/* * Copyright 2011 Andrey Tolstoy * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include "unpkg.h" #include "ps3_common.h" #include "oddkeys.h" static void hash_tostring(char *str, u8 *hash, u32 len) { u8 *p; memset(str, 0, 2*len+1); for (p = hash; p-hash < len; p++) { str += 2; } } static void *pkg_open(const char *fname) { FILE *f; f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { ConLog.Error ("UnPkg: Could not open package file!"); return NULL; } return f; } static int pkg_sanity_check(FILE *f, FILE *g, pkg_header **h_ptr, const char *fname) { pkg_header *header = (pkg_header*)malloc(sizeof(pkg_header)); u64 tmp; if (!fread(header, sizeof(pkg_header), 1, f)) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Package file is too short!"); return 1; } // some sanity checks if (ntohl(header->magic) != PKG_MAGIC) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Not a package file!"); return 1; } switch (ntohl(header->rel_type) >> 16 & (0xffff)) { case PKG_RELEASE_TYPE_DEBUG: { ConLog.Warning ("UnPkg: Debug PKG detected."); wxProgressDialog pdlg ("PKG Decrypter / Installer", "Please wait, recrypting...", 0, 0, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | wxPD_APP_MODAL); u8* data; u8 sha_key[0x40]; int i; f= fopen(fname, "rb"); _fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_END); int nlen = _ftelli64(f); _fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_SET); data = (u8*)malloc(nlen); fread(data, 1, nlen, f); fclose(f); pkg_header2 *header = (pkg_header2 *)data; int data_offset = get_u64(&(header->dataOffset)); int data_size = get_u64(&(header->dataSize)); // decrypt debug u8 sha_crap[0x40]; memset(sha_crap, 0, 0x40); memcpy(sha_crap, &data[0x60], 8); memcpy(sha_crap+0x8, &data[0x60], 8); memcpy(sha_crap+0x10, &data[0x68], 8); memcpy(sha_crap+0x18, &data[0x68], 8); int dptr; for(dptr = data_offset; dptr < (data_offset+data_size); dptr+=0x10) { u8 hash[0x14]; sha1(sha_crap, 0x40, hash); for(i=0;i<0x10;i++) data[dptr+i] ^= hash[i]; set_u64(sha_crap+0x38, get_u64(sha_crap+0x38)+1); } // recrypt retail u8 pkg_key[0x10]; memcpy(pkg_key, &data[0x70], 0x10); //AES_KEY aes_key; aes_context aes_key; aes_setkey_enc(&aes_key, retail_pkg_aes_key, 128); size_t num=0; u8 ecount_buf[0x10]; memset(ecount_buf, 0, 0x10); aes_crypt_ctr(&aes_key, data_size, &num, pkg_key, ecount_buf, &data[data_offset], &data[data_offset]); // write back g = fopen(fname, "wb"); data[4] = 0x80; // set finalize flag memset(&data[(data_offset+data_size)], 0, 0x60); // add hash sha1(data, nlen-0x20, &data[nlen-0x20]); fwrite(data, 1, nlen, g); //fclose(g); // not close the file for continuing _fseeki64(g, 0, SEEK_END); tmp = _ftelli64(g); } break; case PKG_RELEASE_TYPE_RELEASE: { ConLog.Warning ("UnPkg: Retail PKG detected."); _fseeki64(f, 0, SEEK_END); tmp = _ftelli64(f); } break; default: ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Unknown release type."); return 1; } switch (ntohl(header->rel_type) & (0xffff)) { case PKG_PLATFORM_TYPE_PS3: case PKG_PLATFORM_TYPE_PSP: break; default: ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Unknown platform type."); return 1; } if (ntohl(header->header_size) != PKG_HEADER_SIZE) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Wrong header size: "); return 1; } //fseek(g, 0, SEEK_END); //tmp = ftell(g); if (ntohll(header->pkg_size) != tmp) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: File size mismatch."); return 1; } tmp -= ntohll(header->data_offset) + 0x60; if (ntohll(header->data_size) != tmp) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Data size mismatch."); return 1; } if (h_ptr != NULL) { (*h_ptr) = (pkg_header*) malloc(sizeof(pkg_header)); memcpy(h_ptr, &header, sizeof(pkg_header*)); } return 0; } static void print_pkg_header(pkg_header *header) { char qa[33], kl[33]; if (header == NULL) return; hash_tostring(qa, header->qa_digest, sizeof(header->qa_digest)); hash_tostring(kl, header->klicensee, sizeof(header->klicensee)); ConLog.Write("Magic: 0x%x", ntohl(header->magic)); ConLog.Write("Release Type: 0x%x", ntohl(header->rel_type) >> 16 & (0xffff)); ConLog.Write("Platform Type: 0x%x", ntohl(header->rel_type) & (0xffff)); ConLog.Write("Header size: 0x%x", ntohl(header->header_size)); ConLog.Write("Unk1: 0x%x", ntohl(header->unk1)); ConLog.Write("Metadata size: 0x%x", ntohl(header->meta_size)); ConLog.Write("File count: %u", ntohl(header->file_count)); ConLog.Write("Pkg size: %llu", ntohll(header->pkg_size)); ConLog.Write("Data offset: 0x%llx", ntohll(header->data_offset)); ConLog.Write("Data size: 0x%llu", ntohll(header->data_size)); ConLog.Write("TitleID: %s", header->title_id); ConLog.Write("QA Digest: %s", qa); ConLog.Write( "KLicensee: %s", kl); } static void *pkg_info(const char *fname, pkg_header **h_ptr) { FILE *f; pkg_header *header; f = (FILE*) pkg_open(fname); if (f == NULL) return NULL; if (pkg_sanity_check(f, NULL, &header, fname)) return NULL; print_pkg_header(header); if (h_ptr != NULL) { (*h_ptr) = header; } else { free(header); } return f; } static void pkg_crypt(const u8 *key, const u8 *kl, FILE *f, u64 len, FILE *out) { aes_context c; u32 parts, bits; u32 i, j; u8 iv[HASH_LEN]; u8 buf[BUF_SIZE]; u8 ctr[BUF_SIZE]; u8 out_buf[BUF_SIZE]; u32 l; u64 hi, lo; int max = len / BUF_SIZE; wxProgressDialog pdlg("PKG Decrypter / Installer", "Please wait, decrypting...", max, 0, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | wxPD_APP_MODAL); parts = len / BUF_SIZE; if (len % BUF_SIZE != 0) parts++; memcpy(iv, kl, sizeof(iv)); aes_setkey_enc(&c, key, 128); for (i = 0; iname_offset, SEEK_SET); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); fread(buf, fentry->name_size, 1, dec); switch (fentry->type & (0xffff)) { case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_NPDRM: case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_NPDRMEDAT: case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_SDAT: case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_REGULAR: out = fopen((char *)buf, "wb"); _fseeki64(dec, fentry->file_offset, SEEK_SET); for (size = 0; size < fentry->file_size; ) { size += fread(buf, sizeof(u8), BUF_SIZE, dec); if (size > fentry->file_size) tmp = size - fentry->file_size; else tmp = 0; fwrite(buf, sizeof(u8), BUF_SIZE - tmp, out); } fclose(out); break; case PKG_FILE_ENTRY_FOLDER: mkdir ((char *)buf); break; } return true; } static void pkg_unpack_data(u32 file_count, FILE *dec) { int max = file_count; wxProgressDialog pdlg ("PKG Decrypter / Installer", "Please wait, unpacking...", max, 0, wxPD_AUTO_HIDE | wxPD_APP_MODAL); u32 i; pkg_file_entry *file_table = NULL; _fseeki64(dec, 0, SEEK_SET); file_table = (pkg_file_entry *)malloc(sizeof(pkg_file_entry)*file_count); i = fread(file_table, sizeof(pkg_file_entry), file_count, dec); if (ntohl(file_table->name_offset) / sizeof(pkg_file_entry) != file_count) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: ERROR. Impossiburu!"); return; } for (i = 0; iname_offset = ntohl((file_table+i)->name_offset); (file_table+i)->name_size = ntohl((file_table+i)->name_size); (file_table+i)->file_offset = ntohll((file_table+i)->file_offset); (file_table+i)->file_size = ntohll((file_table+i)->file_size); (file_table+i)->type = ntohl((file_table+i)->type); if(pkg_unpack_file(file_table+i, dec)) pdlg.Update(i); } free(file_table); pdlg.Update(max); } bool pkg_unpack(const char *fname) { FILE *f, *dec; char *dec_fname; pkg_header *header; struct stat sb; f = (FILE*) pkg_info(fname, &header); if (f == NULL) return false; // Save the main dir. wxString mainDir = wxGetCwd(); // Set the working directory. wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxGetCwd() + "\\dev_hdd0\\game\\"); std::string gamePath = "\\dev_hdd0\\game\\"; // Get the PKG title ID from the header and format it (should match TITLE ID from PARAM.SFO). std::string titleID_full (header->title_id); std::string titleID = titleID_full.substr(7, 9); std::string pkgDir = mainDir + gamePath + titleID; _fseeki64(f, ntohll(header->data_offset), SEEK_SET); dec_fname = (char*)malloc(strlen(fname)+4); memset(dec_fname, 0, strlen(fname)+4); sprintf(dec_fname, "%s.dec", fname); dec = fopen(dec_fname, "wb+"); if (dec == NULL) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Could not create temp file for decrypted data."); free(header); return false; } unlink(dec_fname); pkg_crypt(PKG_AES_KEY, header->klicensee, f, ntohll(header->data_size), dec); _fseeki64(dec, 0, SEEK_SET); fclose(f); if (stat(header->title_id, &sb) != 0) { if (mkdir(titleID.c_str()) < 0) { ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Could not mkdir."); ConLog.Error("UnPkg: Possibly, folder already exists in dev_hdd0\\game : %s", titleID.c_str()); wxSetWorkingDirectory(mainDir); free(header); return false; } } chdir(titleID.c_str()); pkg_unpack_data(ntohl(header->file_count), dec); fclose(dec); wxSetWorkingDirectory(mainDir); return true; }