mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 06:40:49 +00:00
BufferUtils: remove dead code (vertex streaming)
RIP. It won't be useful.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,8 +10,6 @@
#include "emmintrin.h"
#include "immintrin.h"
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wold-style-cast"
@ -39,11 +37,6 @@ using __m256i = long long __attribute__((vector_size(32)));
#endif // _MSC_VER
SSSE3_FUNC static inline __m128i ssse3_shuffle_epi8(__m128i x, __m128i y)
return _mm_shuffle_epi8(x, y);
SSE4_1_FUNC static inline u16 sse41_hmin_epu16(__m128i x)
return _mm_cvtsi128_si32(_mm_minpos_epu16(x));
@ -104,23 +97,6 @@ namespace utils
* Convert CMP vector to RGBA16.
* A vector in CMP (compressed) format is stored as X11Y11Z10 and has a W component of 1.
* X11 and Y11 channels are int between -1024 and 1023 interpreted as -1.f, 1.f
* Z10 is int between -512 and 511 interpreted as -1.f, 1.f
std::array<u16, 4> decode_cmp_vector(u32 encoded_vector)
u16 Z = encoded_vector >> 22;
Z = Z << 6;
u16 Y = (encoded_vector >> 11) & 0x7FF;
Y = Y << 5;
u16 X = encoded_vector & 0x7FF;
X = X << 5;
return{ X, Y, Z, 1 };
template <bool Compare>
PLAIN_FUNC bool copy_data_swap_u32_naive(u32* dst, const u32* src, u32 count)
@ -184,475 +160,6 @@ built_function<void(*)(void*, const void*, u32)> copy_data_swap_u32(&build_copy_
built_function<bool(*)(void*, const void*, u32)> copy_data_swap_u32_cmp(&build_copy_data_swap_u32<true>);
inline void stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u32(void *dst, const void *src, u32 vertex_count, u8 stride)
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<__m128i*>(dst);
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const __m128i*>(src);
const u32 dword_count = (vertex_count * (stride >> 2));
const u32 iterations = dword_count >> 2;
const u32 remaining = dword_count % 4;
if (s_use_ssse3) [[likely]]
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vector = _mm_loadu_si128(src_ptr);
const __m128i shuffled_vector = ssse3_shuffle_epi8(vector, s_bswap_u32_mask);
_mm_stream_si128(dst_ptr, shuffled_vector);
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vec0 = _mm_loadu_si128(src_ptr);
const __m128i vec1 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(vec0, 8), _mm_srli_epi16(vec0, 8));
const __m128i vec2 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi32(vec1, 16), _mm_srli_epi32(vec1, 16));
_mm_stream_si128(dst_ptr, vec2);
if (remaining)
const auto src_ptr2 = utils::bless<const se_t<u32, true, 1>>(src_ptr);
const auto dst_ptr2 = utils::bless<nse_t<u32, 1>>(dst_ptr);
for (u32 i = 0; i < remaining; ++i)
dst_ptr2[i] = src_ptr2[i];
inline void stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u16(void *dst, const void *src, u32 vertex_count, u8 stride)
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<__m128i*>(dst);
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const __m128i*>(src);
const u32 word_count = (vertex_count * (stride >> 1));
const u32 iterations = word_count >> 3;
const u32 remaining = word_count % 8;
if (s_use_ssse3) [[likely]]
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vector = _mm_loadu_si128(src_ptr);
const __m128i shuffled_vector = ssse3_shuffle_epi8(vector, s_bswap_u16_mask);
_mm_stream_si128(dst_ptr, shuffled_vector);
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vec0 = _mm_loadu_si128(src_ptr);
const __m128i vec1 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(vec0, 8), _mm_srli_epi16(vec0, 8));
_mm_stream_si128(dst_ptr, vec1);
if (remaining)
auto src_ptr2 = utils::bless<const se_t<u16, true, 1>>(src_ptr);
auto dst_ptr2 = utils::bless<nse_t<u16, 1>>(dst_ptr);
for (u32 i = 0; i < remaining; ++i)
dst_ptr2[i] = src_ptr2[i];
inline void stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u32_non_continuous(void *dst, const void *src, u32 vertex_count, u8 dst_stride, u8 src_stride)
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(src);
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<char*>(dst);
//Count vertices to copy
const bool is_128_aligned = !((dst_stride | src_stride) & 15);
u32 min_block_size = std::min(src_stride, dst_stride);
if (min_block_size == 0) min_block_size = dst_stride;
u32 iterations = 0;
u32 remainder = is_128_aligned ? 0 : 1 + ((16 - min_block_size) / min_block_size);
if (vertex_count > remainder)
iterations = vertex_count - remainder;
remainder = vertex_count;
if (s_use_ssse3) [[likely]]
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vector = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src_ptr));
const __m128i shuffled_vector = ssse3_shuffle_epi8(vector, s_bswap_u32_mask);
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst_ptr), shuffled_vector);
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vec0 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src_ptr));
const __m128i vec1 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(vec0, 8), _mm_srli_epi16(vec0, 8));
const __m128i vec2 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi32(vec1, 16), _mm_srli_epi32(vec1, 16));
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst_ptr), vec2);
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
if (remainder)
const u8 attribute_sz = min_block_size >> 2;
for (u32 n = 0; n < remainder; ++n)
auto src_ptr2 = utils::bless<const be_t<u32>>(src_ptr);
auto dst_ptr2 = utils::bless<u32>(dst_ptr);
for (u32 v = 0; v < attribute_sz; ++v)
dst_ptr2[v] = src_ptr2[v];
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
inline void stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u16_non_continuous(void *dst, const void *src, u32 vertex_count, u8 dst_stride, u8 src_stride)
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(src);
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<char*>(dst);
const bool is_128_aligned = !((dst_stride | src_stride) & 15);
u32 min_block_size = std::min(src_stride, dst_stride);
if (min_block_size == 0) min_block_size = dst_stride;
u32 iterations = 0;
u32 remainder = is_128_aligned ? 0 : 1 + ((16 - min_block_size) / min_block_size);
if (vertex_count > remainder)
iterations = vertex_count - remainder;
remainder = vertex_count;
if (s_use_ssse3) [[likely]]
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vector = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src_ptr));
const __m128i shuffled_vector = ssse3_shuffle_epi8(vector, s_bswap_u16_mask);
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst_ptr), shuffled_vector);
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
for (u32 i = 0; i < iterations; ++i)
const __m128i vec0 = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(src_ptr));
const __m128i vec1 = _mm_or_si128(_mm_slli_epi16(vec0, 8), _mm_srli_epi16(vec0, 8));
_mm_storeu_si128(reinterpret_cast<__m128i*>(dst_ptr), vec1);
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
if (remainder)
const u8 attribute_sz = min_block_size >> 1;
for (u32 n = 0; n < remainder; ++n)
auto src_ptr2 = utils::bless<const be_t<u16>>(src_ptr);
auto dst_ptr2 = utils::bless<u16>(dst_ptr);
for (u32 v = 0; v < attribute_sz; ++v)
dst_ptr2[v] = src_ptr2[v];
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
inline void stream_data_to_memory_u8_non_continuous(void *dst, const void *src, u32 vertex_count, u8 attribute_size, u8 dst_stride, u8 src_stride)
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(src);
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<char*>(dst);
switch (attribute_size)
case 4:
//Read one dword every iteration
for (u32 vertex = 0; vertex < vertex_count; ++vertex)
*reinterpret_cast<u32*>(dst_ptr) = *reinterpret_cast<const u32*>(src_ptr);
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
src_ptr += src_stride;
case 3:
//Read one word and one byte
for (u32 vertex = 0; vertex < vertex_count; ++vertex)
*reinterpret_cast<u16*>(dst_ptr) = *reinterpret_cast<const u16*>(src_ptr);
dst_ptr[2] = src_ptr[2];
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
src_ptr += src_stride;
case 2:
//Copy u16 blocks
for (u32 vertex = 0; vertex < vertex_count; ++vertex)
*reinterpret_cast<u16*>(dst_ptr) = *reinterpret_cast<const u16*>(src_ptr);
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
src_ptr += src_stride;
case 1:
for (u32 vertex = 0; vertex < vertex_count; ++vertex)
dst_ptr[0] = src_ptr[0];
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
src_ptr += src_stride;
template <typename T, typename U, int N>
void copy_whole_attribute_array_impl(void* raw_dst, const void* raw_src, u8 dst_stride, u32 src_stride, u32 vertex_count)
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(raw_src);
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<char*>(raw_dst);
for (u32 vertex = 0; vertex < vertex_count; ++vertex)
auto typed_dst = reinterpret_cast<T*>(dst_ptr);
auto typed_src = reinterpret_cast<const U*>(src_ptr);
for (u32 i = 0; i < N; ++i)
typed_dst[i] = typed_src[i];
src_ptr += src_stride;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
* Copies a number of src vertices, repeated over and over to fill the dst
* e.g repeat 2 vertices over a range of 16 verts, so 8 reps
template <typename T, typename U, int N>
void copy_whole_attribute_array_repeating_impl(void* raw_dst, const void* raw_src, const u8 dst_stride, const u32 src_stride, const u32 vertex_count, const u32 src_vertex_count)
auto src_ptr = static_cast<const char*>(raw_src);
auto dst_ptr = static_cast<char*>(raw_dst);
u32 src_offset = 0;
u32 src_limit = src_stride * src_vertex_count;
for (u32 vertex = 0; vertex < vertex_count; ++vertex)
auto typed_dst = reinterpret_cast<T*>(dst_ptr);
auto typed_src = reinterpret_cast<const U*>(src_ptr + src_offset);
for (u32 i = 0; i < N; ++i)
typed_dst[i] = typed_src[i];
src_offset = (src_offset + src_stride) % src_limit;
dst_ptr += dst_stride;
template <typename U, typename T>
void copy_whole_attribute_array(void* raw_dst, const void* raw_src, const u8 attribute_size, const u8 dst_stride, const u32 src_stride, const u32 vertex_count, const u32 src_vertex_count)
//Eliminate the inner loop by templating the inner loop counter N
if (src_vertex_count == vertex_count)
switch (attribute_size)
case 1:
copy_whole_attribute_array_impl<U, T, 1>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count);
case 2:
copy_whole_attribute_array_impl<U, T, 2>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count);
case 3:
copy_whole_attribute_array_impl<U, T, 3>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count);
case 4:
copy_whole_attribute_array_impl<U, T, 4>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count);
switch (attribute_size)
case 1:
copy_whole_attribute_array_repeating_impl<U, T, 1>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count, src_vertex_count);
case 2:
copy_whole_attribute_array_repeating_impl<U, T, 2>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count, src_vertex_count);
case 3:
copy_whole_attribute_array_repeating_impl<U, T, 3>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count, src_vertex_count);
case 4:
copy_whole_attribute_array_repeating_impl<U, T, 4>(raw_dst, raw_src, dst_stride, src_stride, vertex_count, src_vertex_count);
void write_vertex_array_data_to_buffer(std::span<std::byte> raw_dst_span, std::span<const std::byte> src_ptr, u32 count, rsx::vertex_base_type type, u32 vector_element_count, u32 attribute_src_stride, u8 dst_stride, bool swap_endianness)
ensure((vector_element_count > 0));
const u32 src_read_stride = rsx::get_vertex_type_size_on_host(type, vector_element_count);
bool use_stream_no_stride = false;
bool use_stream_with_stride = false;
//If stride is not defined, we have a packed array
if (attribute_src_stride == 0) attribute_src_stride = src_read_stride;
//Sometimes, we get a vertex attribute to be repeated. Just copy the supplied vertices only
//TODO: Stop these requests from getting here in the first place!
//TODO: Check if it is possible to have a repeating array with more than one attribute instance
const u32 real_count = static_cast<u32>(src_ptr.size_bytes()) / attribute_src_stride;
if (real_count == 1) attribute_src_stride = 0; //Always fetch src[0]
//TODO: Determine favourable vertex threshold where vector setup costs become negligible
//Tests show that even with 4 vertices, using traditional bswap is significantly slower over a large number of calls
const u64 src_address = reinterpret_cast<u64>(src_ptr.data());
const bool sse_aligned = ((src_address & 15) == 0);
if (swap_endianness)
if (real_count >= count || real_count == 1)
if (attribute_src_stride == dst_stride && src_read_stride == dst_stride)
use_stream_no_stride = true;
use_stream_with_stride = true;
switch (type)
case rsx::vertex_base_type::ub:
case rsx::vertex_base_type::ub256:
if (use_stream_no_stride)
memcpy(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), count * dst_stride);
else if (use_stream_with_stride)
stream_data_to_memory_u8_non_continuous(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), count, vector_element_count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride);
copy_whole_attribute_array<u8, u8>(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), vector_element_count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride, count, real_count);
case rsx::vertex_base_type::s1:
case rsx::vertex_base_type::sf:
case rsx::vertex_base_type::s32k:
if (use_stream_no_stride && sse_aligned)
stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u16(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), count, attribute_src_stride);
else if (use_stream_with_stride)
stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u16_non_continuous(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride);
else if (swap_endianness)
copy_whole_attribute_array<be_t<u16>, u16>(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), vector_element_count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride, count, real_count);
copy_whole_attribute_array<u16, u16>(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), vector_element_count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride, count, real_count);
case rsx::vertex_base_type::f:
if (use_stream_no_stride && sse_aligned)
stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u32(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), count, attribute_src_stride);
else if (use_stream_with_stride)
stream_data_to_memory_swapped_u32_non_continuous(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride);
else if (swap_endianness)
copy_whole_attribute_array<be_t<u32>, u32>(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), vector_element_count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride, count, real_count);
copy_whole_attribute_array<u32, u32>(raw_dst_span.data(), src_ptr.data(), vector_element_count, dst_stride, attribute_src_stride, count, real_count);
case rsx::vertex_base_type::cmp:
std::span<u16> dst_span = utils::bless<u16>(raw_dst_span);
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; ++i)
u32 src_value;
memcpy(&src_value, src_ptr.subspan(attribute_src_stride * i).data(), sizeof(u32));
if (swap_endianness) src_value = stx::se_storage<u32>::swap(src_value);
const auto& decoded_vector = decode_cmp_vector(src_value);
dst_span[i * dst_stride / sizeof(u16)] = decoded_vector[0];
dst_span[i * dst_stride / sizeof(u16) + 1] = decoded_vector[1];
dst_span[i * dst_stride / sizeof(u16) + 2] = decoded_vector[2];
dst_span[i * dst_stride / sizeof(u16) + 3] = decoded_vector[3];
template <typename T>
@ -5,12 +5,6 @@
#include <span>
* Write count vertex attributes from src_ptr.
* src_ptr array layout is deduced from the type, vector element count and src_stride arguments.
void write_vertex_array_data_to_buffer(std::span<std::byte> raw_dst_span, std::span<const std::byte> src_ptr, u32 count, rsx::vertex_base_type type, u32 vector_element_count, u32 attribute_src_stride, u8 dst_stride, bool swap_endianness);
* If primitive mode is not supported and need to be emulated (using an index buffer) returns false.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user