mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 19:14:54 +00:00
Patches/PPU: Implement HLE/LLE/With-TOC function call patches
Example patches: [ jumpf, 0x12340, "cellGcmSys:cellGcmSetFlip"] // Places a call to cellGcmSetFlip at 0x12340 [ jumpf, 0x12340, "cellGcmSys:0xDC09357E"] // Same, using FNID [ jumpf, 0x12340, 0x2345678 ] # Function OPD based call eading OPD at 0x2345678
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
#include "util/endian.hpp"
#include "util/asm.hpp"
#include <charconv>
LOG_CHANNEL(patch_log, "PAT");
template <>
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ void fmt_class_string<patch_type>::format(std::string& out, u64 arg)
case patch_type::code_alloc: return "calloc";
case patch_type::jump: return "jump";
case patch_type::jump_link: return "jumpl";
case patch_type::jump_func: return "jumpf";
case patch_type::load: return "load";
case patch_type::byte: return "byte";
case patch_type::le16: return "le16";
@ -464,6 +467,7 @@ bool patch_engine::add_patch_data(YAML::Node node, patch_info& info, u32 modifie
switch (p_data.type)
case patch_type::utf8:
case patch_type::jump_func:
@ -546,7 +550,8 @@ void patch_engine::append_title_patches(const std::string& title_id)
void ppu_register_range(u32 addr, u32 size);
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link = false);
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link = false, bool with_toc = false, std::string module_name = {});
u32 ppu_generate_id(std::string_view name);
void unmap_vm_area(std::shared_ptr<vm::block_t>& ptr)
@ -744,6 +749,55 @@ static usz apply_modification(std::basic_string<u32>& applied, const patch_engin
resval = out_branch & -4;
case patch_type::jump_func:
const std::string& str = p.original_value;
const u32 out_branch = vm::try_get_addr(dst + (offset & -4)).first;
const usz sep_pos = str.find_first_of(':');
// Must contain only a single ':' or none
// If ':' is found: Left string is the module name, right string is the function name
// If ':' is not found: The entire string is a direct address of the function's descriptor in hexadecimal
if (str.size() <= 2 || !sep_pos || sep_pos == str.size() - 1 || sep_pos != str.find_last_of(":"))
const std::string_view func_name{std::string_view(str).substr(sep_pos + 1)};
u32 id = 0;
if (func_name.starts_with("0x"sv))
// Raw hexadeciaml-formatted FNID (real function name cannot contain a digit at the start, derived from C/CPP which were used in PS3 development)
const auto result = std::from_chars(func_name.data() + 2, func_name.data() + func_name.size() - 2, id, 16);
if (result.ec != std::errc() || str.data() + sep_pos != result.ptr)
if (sep_pos == umax)
// Generate FNID using function name
id = ppu_generate_id(func_name);
// Allow only if points to a PPU executable instruction
// FNID/OPD-address is placed at target
if (!ppu_form_branch_to_code(out_branch, id, true, true, std::string{str.data(), sep_pos != umax ? sep_pos : 0}))
resval = out_branch & -4;
case patch_type::byte:
*ptr = static_cast<u8>(p.value.long_value);
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ enum class patch_type
code_alloc,// Allocate memory somewhere, saves branch to memory at specfied address (filled with PPU NOP and branch for returning)
jump, // Install special 32-bit jump instruction (PPU only atm)
jump_link, // jump + set link (PPU only atm)
jump_func, // jump to exported function (PPU only, forever)
@ -1570,5 +1570,5 @@ DECLARE(ppu_module_manager::cellGcmSys)("cellGcmSys", []()
REG_FUNC(cellGcmSys, cellGcmGpadCaptureSnapshot);
// Special
REG_FUNC(cellGcmSys, cellGcmCallback).flag(MFF_HIDDEN);
@ -618,5 +618,5 @@ void cellSysutil_MsgDialog_init()
REG_FUNC(cellSysutil, cellMsgDialogAbort);
// Helper Function
REG_FUNC(cellSysutil, exit_game).flag(MFF_HIDDEN);
@ -1250,5 +1250,5 @@ DECLARE(ppu_module_manager::cellVdec)("libvdec", []()
REG_FUNC(libvdec, cellVdecSetFrameRateExt); // 0xcffc42a5
REG_FUNC(libvdec, cellVdecSetPts); // 0x3ce2e4f8
REG_FUNC(libvdec, vdecEntry).flag(MFF_HIDDEN);
@ -37,21 +37,23 @@ extern void sys_initialize_tls(ppu_thread&, u64, u32, u32, u32);
// HLE function name cache
std::vector<std::string> g_ppu_function_names;
extern u32 ppu_generate_id(const char* name)
extern u32 ppu_generate_id(std::string_view name)
// Symbol name suffix
const auto suffix = "\x67\x59\x65\x99\x04\x25\x04\x90\x56\x64\x27\x49\x94\x89\x74\x1A";
constexpr auto suffix = "\x67\x59\x65\x99\x04\x25\x04\x90\x56\x64\x27\x49\x94\x89\x74\x1A"sv;
sha1_context ctx;
u8 output[20];
// Compute SHA-1 hash
sha1_update(&ctx, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(name), std::strlen(name));
sha1_update(&ctx, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(suffix), std::strlen(suffix));
sha1_update(&ctx, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(name.data()), name.size());
sha1_update(&ctx, reinterpret_cast<const u8*>(suffix.data()), suffix.size());
sha1_finish(&ctx, output);
return reinterpret_cast<le_t<u32>&>(output[0]);
le_t<u32> result = 0;
std::memcpy(&result, output, sizeof(result));
return result;
ppu_static_module::ppu_static_module(const char* name)
@ -331,14 +333,11 @@ static void ppu_initialize_modules(ppu_linkage_info* link)
g_ppu_function_names[function.second.index] = fmt::format("%s:%s", function.second.name, _module->name);
if ((function.second.flags & MFF_HIDDEN) == 0)
auto& flink = linkage.functions[function.first];
auto& flink = linkage.functions[function.first];
flink.static_func = &function.second;
flink.export_addr = g_fxo->get<ppu_function_manager>().func_addr(function.second.index);
function.second.export_addr = &flink.export_addr;
flink.static_func = &function.second;
flink.export_addr = g_fxo->get<ppu_function_manager>().func_addr(function.second.index);
function.second.export_addr = &flink.export_addr;
for (auto& variable : _module->variables)
@ -528,7 +527,12 @@ struct ppu_prx_module_info
be_t<u32> unk5;
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link = false);
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target);
extern u32 ppu_get_exported_func_addr(u32 fnid, const std::string& module_name)
return g_fxo->get<ppu_linkage_info>().modules[module_name].functions[fnid].export_addr;
// Load and register exports; return special exports found (nameless module)
static auto ppu_load_exports(ppu_linkage_info* link, u32 exports_start, u32 exports_end)
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ constexpr const char* ppu_select_name(const char* /*name*/, const char* orig_nam
// Generate FNID or VNID for given name
extern u32 ppu_generate_id(const char* name);
extern u32 ppu_generate_id(std::string_view name);
// Overload for REG_FNID, REG_VNID macro
constexpr u32 ppu_generate_id(u32 id)
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ enum ppu_static_module_flags : u32
MFF_FORCED_HLE = (1 << 0), // Always call HLE function
MFF_PERFECT = (1 << 1), // Indicates complete implementation and LLE interchangeability
MFF_HIDDEN = (1 << 2), // Invisible function for internal use (TODO)
MFF_HIDDEN = (1 << 2), // Invisible variable for internal use (TODO)
// HLE function information
@ -293,7 +293,9 @@ inline RT ppu_execute(ppu_thread& ppu, Args... args)
return func(ppu, args...);
#define REG_FNID(_module, nid, func) ppu_module_manager::register_static_function<&func>(#_module, ppu_select_name(#func, nid), BIND_FUNC(func, ppu.cia = static_cast<u32>(ppu.lr) & ~3), ppu_generate_id(nid))
#define BIND_FUNC_WITH_BLR(func) BIND_FUNC(func, ppu.cia = static_cast<u32>(ppu.lr) & ~3)
#define REG_FNID(_module, nid, func) ppu_module_manager::register_static_function<&func>(#_module, ppu_select_name(#func, nid), BIND_FUNC_WITH_BLR(func), ppu_generate_id(nid))
#define REG_FUNC(_module, func) REG_FNID(_module, #func, func)
@ -301,6 +303,10 @@ inline RT ppu_execute(ppu_thread& ppu, Args... args)
#define REG_VAR(_module, var) REG_VNID(_module, #var, var)
#define REG_HIDDEN_FUNC(func) ppu_function_manager::register_function<decltype(&func), &func>(BIND_FUNC_WITH_BLR(func))
#define REG_HIDDEN_FUNC_PURE(func) ppu_function_manager::register_function<decltype(&func), &func>(func)
#define REINIT_FUNC(func) (ppu_module_manager::find_static_function<&func>().flags = 0, ppu_module_manager::find_static_function<&func>())
#define UNIMPLEMENTED_FUNC(_module) _module.todo("%s()", __func__)
@ -485,19 +485,96 @@ extern void ppu_register_function_at(u32 addr, u32 size, u64 ptr)
return ppu_register_function_at(addr, size, reinterpret_cast<ppu_function_t>(ptr));
u32 ppu_get_exported_func_addr(u32 fnid, const std::string& module_name);
bool ppu_return_from_far_jump(ppu_thread& ppu)
auto& calls_info = ppu.hle_func_calls_with_toc_info;
// Branch to next instruction after far jump call entry with restored R2 and LR
const auto restore_info = &calls_info.back();
ppu.cia = restore_info->cia + 4;
ppu.lr = restore_info->saved_lr;
ppu.gpr[2] = restore_info->saved_r2;
return false;
static const bool s_init_return_far_jump_func = []
return true;
struct ppu_far_jumps_t
std::unordered_map<u32, std::pair<u32, bool>> vals;
struct all_info_t
u32 target;
bool link;
bool with_toc;
std::string module_name;
std::unordered_map<u32, all_info_t> vals;
mutable shared_mutex mutex;
std::pair<u32, bool> get_target(u32 pc) const
// Get target address, 'ppu' is used in ppu_far_jump in order to modify registers
u32 get_target(const u32 pc, ppu_thread* ppu = nullptr)
reader_lock lock(mutex);
if (auto it = vals.find(pc); it != vals.end())
return it->second;
all_info_t& all_info = it->second;
u32 target = all_info.target;
bool link = all_info.link;
bool from_opd = all_info.with_toc;
if (!all_info.module_name.empty())
target = ppu_get_exported_func_addr(target, all_info.module_name);
if (from_opd && !vm::check_addr<sizeof(ppu_func_opd_t)>(target))
// Avoid reading unmapped memory under mutex
from_opd = false;
if (from_opd)
auto& opd = vm::_ref<ppu_func_opd_t>(target);
target = opd.addr;
// We modify LR to custom values here
link = false;
if (ppu)
auto& calls_info = ppu->hle_func_calls_with_toc_info;
// Save LR and R2
// Set LR to the this ppu_return_from_far_jump branch for restoration of registers
// NOTE: In order to clean up this information all calls must return in order
auto& saved_info = calls_info.emplace_back();
saved_info.cia = pc;
saved_info.saved_lr = std::exchange(ppu->lr, FIND_FUNC(ppu_return_from_far_jump));
saved_info.saved_r2 = std::exchange(ppu->gpr[2], opd.rtoc);
if (link && ppu)
ppu->lr = pc + 4;
return target;
return {};
@ -507,39 +584,103 @@ struct ppu_far_jumps_t
u32 ppu_get_far_jump(u32 pc)
return g_fxo->get<const ppu_far_jumps_t>().get_target(pc).first;
return g_fxo->get<ppu_far_jumps_t>().get_target(pc);
static bool ppu_far_jump(ppu_thread& ppu)
auto [cia, link] = g_fxo->get<const ppu_far_jumps_t>().get_target(ppu.cia);
if (link) ppu.lr = ppu.cia + 4;
const u32 cia = g_fxo->get<ppu_far_jumps_t>().get_target(ppu.cia, &ppu);
if (!vm::check_addr(cia, vm::page_executable))
fmt::throw_exception("PPU far jump failed! (returned cia = 0x%08x)", cia);
ppu.cia = cia;
return false;
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link)
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link, bool with_toc, std::string module_name)
// Force align entry and target
entry &= -4;
target &= -4;
if (entry == target || !vm::check_addr(entry, vm::page_executable) || !vm::check_addr(target, vm::page_executable))
// Exported functions are using target as FNID, must not be changed
if (module_name.empty())
target &= -4;
u32 cia_target = target;
if (with_toc)
ppu_func_opd_t opd{};
if (!vm::try_access(target, &opd, sizeof(opd), false))
// Cannot access function descriptor
return false;
// For now allow situations where OPD is changed later by patches or by the program itself
//cia_target = opd.addr;
// So force a valid target (executable, yet not equal to entry)
cia_target = entry ^ 8;
// Target CIA must be aligned, executable and not equal with
if (cia_target % 4 || entry == cia_target || !vm::check_addr(cia_target, vm::page_executable))
return false;
// Entry must be executable
if (!vm::check_addr(entry, vm::page_executable))
return false;
if (module_name.empty())
if (!module_name.empty())
// Always use function descriptor for exported functions
with_toc = true;
if (with_toc)
// Always link for calls with function descriptor
link = true;
// Register branch target in host memory, not guest memory
auto& jumps = g_fxo->get<ppu_far_jumps_t>();
std::lock_guard lock(jumps.mutex);
jumps.vals.insert_or_assign(entry, std::make_pair(target, link));
jumps.vals.insert_or_assign(entry, std::type_identity_t<typename ppu_far_jumps_t::all_info_t>{target, link, with_toc, std::move(module_name)});
ppu_register_function_at(entry, 4, &ppu_far_jump);
return true;
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link, bool with_toc)
return ppu_form_branch_to_code(entry, target, link, with_toc, std::string{});
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target, bool link)
return ppu_form_branch_to_code(entry, target, link, false);
bool ppu_form_branch_to_code(u32 entry, u32 target)
return ppu_form_branch_to_code(entry, target, false);
void ppu_remove_hle_instructions(u32 addr, u32 size)
@ -693,7 +834,7 @@ std::array<u32, 2> op_branch_targets(u32 pc, ppu_opcode_t op)
if (u32 target = g_fxo->get<const ppu_far_jumps_t>().get_target(pc).first)
if (u32 target = g_fxo->get<ppu_far_jumps_t>().get_target(pc))
res[0] = target;
return res;
@ -307,6 +307,15 @@ public:
static constexpr u32 call_history_max_size = 4096;
struct hle_func_call_with_toc_info_t
u32 cia;
u64 saved_lr;
u64 saved_r2;
std::vector<hle_func_call_with_toc_info_t> hle_func_calls_with_toc_info;
// For named_thread ctor
const struct thread_name_t
Reference in New Issue
Block a user