mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 13:13:43 +00:00
atomic.cpp/threads: remove old wait callback
Add new wait callback which simply collects statistics. Shift workarounds towards actual problem detection.
This commit is contained in:
@ -86,6 +86,8 @@ LOG_CHANNEL(vm_log, "VM");
thread_local u64 g_tls_fault_all = 0;
thread_local u64 g_tls_fault_rsx = 0;
thread_local u64 g_tls_fault_spu = 0;
thread_local u64 g_tls_wait_time = 0;
thread_local u64 g_tls_wait_fail = 0;
extern thread_local std::string(*g_tls_log_prefix)();
template <>
@ -1888,21 +1890,32 @@ void thread_base::start(native_entry entry, void(*trampoline)())
void thread_base::initialize(void (*error_cb)(), bool(*wait_cb)(const void*))
void thread_base::initialize(void (*error_cb)())
// Initialize TLS variables
thread_ctrl::g_tls_this_thread = this;
thread_ctrl::g_tls_error_callback = error_cb;
// Initialize atomic wait callback
g_tls_log_prefix = []
return thread_ctrl::get_name_cached();
atomic_wait_engine::set_wait_callback([](const void*, u64 attempts, u64 stamp0) -> bool
if (attempts == umax)
g_tls_wait_time += __rdtsc() - stamp0;
else if (attempts > 1)
g_tls_wait_fail += attempts - 1;
return true;
@ -1949,23 +1962,6 @@ void thread_base::set_name(std::string name)
void thread_base::notify_abort() noexcept
u64 tid = m_thread.load();
#ifdef _WIN32
tid = GetThreadId(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(tid));
while (auto ptr = m_state_notifier.load())
// Since this function is not perfectly implemented, run it in a loop
if (atomic_wait_engine::raw_notify(ptr, tid))
u64 thread_base::finalize(thread_state result_state) noexcept
// Report pending errors
@ -2004,22 +2000,30 @@ u64 thread_base::finalize(thread_state result_state) noexcept
return thread_ctrl::get_name_cached();
sig_log.notice("Thread time: %fs (%fGc); Faults: %u [rsx:%u, spu:%u]; [soft:%u hard:%u]; Switches:[vol:%u unvol:%u]",
sig_log.notice("Thread time: %fs (%fGc); Faults: %u [rsx:%u, spu:%u]; [soft:%u hard:%u]; Switches:[vol:%u unvol:%u]; Wait:[%.3fs, spur:%u]",
time / 1000000000.,
cycles / 1000000000.,
fsoft, fhard, ctxvol, ctxinv);
fsoft, fhard, ctxvol, ctxinv,
g_tls_wait_time / (utils::get_tsc_freq() / 1.),
const u64 _self = m_thread;
// Return true if need to delete thread object
const bool ok = m_state.exchange(result_state) <= thread_state::aborting;
// Return true if need to delete thread object (no)
const bool ok = 0 == (3 & ~m_sync.fetch_op([&](u64& v)
v &= -4;
v |= static_cast<u32>(result_state);
// Signal waiting threads
// No detached thread supported atm
return _self;
@ -2154,12 +2158,13 @@ void thread_ctrl::_wait_for(u64 usec, bool alert /* true */)
if (_this->m_signal && _this->m_signal.exchange(0))
if (_this->m_sync.btr(2))
_this->m_signal.wait(0, atomic_wait_timeout{usec <= 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff / 1000 ? usec * 1000 : 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff});
// Wait for signal and thread state abort
_this->m_sync.wait(0, 4 + 1, atomic_wait_timeout{usec <= 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff / 1000 ? usec * 1000 : 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff});
std::string thread_ctrl::get_name_cached()
@ -2200,23 +2205,52 @@ thread_base::~thread_base()
bool thread_base::join() const
for (auto state = m_state.load(); state != thread_state::finished && state != thread_state::errored;)
// Hacked for too sleepy threads (1ms) TODO: make sure it's unneeded and remove
const auto timeout = Emu.IsStopped() ? atomic_wait_timeout{1'000'000} : atomic_wait_timeout::inf;
bool warn = false;
auto stamp0 = __rdtsc();
for (u64 i = 0; (m_sync & 3) <= 1; i++)
state = m_state;
m_sync.wait(0, 2, timeout);
if (m_sync & 2)
if (i > 20 && Emu.IsStopped())
stamp0 = __rdtsc();
atomic_wait_engine::raw_notify(0, get_native_id());
stamp0 = __rdtsc() - stamp0;
warn = true;
return m_state.load() == thread_state::finished;
if (warn)
sig_log.error("Thread [%s] is too sleepy. Took %.3fµs to wake it up!", *m_tname.load(), stamp0 / (utils::get_tsc_freq() / 1000000.));
return (m_sync & 3) == 3;
void thread_base::notify()
// Increment with saturation
if (m_signal.try_inc())
// Considered impossible to have a situation when not notified
// Set notification
m_sync |= 4;
u64 thread_base::get_native_id() const
#ifdef _WIN32
return GetThreadId(reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(m_thread.load()));
return m_thread.load();
u64 thread_base::get_cycles()
@ -2242,7 +2276,7 @@ u64 thread_base::get_cycles()
cycles = static_cast<u64>(thread_time.tv_sec) * 1'000'000'000 + thread_time.tv_nsec;
if (const u64 old_cycles = m_cycles.exchange(cycles))
if (const u64 old_cycles = m_sync.fetch_op([&](u64& v){ v &= 7; v |= (cycles << 3); }) >> 3)
return cycles - old_cycles;
@ -2252,7 +2286,7 @@ u64 thread_base::get_cycles()
return m_cycles;
return m_sync >> 3;
@ -33,10 +33,11 @@ enum class thread_class : u32
enum class thread_state : u32
created, // Initial state
aborting, // The thread has been joined in the destructor or explicitly aborted
errored, // Set after the emergency_exit call
finished // Final state, always set at the end of thread execution
created = 0, // Initial state
aborting = 1, // The thread has been joined in the destructor or explicitly aborted
errored = 2, // Set after the emergency_exit call
finished = 3, // Final state, always set at the end of thread execution
mask = 3
class need_wakeup {};
@ -101,31 +102,19 @@ public:
// Thread handle (platform-specific)
atomic_t<std::uintptr_t> m_thread{0};
atomic_t<u64> m_thread{0};
// Thread playtoy, that shouldn't be used
atomic_t<u32> m_signal{0};
// Thread state
atomic_t<thread_state> m_state = thread_state::created;
// Thread state notification info
atomic_t<const void*> m_state_notifier{nullptr};
// Thread state and cycles
atomic_t<u64> m_sync{0};
// Thread name
stx::atomic_cptr<std::string> m_tname;
atomic_t<u64> m_cycles = 0;
// Start thread
void start(native_entry, void(*)());
// Called at the thread start
void initialize(void (*error_cb)(), bool(*wait_cb)(const void*));
// May be called in destructor
void notify_abort() noexcept;
void initialize(void (*error_cb)());
// Called at the thread end, returns true if needs destruction
u64 finalize(thread_state result) noexcept;
@ -158,6 +147,9 @@ public:
// Notify the thread
void notify();
// Get thread id
u64 get_native_id() const;
// Collection of global function for current thread
@ -220,15 +212,15 @@ public:
template <typename T>
static void raw_notify(named_thread<T>& thread)
static u64 get_native_id(named_thread<T>& thread)
return static_cast<thread_base&>(thread).get_native_id();
// Read current state
static inline thread_state state()
return g_tls_this_thread->m_state;
return static_cast<thread_state>(g_tls_this_thread->m_sync & 3);
// Wait once with timeout. May spuriously return false.
@ -312,40 +304,13 @@ class named_thread final : public Context, result_storage_t<Context>, thread_bas
u64 entry_point()
auto tls_error_cb = []()
if constexpr (!result::empty)
// Construct using default constructor in the case of failure
new (static_cast<result*>(static_cast<named_thread*>(thread_ctrl::get_current()))->get()) typename result::type();
thread::initialize(tls_error_cb, [](const void* data)
const auto _this = thread_ctrl::get_current();
if (_this->m_state >= thread_state::aborting)
return false;
if (!data)
return true;
if (_this->m_state >= thread_state::aborting)
return false;
return true;
if constexpr (result::empty)
@ -422,7 +387,7 @@ public:
// Access thread state
operator thread_state() const
return thread::m_state.load();
return static_cast<thread_state>(thread::m_sync.load() & 3);
// Try to abort by assigning thread_state::aborting (UB if assigning different state)
@ -430,11 +395,11 @@ public:
ASSUME(s == thread_state::aborting);
if (s == thread_state::aborting && thread::m_state.compare_and_swap_test(thread_state::created, s))
if (s == thread_state::aborting && thread::m_sync.fetch_op([](u64& v){ return !(v & 3) && (v |= 1); }).second)
if (s == thread_state::aborting)
if constexpr (std::is_base_of_v<need_wakeup, Context>)
@ -1015,8 +1015,6 @@ void cpu_thread::stop_all() noexcept
std::lock_guard lock(g_fxo->get<cpu_counter>()->cpu_suspend_lock);
auto on_stop = [](u32, cpu_thread& cpu)
cpu.state += cpu_flag::dbg_global_stop;
@ -4385,8 +4385,12 @@ bool spu_thread::stop_and_signal(u32 code)
return true;
if (thread.get() != this)
while (thread.get() != this && thread->state & cpu_flag::wait)
// TODO: replace with proper solution
if (atomic_wait_engine::raw_notify(nullptr, thread_ctrl::get_native_id(*thread)))
@ -1021,9 +1021,11 @@ error_code sys_spu_thread_group_terminate(ppu_thread& ppu, u32 id, s32 value)
for (auto& thread : group->threads)
if (thread && group->running)
while (thread && group->running && thread->state & cpu_flag::wait)
// TODO: replace with proper solution
if (atomic_wait_engine::raw_notify(nullptr, thread_ctrl::get_native_id(*thread)))
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ static constexpr std::size_t s_hashtable_size = 1u << 17;
static constexpr std::uintptr_t s_ref_mask = (1u << 17) - 1;
// Fix for silly on-first-use initializer
static constexpr auto s_null_wait_cb = [](const void*){ return true; };
static bool s_null_wait_cb(const void*, u64, u64){ return true; };
// Callback for wait() function, returns false if wait should return
static thread_local bool(*s_tls_wait_cb)(const void* data) = s_null_wait_cb;
static thread_local bool(*s_tls_wait_cb)(const void* data, u64 attempts, u64 stamp0) = s_null_wait_cb;
// Fix for silly on-first-use initializer
static constexpr auto s_null_notify_cb = [](const void*, u64){};
static void s_null_notify_cb(const void*, u64){};
// Callback for notification functions for optimizations
static thread_local void(*s_tls_notify_cb)(const void* data, u64 progress) = s_null_notify_cb;
@ -46,21 +46,12 @@ static inline bool operator &(atomic_wait::op lhs, atomic_wait::op_flag rhs)
// Compare data in memory with old value, and return true if they are equal
template <bool CheckCb = true>
static NEVER_INLINE bool
#ifdef _WIN32
ptr_cmp(const void* data, u32 _size, __m128i old128, __m128i mask128, atomic_wait::info* ext = nullptr)
if constexpr (CheckCb)
if (!s_tls_wait_cb(data))
return false;
using atomic_wait::op;
using atomic_wait::op_flag;
@ -210,7 +201,7 @@ ptr_cmp(const void* data, u32 _size, __m128i old128, __m128i mask128, atomic_wai
for (auto e = ext; e->data; e++)
if (!ptr_cmp<false>(e->data, e->size, e->old, e->mask))
if (!ptr_cmp(e->data, e->size, e->old, e->mask))
return false;
@ -1021,6 +1012,11 @@ atomic_wait_engine::wait(const void* data, u32 size, __m128i old_value, u64 time
const auto stamp0 = atomic_wait::get_unique_tsc();
if (!s_tls_wait_cb(data, 0, stamp0))
const std::uintptr_t iptr = reinterpret_cast<std::uintptr_t>(data) & (~s_ref_mask >> 17);
const auto root = &s_hashtable[iptr % s_hashtable_size];
@ -1126,6 +1122,8 @@ atomic_wait_engine::wait(const void* data, u32 size, __m128i old_value, u64 time
bool fallback = false;
u64 attempts = 0;
while (ptr_cmp(data, size, old_value, mask, ext))
#ifdef USE_FUTEX
@ -1213,6 +1211,11 @@ atomic_wait_engine::wait(const void* data, u32 size, __m128i old_value, u64 time
// TODO: reduce timeout instead
if (!s_tls_wait_cb(data, ++attempts, stamp0))
while (!fallback)
@ -1261,7 +1264,7 @@ atomic_wait_engine::wait(const void* data, u32 size, __m128i old_value, u64 time
verify(HERE), root == root->slot_free(iptr, slot);
s_tls_wait_cb(data, -1, stamp0);
template <bool TryAlert = false>
@ -1326,7 +1329,7 @@ alert_sema(u32 cond_id, const void* data, u64 tid, u32 size, __m128i mask, __m12
return ok;
void atomic_wait_engine::set_wait_callback(bool(*cb)(const void* data))
void atomic_wait_engine::set_wait_callback(bool(*cb)(const void*, u64, u64))
if (cb)
@ -1334,7 +1337,7 @@ void atomic_wait_engine::set_wait_callback(bool(*cb)(const void* data))
s_tls_wait_cb = [](const void*){ return true; };
s_tls_wait_cb = s_null_wait_cb;
@ -1346,7 +1349,7 @@ void atomic_wait_engine::set_notify_callback(void(*cb)(const void*, u64))
s_tls_notify_cb = [](const void*, u64){};
s_tls_notify_cb = s_null_notify_cb;
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ private:
notify_all(const void* data, u32 size, __m128i mask128, __m128i val128);
static void set_wait_callback(bool(*cb)(const void* data));
static void set_wait_callback(bool(*cb)(const void* data, u64 attempts, u64 stamp0));
static void set_notify_callback(void(*cb)(const void* data, u64 progress));
static bool raw_notify(const void* data, u64 thread_id = 0);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user