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synced 2025-03-15 22:21:25 +00:00
jit: Add aarch64 JIT backend for pre-codegen transforms
This commit is contained in:
@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ target_link_libraries(rpcs3_emu
target_sources(rpcs3_emu PRIVATE
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "AArch64JIT.h"
#include "../Hypervisor.h"
namespace aarch64
// FIXME: This really should be part of fmt
static std::string join_strings(const std::vector<std::string>& v, const char* delim)
std::string result;
for (const auto& s : v)
if (!result.empty())
result += delim;
result += s;
return result;
using instruction_info_t = GHC_frame_preservation_pass::instruction_info_t;
using function_info_t = GHC_frame_preservation_pass::function_info_t;
gprs base_reg,
u32 hv_ctx_offset,
std::function<bool(const std::string&)> exclusion_callback)
execution_context.base_register = base_reg;
execution_context.hypervisor_context_offset = hv_ctx_offset;
this->exclusion_callback = exclusion_callback;
void GHC_frame_preservation_pass::reset()
void GHC_frame_preservation_pass::force_tail_call_terminators(llvm::Function& f)
// GHC functions are not call-stack preserving and can therefore never return if they make any external calls at all.
// Replace every terminator clause with a tail call explicitly. This is already done for X64 to work, but better safe than sorry.
for (auto& bb : f)
auto bit = bb.begin(), prev = bb.end();
for (; bit != bb.end(); prev = bit, ++bit)
if (prev == bb.end())
if (auto ri = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::ReturnInst>(&*bit))
if (auto ci = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::CallInst>(&*prev))
// This is a "ret" that is coming after a "call" to another funciton.
// Enforce that it must be a tail call.
if (!ci->isTailCall())
function_info_t GHC_frame_preservation_pass::preprocess_function(llvm::Function& f)
function_info_t result{};
result.instruction_count = f.getInstructionCount();
// Blanket exclusions. Stubs or dispatchers that do not compute anything themselves.
if (f.getName() == "__spu-null")
// Don't waste the effort processing this stub. It has no points of concern
return result;
// Stack frame estimation. SPU code can be very long and consumes several KB of stack.
u32 stack_frame_size = 128u;
// Actual ratio is usually around 1:4
const u32 expected_compiled_instr_count = f.getInstructionCount() * 4;
// Because GHC doesn't preserve stack (all stack is scratch), we know we'll start to spill once we go over the number of actual regs.
// We use a naive allocator that just assumes each instruction consumes a register slot. We "spill" every 32 instructions.
// FIXME: Aggressive spill is only really a thing with vector operations. We can detect those instead.
// A proper fix is to port this to a MF pass, but I have PTSD from working at MF level.
const u32 spill_pages = (expected_compiled_instr_count + 127u) / 128u;
stack_frame_size *= std::min(spill_pages, 32u); // 128 to 4k dynamic. It is unlikely that any frame consumes more than 4096 bytes
result.stack_frame_size = stack_frame_size;
result.instruction_count = f.getInstructionCount();
result.num_external_calls = 0;
// The LR is not spared by LLVM in cases where there is a lot of spilling.
// This is another thing to be moved to a MachineFunction pass.
result.clobbers_x30 = result.instruction_count > 32;
for (auto& bb : f)
for (auto& inst : bb)
if (auto ci = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::CallInst>(&inst))
result.clobbers_x30 |= (!ci->isTailCall());
return result;
instruction_info_t GHC_frame_preservation_pass::decode_instruction(llvm::Function& f, llvm::Instruction* i)
instruction_info_t result{};
if (auto ci = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::CallInst>(i))
result.is_call_inst = true;
result.is_returning = true;
result.preserve_stack = !ci->isTailCall();
result.callee = ci->getCalledFunction();
result.is_tail_call = ci->isTailCall();
if (!result.callee)
// TODO: What are these?????? Patchpoints maybe? Need to check again
result.is_call_inst = f.getName() == "__spu-null";
result.callee_is_GHC = result.callee->getCallingConv() == llvm::CallingConv::GHC;
return result;
if (auto bi = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::BranchInst>(i))
// More likely to jump out via an unconditional...
if (!bi->isConditional())
ensure(bi->getNumSuccessors() == 1);
auto targetbb = bi->getSuccessor(0);
result.callee = targetbb->getParent();
result.is_call_inst = result.callee->getName() != f.getName();
return result;
if (auto bi = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::IndirectBrInst>(i))
// Very unlikely to be the same function. Can be considered a function exit.
ensure(bi->getNumDestinations() == 1);
auto targetbb = bi->getSuccessor(0);
result.callee = targetbb->getParent();
result.is_call_inst = result.callee->getName() != f.getName();
return result;
if (auto bi = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::CallBrInst>(i))
ensure(bi->getNumSuccessors() == 1);
auto targetbb = bi->getSuccessor(0);
result.callee = targetbb->getParent();
result.is_call_inst = result.callee->getName() != f.getName();
return result;
if (auto bi = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::InvokeInst>(i))
ensure(bi->getNumSuccessors() == 2);
auto targetbb = bi->getSuccessor(0);
result.callee = targetbb->getParent();
result.is_call_inst = result.callee->getName() != f.getName();
return result;
return result;
void GHC_frame_preservation_pass::run(llvm::IRBuilder<>* irb, llvm::Function& f)
if (f.getCallingConv() != llvm::CallingConv::GHC)
// If we're not doing GHC, the calling conv will have stack fixup on its own via prologue/epilogue
if (f.getInstructionCount() == 0)
// Nothing to do. Happens with placeholder functions such as branch patchpoints
const auto this_name = f.getName().str();
if (exclusion_callback && exclusion_callback(this_name))
// Function is explicitly excluded
// Preprocessing.
auto function_info = preprocess_function(f);
if (function_info.num_external_calls == 0 && function_info.stack_frame_size == 0)
// No stack frame injection and no external calls to patch up. This is a leaf function, nothing to do.
// Force tail calls on all terminators
// Asm snippets for patching stack frame
std::string frame_prologue, frame_epilogue;
// Return address reload on exit. This is safer than trying to stuff things into the stack frame since the size is largely just guesswork at this time.
std::string x30_tail_restore = fmt::format(
"mov x30, #%u;\n" // Load offset to last gateway exit
"add x30, x%u, x30;\n" // Add to base register
"ldr x30, [x30];\n", // Load x30
if (function_info.stack_frame_size > 0)
// NOTE: The stack frame here is purely optional, we can pre-allocate scratch on the gateway.
// However, that is an optimization for another time, this helps make debugging easier.
frame_prologue = fmt::format("sub sp, sp, #%u;", function_info.stack_frame_size);
frame_epilogue = fmt::format("add sp, sp, #%u;", function_info.stack_frame_size);
// Emit the frame prologue
LLVM_ASM_0(frame_prologue, irb, f.getContext());
// Now we start processing
bool terminator_found = false;
for (auto& bb : f)
for (auto bit = bb.begin(); bit != bb.end();)
const auto instruction_info = decode_instruction(f, &(*bit));
if (!instruction_info.is_call_inst)
std::string callee_name = "__unknown";
if (const auto cf = instruction_info.callee)
callee_name = cf->getName().str();
if (cf->hasFnAttribute(llvm::Attribute::AlwaysInline) || callee_name.starts_with("llvm."))
// Always inlined call. Likely inline Asm. Skip
// log("Function %s will ignore call to intrinsic function %s\n", this_name.c_str(), callee_name.c_str());
// Technically We should also ignore any host functions linked in, usually starting with ppu_ or spu_ prefix.
// However, there is not much guarantee that those are safe with only rare exceptions, and it doesn't hurt to patch the frame around them that much anyway.
terminator_found |= instruction_info.is_tail_call;
if (!instruction_info.preserve_stack)
// Now we patch the call if required. For normal calls that 'return' (i.e calls to C/C++ ABI), we do not patch them as they will manage the stack themselves (callee-managed)
llvm::Instruction* original_inst = llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::Instruction>(bit);
if (function_info.stack_frame_size > 0)
// 1. Nuke all scratch
LLVM_ASM_0(frame_epilogue, irb, f.getContext());
if (function_info.clobbers_x30)
// 2. Restore the gateway as the current return address
LLVM_ASM_0(x30_tail_restore, irb, f.getContext());
// 3. We're about to make a tail call. This means after this call, we're supposed to return immediately. In that case, don't link, lower to branch only.
// Note that branches have some undesirable side-effects. For one, we lose the argument inputs, which the callee is expecting.
// This means we burn some cycles on every exit, but in return we do not require one instruction on the prologue + the ret chain is eliminated.
// No ret-chain also means two BBs can call each other indefinitely without running out of stack without relying on llvm to optimize that away.
std::string exit_fn;
auto ci = ensure(llvm::dyn_cast<llvm::CallInst>(original_inst));
auto operand_count = ci->getNumOperands();
std::vector<std::string> constraints;
std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
// We now load the callee args.
// FIXME: This is often times redundant and wastes cycles, we'll clean this up in a MachineFunction pass later.
int base_reg = execution_context.base_register;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < operand_count; ++i)
exit_fn += fmt::format("mov x%d, $%u;\n", base_reg++, i);
std::copy(ci->operands().begin(), ci->operands().end(), args.begin());
auto target = ensure(ci->getCalledOperand());
if (ci->isIndirectCall())
exit_fn += fmt::format(
"mov x15, $%u;\n"
"br x15",
exit_fn += fmt::format("b $%u;\n", operand_count);
// Emit the branch
LLVM_ASM(exit_fn, args, join_strings(constraints, ","), irb, f.getContext());
// Delete original call instruction
bit = ci->eraseFromParent();
// Next
if (bit != bb.end())
ensure(terminator_found, "Could not find terminator for function!");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#pragma once
#ifndef ARCH_ARM64
#error "You have included an arm-only header"
#include <util/types.hpp>
#include "../CPUTranslator.h"
#include <unordered_set>
namespace aarch64
enum gprs : s32
x0 = 0,
x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9,
x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15, x16, x17, x18, x19,
x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x27, x28, x29, x30
// On non-x86 architectures GHC runs stackless. SP is treated as a pointer to scratchpad memory.
// This pass keeps this behavior intact while preserving the expectations of the host's C++ ABI.
class GHC_frame_preservation_pass : translator_pass
struct function_info_t
u32 instruction_count;
u32 num_external_calls;
u32 stack_frame_size; // Guessing this properly is critical for vector-heavy functions where spilling is a lot more common
bool clobbers_x30;
struct instruction_info_t
bool is_call_inst; // Is a function call. This includes a branch to external code.
bool preserve_stack; // Preserve the stack around this call.
bool is_returning; // This instruction "returns" to the next instruction (typically just llvm::CallInst*)
bool callee_is_GHC; // The other function is GHC
bool is_tail_call; // Tail call. Assume it is an exit/terminator.
llvm::Function* callee; // Callee if any
std::unordered_set<std::string> visited_functions;
gprs base_register;
u32 hypervisor_context_offset;
} execution_context;
std::function<bool(const std::string&)> exclusion_callback;
void force_tail_call_terminators(llvm::Function& f);
function_info_t preprocess_function(llvm::Function& f);
instruction_info_t decode_instruction(llvm::Function& f, llvm::Instruction* i);
gprs base_reg,
u32 hv_ctx_offset,
std::function<bool(const std::string&)> exclusion_callback = {});
~GHC_frame_preservation_pass() = default;
void run(llvm::IRBuilder<>* irb, llvm::Function& f) override;
void reset() override;
@ -392,6 +392,17 @@ void cpu_translator::replace_intrinsics(llvm::Function& f)
void cpu_translator::run_transforms(llvm::Function& f)
// This pass must run first because the other passes may depend on resolved names.
for (auto& pass : m_transform_passes)
pass->run(m_ir, f);
void cpu_translator::erase_stores(llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> args)
for (auto v : args)
@ -3033,6 +3033,16 @@ struct llvm_calli
class translator_pass
translator_pass() = default;
virtual ~translator_pass() {}
virtual void run(llvm::IRBuilder<>* irb, llvm::Function& func) = 0;
virtual void reset() = 0;
class cpu_translator
@ -3074,9 +3084,18 @@ protected:
// IR builder
llvm::IRBuilder<>* m_ir = nullptr;
// CUstomized transformation passes. Technically the intrinsics replacement belongs here.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<translator_pass>> m_transform_passes;
void initialize(llvm::LLVMContext& context, llvm::ExecutionEngine& engine);
// Register a transformation pass to be run before final compilation by llvm
void register_transform_pass(std::unique_ptr<translator_pass>& pass)
// Convert a C++ type to an LLVM type (TODO: remove)
template <typename T>
llvm::Type* GetType()
@ -3778,9 +3797,12 @@ public:
// Finalize processing custom intrinsics
// Run intrinsics replacement pass
void replace_intrinsics(llvm::Function&);
// Finalize processing
void run_transforms(llvm::Function&);
// Erase store instructions of provided
void erase_stores(llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*> args);
@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ Function* PPUTranslator::Translate(const ppu_function& info)
return m_function;
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ Function* PPUTranslator::GetSymbolResolver(const ppu_module& info)
// Possible special case for no functions (allowing the do-while optimization)
m_ir->CreateRetVoid(); // FIXME: Aarch64. It should work fine as long as there is no callchain beyond this function with a ret path.
return m_function;
@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Function* PPUTranslator::GetSymbolResolver(const ppu_module& info)
m_ir->CreateRetVoid(); // FIXME: Aarch64 - Should be ok as long as no ret-based callchain proceeds from here
return m_function;
@ -5375,7 +5375,7 @@ void PPUTranslator::build_interpreter()
op.vc = 3; \
this->i(op); \
VMEscape(); \
replace_intrinsics(*m_function); \
run_transforms(*m_function); \
@ -2605,7 +2605,7 @@ public:
for (auto& f : *m_module)
for (const auto& func : m_functions)
@ -3089,7 +3089,7 @@ public:
for (auto& f : *_module)
std::string log;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user