diff --git a/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/Common/TextureUtils.cpp b/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/Common/TextureUtils.cpp
index e41c2c5934..090479c006 100644
--- a/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/Common/TextureUtils.cpp
+++ b/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/Common/TextureUtils.cpp
@@ -391,16 +391,32 @@ namespace
 template<typename T>
-u32 get_row_pitch_in_block(u16 width_in_block, size_t multiple_constraints_in_byte)
+u32 get_row_pitch_in_block(u16 width_in_block, size_t alignment)
-	size_t divided = (width_in_block * sizeof(T) + multiple_constraints_in_byte - 1) / multiple_constraints_in_byte;
-	return static_cast<u32>(divided * multiple_constraints_in_byte / sizeof(T));
+	if (const size_t pitch = width_in_block * sizeof(T);
+		pitch == alignment)
+	{
+		return width_in_block;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		size_t divided = (pitch + alignment - 1) / alignment;
+		return static_cast<u32>(divided * alignment / sizeof(T));
+	}
-u32 get_row_pitch_in_block(u16 block_size_in_bytes, u16 width_in_block, size_t multiple_constraints_in_byte)
+u32 get_row_pitch_in_block(u16 block_size_in_bytes, u16 width_in_block, size_t alignment)
-	size_t divided = (width_in_block * block_size_in_bytes + multiple_constraints_in_byte - 1) / multiple_constraints_in_byte;
-	return static_cast<u32>(divided * multiple_constraints_in_byte / block_size_in_bytes);
+	if (const size_t pitch = width_in_block * block_size_in_bytes;
+		pitch == alignment)
+	{
+		return width_in_block;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		size_t divided = (pitch + alignment - 1) / alignment;
+		return static_cast<u32>(divided * alignment / block_size_in_bytes);
+	}
diff --git a/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKHelpers.h b/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKHelpers.h
index 824f02b250..451a4b128b 100644
--- a/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKHelpers.h
+++ b/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKHelpers.h
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ namespace vk
 	void copy_mipmaped_image_using_buffer(VkCommandBuffer cmd, vk::image* dst_image,
 		const std::vector<rsx_subresource_layout>& subresource_layout, int format, bool is_swizzled, u16 mipmap_count,
-		VkImageAspectFlags flags, vk::data_heap &upload_heap, u32 heap_align = 256);
+		VkImageAspectFlags flags, vk::data_heap &upload_heap, u32 heap_align = 0);
 	//Other texture management helpers
 	void change_image_layout(VkCommandBuffer cmd, VkImage image, VkImageLayout current_layout, VkImageLayout new_layout, const VkImageSubresourceRange& range);
diff --git a/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKTexture.cpp b/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKTexture.cpp
index 9e5b9f82e4..7c0a65db27 100644
--- a/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKTexture.cpp
+++ b/rpcs3/Emu/RSX/VK/VKTexture.cpp
@@ -519,12 +519,22 @@ namespace vk
 		texture_uploader_capabilities caps{ true, false, heap_align };
 		vk::buffer* scratch_buf = nullptr;
 		u32 scratch_offset = 0;
+		u32 row_pitch, image_linear_size;
 		for (const rsx_subresource_layout &layout : subresource_layout)
-			u32 row_pitch = (((layout.width_in_block * block_size_in_bytes) + heap_align - 1) / heap_align) * heap_align;
-			if (heap_align != 256) verify(HERE), row_pitch == heap_align;
-			u32 image_linear_size = row_pitch * layout.height_in_block * layout.depth;
+			if (LIKELY(!heap_align))
+			{
+				row_pitch = (layout.pitch_in_block * block_size_in_bytes);
+				caps.alignment = row_pitch;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				row_pitch = (((layout.width_in_block * block_size_in_bytes) + heap_align - 1) / heap_align) * heap_align;
+				verify(HERE), row_pitch == heap_align;
+			}
+			image_linear_size = row_pitch * layout.height_in_block * layout.depth;
 			// Map with extra padding bytes in case of realignment
 			size_t offset_in_buffer = upload_heap.alloc<512>(image_linear_size + 8);