vm_native.cpp: Workaround for rpcs3_vm_sparse.tmp crashes

This commit is contained in:
Elad Ashkenazi 2023-07-01 20:07:44 +03:00 committed by Ani
parent 79e000f63d
commit f7e9622084

View File

@ -508,17 +508,69 @@ namespace utils
#ifdef _WIN32
fs::file f;
std::function<bool(const std::string&, HANDLE, usz)> set_sparse = [&](const std::string& storagex, HANDLE h, usz m_size) -> bool
auto open_with_cleanup = [](fs::file& f, const std::string& path)
for (u32 try_count = 3, i = 0; !f && i < try_count; i++)
// Bug workaround: removing old file may be safer than rewriting it
if (!fs::remove_file(path) && fs::g_tls_error != fs::error::noent)
return false;
if (!f.open(path, fs::read + fs::write + fs::create + fs::excl) && fs::g_tls_error != fs::error::exist)
return false;
return f.operator bool();
std::string storage1 = fs::get_temp_dir();
std::string storage2 = fs::get_cache_dir();
if (storage.empty())
storage1 += "rpcs3_vm_sparse.tmp";
storage2 += "rpcs3_vm_sparse.tmp";
storage1 += storage;
storage2 += storage;
std::function<bool(const std::string&, HANDLE, usz)> set_sparse_and_map = [&](const std::string& storagex, HANDLE h, usz m_size) -> bool
// In case failed, revert changes and forward failure
auto clean = [&](bool result)
if (!result)
const fs::error last_fs_error = fs::g_tls_error;
const DWORD last_win_error = ::GetLastError();
fs::g_tls_error = last_fs_error;
return result;
FILE_SET_SPARSE_BUFFER arg{.SetSparse = true};
ensure(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(h, FileBasicInfo, &info0, sizeof(info0)));
ensure(clean(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(h, FileBasicInfo, &info0, sizeof(info0))));
if ((info0.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE) || (~info0.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY))
info0.FileAttributes &= ~FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE;
info0.FileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY;
ensure(SetFileInformationByHandle(h, FileBasicInfo, &info0, sizeof(info0)));
ensure(clean(SetFileInformationByHandle(h, FileBasicInfo, &info0, sizeof(info0))));
if (DWORD bytesReturned{}; (info0.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) || DeviceIoControl(h, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, &arg, sizeof(arg), nullptr, 0, &bytesReturned, nullptr))
@ -526,15 +578,18 @@ namespace utils
if ((info0.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE) == 0 && !storagex.empty())
// Retry once (bug workaround)
f.open(storagex, fs::read + fs::write + fs::create);
return set_sparse("", f.get_handle(), m_size);
if (!open_with_cleanup(f, storagex))
return false;
return set_sparse_and_map("", f.get_handle(), m_size);
ensure(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(h, FileStandardInfo, &info, sizeof(info)));
ensure(GetFileSizeEx(h, &_eof.EndOfFile));
ensure(clean(GetFileInformationByHandleEx(h, FileStandardInfo, &info, sizeof(info))));
ensure(clean(GetFileSizeEx(h, &_eof.EndOfFile)));
if (info.AllocationSize.QuadPart && _eof.EndOfFile.QuadPart == m_size)
@ -553,7 +608,26 @@ namespace utils
// Reset file size to 0 if it doesn't match
_eof.EndOfFile.QuadPart = 0;
ensure(SetFileInformationByHandle(h, FileEndOfFileInfo, &_eof, sizeof(_eof)));
ensure(clean(SetFileInformationByHandle(h, FileEndOfFileInfo, &_eof, sizeof(_eof))));
// It seems impossible to automatically delete file on exit when file mapping is used
if (f.size() != m_size)
// Resize the file gradually (bug workaround)
for (usz i = 0; i < m_size / (1024 * 1024 * 256); i++)
ensure(clean(f.trunc((i + 1) * (1024 * 1024 * 256))));
m_handle = ::CreateFileMappingW(f.get_handle(), nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, nullptr);
if (clean(!m_handle))
ensure(storagex == storage1);
return false;
return true;
@ -562,26 +636,19 @@ namespace utils
return false;
std::string storage1 = fs::get_cache_dir();
std::string storage2 = fs::get_temp_dir();
// Attempt to remove from secondary storage in case this succeeds
if (storage.empty())
if (!open_with_cleanup(f, storage1) || !set_sparse_and_map(storage1, f.get_handle(), m_size))
storage1 += "rpcs3_vm_sparse.tmp";
storage2 += "rpcs3_vm_sparse.tmp";
storage1 += storage;
storage2 += storage;
// Attempt to remove from main storage in case this succeeds
if (!f.open(storage1, fs::read + fs::write + fs::create) || !set_sparse(storage1, f.get_handle(), m_size))
// Fallback storage
ensure(f.open(storage2, fs::read + fs::write + fs::create));
ensure(open_with_cleanup(f, storage2));
if (!set_sparse(storage2, f.get_handle(), m_size))
if (!set_sparse_and_map(storage2, f.get_handle(), m_size))
MessageBoxW(0, L"Failed to initialize sparse file.\nCan't find a filesystem with sparse file support (NTFS).", L"RPCS3", MB_ICONERROR);
@ -592,20 +659,6 @@ namespace utils
m_storage = std::move(storage1);
// It seems impossible to automatically delete file on exit when file mapping is used
if (f.size() != m_size)
// Resize the file gradually (bug workaround)
for (usz i = 0; i < m_size / (1024 * 1024 * 256); i++)
ensure(f.trunc((i + 1) * (1024 * 1024 * 256)));
m_handle = ensure(::CreateFileMappingW(f.get_handle(), nullptr, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, nullptr));
#ifdef __linux__