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synced 2025-03-12 22:14:58 +00:00
Implement fat atomics
Atomics with embedded mutex bit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#include "Utilities/types.h"
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <atomic>
@ -1150,3 +1151,358 @@ public:
template <typename T, unsigned BitWidth = 0>
class atomic_with_lock_bit
// Simply internal type
using type = std::conditional_t<std::is_pointer_v<T>, std::uintptr_t, T>;
// Check space for lock bit
static_assert(BitWidth < sizeof(T) * 8, "No space for lock bit");
static_assert(sizeof(T) <= 8, "Not supported");
static_assert(std::is_pointer_v<T> == (BitWidth == 0), "BitWidth should be 0 for pointers");
static_assert(!std::is_pointer_v<T> || (alignof(std::remove_pointer_t<T>) > 1), "Pointer type should have align 2 or more");
// Use the most significant bit as a mutex
atomic_t<type> m_data;
using base_type = T;
static bool is_locked(type old_val)
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<type> && BitWidth == sizeof(T) * 8 - 1)
return old_val < 0;
else if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
return (old_val & 1) != 0;
return (old_val & (type{1} << BitWidth)) != 0;
static type clamp_value(type old_val)
if constexpr (std::is_signed_v<type>)
return static_cast<type>(static_cast<std::make_unsigned_t<type>>(old_val) << (sizeof(T) * 8 - BitWidth)) >> (sizeof(T) * 8 - BitWidth);
else if constexpr (std::is_pointer_v<T>)
return old_val & 0xffff'ffff'ffff'fffeull;
return old_val & static_cast<type>(0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffffull >> (64 - BitWidth));
// Define simple type
using simple_type = simple_t<T>;
atomic_with_lock_bit() noexcept = default;
atomic_with_lock_bit(const atomic_with_lock_bit&) = delete;
atomic_with_lock_bit& operator =(const atomic_with_lock_bit&) = delete;
constexpr atomic_with_lock_bit(T value) noexcept
: m_data(clamp_value(reinterpret_cast<type>(value)))
// Unsafe read
type raw_load() const
return clamp_value(m_data.load());
// Unsafe write and unlock
void raw_release(type value)
void lock()
while (UNLIKELY(m_data.bts(BitWidth)))
type old_val = m_data.load();
if (is_locked(old_val))
old_val = m_data.load();
bool try_lock()
return !m_data.bts(BitWidth);
void unlock()
T load()
type old_val = m_data.load();
while (UNLIKELY(is_locked(old_val)))
old_val = m_data.load();
return reinterpret_cast<T>(clamp_value(old_val));
void store(T value)
type old_val = m_data.load();
while (UNLIKELY(is_locked(old_val) || !m_data.compare_and_swap_test(old_val, clamp_value(reinterpret_cast<type>(value)))))
old_val = m_data.load();
template <typename F, typename RT = std::invoke_result_t<F, type&>>
RT atomic_op(F func)
type _new, old;
old.m_data = m_data.load();
while (true)
if (UNLIKELY(is_locked(old.m_data)))
old.m_data = m_data.load();
_new = old;
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<RT>)
std::invoke(func, reinterpret_cast<T&>(_new));
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old.m_data, clamp_value(_new.m_data))))
RT result = std::invoke(func, reinterpret_cast<T&>(_new));
if (LIKELY(atomic_storage<type>::compare_exchange(m_data, old.m_data, clamp_value(_new.m_data))))
return result;
type fetch_add(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return std::exchange(v, v += rhs);
auto operator +=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v += rhs;
type fetch_sub(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return std::exchange(v, v -= rhs);
auto operator -=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v -= rhs;
type fetch_and(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return std::exchange(v, v &= rhs);
auto operator &=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v &= rhs;
type fetch_or(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return std::exchange(v, v |= rhs);
auto operator |=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v |= rhs;
type fetch_xor(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return std::exchange(v, v ^= rhs);
auto operator ^=(const type& rhs)
return atomic_op([&](T& v)
return v ^= rhs;
auto operator ++()
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return ++v;
auto operator --()
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return --v;
auto operator ++(int)
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return v++;
auto operator --(int)
return atomic_op([](T& v)
return v--;
using fat_atomic_u1 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u8, 1>;
using fat_atomic_u7 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u8, 7>;
using fat_atomic_s7 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s8, 7>;
using fat_atomic_u8 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u16, 8>;
using fat_atomic_s8 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s16, 8>;
using fat_atomic_u15 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u16, 15>;
using fat_atomic_s15 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s16, 15>;
using fat_atomic_u16 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u32, 16>;
using fat_atomic_s16 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s32, 16>;
using fat_atomic_u31 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u32, 31>;
using fat_atomic_s31 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s32, 31>;
using fat_atomic_u32 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u64, 32>;
using fat_atomic_s32 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s64, 32>;
using fat_atomic_u63 = atomic_with_lock_bit<u64, 63>;
using fat_atomic_s63 = atomic_with_lock_bit<s64, 63>;
template <typename Ptr>
using fat_atomic_ptr = atomic_with_lock_bit<Ptr*, 0>;
namespace detail
template <typename Arg, typename... Args>
struct mao_func_t
template <typename... TArgs>
using RT = typename mao_func_t<Args...>::template RT<TArgs..., Arg>;
template <typename Arg>
struct mao_func_t<Arg>
template <typename... TArgs>
using RT = std::invoke_result_t<Arg, simple_t<TArgs>&...>;
template <typename... Args>
using mao_result = typename mao_func_t<std::decay_t<Args>...>::template RT<>;
template <typename RT, typename... Args, std::size_t... I>
RT multi_atomic_op(std::index_sequence<I...>, Args&&... args)
// Tie all arguments (function is the latest)
auto vars = std::tie(args...);
// Lock all variables
// Load initial values
auto values = std::make_tuple(std::get<I>(vars).raw_load()...);
if constexpr (std::is_void_v<RT>)
std::invoke(std::get<(sizeof...(Args) - 1)>(vars), reinterpret_cast<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(std::get<I>(vars))>::base_type&>(std::get<I>(values))...);
// Unlock and return
(std::get<I>(vars).raw_release(std::get<I>(values)), ...);
RT result = std::invoke(std::get<(sizeof...(Args) - 1)>(vars), reinterpret_cast<typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(std::get<I>(vars))>::base_type&>(std::get<I>(values))...);
// Unlock and return the result
(std::get<I>(vars).raw_release(std::get<I>(values)), ...);
return result;
// Atomic operation; returns function result value, function is the lambda
template <typename... Args, typename RT = detail::mao_result<Args...>>
RT multi_atomic_op(Args&&... args)
return detail::multi_atomic_op<RT>(std::make_index_sequence<(sizeof...(Args) - 1)>(), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Reference in New Issue
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