vk: Implement safe typeless transfer

- Used to transfer D32S8 data where it makes sense to use this variant
 - On nvidia cards, it is very slow to move aspects from D24S8 probably due to the format being faked.
   For this reason, the unsafe variant is used for both D16 and D24S8 to avoid the heavy performance loss
This commit is contained in:
kd-11 2018-06-18 11:25:15 +03:00 committed by kd-11
parent 0d61bae1b9
commit c60f7b89ba
2 changed files with 47 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ namespace vk
VkDescriptorSetLayoutCreateInfo infos = {};
infos.pBindings = bindings.data();
infos.bindingCount = bindings.size();
infos.bindingCount = (u32)bindings.size();
CHECK_RESULT(vkCreateDescriptorSetLayout(*get_current_renderer(), &infos, nullptr, &m_descriptor_layout));

View File

@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ namespace vk
auto stretch_image_typeless = [&cmd, preferred_src_format, preferred_dst_format](VkImage src, VkImage dst, VkImage typeless,
auto stretch_image_typeless_unsafe = [&cmd, preferred_src_format, preferred_dst_format](VkImage src, VkImage dst, VkImage typeless,
const areai& src_rect, const areai& dst_rect, VkImageAspectFlags aspect, VkImageAspectFlags transfer_flags = 0xFF)
const u32 src_w = u32(src_rect.x2 - src_rect.x1);
@ -306,31 +306,11 @@ namespace vk
// Drivers are not very accepting of aspect COLOR -> aspect DEPTH or aspect STENCIL separately
// However, this works okay for D24S8 (nvidia-only format)
// To work around the problem we use the non-existent DEPTH/STENCIL aspect of the color texture instead (AMD only)
VkImageAspectFlags typeless_aspect;
const bool single_aspect = (transfer_flags == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT || transfer_flags == VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT);
switch (vk::get_driver_vendor())
case driver_vendor::AMD:
// This workaround allows proper transfer of stencil data
typeless_aspect = aspect;
case driver_vendor::NVIDIA:
// This workaround allows only transfer of depth data, stencil is ignored (D32S8 only)
// However, transfer from r32 to d24s8 in color->depth_stencil works
typeless_aspect = (single_aspect)? aspect : VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
case driver_vendor::RADV:
// This workaround allows only transfer of depth data, stencil is ignored (D32S8 only)
typeless_aspect = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT;
// NOTE: Tranfers of single aspect D/S from Nvidia's D24S8 is very slow
//1. Copy unscaled to typeless surface
copy_image(cmd, src, typeless, preferred_src_format, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL,
src_rect, { 0, 0, (s32)src_w, (s32)src_h }, 1, aspect, typeless_aspect, transfer_flags, 0xFF);
src_rect, { 0, 0, (s32)src_w, (s32)src_h }, 1, aspect, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, transfer_flags, 0xFF);
//2. Blit typeless surface to self
copy_scaled_image(cmd, typeless, typeless, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL,
@ -338,7 +318,45 @@ namespace vk
//3. Copy back the aspect bits
copy_image(cmd, typeless, dst, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, preferred_dst_format,
{0, (s32)src_h, (s32)dst_w, s32(src_h + dst_h) }, dst_rect, 1, typeless_aspect, aspect, 0xFF, transfer_flags);
{0, (s32)src_h, (s32)dst_w, s32(src_h + dst_h) }, dst_rect, 1, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, aspect, 0xFF, transfer_flags);
auto stretch_image_typeless_safe = [&cmd, preferred_src_format, preferred_dst_format](VkImage src, VkImage dst, VkImage typeless,
const areai& src_rect, const areai& dst_rect, VkImageAspectFlags aspect, VkImageAspectFlags transfer_flags = 0xFF)
const u32 src_w = u32(src_rect.x2 - src_rect.x1);
const u32 src_h = u32(src_rect.y2 - src_rect.y1);
const u32 dst_w = u32(dst_rect.x2 - dst_rect.x1);
const u32 dst_h = u32(dst_rect.y2 - dst_rect.y1);
auto scratch_buf = vk::get_scratch_buffer();
//1. Copy unscaled to typeless surface
VkBufferImageCopy info{};
info.imageOffset = { src_rect.x1, src_rect.y1, 0 };
info.imageExtent = { src_w, src_h, 1 };
info.imageSubresource = { aspect & transfer_flags, 0, 0, 1 };
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(cmd, src, preferred_src_format, scratch_buf->value, 1, &info);
info.imageSubresource = { VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, 0, 0, 1 };
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(cmd, scratch_buf->value, typeless, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, 1, &info);
//2. Blit typeless surface to self
copy_scaled_image(cmd, typeless, typeless, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL,
0, 0, src_w, src_h, 0, src_h, dst_w, dst_h, 1, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_COLOR_BIT, VK_FILTER_NEAREST);
//3. Copy back the aspect bits
info.imageExtent = { dst_w, dst_h, 1 };
info.imageOffset = { 0, (s32)src_h, 0 };
vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer(cmd, typeless, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL, scratch_buf->value, 1, &info);
info.imageOffset = { dst_rect.x1, dst_rect.y1, 0 };
info.imageSubresource = { aspect & transfer_flags, 0, 0, 1 };
vkCmdCopyBufferToImage(cmd, scratch_buf->value, dst, preferred_dst_format, 1, &info);
areai src_rect = { (s32)src_x_offset, (s32)src_y_offset, s32(src_x_offset + src_width), s32(src_y_offset + src_height) };
@ -350,14 +368,14 @@ namespace vk
auto typeless = vk::get_typeless_helper(VK_FORMAT_R16_UNORM);
change_image_layout(cmd, typeless, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL);
stretch_image_typeless(src, dst, typeless->value, src_rect, dst_rect, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT);
stretch_image_typeless_unsafe(src, dst, typeless->value, src_rect, dst_rect, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT);
auto typeless = vk::get_typeless_helper(VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM);
change_image_layout(cmd, typeless, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL);
stretch_image_typeless(src, dst, typeless->value, src_rect, dst_rect, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT);
stretch_image_typeless_unsafe(src, dst, typeless->value, src_rect, dst_rect, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT);
@ -371,19 +389,11 @@ namespace vk
change_image_layout(cmd, typeless_depth, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL);
change_image_layout(cmd, typeless_stencil, VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL);
auto intermediate = vk::get_typeless_helper(VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT);
change_image_layout(cmd, intermediate, preferred_dst_format);
const areai intermediate_rect = { 0, 0, (s32)dst_width, (s32)dst_height };
const VkImageAspectFlags depth_stencil = VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT | VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT;
// Blit DEPTH aspect
stretch_image_typeless(src, intermediate->value, typeless_depth->value, src_rect, intermediate_rect, depth_stencil, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT);
copy_image(cmd, intermediate->value, dst, preferred_dst_format, preferred_dst_format, intermediate_rect, dst_rect, 1, depth_stencil, depth_stencil, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT);
// Blit STENCIL aspect
stretch_image_typeless(src, intermediate->value, typeless_stencil->value, src_rect, intermediate_rect, depth_stencil, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT);
copy_image(cmd, intermediate->value, dst, preferred_dst_format, preferred_dst_format, intermediate_rect, dst_rect, 1, depth_stencil, depth_stencil, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT);
stretch_image_typeless_safe(src, dst, typeless_depth->value, src_rect, dst_rect, depth_stencil, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_DEPTH_BIT);
stretch_image_typeless_safe(src, dst, typeless_stencil->value, src_rect, dst_rect, depth_stencil, VK_IMAGE_ASPECT_STENCIL_BIT);