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += arg ? "true" : "false";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<b8>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
out += get_object(arg) ? "true" : "false";
template <>
void fmt_class_string<v128>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const v128& vec = get_object(arg);
fmt::append(out, "0x%016llx%016llx", vec._u64[1], vec._u64[0]);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<u128>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
// TODO: it should be supported as full-fledged integral type (with %u, %d, etc, fmt)
const u128& num = get_object(arg);
if (!num)
out += '0';
#ifdef _MSC_VER
fmt::append(out, "0x%016llx%016llx", num.hi, num.lo);
fmt::append(out, "0x%016llx%016llx", static_cast<u64>(num >> 64), static_cast<u64>(num));
template <>
void fmt_class_string<s128>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
return fmt_class_string<u128>::format(out, arg);
template <>
void fmt_class_string<std::source_location>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
const std::source_location& loc = get_object(arg);
auto is_valid = [](auto num)
return num && num != umax;
const bool has_line = is_valid(loc.line());
if (has_line && is_valid(loc.column()))
fmt::append(out, "\n(in file %s:%u[:%u]", loc.file_name(), loc.line(), loc.column());
else if (has_line)
fmt::append(out, "\n(in file %s:%u", loc.file_name(), loc.line());
// Let's not care about such useless corner cases
// else if (is_valid(loc.column())
fmt::append(out, "\n(in file %s", loc.file_name());
if (std::string_view full_func{loc.function_name() ? loc.function_name() : ""}; !full_func.empty())
// Remove useless disambiguators
std::string func = fmt::replace_all(std::string(full_func), {
{"struct ", ""},
{"class ", ""},
{"enum ", ""},
{"typename ", ""},
#ifdef _MSC_VER
{"__cdecl ", ""},
{"unsigned long long", "ullong"},
//{"unsigned long", "ulong"}, // ullong
{"unsigned int", "uint"},
{"unsigned short", "ushort"},
{"unsigned char", "uchar"}});
// Remove function argument signature for long names
for (usz index = func.find_first_of('('); index != umax && func.size() >= 100u; index = func.find_first_of('(', index))
// Operator() function
if (func.compare(0, 3, "()("sv) == 0 || func.compare(0, 3, "() "sv))
if (usz not_space = func.find_first_not_of(' ', index + 2); not_space != umax && func[not_space] == '(')
index += 2;
func = func.substr(0, index) + "()";
fmt::append(out, ", in function '%s')", func);
out += ')';
// Print error code (may be irrelevant)
#ifdef _WIN32
if (DWORD error = GetLastError())
fmt::append(out, " (error=%s)", error, fmt::win_error_to_string(error));
if (int error = errno)
fmt::append(out, " (errno=%d=%s)", error, strerror(errno));
namespace fmt
[[noreturn]] void raw_verify_error(std::source_location loc, const char8_t* msg, usz object)
std::string out;
fmt::append(out, "%s (object: 0x%x)%s", msg ? msg : u8"Verification failed", object, loc);
[[noreturn]] void raw_range_error(std::source_location loc, std::string_view index, usz container_size)
std::string out;
if (container_size != umax)
fmt::append(out, "Range check failed (index: %s, container_size: %u)%s", index, container_size, loc);
fmt::append(out, "Range check failed (index: %s)%s", index, loc);
[[noreturn]] void raw_range_error(std::source_location loc, usz index, usz container_size)
std::string out;
if (container_size != umax)
fmt::append(out, "Range check failed (index: %u, container_size: %u)%s", index, container_size, loc);
fmt::append(out, "Range check failed (index: %u)%s", index, loc);
[[noreturn]] void raw_throw_exception(std::source_location loc, const char* fmt, const fmt_type_info* sup, const u64* args)
std::string out;
raw_append(out, fmt, sup, args);
fmt::append(out, "%s", loc);
struct cfmt_src;
// Temporary implementation
struct fmt::cfmt_src
const fmt_type_info* sup;
const u64* args;
bool test(usz index) const
if (!sup[index].fmt_string)
return false;
return true;
template <typename T>
T get(usz index) const
T res{};
std::memcpy(&res, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(args + index), sizeof(res));
return res;
void skip(usz extra)
sup += extra + 1;
args += extra + 1;
usz fmt_string(std::string& out, usz extra) const
const usz start = out.size();
sup[extra].fmt_string(out, args[extra]);
return out.size() - start;
// Returns type size (0 if unknown, pointer, unsigned, assumed max)
usz type(usz extra) const
// Hack: use known function pointers to determine type
#define TYPE(type) \
if (sup[extra].fmt_string == &fmt_class_string<type>::format) return sizeof(type);
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<char>) TYPE(char);
#undef TYPE
if (sup[extra].fmt_string == &fmt_class_string<u128>::format)
return -1;
return 0;
static constexpr usz size_char = 1;
static constexpr usz size_short = 2;
static constexpr usz size_int = 0;
static constexpr usz size_long = sizeof(ulong);
static constexpr usz size_llong = sizeof(ullong);
static constexpr usz size_size = sizeof(usz);
static constexpr usz size_max = sizeof(std::uintmax_t);
static constexpr usz size_diff = sizeof(std::ptrdiff_t);
void fmt::raw_append(std::string& out, const char* fmt, const fmt_type_info* sup, const u64* args) noexcept
cfmt_append(out, fmt, cfmt_src{sup, args});
std::string fmt::replace_all(std::string_view src, std::string_view from, std::string_view to, usz count)
std::string target;
target.reserve(src.size() + to.size());
for (usz i = 0, replaced = 0; i < src.size();)
const usz pos = src.find(from, i);
if (pos == umax || replaced++ >= count)
// No match or too many encountered, append the rest of the string as is
// Append source until the matched string position
target.append(src.substr(i, pos - i));
// Replace string
i = pos + from.size();
return target;
std::vector<std::string> fmt::split(std::string_view source, std::initializer_list<std::string_view> separators, bool is_skip_empty)
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (usz index = 0; index < source.size();)
usz pos = -1;
usz sep_size = 0;
for (auto& separator : separators)
if (usz pos0 = source.find(separator, index); pos0 < pos)
pos = pos0;
sep_size = separator.size();
if (!sep_size)
result.emplace_back(&source[index], source.size() - index);
return result;
std::string_view piece = {&source[index], pos - index};
index = pos + sep_size;
if (piece.empty() && is_skip_empty)
if (result.empty() && !is_skip_empty)
return result;
std::string fmt::trim(const std::string& source, std::string_view values)
const usz begin = source.find_first_not_of(values);
if (begin == source.npos)
return {};
return source.substr(begin, source.find_last_not_of(values) + 1);
std::string fmt::trim_front(const std::string& source, std::string_view values)
const usz begin = source.find_first_not_of(values);
if (begin == source.npos)
return {};
return source.substr(begin);
void fmt::trim_back(std::string& source, std::string_view values)
const usz index = source.find_last_not_of(values);
source.resize(index + 1);
std::string fmt::to_upper(std::string_view string)
std::string result;
std::transform(string.begin(), string.end(), result.begin(), ::toupper);
return result;
std::string fmt::to_lower(std::string_view string)
std::string result;
std::transform(string.begin(), string.end(), result.begin(), ::tolower);
return result;
std::string fmt::truncate(std::string_view src, usz length)
return std::string(src.begin(), src.begin() + std::min(src.size(), length));
bool fmt::match(const std::string& source, const std::string& mask)
usz source_position = 0, mask_position = 0;
for (; source_position < source.size() && mask_position < mask.size(); ++mask_position, ++source_position)
switch (mask[mask_position])
case '?': break;
case '*':
for (usz test_source_position = source_position; test_source_position < source.size(); ++test_source_position)
if (match(source.substr(test_source_position), mask.substr(mask_position + 1)))
return true;
return false;
if (source[source_position] != mask[mask_position])
return false;
if (source_position != source.size())
return false;
if (mask_position != mask.size())
return false;
return true;
std::string get_file_extension(const std::string& file_path)
if (usz dotpos = file_path.find_last_of('.'); dotpos != std::string::npos && dotpos + 1 < file_path.size())
return file_path.substr(dotpos + 1);
return {};