#include "bin_patch.h" #include "File.h" #include "Config.h" #include "version.h" LOG_CHANNEL(patch_log); static const std::string patch_engine_version = "1.1"; static const std::string yml_key_enable_legacy_patches = "Enable Legacy Patches"; template <> void fmt_class_string::format(std::string& out, u64 arg) { format_enum(out, arg, [](YAML::NodeType::value value) { switch (value) { case YAML::NodeType::Undefined: return "Undefined"; case YAML::NodeType::Null: return "Null"; case YAML::NodeType::Scalar: return "Scalar"; case YAML::NodeType::Sequence: return "Sequence"; case YAML::NodeType::Map: return "Map"; } return unknown; }); } template <> void fmt_class_string::format(std::string& out, u64 arg) { format_enum(out, arg, [](patch_type value) { switch (value) { case patch_type::invalid: return "invalid"; case patch_type::load: return "load"; case patch_type::byte: return "byte"; case patch_type::le16: return "le16"; case patch_type::le32: return "le32"; case patch_type::le64: return "le64"; case patch_type::bef32: return "bef32"; case patch_type::bef64: return "bef64"; case patch_type::be16: return "be16"; case patch_type::be32: return "be32"; case patch_type::be64: return "be64"; case patch_type::lef32: return "lef32"; case patch_type::lef64: return "lef64"; } return unknown; }); } patch_engine::patch_engine() { const std::string patches_path = fs::get_config_dir() + "patches/"; if (!fs::create_path(patches_path)) { patch_log.fatal("Failed to create path: %s (%s)", patches_path, fs::g_tls_error); } } std::string patch_engine::get_patch_config_path() { #ifdef _WIN32 return fs::get_config_dir() + "config/patch_config.yml"; #else return fs::get_config_dir() + "patch_config.yml"; #endif } std::string patch_engine::get_imported_patch_path() { return fs::get_config_dir() + "patches/imported_patch.yml"; } static void append_log_message(std::stringstream* log_messages, const std::string& message) { if (log_messages) *log_messages << message << std::endl; }; bool patch_engine::load(patch_map& patches_map, const std::string& path, bool importing, std::stringstream* log_messages) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Reading file %s", path)); // Load patch file fs::file file{ path }; if (!file) { // Do nothing return true; } // Interpret yaml nodes auto [root, error] = yaml_load(file.to_string()); if (!error.empty() || !root) { append_log_message(log_messages, "Fatal Error: Failed to load file!"); patch_log.fatal("Failed to load patch file %s:\n%s", path, error); return false; } // Load patch config to determine which patches are enabled bool enable_legacy_patches; patch_config_map patch_config; if (!importing) { patch_config = load_config(enable_legacy_patches); } std::string version; bool is_legacy_patch = false; if (const auto version_node = root["Version"]) { version = version_node.Scalar(); if (version != patch_engine_version) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Error: Patch engine target version %s does not match file version %s", patch_engine_version, version)); patch_log.error("Patch engine target version %s does not match file version %s in %s", patch_engine_version, version, path); return false; } append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Patch file version: %s", version)); // We don't need the Version node in local memory anymore root.remove("Version"); } else if (importing) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Error: Patch engine target version %s does not match file version %s", patch_engine_version, version)); patch_log.error("Patch engine version %s: No 'Version' entry found for file %s", patch_engine_version, path); return false; } else { patch_log.warning("Patch engine version %s: Reading legacy patch file %s", patch_engine_version, path); is_legacy_patch = true; } bool is_valid = true; // Go through each main key in the file for (auto pair : root) { const auto& main_key = pair.first.Scalar(); // Use old logic and yaml layout if this is a legacy patch if (is_legacy_patch) { struct patch_info info{}; info.hash = main_key; info.enabled = enable_legacy_patches; info.is_legacy = true; info.source_path = path; if (!read_patch_node(info, pair.second, root, log_messages)) { is_valid = false; } // Find or create an entry matching the key/hash in our map auto& container = patches_map[main_key]; container.hash = main_key; container.is_legacy = true; container.patch_info_map["legacy"] = info; continue; } // Use new logic and yaml layout if (const auto yml_type = pair.second.Type(); yml_type != YAML::NodeType::Map) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Error: Skipping key %s: expected Map, found %s", main_key, yml_type)); patch_log.error("Skipping key %s: expected Map, found %s (file: %s)", main_key, yml_type, path); is_valid = false; continue; } // Skip Anchors if (main_key == "Anchors") { continue; } if (const auto patches_node = pair.second["Patches"]) { if (const auto yml_type = patches_node.Type(); yml_type != YAML::NodeType::Map) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Error: Skipping Patches: expected Map, found %s (key: %s)", yml_type, main_key)); patch_log.error("Skipping Patches: expected Map, found %s (key: %s, file: %s)", yml_type, main_key, path); is_valid = false; continue; } // Find or create an entry matching the key/hash in our map auto& container = patches_map[main_key]; container.is_legacy = false; container.hash = main_key; container.version = version; // Go through each patch for (auto patches_entry : patches_node) { // Each key in "Patches" is also the patch description const std::string description = patches_entry.first.Scalar(); // Find out if this patch was enabled in the patch config const bool enabled = patch_config[main_key][description]; // Compile patch information if (const auto yml_type = patches_entry.second.Type(); yml_type != YAML::NodeType::Map) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Error: Skipping Patch key %s: expected Map, found %s (key: %s)", description, yml_type, main_key)); patch_log.error("Skipping Patch key %s: expected Map, found %s (key: %s, file: %s)", description, yml_type, main_key, path); is_valid = false; continue; } struct patch_info info {}; info.enabled = enabled; info.description = description; info.hash = main_key; info.version = version; info.source_path = path; if (const auto title_node = patches_entry.second["Game Title"]) { info.title = title_node.Scalar(); } if (const auto serials_node = patches_entry.second["Serials"]) { info.serials = serials_node.Scalar(); } if (const auto author_node = patches_entry.second["Author"]) { info.author = author_node.Scalar(); } if (const auto patch_version_node = patches_entry.second["Patch Version"]) { info.patch_version = patch_version_node.Scalar(); } if (const auto notes_node = patches_entry.second["Notes"]) { info.notes = notes_node.Scalar(); } if (const auto patch_node = patches_entry.second["Patch"]) { if (!read_patch_node(info, patch_node, root, log_messages)) { is_valid = false; } } // Skip this patch if a higher patch version already exists if (container.patch_info_map.find(description) != container.patch_info_map.end()) { bool ok; const auto existing_version = container.patch_info_map[description].patch_version; const bool version_is_bigger = utils::compare_versions(info.patch_version, existing_version, ok) > 0; if (!ok || !version_is_bigger) { patch_log.warning("A higher or equal patch version already exists ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s (in file %s)", info.patch_version, existing_version, main_key, description, path); append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("A higher or equal patch version already exists ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s (in file %s)", info.patch_version, existing_version, main_key, description, path)); continue; } else if (!importing) { patch_log.warning("A lower patch version was found ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s (in file %s)", existing_version, info.patch_version, main_key, description, container.patch_info_map[description].source_path); } } // Insert patch information container.patch_info_map[description] = info; } } } return is_valid; } patch_type patch_engine::get_patch_type(YAML::Node node) { u64 type_val = 0; if (!node || !node.IsScalar() || !cfg::try_to_enum_value(&type_val, &fmt_class_string::format, node.Scalar())) { return patch_type::invalid; } return static_cast(type_val); } bool patch_engine::add_patch_data(YAML::Node node, patch_info& info, u32 modifier, const YAML::Node& root, std::stringstream* log_messages) { if (!node || !node.IsSequence()) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Skipping invalid patch node %s. (key: %s)", info.description, info.hash)); patch_log.error("Skipping invalid patch node %s. (key: %s)", info.description, info.hash); return false; } const auto type_node = node[0]; auto addr_node = node[1]; const auto value_node = node[2]; const auto type = get_patch_type(type_node); if (type == patch_type::invalid) { const auto type_str = type_node && type_node.IsScalar() ? type_node.Scalar() : ""; append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Skipping patch node %s: type '%s' is invalid. (key: %s)", info.description, type_str, info.hash)); patch_log.error("Skipping patch node %s: type '%s' is invalid. (key: %s)", info.description, type_str, info.hash); return false; } if (type == patch_type::load) { // Special syntax: anchors (named sequence) // Most legacy patches don't use the anchor syntax correctly, so try to sanitize it. if (info.is_legacy) { if (const auto yml_type = addr_node.Type(); yml_type == YAML::NodeType::Scalar) { if (!root) { patch_log.fatal("Trying to parse legacy patch with invalid root."); // Sanity Check return false; } const auto anchor = addr_node.Scalar(); const auto anchor_node = root[anchor]; if (anchor_node) { addr_node = anchor_node; append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Incorrect anchor syntax found in legacy patch: %s (key: %s)", anchor, info.hash)); patch_log.warning("Incorrect anchor syntax found in legacy patch: %s (key: %s)", anchor, info.hash); } else { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Anchor not found in legacy patch: %s (key: %s)", anchor, info.hash)); patch_log.error("Anchor not found in legacy patch: %s (key: %s)", anchor, info.hash); return false; } } } // Check if the anchor was resolved. if (const auto yml_type = addr_node.Type(); yml_type != YAML::NodeType::Sequence) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Skipping sequence: expected Sequence, found %s (key: %s)", yml_type, info.hash)); patch_log.error("Skipping sequence: expected Sequence, found %s (key: %s)", yml_type, info.hash); return false; } // Address modifier (optional) const u32 mod = value_node.as(0); bool is_valid = true; for (const auto& item : addr_node) { if (!add_patch_data(item, info, mod, root, log_messages)) { is_valid = false; } } return is_valid; } struct patch_data p_data{}; p_data.type = type; p_data.offset = addr_node.as(0) + modifier; p_data.original_value = value_node.IsScalar() ? value_node.Scalar() : ""; std::string error_message; switch (p_data.type) { case patch_type::bef32: case patch_type::lef32: case patch_type::bef64: case patch_type::lef64: { p_data.value.double_value = get_yaml_node_value(value_node, error_message); break; } default: { p_data.value.long_value = get_yaml_node_value(value_node, error_message); break; } } if (!error_message.empty()) { error_message = fmt::format("Skipping patch data entry: [ %s, 0x%.8x, %s ] (key: %s) %s", p_data.type, p_data.offset, p_data.original_value.empty() ? "?" : p_data.original_value, info.hash, error_message); append_log_message(log_messages, error_message); patch_log.error("%s", error_message); return false; } info.data_list.emplace_back(p_data); return true; } bool patch_engine::read_patch_node(patch_info& info, YAML::Node node, const YAML::Node& root, std::stringstream* log_messages) { if (!node) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Skipping invalid patch node %s. (key: %s)", info.description, info.hash)); patch_log.error("Skipping invalid patch node %s. (key: %s)" HERE, info.description, info.hash); return false; } if (const auto yml_type = node.Type(); yml_type != YAML::NodeType::Sequence) { append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Skipping patch node %s: expected Sequence, found %s (key: %s)", info.description, yml_type, info.hash)); patch_log.error("Skipping patch node %s: expected Sequence, found %s (key: %s)", info.description, yml_type, info.hash); return false; } bool is_valid = true; for (auto patch : node) { if (!add_patch_data(patch, info, 0, root, log_messages)) { is_valid = false; } } return is_valid; } void patch_engine::append(const std::string& patch) { load(m_map, patch); } void patch_engine::append_global_patches() { // Legacy patch.yml load(m_map, fs::get_config_dir() + "patch.yml"); // New patch.yml load(m_map, fs::get_config_dir() + "patches/patch.yml"); // Imported patch.yml load(m_map, get_imported_patch_path()); } void patch_engine::append_title_patches(const std::string& title_id) { if (title_id.empty()) { return; } // Legacy patch.yml load(m_map, fs::get_config_dir() + "data/" + title_id + "/patch.yml"); // New patch.yml load(m_map, fs::get_config_dir() + "patches/" + title_id + "_patch.yml"); } std::size_t patch_engine::apply(const std::string& name, u8* dst) const { return apply_patch(name, dst, 0, 0); } std::size_t patch_engine::apply_with_ls_check(const std::string& name, u8* dst, u32 filesz, u32 ls_addr) const { return apply_patch(name, dst, filesz, ls_addr); } template std::size_t patch_engine::apply_patch(const std::string& name, u8* dst, u32 filesz, u32 ls_addr) const { if (m_map.find(name) == m_map.cend()) { return 0; } size_t applied_total = 0; const auto& container = m_map.at(name); // Apply modifications sequentially for (const auto& [description, patch] : container.patch_info_map) { if (!patch.enabled) { continue; } size_t applied = 0; for (const auto& p : patch.data_list) { u32 offset = p.offset; if constexpr (check_local_storage) { if (offset < ls_addr || offset >= (ls_addr + filesz)) { // This patch is out of range for this segment continue; } offset -= ls_addr; } auto ptr = dst + offset; switch (p.type) { case patch_type::invalid: case patch_type::load: { // Invalid in this context continue; } case patch_type::byte: { *ptr = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::le16: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::le32: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::lef32: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = std::bit_cast(static_cast(p.value.double_value)); break; } case patch_type::le64: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::lef64: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = std::bit_cast(p.value.double_value); break; } case patch_type::be16: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::be32: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::bef32: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = std::bit_cast(static_cast(p.value.double_value)); break; } case patch_type::be64: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = static_cast(p.value.long_value); break; } case patch_type::bef64: { *reinterpret_cast*>(ptr) = std::bit_cast(p.value.double_value); break; } } ++applied; } if (container.is_legacy) { patch_log.notice("Applied legacy patch (<- %d)", applied); } else { patch_log.notice("Applied patch (description='%s', author='%s', patch_version='%s', file_version='%s') (<- %d)", description, patch.author, patch.patch_version, patch.version, applied); } applied_total += applied; } return applied_total; } void patch_engine::save_config(const patch_map& patches_map, bool enable_legacy_patches) { const std::string path = get_patch_config_path(); patch_log.notice("Saving patch config file %s", path); fs::file file(path, fs::rewrite); if (!file) { patch_log.fatal("Failed to open patch config file %s", path); return; } YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginMap; // Save "Enable Legacy Patches" out << yml_key_enable_legacy_patches << enable_legacy_patches; // Save 'enabled' state per hash and description patch_config_map config_map; for (const auto& [hash, container] : patches_map) { if (container.is_legacy) { continue; } for (const auto& [description, patch] : container.patch_info_map) { config_map[hash][description] = patch.enabled; } if (config_map[hash].size() > 0) { out << hash; out << YAML::BeginMap; for (const auto& [description, enabled] : config_map[hash]) { out << description; out << enabled; } out << YAML::EndMap; } } out << YAML::EndMap; file.write(out.c_str(), out.size()); } static bool append_patches(patch_engine::patch_map& existing_patches, const patch_engine::patch_map& new_patches, std::stringstream* log_messages) { for (const auto& [hash, new_container] : new_patches) { if (existing_patches.find(hash) == existing_patches.end()) { existing_patches[hash] = new_container; continue; } auto& container = existing_patches[hash]; for (const auto& [description, new_info] : new_container.patch_info_map) { if (container.patch_info_map.find(description) == container.patch_info_map.end()) { container.patch_info_map[description] = new_info; continue; } auto& info = container.patch_info_map[description]; bool ok; const bool version_is_bigger = utils::compare_versions(new_info.patch_version, info.patch_version, ok) > 0; if (!ok) { patch_log.error("Failed to compare patch versions ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s", new_info.patch_version, info.patch_version, hash, description); append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Failed to compare patch versions ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s", new_info.patch_version, info.patch_version, hash, description)); return false; } if (!version_is_bigger) { patch_log.error("A higher or equal patch version already exists ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s", new_info.patch_version, info.patch_version, hash, description); append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("A higher or equal patch version already exists ('%s' vs '%s') for %s: %s", new_info.patch_version, info.patch_version, hash, description)); return false; } if (!new_info.patch_version.empty()) info.patch_version = new_info.patch_version; if (!new_info.title.empty()) info.title = new_info.title; if (!new_info.serials.empty()) info.serials = new_info.serials; if (!new_info.author.empty()) info.author = new_info.author; if (!new_info.notes.empty()) info.notes = new_info.notes; if (!new_info.data_list.empty()) info.data_list = new_info.data_list; if (!new_info.source_path.empty()) info.source_path = new_info.source_path; } } return true; } bool patch_engine::save_patches(const patch_map& patches, const std::string& path, std::stringstream* log_messages) { fs::file file(path, fs::rewrite); if (!file) { patch_log.fatal("save_patches: Failed to open patch file %s", path); append_log_message(log_messages, fmt::format("Failed to open patch file %s", path)); return false; } YAML::Emitter out; out << YAML::BeginMap; out << "Version" << patch_engine_version; for (const auto& [hash, container] : patches) { if (container.patch_info_map.empty()) { continue; } out << YAML::Newline << YAML::Newline; out << hash << YAML::BeginMap; out << "Patches" << YAML::BeginMap; for (auto [description, info] : container.patch_info_map) { out << description; out << YAML::BeginMap; if (!info.title.empty()) out << "Game Title" << info.title; if (!info.serials.empty()) out << "Serials" << info.serials; if (!info.author.empty()) out << "Author" << info.author; if (!info.patch_version.empty()) out << "Patch Version" << info.patch_version; if (!info.notes.empty()) out << "Notes" << info.notes; out << "Patch"; out << YAML::BeginSeq; for (const auto& data : info.data_list) { if (data.type == patch_type::invalid || data.type == patch_type::load) { // Unreachable with current logic continue; } out << YAML::Flow; out << YAML::BeginSeq; out << fmt::format("%s", data.type); out << fmt::format("0x%.8x", data.offset); out << data.original_value; out << YAML::EndSeq; } out << YAML::EndSeq; out << YAML::EndMap; } out << YAML::EndMap; out << YAML::EndMap; } out << YAML::EndMap; file.write(out.c_str(), out.size()); return true; } bool patch_engine::import_patches(const patch_engine::patch_map& patches, const std::string& path, std::stringstream* log_messages) { patch_engine::patch_map existing_patches; if (load(existing_patches, path, true, log_messages)) { if (append_patches(existing_patches, patches, log_messages)) { return save_patches(existing_patches, path, log_messages); } } return false; } bool patch_engine::remove_patch(const patch_info& info) { patch_engine::patch_map patches; if (load(patches, info.source_path)) { if (patches.find(info.hash) != patches.end()) { auto& container = patches[info.hash]; if (container.patch_info_map.find(info.description) != container.patch_info_map.end()) { container.patch_info_map.erase(info.description); return save_patches(patches, info.source_path); } } } return false; } patch_engine::patch_config_map patch_engine::load_config(bool& enable_legacy_patches) { enable_legacy_patches = true; // Default to true patch_config_map config_map; const std::string path = get_patch_config_path(); patch_log.notice("Loading patch config file %s", path); if (fs::file f{ path }) { auto [root, error] = yaml_load(f.to_string()); if (!error.empty()) { patch_log.fatal("Failed to load patch config file %s:\n%s", path, error); return config_map; } // Try to load "Enable Legacy Patches" (default to true) if (auto enable_legacy_node = root[yml_key_enable_legacy_patches]) { enable_legacy_patches = enable_legacy_node.as(true); root.remove(yml_key_enable_legacy_patches); // Remove the node in order to skip it in the next part } for (auto pair : root) { auto& hash = pair.first.Scalar(); auto& data = config_map[hash]; if (const auto yml_type = pair.second.Type(); yml_type != YAML::NodeType::Map) { patch_log.error("Error loading patch config key %s: expected Map, found %s (file: %s)", hash, yml_type, path); continue; } for (auto patch : pair.second) { const auto description = patch.first.Scalar(); const auto enabled = patch.second.as(false); data[description] = enabled; } } } return config_map; }