name: Bug report
description: If something doesn't work correctly in RPCS3
title: "Enter a title here"
labels: []
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        # Summary
        Please do not ask for help or report compatibility regressions here, use [RPCS3 Discord server]( or [forums]( instead.
  - type: textarea
    id: quick-summary
      label: Quick summary
      description: Please briefly describe what is not working correctly.
      required: true
  - type: textarea
    id: details
      label: Details
      description: |
        Please describe the problem as accurately as possible.
        Provide a comparison with a real PS3, if possible.
      required: false
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        # Log files

        Provide a log file that includes the bug you're reporting.

        Obtaining the log file:
        * Run the game until you find the regression.
        * Completely close RPCS3 and locate the log file.

        RPCS3's Log file will be ```RPCS3.log.gz``` (sometimes shows as RPCS3.log with zip icon) or ```RPCS3.log``` (sometimes shows as RPCS3 wtih notepad icon).
        * On Windows it will be in the RPCS3 directory near the executable
        * On Linux it will be in ```~/.cache/rpcs3/```
        * On MacOS it will be in ```~/Library/Caches/rpcs3```. If you're unable to locate it copy paste the path in Spotlight and hit enter.
  - type: textarea
    id: logs
      label: Attach a log file
      description: |
        Drag & drop the files into this input field, or upload them to another service (f.ex. Dropbox, Mega) and provide a link.
      required: true
  - type: markdown
      value: |
        # Other details
        If you describe a graphical issue, please provide an RSX capture and/or a RenderDoc capture that demonstrate it.
        * To create an RSX capture, use _Create_ _RSX_ _Capture_ under _Utilities_.
        * Captures will be stored in RPCS3 folder → captures.
        * To create a RenderDoc capture, please refer to [RenderDoc's documentation](
  - type: textarea
    id: captures
      label: Attach capture files for visual issues
      description: Compress your capture with 7z, Rar etc. and attach it here, or upload it to the cloud (Dropbox, Mega etc) and add a link to it.
      required: false
  - type: textarea
    id: system-info
      label: System configuration
      description: Provide information about your system, such as operating system, CPU and GPU model, GPU driver version and other information that describes your system configuration.
      required: false
  - type: textarea
    id: other-details
      label: Other details
      description: Include anything else you deem to be important.
      required: false