cellFs functions merged

This commit is contained in:
Nekotekina 2014-12-24 21:19:59 +03:00
parent cbdc32e95e
commit 69388f032e
9 changed files with 372 additions and 386 deletions

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "stblib/stb_image.h"
#include "stblib/stb_image.c" // (TODO: Should we put this elsewhere?)
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/lv2Fs.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/cellFs.h"
#include "cellGifDec.h"
Module *cellGifDec = nullptr;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include "Emu/SysCalls/Modules.h"
#include "stblib/stb_image.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/lv2Fs.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/cellFs.h"
#include "cellJpgDec.h"
Module *cellJpgDec = nullptr;

View File

@ -4,12 +4,14 @@
#include "Emu/SysCalls/Modules.h"
#include "stblib/stb_image.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/lv2Fs.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/cellFs.h"
#include "cellPngDec.h"
#include <map>
Module *cellPngDec = nullptr;
#undef PRX_DEBUG
#ifdef PRX_DEBUG
#include "prx_libpngdec.h"
u32 libpngdec;

View File

@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/Memory.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/Modules.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/Callback.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/CB_FUNC.h"
#include "Emu/FS/VFS.h"
#include "Emu/FS/vfsFileBase.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/lv2/lv2Fs.h"
Module *sys_fs = nullptr;
bool sdata_check(u32 version, u32 flags, u64 filesizeInput, u64 filesizeTmp)
if (version > 4 || flags & 0x7EFFFFC0){
printf("ERROR: unknown version");
return false;
if ((version == 1 && (flags & 0x7FFFFFFE)) ||
(version == 2 && (flags & 0x7EFFFFC0))){
printf("ERROR: unknown or unsupported type");
return false;
if (filesizeTmp > filesizeInput){
printf("ERROR: input file size is too short.");
return false;
if (!(flags & 0x80000000)){
printf("ERROR: cannot extract finalized edata.");
return false;
return true;
int sdata_unpack(const std::string& packed_file, const std::string& unpacked_file)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> packed_stream(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(packed_file, vfsRead));
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> unpacked_stream(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(unpacked_file, vfsWrite));
if(!packed_stream || !packed_stream->IsOpened())
sys_fs->Error("'%s' not found! flags: 0x%08x", packed_file.c_str(), vfsRead);
if(!unpacked_stream || !unpacked_stream->IsOpened())
sys_fs->Error("'%s' couldn't be created! flags: 0x%08x", unpacked_file.c_str(), vfsWrite);
char buffer [10200];
packed_stream->Read(buffer, 256);
u32 format = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0]);
if (format != 0x4E504400) // "NPD\x00"
sys_fs->Error("Illegal format. Expected 0x4E504400, but got 0x%08x", format);
u32 version = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0x04]);
u32 flags = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0x80]);
u32 blockSize = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0x84]);
u64 filesizeOutput = re64(*(u64*)&buffer[0x88]);
u64 filesizeInput = packed_stream->GetSize();
u32 blockCount = (u32)((filesizeOutput + blockSize - 1) / blockSize);
// SDATA file is compressed
if (flags & 0x1)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsSdataOpen: Compressed SDATA files are not supported yet.");
// SDATA file is NOT compressed
u32 t1 = (flags & 0x20) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
u32 startOffset = (blockCount * t1) + 0x100;
u64 filesizeTmp = (filesizeOutput+0xF)&0xFFFFFFF0 + startOffset;
if (!sdata_check(version, flags, filesizeInput, filesizeTmp))
sys_fs->Error("cellFsSdataOpen: Wrong header information.");
if (flags & 0x20)
for (u32 i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
if (flags & 0x20)
packed_stream->Seek(packed_stream->Tell() + t1);
if (!(blockCount-i-1))
blockSize = (u32)(filesizeOutput - i * blockSize);
packed_stream->Read(buffer+256, blockSize);
unpacked_stream->Write(buffer+256, blockSize);
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsSdataOpen(vm::ptr<const char> path, int flags, vm::ptr<be_t<u32>> fd, vm::ptr<u32> arg, u64 size)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsSdataOpen(path=\"%s\", flags=0x%x, fd_addr=0x%x, arg_addr=0x%x, size=0x%llx) -> cellFsOpen()",
path.get_ptr(), flags, fd.addr(), arg.addr(), size);
/*if (flags != CELL_O_RDONLY)
std::string suffix = path.substr(path.length() - 5, 5);
if (suffix != ".sdat" && suffix != ".SDAT")
std::string::size_type last_slash = path.rfind('/'); //TODO: use a filesystem library to solve this more robustly
last_slash = last_slash == std::string::npos ? 0 : last_slash+1;
std::string unpacked_path = "/dev_hdd1/"+path.substr(last_slash,path.length()-last_slash)+".unpacked";
int ret = sdata_unpack(path, unpacked_path);
if (ret) return ret;
fd = sys_fs->GetNewId(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(unpacked_path, vfsRead), TYPE_FS_FILE);
return CELL_OK;*/
return cellFsOpen(path, flags, fd, arg, size);
int cellFsSdataOpenByFd(int mself_fd, int flags, vm::ptr<u32> sdata_fd, u64 offset, vm::ptr<u32> arg, u64 size)
sys_fs->Todo("cellFsSdataOpenByFd(mself_fd=0x%x, flags=0x%x, sdata_fd_addr=0x%x, offset=0x%llx, arg_addr=0x%x, size=0x%llx) -> cellFsOpen()",
mself_fd, flags, sdata_fd.addr(), offset, arg.addr(), size);
// TODO:
return CELL_OK;
std::atomic<u32> g_FsAioReadID( 0 );
std::atomic<u32> g_FsAioReadCur( 0 );
bool aio_init = false;
void fsAioRead(u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsAio> aio, int xid, vm::ptr<void (*)(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> xaio, int error, int xid, u64 size)> func)
while (g_FsAioReadCur != xid)
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); // hack
if (Emu.IsStopped())
sys_fs->Warning("fsAioRead() aborted");
u32 error = CELL_OK;
u64 res = 0;
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> orig_file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, orig_file))
sys_fs->Error("Wrong fd (%s)", fd);
u64 nbytes = aio->size;
vfsStream& file = *(vfsStream*)orig_file.get();
const u64 old_pos = file.Tell();
// TODO: use code from cellFsRead or something
if (nbytes != (u32)nbytes)
error = CELL_ENOMEM;
res = nbytes ? file.Read(aio->buf.get_ptr(), nbytes) : 0;
sys_fs->Log("*** fsAioRead(fd=%d, offset=0x%llx, buf_addr=0x%x, size=0x%x, error=0x%x, res=0x%x, xid=0x%x [%s])",
fd, (u64)aio->offset, aio->buf.addr(), (u64)aio->size, error, res, xid, orig_file->GetPath().c_str());
if (func) // start callback thread
Emu.GetCallbackManager().Async([func, aio, error, xid, res]()
func(aio, error, xid, res);
int cellFsAioRead(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> aio, vm::ptr<u32> aio_id, vm::ptr<void(*)(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> xaio, int error, int xid, u64 size)> func)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsAioRead(aio_addr=0x%x, id_addr=0x%x, func_addr=0x%x)", aio.addr(), aio_id.addr(), func.addr());
if (!aio_init)
return CELL_ENXIO;
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> orig_file;
u32 fd = aio->fd;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, orig_file))
return CELL_EBADF;
//get a unique id for the callback (may be used by cellFsAioCancel)
const u32 xid = g_FsAioReadID++;
*aio_id = xid;
thread t("fsAioRead", std::bind(fsAioRead, fd, aio, xid, func));
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsAioWrite(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> aio, vm::ptr<u32> aio_id, vm::ptr<void(*)(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> xaio, int error, int xid, u64 size)> func)
sys_fs->Todo("cellFsAioWrite(aio_addr=0x%x, id_addr=0x%x, func_addr=0x%x)", aio.addr(), aio_id.addr(), func.addr());
// TODO:
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsAioInit(vm::ptr<const char> mount_point)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsAioInit(mount_point_addr=0x%x (%s))", mount_point.addr(), mount_point.get_ptr());
aio_init = true;
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsAioFinish(vm::ptr<const char> mount_point)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsAioFinish(mount_point_addr=0x%x (%s))", mount_point.addr(), mount_point.get_ptr());
aio_init = false;
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsReadWithOffset(u32 fd, u64 offset, vm::ptr<void> buf, u64 buffer_size, vm::ptr<be_t<u64>> nread)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsReadWithOffset(fd=%d, offset=0x%llx, buf_addr=0x%x, buffer_size=%lld nread=0x%llx)",
fd, offset, buf.addr(), buffer_size, nread.addr());
int ret;
vm::var<be_t<u64>> oldPos, newPos;
ret = cellFsLseek(fd, 0, CELL_SEEK_CUR, oldPos); // Save the current position
if (ret) return ret;
ret = cellFsLseek(fd, offset, CELL_SEEK_SET, newPos); // Move to the specified offset
if (ret) return ret;
ret = cellFsRead(fd, buf, buffer_size, nread); // Read the file
if (ret) return ret;
ret = cellFsLseek(fd, oldPos.value(), CELL_SEEK_SET, newPos); // Return to the old position
if (ret) return ret;
return CELL_OK;
void sys_fs_init(Module *pxThis)
sys_fs = pxThis;
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x718bf5f8, cellFsOpen);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xb1840b53, cellFsSdataOpen);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x6d3bb15b, cellFsSdataOpenByFd);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x4d5ff8e2, cellFsRead);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xecdcf2ab, cellFsWrite);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x2cb51f0d, cellFsClose);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x3f61245c, cellFsOpendir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x5c74903d, cellFsReaddir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xff42dcc3, cellFsClosedir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x7de6dced, cellFsStat);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xef3efa34, cellFsFstat);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xba901fe6, cellFsMkdir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xf12eecc8, cellFsRename);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x99406d0b, cellFsChmod);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x967a162b, cellFsFsync);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x2796fdf3, cellFsRmdir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x7f4677a8, cellFsUnlink);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xa397d042, cellFsLseek);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x0e2939e5, cellFsFtruncate);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xc9dc3ac5, cellFsTruncate);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xcb588dba, cellFsFGetBlockSize);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xc1c507e7, cellFsAioRead);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x4cef342e, cellFsAioWrite);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xdb869f20, cellFsAioInit);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x9f951810, cellFsAioFinish);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x1a108ab7, cellFsGetBlockSize);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xaa3b4bcd, cellFsGetFreeSize);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x0d5b4a14, cellFsReadWithOffset);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x9b882495, cellFsGetDirectoryEntries);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x2664c8ae, cellFsStReadInit);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xd73938df, cellFsStReadFinish);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xb3afee8b, cellFsStReadGetRingBuf);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xcf34969c, cellFsStReadGetStatus);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xbd273a88, cellFsStReadGetRegid);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x8df28ff9, cellFsStReadStart);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xf8e5d9a0, cellFsStReadStop);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x27800c6b, cellFsStRead);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x190912f6, cellFsStReadGetCurrentAddr);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x81f33783, cellFsStReadPutCurrentAddr);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x8f71c5b2, cellFsStReadWait);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x866f6aec, cellFsStReadWaitCallback);
void sys_fs_load()
g_FsAioReadID = 0;
g_FsAioReadCur = 0;
aio_init = false;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
#include "Emu/Memory/atomic_type.h"
#include "Utilities/SQueue.h"
#include "lv2/lv2Fs.h"
#include "lv2/cellFs.h"
#include "lv2/sleep_queue_type.h"
#include "lv2/sys_lwmutex.h"
#include "lv2/sys_mutex.h"

View File

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Emu/Memory/Memory.h"
#include "Emu/System.h"
//#include "Emu/SysCalls/SysCalls.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/Modules.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/Callback.h"
#include "Emu/SysCalls/CB_FUNC.h"
#include "Emu/FS/VFS.h"
#include "Emu/FS/vfsFile.h"
#include "Emu/FS/vfsDir.h"
#include "lv2Fs.h"
#include "cellFs.h"
extern Module *sys_fs;
Module *sys_fs = nullptr;
struct FsRingBufferConfig
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ s32 cellFsOpen(vm::ptr<const char> path, s32 flags, vm::ptr<be_t<u32>> fd, vm::p
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> stream(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(_path, o_mode));
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> stream((vfsStream*)Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(_path, o_mode));
if (!stream || !stream->IsOpened())
@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ s32 cellFsRead(u32 fd, vm::ptr<void> buf, u64 nbytes, vm::ptr<be_t<u64>> nread)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -145,7 +146,7 @@ s32 cellFsWrite(u32 fd, vm::ptr<const void> buf, u64 nbytes, vm::ptr<u64> nwrite
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file)) return CELL_ESRCH;
if (nbytes != (u32)nbytes) return CELL_ENOMEM;
@ -275,7 +276,7 @@ s32 cellFsFstat(u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsStat> sb)
IDType type;
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file, type) || type != TYPE_FS_FILE)
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -425,7 +426,7 @@ s32 cellFsLseek(u32 fd, s64 offset, u32 whence, vm::ptr<be_t<u64>> pos)
IDType type;
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file, type) || type != TYPE_FS_FILE)
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ s32 cellFsFtruncate(u32 fd, u64 size)
IDType type;
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file, type) || type != TYPE_FS_FILE)
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -503,7 +504,7 @@ s32 cellFsFGetBlockSize(u32 fd, vm::ptr<u64> sector_size, vm::ptr<u64> block_siz
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -585,7 +586,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadInit(u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsRingBuffer> ringbuf)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -612,7 +613,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadFinish(u32 fd)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -628,7 +629,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadGetRingBuf(u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsRingBuffer> ringbuf)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -645,7 +646,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadGetStatus(u32 fd, vm::ptr<u64> status)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -660,7 +661,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadGetRegid(u32 fd, vm::ptr<u64> regid)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -675,7 +676,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadStart(u32 fd, u64 offset, u64 size)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -691,7 +692,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadStop(u32 fd)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -706,7 +707,7 @@ s32 cellFsStRead(u32 fd, u32 buf_addr, u64 size, vm::ptr<u64> rsize)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -727,7 +728,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadGetCurrentAddr(u32 fd, vm::ptr<u32> addr, vm::ptr<u64> size)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -740,7 +741,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadPutCurrentAddr(u32 fd, u32 addr_addr, u64 size)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ s32 cellFsStReadWait(u32 fd, u64 size)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
@ -766,9 +767,343 @@ s32 cellFsStReadWaitCallback(u32 fd, u64 size, vm::ptr<void (*)(int xfd, u64 xsi
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> file;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, file))
return CELL_ESRCH;
return CELL_OK;
bool sdata_check(u32 version, u32 flags, u64 filesizeInput, u64 filesizeTmp)
if (version > 4 || flags & 0x7EFFFFC0){
printf("ERROR: unknown version");
return false;
if ((version == 1 && (flags & 0x7FFFFFFE)) ||
(version == 2 && (flags & 0x7EFFFFC0))){
printf("ERROR: unknown or unsupported type");
return false;
if (filesizeTmp > filesizeInput){
printf("ERROR: input file size is too short.");
return false;
if (!(flags & 0x80000000)){
printf("ERROR: cannot extract finalized edata.");
return false;
return true;
int sdata_unpack(const std::string& packed_file, const std::string& unpacked_file)
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> packed_stream(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(packed_file, vfsRead));
std::shared_ptr<vfsFileBase> unpacked_stream(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(unpacked_file, vfsWrite));
if (!packed_stream || !packed_stream->IsOpened())
sys_fs->Error("'%s' not found! flags: 0x%08x", packed_file.c_str(), vfsRead);
if (!unpacked_stream || !unpacked_stream->IsOpened())
sys_fs->Error("'%s' couldn't be created! flags: 0x%08x", unpacked_file.c_str(), vfsWrite);
char buffer[10200];
packed_stream->Read(buffer, 256);
u32 format = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0]);
if (format != 0x4E504400) // "NPD\x00"
sys_fs->Error("Illegal format. Expected 0x4E504400, but got 0x%08x", format);
u32 version = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0x04]);
u32 flags = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0x80]);
u32 blockSize = re32(*(u32*)&buffer[0x84]);
u64 filesizeOutput = re64(*(u64*)&buffer[0x88]);
u64 filesizeInput = packed_stream->GetSize();
u32 blockCount = (u32)((filesizeOutput + blockSize - 1) / blockSize);
// SDATA file is compressed
if (flags & 0x1)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsSdataOpen: Compressed SDATA files are not supported yet.");
// SDATA file is NOT compressed
u32 t1 = (flags & 0x20) ? 0x20 : 0x10;
u32 startOffset = (blockCount * t1) + 0x100;
u64 filesizeTmp = (filesizeOutput + 0xF) & 0xFFFFFFF0 + startOffset;
if (!sdata_check(version, flags, filesizeInput, filesizeTmp))
sys_fs->Error("cellFsSdataOpen: Wrong header information.");
if (flags & 0x20)
for (u32 i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
if (flags & 0x20)
packed_stream->Seek(packed_stream->Tell() + t1);
if (!(blockCount - i - 1))
blockSize = (u32)(filesizeOutput - i * blockSize);
packed_stream->Read(buffer + 256, blockSize);
unpacked_stream->Write(buffer + 256, blockSize);
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsSdataOpen(vm::ptr<const char> path, int flags, vm::ptr<be_t<u32>> fd, vm::ptr<u32> arg, u64 size)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsSdataOpen(path=\"%s\", flags=0x%x, fd_addr=0x%x, arg_addr=0x%x, size=0x%llx) -> cellFsOpen()",
path.get_ptr(), flags, fd.addr(), arg.addr(), size);
/*if (flags != CELL_O_RDONLY)
std::string suffix = path.substr(path.length() - 5, 5);
if (suffix != ".sdat" && suffix != ".SDAT")
std::string::size_type last_slash = path.rfind('/'); //TODO: use a filesystem library to solve this more robustly
last_slash = last_slash == std::string::npos ? 0 : last_slash+1;
std::string unpacked_path = "/dev_hdd1/"+path.substr(last_slash,path.length()-last_slash)+".unpacked";
int ret = sdata_unpack(path, unpacked_path);
if (ret) return ret;
fd = sys_fs->GetNewId(Emu.GetVFS().OpenFile(unpacked_path, vfsRead), TYPE_FS_FILE);
return CELL_OK;*/
return cellFsOpen(path, flags, fd, arg, size);
int cellFsSdataOpenByFd(int mself_fd, int flags, vm::ptr<u32> sdata_fd, u64 offset, vm::ptr<u32> arg, u64 size)
sys_fs->Todo("cellFsSdataOpenByFd(mself_fd=0x%x, flags=0x%x, sdata_fd_addr=0x%x, offset=0x%llx, arg_addr=0x%x, size=0x%llx) -> cellFsOpen()",
mself_fd, flags, sdata_fd.addr(), offset, arg.addr(), size);
// TODO:
return CELL_OK;
std::atomic<u32> g_FsAioReadID(0);
std::atomic<u32> g_FsAioReadCur(0);
bool aio_init = false;
void fsAioRead(u32 fd, vm::ptr<CellFsAio> aio, int xid, vm::ptr<void(*)(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> xaio, int error, int xid, u64 size)> func)
while (g_FsAioReadCur != xid)
std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1)); // hack
if (Emu.IsStopped())
sys_fs->Warning("fsAioRead() aborted");
u32 error = CELL_OK;
u64 res = 0;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> orig_file;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, orig_file))
sys_fs->Error("Wrong fd (%s)", fd);
u64 nbytes = aio->size;
vfsStream& file = *orig_file;
const u64 old_pos = file.Tell();
// TODO: use code from cellFsRead or something
if (nbytes != (u32)nbytes)
error = CELL_ENOMEM;
res = nbytes ? file.Read(aio->buf.get_ptr(), nbytes) : 0;
sys_fs->Log("*** fsAioRead(fd=%d, offset=0x%llx, buf_addr=0x%x, size=0x%x, error=0x%x, res=0x%x, xid=0x%x)",
fd, (u64)aio->offset, aio->buf.addr(), (u64)aio->size, error, res, xid);
if (func) // start callback thread
Emu.GetCallbackManager().Async([func, aio, error, xid, res]()
func(aio, error, xid, res);
int cellFsAioRead(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> aio, vm::ptr<u32> aio_id, vm::ptr<void(*)(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> xaio, int error, int xid, u64 size)> func)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsAioRead(aio_addr=0x%x, id_addr=0x%x, func_addr=0x%x)", aio.addr(), aio_id.addr(), func.addr());
if (!aio_init)
return CELL_ENXIO;
std::shared_ptr<vfsStream> orig_file;
u32 fd = aio->fd;
if (!sys_fs->CheckId(fd, orig_file))
return CELL_EBADF;
//get a unique id for the callback (may be used by cellFsAioCancel)
const u32 xid = g_FsAioReadID++;
*aio_id = xid;
thread t("fsAioRead", std::bind(fsAioRead, fd, aio, xid, func));
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsAioWrite(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> aio, vm::ptr<u32> aio_id, vm::ptr<void(*)(vm::ptr<CellFsAio> xaio, int error, int xid, u64 size)> func)
sys_fs->Todo("cellFsAioWrite(aio_addr=0x%x, id_addr=0x%x, func_addr=0x%x)", aio.addr(), aio_id.addr(), func.addr());
// TODO:
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsAioInit(vm::ptr<const char> mount_point)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsAioInit(mount_point_addr=0x%x (%s))", mount_point.addr(), mount_point.get_ptr());
aio_init = true;
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsAioFinish(vm::ptr<const char> mount_point)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsAioFinish(mount_point_addr=0x%x (%s))", mount_point.addr(), mount_point.get_ptr());
aio_init = false;
return CELL_OK;
int cellFsReadWithOffset(u32 fd, u64 offset, vm::ptr<void> buf, u64 buffer_size, vm::ptr<be_t<u64>> nread)
sys_fs->Warning("cellFsReadWithOffset(fd=%d, offset=0x%llx, buf_addr=0x%x, buffer_size=%lld nread=0x%llx)",
fd, offset, buf.addr(), buffer_size, nread.addr());
int ret;
vm::var<be_t<u64>> oldPos, newPos;
ret = cellFsLseek(fd, 0, CELL_SEEK_CUR, oldPos); // Save the current position
if (ret) return ret;
ret = cellFsLseek(fd, offset, CELL_SEEK_SET, newPos); // Move to the specified offset
if (ret) return ret;
ret = cellFsRead(fd, buf, buffer_size, nread); // Read the file
if (ret) return ret;
ret = cellFsLseek(fd, oldPos.value(), CELL_SEEK_SET, newPos); // Return to the old position
if (ret) return ret;
return CELL_OK;
void sys_fs_init(Module *pxThis)
sys_fs = pxThis;
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x718bf5f8, cellFsOpen);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xb1840b53, cellFsSdataOpen);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x6d3bb15b, cellFsSdataOpenByFd);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x4d5ff8e2, cellFsRead);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xecdcf2ab, cellFsWrite);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x2cb51f0d, cellFsClose);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x3f61245c, cellFsOpendir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x5c74903d, cellFsReaddir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xff42dcc3, cellFsClosedir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x7de6dced, cellFsStat);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xef3efa34, cellFsFstat);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xba901fe6, cellFsMkdir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xf12eecc8, cellFsRename);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x99406d0b, cellFsChmod);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x967a162b, cellFsFsync);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x2796fdf3, cellFsRmdir);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x7f4677a8, cellFsUnlink);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xa397d042, cellFsLseek);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x0e2939e5, cellFsFtruncate);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xc9dc3ac5, cellFsTruncate);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xcb588dba, cellFsFGetBlockSize);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xc1c507e7, cellFsAioRead);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x4cef342e, cellFsAioWrite);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xdb869f20, cellFsAioInit);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x9f951810, cellFsAioFinish);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x1a108ab7, cellFsGetBlockSize);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xaa3b4bcd, cellFsGetFreeSize);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x0d5b4a14, cellFsReadWithOffset);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x9b882495, cellFsGetDirectoryEntries);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x2664c8ae, cellFsStReadInit);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xd73938df, cellFsStReadFinish);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xb3afee8b, cellFsStReadGetRingBuf);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xcf34969c, cellFsStReadGetStatus);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xbd273a88, cellFsStReadGetRegid);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x8df28ff9, cellFsStReadStart);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0xf8e5d9a0, cellFsStReadStop);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x27800c6b, cellFsStRead);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x190912f6, cellFsStReadGetCurrentAddr);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x81f33783, cellFsStReadPutCurrentAddr);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x8f71c5b2, cellFsStReadWait);
sys_fs->AddFunc(0x866f6aec, cellFsStReadWaitCallback);
void sys_fs_load()
g_FsAioReadID = 0;
g_FsAioReadCur = 0;
aio_init = false;

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Callback.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\FuncList.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\LogBase.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\lv2Fs.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\cellFs.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sleep_queue_type.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_cond.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_event.cpp" />
@ -231,7 +231,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\cellMouse.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\cellPad.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sysPrxForUser.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sys_fs.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sys_http.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sys_io.cpp" />
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sys_net.cpp" />
@ -382,7 +381,7 @@
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\CB_FUNC.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\ErrorCodes.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\LogBase.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\lv2Fs.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\cellFs.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sleep_queue_type.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_cond.h" />
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_event.h" />

View File

@ -257,9 +257,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sysPrxForUser.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sys_fs.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\Modules\sys_io.cpp">
@ -545,9 +542,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_mmapper.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\lv2Fs.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="..\Utilities\Log.cpp">
@ -656,6 +650,9 @@
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\SyncPrimitivesManager.cpp">
<ClCompile Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\cellFs.cpp">
<ClInclude Include="Crypto\aes.h">
@ -1114,9 +1111,6 @@
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sys_mmapper.h">
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\lv2Fs.h">
<ClInclude Include="..\Utilities\Log.h">
@ -1264,5 +1258,8 @@
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\sleep_queue_type.h">
<ClInclude Include="Emu\SysCalls\lv2\cellFs.h">