qt: rewrite syntax highlighter

- fix multi-line comments
- remove compilation warnings "unknown escape sequence"
- fewer lines of code
This commit is contained in:
scribam 2018-06-11 22:28:21 +02:00 committed by Ivan
parent a8f19fbfae
commit 626836f95b
4 changed files with 187 additions and 342 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "cg_disasm_window.h"
#include "syntax_highlighter.h"
#include <QSplitter>
#include <QMenu>
@ -35,124 +34,17 @@ cg_disasm_window::cg_disasm_window(std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> xSettings): xgu
m_glsl_text = new QTextEdit(this);
// m_disasm_text syntax highlighter
syntax_highlighter* sh_asm = new syntax_highlighter(m_disasm_text->document());
sh_asm->AddCommentRule("#", QColor(Qt::darkGreen));
sh_asm->AddCommentRule("\/\*", QColor(Qt::darkGreen), true, "\*\/");
sh_asm->AddSimpleRule(QStringList("^([^\\s]+).*$"), QColor(Qt::darkBlue)); // Instructions
sh_asm->AddSimpleRule(QStringList(",?\\s(-?R\\d[^,;\\s]*)"), QColor(Qt::darkRed)); // -R0.*
sh_asm->AddSimpleRule(QStringList(",?\\s(-?H\\d[^,;\\s]*)"), QColor(Qt::red)); // -H1.*
sh_asm->AddSimpleRule(QStringList(",?\\s(-?v\\[\\d\\]*[^,;\\s]*)"), QColor(Qt::darkCyan)); // -v[xyz].*
sh_asm->AddSimpleRule(QStringList(",?\\s(-?o\\[\\d\\]*[^,;\\s]*)"), QColor(Qt::darkMagenta)); // -o[xyz].*
sh_asm->AddSimpleRule(QStringList(",?\\s(-?c\\[\\d\\]*[^,;\\s]*)"), QColor(Qt::darkYellow)); // -c[xyz].*
// "^([^\\s]+)(?:,?\\s*([^,\\;\\s]+))?(?:,?\\s*([^,\\;\\s]+))?(?:,?\\s*([^,\\;\\s]+))?(?:,?\\s*([^,\\;\\s]+))?.*$",
// { QColor(Qt::black), QColor(Qt::darkBlue), QColor(Qt::darkRed), QColor(Qt::darkMagenta), QColor(Qt::darkYellow), QColor(Qt::darkCyan) });
sh_asm = new AsmHighlighter(m_disasm_text->document());
// m_glsl_text syntax highlighter
QStringList glsl_syntax = QStringList()
// Selection-Iteration-Jump Statements:
<< "if" << "else" << "switch" << "case" << "default"
<< "for" << "while" << "do" << "foreach" //?
<< "return" << "break" << "continue" << "discard"
// Misc:
<< "void" << "char" << "short" << "long" << "template"
<< "class" << "struct" << "union" << "enum"
<< "static" << "virtual" << "inline" << "explicit"
<< "public" << "private" << "protected" << "namespace"
<< "typedef" << "typename" << "signed" << "unsigned"
<< "friend" << "operator" << "signals" << "slots"
// Qualifiers:
<< "in" << "packed" << "precision" << "const" << "smooth" << "sample"
<< "out" << "shared" << "highp" << "invariant" << "noperspective" << "centroid"
<< "inout" << "std140" << "mediump" << "uniform" << "flat" << "patch"
<< "buffer" << "std430" << "lowp"
<< "image"
// Removed Qualifiers?
<< "attribute" << "varying"
// Memory Qualifiers
<< "coherent" << "volatile" << "restrict" << "readonly" << "writeonly"
// Layout Qualifiers:
//<< "subroutine" << "layout" << "xfb_buffer" << "textureGrad" << "texture" << "dFdx" << "dFdy"
//<< "location" << "component" << "binding" << "offset"
//<< "xfb_offset" << "xfb_stride" << "vertices" << "max_vertices"
// Scalars and Vectors:
<< "bool" << "int" << "uint" << "float" << "double"
<< "bvec2" << "ivec2" << "uvec2" << "vec2" << "dvec2"
<< "bvec3" << "ivec3" << "uvec3" << "vec3" << "dvec3"
<< "bvec4" << "ivec4" << "uvec4" << "vec4" << "dvec4"
// Matrices:
<< "mat2" << "mat2x3" << "mat2x4"
<< "mat3" << "mat3x2" << "mat3x4"
<< "mat4" << "mat4x2" << "mat4x3"
// Sampler Types:
<< "sampler1D" << "isampler1D" << "usampler1D"
<< "sampler2D" << "isampler2D" << "usampler2D"
<< "sampler3D" << "isampler3D" << "usampler3D"
<< "samplerCube" << "isamplerCube" << "usamplerCube"
<< "sampler2DRect" << "isampler2DRect" << "usampler2DRect"
<< "sampler1DArray" << "isampler1DArray" << "usampler1DArray"
<< "sampler2DArray" << "isampler2DArray" << "usampler2DArray"
<< "samplerCubeArray" << "isamplerCubeArray" << "usamplerCubeArray"
<< "samplerBuffer" << "isamplerBuffer" << "usamplerBuffer"
<< "sampler2DMS" << "isampler2DMS" << "usampler2DMS"
<< "sampler2DMSArray" << "isampler2DMSArray" << "usampler2DMSArray"
// Shadow Samplers:
<< "sampler1DShadow"
<< "sampler2DShadow"
<< "samplerCubeShadow"
<< "sampler2DRectShadow"
<< "sampler1DArrayShadow"
<< "sampler2DArrayShadow"
<< "samplerCubeArrayShadow"
// Image Types:
<< "image1D" << "iimage1D" << "uimage1D"
<< "image2D" << "iimage2D" << "uimage2D"
<< "image3D" << "iimage3D" << "uimage3D"
<< "imageCube" << "iimageCube" << "uimageCube"
<< "image2DRect" << "iimage2DRect" << "uimage2DRect"
<< "image1DArray" << "iimage1DArray" << "uimage1DArray"
<< "image2DArray" << "iimage2DArray" << "uimage2DArray"
<< "imageCubeArray" << "iimageCubeArray" << "uimageCubeArray"
<< "imageBuffer" << "iimageBuffer" << "uimageBuffer"
<< "image2DMS" << "iimage2DMS" << "uimage2DMS"
<< "image2DMSArray" << "iimage2DMSArray" << "uimage2DMSArray"
// Image Formats:
// Floating-point: // Signed integer:
<< "rgba32f" << "rgba32i"
<< "rgba16f" << "rgba16i"
<< "rg32f" << "rgba8i"
<< "rg16f" << "rg32i"
<< "r11f_g11f_b10f" << "rg16i"
<< "r32f" << "rg8i"
<< "r16f" << "r32i"
<< "rgba16" << "r16i"
<< "rgb10_a2" << "r8i"
<< "rgba8" << "r8ui"
<< "rg16" // Unsigned integer:
<< "rg8" << "rgba32ui"
<< "r16" << "rgba16ui"
<< "r8" << "rgb10_a2ui"
<< "rgba16_snorm" << "rgba8ui"
<< "rgba8_snorm" << "rg32ui"
<< "rg16_snorm" << "rg16ui"
<< "rg8_snorm" << "rg8ui"
<< "r16_snorm" << "r32ui"
<< "r8_snorm" << "r16ui"
syntax_highlighter* sh_glsl = new syntax_highlighter(m_glsl_text->document());
sh_glsl->AddWordRule(glsl_syntax, QColor(Qt::darkBlue)); // normal words like: soka, nani, or gomen
sh_glsl->AddSimpleRule(QStringList("\\bGL_(?:[A-Z]|_)+\\b"), QColor(Qt::darkMagenta)); // constants like: GL_OMAE_WA_MOU_SHINDEIRU
sh_glsl->AddSimpleRule(QStringList("\\bgl_(?:[A-Z]|[a-z]|_)+\\b"), QColor(Qt::darkCyan)); // reserved types like: gl_exploooooosion
sh_glsl->AddSimpleRule(QStringList("\\B#[^\\s]+\\b"), QColor(Qt::darkGray)); // preprocessor instructions like: #waifu megumin
sh_glsl->AddCommentRule("\/\/", QColor(Qt::darkGreen)); // comments like: // No comment
sh_glsl->AddCommentRule("\/\*", QColor(Qt::darkGreen), true, "\*\/"); // comments like: /* I am trapped! Please help me! */
sh_glsl = new GlslHighlighter(m_glsl_text->document());
QSplitter* splitter = new QSplitter();

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "gui_settings.h"
#include "syntax_highlighter.h"
class cg_disasm_window : public QWidget
@ -25,6 +26,9 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> xgui_settings;
AsmHighlighter* sh_asm;
GlslHighlighter* sh_glsl;
explicit cg_disasm_window(std::shared_ptr<gui_settings> xSettings);

View File

@ -1,183 +1,171 @@
#include "syntax_highlighter.h"
syntax_highlighter::syntax_highlighter(QTextDocument *parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent)
Highlighter::Highlighter(QTextDocument *parent) : QSyntaxHighlighter(parent)
void syntax_highlighter::AddSimpleRule(SimpleRule rule)
void Highlighter::addRule(const QString &pattern, const QBrush &brush)
rule.expressions.erase(std::remove_if(rule.expressions.begin(), rule.expressions.end(), [&](const auto &e){
return IsInvalidExpression(e) || e.captureCount() > 1;
}), rule.expressions.end());
HighlightingRule rule;
rule.pattern = QRegularExpression(pattern);
if (rule.expressions.isEmpty())
void Highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)
foreach (const HighlightingRule &rule, highlightingRules)
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator matchIterator = rule.pattern.globalMatch(text);
while (matchIterator.hasNext())
QRegularExpressionMatch match = matchIterator.next();
setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), rule.format);
if (commentStartExpression.pattern().isEmpty() || commentEndExpression.pattern().isEmpty())
void syntax_highlighter::AddSimpleRule(const QStringList& expressions, const QColor& color)
QTextCharFormat format;
QVector<QRegularExpression> regexs;
for (const auto& expr : expressions)
int startIndex = 0;
if (previousBlockState() != 1)
startIndex = text.indexOf(commentStartExpression);
while (startIndex >= 0)
AddSimpleRule(SimpleRule(regexs, format));
QRegularExpressionMatch match = commentEndExpression.match(text, startIndex);
int endIndex = match.capturedStart();
int commentLength = 0;
void syntax_highlighter::AddWordRule(const QStringList& words, const QColor& color)
QTextCharFormat format;
QVector<QRegularExpression> regexs;
for (const auto& word : words)
regexs.append(QRegularExpression("\\b" + word + "\\b"));
AddSimpleRule(SimpleRule(regexs, format));
void syntax_highlighter::AddMultiRule(const MultiRule& rule)
if (IsInvalidExpression(rule.expression) || rule.formats.length() <= rule.expression.captureCount())
void syntax_highlighter::AddMultiRule(const QString& expression, const QVector<QColor>& colors)
QVector<QTextCharFormat> formats;
for (const auto& color : colors)
QTextCharFormat format;
AddMultiRule(MultiRule(QRegularExpression(expression), formats));
void syntax_highlighter::AddCommentRule(const CommentRule& rule)
if (IsInvalidExpression(rule.start_expression) || (rule.multi_line && IsInvalidExpression(rule.end_expression)))
void syntax_highlighter::AddCommentRule(const QString& start, const QColor& color, bool multi_line, const QString& end)
QTextCharFormat format;
AddCommentRule(CommentRule(QRegularExpression(start), QRegularExpression(end), format, multi_line));
void syntax_highlighter::highlightBlock(const QString &text)
m_current_block = text;
for (const auto& rule : m_multi_rules)
// Search for all the matching strings
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = rule.expression.globalMatch(m_current_block);
// Iterate through the matching strings
while (iter.hasNext())
if (endIndex == -1)
// Apply formats to their respective found groups
QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();
for (int i = 0; i <= match.lastCapturedIndex(); i++)
setFormat(match.capturedStart(i), match.capturedLength(i), rule.formats[i]);
commentLength = text.length() - startIndex;
for (const auto& rule : m_rules)
for (const auto& expression : rule.expressions)
// Search for all the matching strings
QRegularExpressionMatchIterator iter = expression.globalMatch(m_current_block);
bool contains_group = expression.captureCount() > 0;
// Iterate through the matching strings
while (iter.hasNext())
// Apply format to the matching string
QRegularExpressionMatch match = iter.next();
if (contains_group)
setFormat(match.capturedStart(1), match.capturedLength(1), rule.format);
setFormat(match.capturedStart(), match.capturedLength(), rule.format);
for (const auto& rule : m_comment_rules)
int comment_start = 0; // Current comment's start position in the text block
int comment_end = 0; // Current comment's end position in the text block
int comment_length = 0; // Current comment length
// We assume we end outside a comment until we know better
// Search for the first comment in this block if we start outside or don't want to search for multiline comments
if (!rule.multi_line || previousBlockState() != block_state::ended_inside_comment)
comment_start = m_current_block.indexOf(rule.start_expression);
// Set format for the rest of this block/line
if (!rule.multi_line)
comment_length = m_current_block.length() - comment_start;
setFormat(comment_start, comment_length, rule.format);
// Format all comments in this block (if they exist)
while (comment_start >= 0)
// Search for end of comment in the remaining text
QRegularExpressionMatch match = rule.end_expression.match(m_current_block, comment_start);
comment_end = match.capturedStart();
if (comment_end == -1)
// We end inside a comment and want to format the entire remaining text
comment_length = m_current_block.length() - comment_start;
// We found the end of the comment so we need to go another round
comment_length = comment_end - comment_start + match.capturedLength();
// Set format for this text segment
setFormat(comment_start, comment_length, rule.format);
// Search for the next comment
comment_start = m_current_block.indexOf(rule.start_expression, comment_start + comment_length);
commentLength = endIndex - startIndex
+ match.capturedLength();
setFormat(startIndex, commentLength, multiLineCommentFormat);
startIndex = text.indexOf(commentStartExpression, startIndex + commentLength);
bool syntax_highlighter::IsInvalidExpression(const QRegularExpression& expression)
AsmHighlighter::AsmHighlighter(QTextDocument *parent) : Highlighter(parent)
return !expression.isValid() || expression.pattern().isEmpty();
addRule("^([^\\s]+).*$", Qt::darkBlue); // Instructions
addRule(",?\\s(-?R\\d[^,;\\s]*)", Qt::darkRed); // -R0.*
addRule(",?\\s(-?H\\d[^,;\\s]*)", Qt::red); // -H1.*
addRule(",?\\s(-?v\\[\\d\\]*[^,;\\s]*)", Qt::darkCyan); // -v[xyz].*
addRule(",?\\s(-?o\\[\\d\\]*[^,;\\s]*)", Qt::darkMagenta); // -o[xyz].*
addRule(",?\\s(-?c\\[\\d\\]*[^,;\\s]*)", Qt::darkYellow); // -c[xyz].*
addRule("#[^\\n]*", Qt::darkGreen); // Single line comment
GlslHighlighter::GlslHighlighter(QTextDocument *parent) : Highlighter(parent)
QStringList keywordPatterns = QStringList()
// Selection-Iteration-Jump Statements:
<< "if" << "else" << "switch" << "case" << "default"
<< "for" << "while" << "do" << "foreach" //?
<< "return" << "break" << "continue" << "discard"
// Misc:
<< "void" << "char" << "short" << "long" << "template"
<< "class" << "struct" << "union" << "enum"
<< "static" << "virtual" << "inline" << "explicit"
<< "public" << "private" << "protected" << "namespace"
<< "typedef" << "typename" << "signed" << "unsigned"
<< "friend" << "operator" << "signals" << "slots"
// Qualifiers:
<< "in" << "packed" << "precision" << "const" << "smooth" << "sample"
<< "out" << "shared" << "highp" << "invariant" << "noperspective" << "centroid"
<< "inout" << "std140" << "mediump" << "uniform" << "flat" << "patch"
<< "buffer" << "std430" << "lowp"
<< "image"
// Removed Qualifiers?
<< "attribute" << "varying"
// Memory Qualifiers
<< "coherent" << "volatile" << "restrict" << "readonly" << "writeonly"
// Layout Qualifiers:
//<< "subroutine" << "layout" << "xfb_buffer" << "textureGrad" << "texture" << "dFdx" << "dFdy"
//<< "location" << "component" << "binding" << "offset"
//<< "xfb_offset" << "xfb_stride" << "vertices" << "max_vertices"
// Scalars and Vectors:
<< "bool" << "int" << "uint" << "float" << "double"
<< "bvec2" << "ivec2" << "uvec2" << "vec2" << "dvec2"
<< "bvec3" << "ivec3" << "uvec3" << "vec3" << "dvec3"
<< "bvec4" << "ivec4" << "uvec4" << "vec4" << "dvec4"
// Matrices:
<< "mat2" << "mat2x3" << "mat2x4"
<< "mat3" << "mat3x2" << "mat3x4"
<< "mat4" << "mat4x2" << "mat4x3"
// Sampler Types:
<< "sampler1D" << "isampler1D" << "usampler1D"
<< "sampler2D" << "isampler2D" << "usampler2D"
<< "sampler3D" << "isampler3D" << "usampler3D"
<< "samplerCube" << "isamplerCube" << "usamplerCube"
<< "sampler2DRect" << "isampler2DRect" << "usampler2DRect"
<< "sampler1DArray" << "isampler1DArray" << "usampler1DArray"
<< "sampler2DArray" << "isampler2DArray" << "usampler2DArray"
<< "samplerCubeArray" << "isamplerCubeArray" << "usamplerCubeArray"
<< "samplerBuffer" << "isamplerBuffer" << "usamplerBuffer"
<< "sampler2DMS" << "isampler2DMS" << "usampler2DMS"
<< "sampler2DMSArray" << "isampler2DMSArray" << "usampler2DMSArray"
// Shadow Samplers:
<< "sampler1DShadow"
<< "sampler2DShadow"
<< "samplerCubeShadow"
<< "sampler2DRectShadow"
<< "sampler1DArrayShadow"
<< "sampler2DArrayShadow"
<< "samplerCubeArrayShadow"
// Image Types:
<< "image1D" << "iimage1D" << "uimage1D"
<< "image2D" << "iimage2D" << "uimage2D"
<< "image3D" << "iimage3D" << "uimage3D"
<< "imageCube" << "iimageCube" << "uimageCube"
<< "image2DRect" << "iimage2DRect" << "uimage2DRect"
<< "image1DArray" << "iimage1DArray" << "uimage1DArray"
<< "image2DArray" << "iimage2DArray" << "uimage2DArray"
<< "imageCubeArray" << "iimageCubeArray" << "uimageCubeArray"
<< "imageBuffer" << "iimageBuffer" << "uimageBuffer"
<< "image2DMS" << "iimage2DMS" << "uimage2DMS"
<< "image2DMSArray" << "iimage2DMSArray" << "uimage2DMSArray"
// Image Formats:
// Floating-point: // Signed integer:
<< "rgba32f" << "rgba32i"
<< "rgba16f" << "rgba16i"
<< "rg32f" << "rgba8i"
<< "rg16f" << "rg32i"
<< "r11f_g11f_b10f" << "rg16i"
<< "r32f" << "rg8i"
<< "r16f" << "r32i"
<< "rgba16" << "r16i"
<< "rgb10_a2" << "r8i"
<< "rgba8" << "r8ui"
<< "rg16" // Unsigned integer:
<< "rg8" << "rgba32ui"
<< "r16" << "rgba16ui"
<< "r8" << "rgb10_a2ui"
<< "rgba16_snorm" << "rgba8ui"
<< "rgba8_snorm" << "rg32ui"
<< "rg16_snorm" << "rg16ui"
<< "rg8_snorm" << "rg8ui"
<< "r16_snorm" << "r32ui"
<< "r8_snorm" << "r16ui";
foreach (const QString &pattern, keywordPatterns)
addRule("\\b" + pattern + "\\b", Qt::darkBlue); // normal words like: soka, nani, or gomen
addRule("\\bGL_(?:[A-Z]|_)+\\b", Qt::darkMagenta); // constants like: GL_OMAE_WA_MOU_SHINDEIRU
addRule("\\bgl_(?:[A-Z]|[a-z]|_)+\\b", Qt::darkCyan); // reserved types like: gl_exploooooosion
addRule("\\B#[^\\s]+\\b", Qt::darkGray); // preprocessor instructions like: #waifu megumin
addRule("//[^\\n]*", Qt::darkGreen); // Single line comment
// Multi line comment
commentStartExpression = QRegularExpression("/\\*");
commentEndExpression = QRegularExpression("\\*/");

View File

@ -3,83 +3,44 @@
#include <QSyntaxHighlighter>
#include <QRegularExpression>
class syntax_highlighter : public QSyntaxHighlighter
// Inspired by https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtwidgets-richtext-syntaxhighlighter-example.html
class Highlighter : public QSyntaxHighlighter
enum block_state
syntax_highlighter(QTextDocument *parent = 0);
struct SimpleRule
QVector<QRegularExpression> expressions;
QTextCharFormat format;
SimpleRule(const QVector<QRegularExpression>& expressions, const QTextCharFormat& format)
: expressions(expressions), format(format) {}
struct MultiRule
QRegularExpression expression;
QVector<QTextCharFormat> formats;
MultiRule(const QRegularExpression& expr, const QVector<QTextCharFormat>& formats)
: expression(expr), formats(formats) {}
struct CommentRule
QRegularExpression start_expression;
QRegularExpression end_expression;
QTextCharFormat format;
bool multi_line = false;
CommentRule(const QRegularExpression& start, const QRegularExpression& end, const QTextCharFormat& format, bool multi_line)
: start_expression(start), end_expression(end), format(format), multi_line(multi_line) {}
Add a simple highlighting rule that applies the given format to all given expressions.
You can add up to one Group to the expression. The full match group will be ignored
void AddSimpleRule(SimpleRule rule);
void AddSimpleRule(const QStringList& expressions, const QColor& color);
/** Add a simple highlighting rule for words. Not supposed to be used with any other expression */
void AddWordRule(const QStringList& words, const QColor& color);
Add a complex highlighting rule that applies different formats to the expression's groups.
Make sure you don't have more groups in your expression than formats !!!
Group 0 is always the full match, so the first color has to be for that !!!
Example expression for string "rdch $4,$6,$8,$5" with 6 groups (5 + full match):
"^(?<group1>[^\s]+) (?<group2>[^,]+),(?<group3>[^,]+),(?<group4>[^,]+),(?<group5>[^,]+)$"
void AddMultiRule(const MultiRule& rule);
void AddMultiRule(const QString& expression, const QVector<QColor>& colors);
Add a comment highlighting rule. Add them in ascending priority.
We only need rule.end_expression in case of rule.multi_line.
A block ends at the end of a line anyway.
void AddCommentRule(const CommentRule& rule);
void AddCommentRule(const QString& start, const QColor& color, bool multi_line = false, const QString& end = "");
Highlighter(QTextDocument *parent = 0);
void highlightBlock(const QString &text) override;
void addRule(const QString &pattern, const QBrush &brush);
/** Checks if an expression is invalid or empty */
static bool IsInvalidExpression(const QRegularExpression& expression);
struct HighlightingRule
QRegularExpression pattern;
QTextCharFormat format;
QVector<HighlightingRule> highlightingRules;
QVector<SimpleRule> m_rules;
QVector<CommentRule> m_comment_rules;
QVector<MultiRule> m_multi_rules;
QRegularExpression commentStartExpression;
QRegularExpression commentEndExpression;
QString m_current_block;
QTextCharFormat multiLineCommentFormat;
class AsmHighlighter : public Highlighter
AsmHighlighter(QTextDocument *parent = 0);
class GlslHighlighter : public Highlighter
GlslHighlighter(QTextDocument *parent = 0);