mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 07:14:49 +00:00
rsx: Implement interpolation using barycentrics
This commit is contained in:
@ -313,5 +313,15 @@ namespace rsx
void sort(std::predicate<const Ty&, const Ty&> auto predicate)
if (_size < 2)
std::sort(begin(), end(), predicate);
@ -48,48 +48,17 @@ void GLFragmentDecompilerThread::insertHeader(std::stringstream & OS)
void GLFragmentDecompilerThread::insertInputs(std::stringstream & OS)
for (const ParamType& PT : m_parr.params[PF_PARAM_IN])
for (const ParamItem& PI : PT.items)
//ssa is defined in the program body and is not a varying type
if (PI.name == "ssa") continue;
const auto reg_location = gl::get_varying_register_location(PI.name);
std::string var_name = PI.name;
if (var_name == "fogc")
var_name = "fog_c";
else if (m_prog.two_sided_lighting)
if (var_name == "diff_color")
var_name = "diff_color0";
else if (var_name == "spec_color")
var_name = "spec_color0";
OS << "layout(location=" << reg_location << ") in vec4 " << var_name << ";\n";
if (m_prog.two_sided_lighting)
if (properties.in_register_mask & in_diff_color)
OS << "layout(location=" << gl::get_varying_register_location("diff_color1") << ") in vec4 diff_color1;\n";
if (properties.in_register_mask & in_spec_color)
OS << "layout(location=" << gl::get_varying_register_location("spec_color1") << ") in vec4 spec_color1;\n";
.two_sided_color = !!(properties.in_register_mask & in_diff_color),
.two_sided_specular = !!(properties.in_register_mask & in_spec_color)
void GLFragmentDecompilerThread::insertOutputs(std::stringstream & OS)
@ -211,7 +180,7 @@ void GLFragmentDecompilerThread::insertGlobalFunctions(std::stringstream &OS)
m_shader_props.require_linear_to_srgb = properties.has_pkg;
m_shader_props.emulate_coverage_tests = true; // g_cfg.video.antialiasing_level == msaa_level::none;
m_shader_props.emulate_shadow_compare = device_props.emulate_depth_compare;
m_shader_props.low_precision_tests = ::gl::get_driver_caps().vendor_NVIDIA;
m_shader_props.low_precision_tests = ::gl::get_driver_caps().vendor_NVIDIA && !(m_prog.ctrl & RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERPOLATION);
m_shader_props.disable_early_discard = !::gl::get_driver_caps().vendor_NVIDIA;
m_shader_props.supports_native_fp16 = device_props.has_native_half_support;
m_shader_props.ROP_output_rounding = ::gl::get_driver_caps().vendor_NVIDIA;
@ -145,6 +145,14 @@ void GLGSRender::on_init_thread()
if (gl_caps.NV_fragment_shader_barycentric_supported &&
gl_caps.vendor_NVIDIA &&
g_cfg.video.shader_precision != gpu_preset_level::low)
// NVIDIA's attribute interpolation requires some workarounds
backend_config.supports_normalized_barycentrics = false;
// Use industry standard resource alignment values as defaults
m_uniform_buffer_offset_align = 256;
m_min_texbuffer_alignment = 256;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace gl
void capabilities::initialize()
int find_count = 15;
int find_count = 16;
int ext_count = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_NUM_EXTENSIONS, &ext_count);
@ -157,6 +157,13 @@ namespace gl
if (check(ext_name, "GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric"))
NV_fragment_shader_barycentric_supported = true;
// Set GLSL version
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ namespace gl
bool AMD_gpu_shader_half_float_supported = false;
bool ARB_compute_shader_supported = false;
bool NV_depth_buffer_float_supported = false;
bool NV_fragment_shader_barycentric_supported = false;
bool vendor_INTEL = false; // has broken GLSL compiler
bool vendor_AMD = false; // has broken ARB_multidraw
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Utilities/StrFmt.h"
#include "../Common/simple_array.hpp"
#include "GLSLCommon.h"
#include "RSXFragmentProgram.h"
namespace program_common
@ -1140,4 +1142,103 @@ namespace glsl
" uint flags;\n"
void insert_fragment_shader_inputs_block(
std::stringstream& OS,
const RSXFragmentProgram& prog,
const std::vector<ParamType>& params,
const two_sided_lighting_config& _2sided_lighting,
std::function<int(std::string_view)> varying_location)
struct _varying_register_config
int location;
std::string name;
std::string type;
rsx::simple_array<_varying_register_config> varying_list;
for (const ParamType& PT : params)
for (const ParamItem& PI : PT.items)
// ssa is defined in the program body and is not a varying type
if (PI.name == "ssa") continue;
const auto reg_location = varying_location(PI.name);
std::string var_name = PI.name;
if (var_name == "fogc")
var_name = "fog_c";
else if (prog.two_sided_lighting)
if (var_name == "diff_color")
var_name = "diff_color0";
else if (var_name == "spec_color")
var_name = "spec_color0";
varying_list.push_back({ reg_location, var_name, PT.type });
if (prog.two_sided_lighting)
if (_2sided_lighting.two_sided_color)
varying_list.push_back({ varying_location("diff_color1"), "diff_color1", "vec4" });
if (_2sided_lighting.two_sided_specular)
varying_list.push_back({ varying_location("spec_color1"), "spec_color1", "vec4" });
if (varying_list.empty())
// Make the output a little nicer
varying_list.sort(FN(x.location < y.location));
for (const auto& reg : varying_list)
OS << "layout(location=" << reg.location << ") in " << reg.type << " " << reg.name << ";\n";
for (const auto& reg : varying_list)
OS << "layout(location=" << reg.location << ") pervertexNV in " << reg.type << " " << reg.name << "_raw[3];\n";
// Interpolate the input attributes manually.
// Matches AMD behavior where gl_BaryCoordSmoothAMD only provides x and y with z being autogenerated.
OS <<
"vec4 _interpolate_varying3(const in vec4[3] v)\n"
" const BaryCoord_z = 1.0 - (gl_BaryCoordNV.x + gl_BaryCoordNV.y);\n"
" return gl_BaryCoordNV.x * v[0] + gl_BaryCoordNV.y * v[1] + BaryCoord_z * v[2];\n"
for (const auto& reg : varying_list)
OS << "vec4 " << reg.name << " = _interpolate_varying3(" << reg.name << "_raw);\n";
OS << "\n";
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "GLSLTypes.h"
#include "ShaderParam.h"
class RSXFragmentProgram;
namespace rsx
// TODO: Move this somewhere else once more compilers are supported other than glsl
@ -82,6 +84,20 @@ namespace program_common
namespace glsl
struct two_sided_lighting_config
bool two_sided_color;
bool two_sided_specular;
struct extension_type
static constexpr std::string_view
EXT = "EXT",
KHR = "KHR",
NV = "NV";
std::string getFloatTypeNameImpl(usz elementCount);
std::string getHalfTypeNameImpl(usz elementCount);
std::string compareFunctionImpl(COMPARE f, const std::string &Op0, const std::string &Op1, bool scalar = false);
@ -92,4 +108,12 @@ namespace glsl
void insert_fog_declaration(std::ostream& OS);
std::string getFunctionImpl(FUNCTION f);
void insert_subheader_block(std::ostream& OS);
void insert_fragment_shader_inputs_block(
std::stringstream& OS,
const std::string_view bary_coords_extenstion_type,
const RSXFragmentProgram& prog,
const std::vector<ParamType>& params,
const two_sided_lighting_config& _2sided_lighting,
std::function<int(std::string_view)> varying_location);
@ -1947,7 +1947,7 @@ namespace rsx
ensure(!(m_graphics_state & rsx::pipeline_state::vertex_program_ucode_dirty));
current_vertex_program.output_mask = rsx::method_registers.vertex_attrib_output_mask();
current_vertex_program.ctrl = rsx::method_registers.current_draw_clause.classify_mode() == primitive_class::polygon ? RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_POLYGON_RASTER : 0;
current_vertex_program.ctrl = 0; // Reserved
for (u32 textures_ref = current_vp_metadata.referenced_textures_mask, i = 0; textures_ref; textures_ref >>= 1, ++i)
@ -2157,7 +2157,7 @@ namespace rsx
if (method_registers.current_draw_clause.classify_mode() == primitive_class::polygon)
current_fragment_program.ctrl |= RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_POLYGON_RASTER;
current_fragment_program.ctrl |= RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERPOLATION;
else if (method_registers.point_sprite_enabled() &&
method_registers.current_draw_clause.primitive == primitive_type::points)
@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ void VKFragmentDecompilerThread::insertHeader(std::stringstream & OS)
version = std::max(version, 450);
OS << "#version " << version << "\n";
for (const auto ext : required_extensions)
@ -57,48 +63,17 @@ void VKFragmentDecompilerThread::insertHeader(std::stringstream & OS)
void VKFragmentDecompilerThread::insertInputs(std::stringstream & OS)
for (const ParamType& PT : m_parr.params[PF_PARAM_IN])
for (const ParamItem& PI : PT.items)
//ssa is defined in the program body and is not a varying type
if (PI.name == "ssa") continue;
const auto reg_location = vk::get_varying_register_location(PI.name);
std::string var_name = PI.name;
if (var_name == "fogc")
var_name = "fog_c";
else if (m_prog.two_sided_lighting)
if (var_name == "diff_color")
var_name = "diff_color0";
else if (var_name == "spec_color")
var_name = "spec_color0";
OS << "layout(location=" << reg_location << ") in " << PT.type << " " << var_name << ";\n";
if (m_prog.two_sided_lighting)
if (properties.in_register_mask & in_diff_color)
OS << "layout(location=" << vk::get_varying_register_location("diff_color1") << ") in vec4 diff_color1;\n";
if (properties.in_register_mask & in_spec_color)
OS << "layout(location=" << vk::get_varying_register_location("spec_color1") << ") in vec4 spec_color1;\n";
.two_sided_color = !!(properties.in_register_mask & in_diff_color),
.two_sided_specular = !!(properties.in_register_mask & in_spec_color)
void VKFragmentDecompilerThread::insertOutputs(std::stringstream & OS)
@ -270,7 +245,7 @@ void VKFragmentDecompilerThread::insertGlobalFunctions(std::stringstream &OS)
m_shader_props.require_linear_to_srgb = properties.has_pkg;
m_shader_props.emulate_coverage_tests = g_cfg.video.antialiasing_level == msaa_level::none;
m_shader_props.emulate_shadow_compare = device_props.emulate_depth_compare;
m_shader_props.low_precision_tests = device_props.has_low_precision_rounding;
m_shader_props.low_precision_tests = device_props.has_low_precision_rounding && !(m_prog.ctrl & RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERPOLATION);
m_shader_props.disable_early_discard = vk::get_driver_vendor() != vk::driver_vendor::NVIDIA;
m_shader_props.supports_native_fp16 = device_props.has_native_half_support;
m_shader_props.ROP_output_rounding = vk::get_driver_vendor() == vk::driver_vendor::NVIDIA;
@ -539,8 +539,11 @@ VKGSRender::VKGSRender(utils::serial* ar) noexcept : GSRender(ar)
backend_config.supports_multidraw = true;
// NVIDIA has broken barycentric interpolation
backend_config.supports_normalized_barycentrics = (vk::get_driver_vendor() != vk::driver_vendor::NVIDIA);
// NVIDIA has broken attribute interpolation
backend_config.supports_normalized_barycentrics = (
vk::get_driver_vendor() != vk::driver_vendor::NVIDIA &&
m_device->get_barycoords_support() &&
g_cfg.video.shader_precision != gpu_preset_level::low);
// NOTE: We do not actually need multiple sample support for A2C to work
// This is here for visual consistency - will be removed when AA problems due to mipmaps are fixed
@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ namespace vk
VkPhysicalDeviceFloat16Int8FeaturesKHR shader_support_info{};
VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingFeatures descriptor_indexing_info{};
VkPhysicalDeviceAttachmentFeedbackLoopLayoutFeaturesEXT fbo_loops_info{};
VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricFeaturesKHR shader_barycentric_info{};
if (device_extensions.is_supported(VK_KHR_SHADER_FLOAT16_INT8_EXTENSION_NAME))
@ -65,6 +66,13 @@ namespace vk
features2.pNext = &fbo_loops_info;
if (device_extensions.is_supported(VK_KHR_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BARYCENTRIC_EXTENSION_NAME))
shader_barycentric_info.pNext = features2.pNext;
features2.pNext = &shader_barycentric_info;
auto _vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR>(vkGetInstanceProcAddr(parent, "vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR"));
ensure(_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR); // "vkGetInstanceProcAddress failed to find entry point!"
_vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR(dev, &features2);
@ -73,6 +81,7 @@ namespace vk
shader_types_support.allow_float16 = !!shader_support_info.shaderFloat16;
shader_types_support.allow_int8 = !!shader_support_info.shaderInt8;
framebuffer_loops_support = !!fbo_loops_info.attachmentFeedbackLoopLayout;
barycoords_support = !!shader_barycentric_info.fragmentShaderBarycentric;
features = features2.features;
if (descriptor_indexing_support)
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ namespace vk
bool sampler_mirror_clamped_support : 1 = false;
bool descriptor_indexing_support : 1 = false;
bool framebuffer_loops_support : 1 = false;
bool barycoords_support : 1 = false;
u32 descriptor_max_draw_calls = DESCRIPTOR_MAX_DRAW_CALLS;
u64 descriptor_update_after_bind_mask = 0;
@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ namespace vk
bool get_debug_utils_support() const { return g_cfg.video.renderdoc_compatiblity && pgpu->debug_utils_support; }
bool get_descriptor_indexing_support() const { return pgpu->descriptor_indexing_support; }
bool get_framebuffer_loops_support() const { return pgpu->framebuffer_loops_support; }
bool get_barycoords_support() const { return pgpu->barycoords_support; }
u64 get_descriptor_update_after_bind_support() const { return pgpu->descriptor_update_after_bind_mask; }
u32 get_descriptor_max_draw_calls() const { return pgpu->descriptor_max_draw_calls; }
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ enum
RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_UNKNOWN1 = 0x8000, // seemingly set when srgb packer is used??
// Custom
RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_POLYGON_RASTER = 0x10000 // Rasterizing triangles and not lines or points
RSX_SHADER_CONTROL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERPOLATION = 0x10000 // Rasterizing triangles and not lines or points
// GCM Reports
Reference in New Issue
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