verify() fix

This commit is contained in:
Nekotekina 2016-08-15 13:18:47 +03:00
parent 05fb57baff
commit 56b9b38c9c
10 changed files with 55 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ static void to_utf8(std::string& out, const wchar_t* source)
const int result = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, source, static_cast<int>(length) + 1, &out.front(), buf_size, NULL, NULL);
// Fix the size
out.resize(verify(result, "to_utf8" HERE) - 1);
out.resize(verify("to_utf8" HERE, result) - 1);
static time_t to_time(const ULARGE_INTEGER& ft)

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ namespace fmt
throw std::runtime_error{msg};
void raw_verify_error(const char* msg, uint position)
void raw_verify_error(const char* msg, const fmt_type_info* sup, u64 arg)
std::string out{"Verification failed"};
@ -149,15 +149,18 @@ namespace fmt
if (position)
if (sup)
out += " (+";
out += std::to_string(position);
out += " (";
sup->fmt_string(out, arg); // Print value
out += ")";
out += ": ";
out += msg;
if (msg)
out += ": ";
out += msg;
throw std::runtime_error{out};
@ -166,13 +169,16 @@ namespace fmt
std::string out{"Narrow error"};
out += " (";
sup->fmt_string(out, arg); // Print value
out += "): ";
if (sup)
out += " (";
sup->fmt_string(out, arg); // Print value
out += ")";
if (msg)
out += " ";
out += ": ";
out += msg;

View File

@ -213,9 +213,6 @@ struct fmt_type_info
template <typename Arg>
using fmt_unveil_t = typename fmt_unveil<Arg>::type;
// Argument array type (each element generated via fmt_unveil<>)
template <typename... Args>
using fmt_args_t = const u64(&&)[sizeof...(Args) + 1];

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@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ namespace memory_helper
void* reserve_memory(size_t size)
#ifdef _WIN32
return verify(VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS), "reserve_memory" HERE);
return verify("reserve_memory" HERE, VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS));
return verify(::mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_NONE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0), "reserve_memory" HERE);
return verify("reserve_memory" HERE, ::mmap(nullptr, size, PROT_NONE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0));

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@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ namespace gsl
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct fmt_unveil;
template <typename Arg>
using fmt_unveil_t = typename fmt_unveil<Arg>::type;
struct fmt_type_info;
namespace fmt
@ -443,25 +446,25 @@ struct ignore
template <typename T, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<T>::value>>
constexpr T align(const T& value, std::uint64_t align)
constexpr T align(const T& value, ullong align)
return static_cast<T>((value + (align - 1)) & ~(align - 1));
inline std::uint32_t cntlz32(std::uint32_t arg, bool nonzero = false)
inline u32 cntlz32(u32 arg, bool nonzero = false)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
unsigned long res;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
ulong res;
return _BitScanReverse(&res, arg) || nonzero ? res ^ 31 : 32;
return arg || nonzero ? __builtin_clzll(arg) - 32 : 32;
inline std::uint64_t cntlz64(std::uint64_t arg, bool nonzero = false)
inline u64 cntlz64(u64 arg, bool nonzero = false)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
unsigned long res;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
ulong res;
return _BitScanReverse64(&res, arg) || nonzero ? res ^ 63 : 64;
return arg || nonzero ? __builtin_clzll(arg) : 64;
@ -469,13 +472,13 @@ inline std::uint64_t cntlz64(std::uint64_t arg, bool nonzero = false)
// Helper function, used by ""_u16, ""_u32, ""_u64
constexpr std::uint8_t to_u8(char c)
constexpr u8 to_u8(char c)
return static_cast<std::uint8_t>(c);
return static_cast<u8>(c);
// Convert 2-byte string to u16 value like reinterpret_cast does
constexpr std::uint16_t operator""_u16(const char* s, std::size_t length)
constexpr u16 operator""_u16(const char* s, std::size_t length)
return length != 2 ? throw s :
#if IS_LE_MACHINE == 1
@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ constexpr std::uint16_t operator""_u16(const char* s, std::size_t length)
// Convert 4-byte string to u32 value like reinterpret_cast does
constexpr std::uint32_t operator""_u32(const char* s, std::size_t length)
constexpr u32 operator""_u32(const char* s, std::size_t length)
return length != 4 ? throw s :
#if IS_LE_MACHINE == 1
@ -493,18 +496,18 @@ constexpr std::uint32_t operator""_u32(const char* s, std::size_t length)
// Convert 8-byte string to u64 value like reinterpret_cast does
constexpr std::uint64_t operator""_u64(const char* s, std::size_t length)
constexpr u64 operator""_u64(const char* s, std::size_t length)
return length != 8 ? throw s :
#if IS_LE_MACHINE == 1
static_cast<std::uint64_t>(to_u8(s[7]) << 24 | to_u8(s[6]) << 16 | to_u8(s[5]) << 8 | to_u8(s[4])) << 32 | to_u8(s[3]) << 24 | to_u8(s[2]) << 16 | to_u8(s[1]) << 8 | to_u8(s[0]);
static_cast<u64>(to_u8(s[7]) << 24 | to_u8(s[6]) << 16 | to_u8(s[5]) << 8 | to_u8(s[4])) << 32 | to_u8(s[3]) << 24 | to_u8(s[2]) << 16 | to_u8(s[1]) << 8 | to_u8(s[0]);
namespace fmt
[[noreturn]] void raw_error(const char* msg);
[[noreturn]] void raw_verify_error(const char* msg, uint position);
[[noreturn]] void raw_verify_error(const char* msg, const fmt_type_info* sup, u64 arg);
[[noreturn]] void raw_narrow_error(const char* msg, const fmt_type_info* sup, u64 arg);
@ -533,7 +536,7 @@ struct verify_impl
// Verification (can be safely disabled)
if (!verify_func()(std::forward<T>(value)))
fmt::raw_verify_error(cause, N);
fmt::raw_verify_error(cause, fmt::get_type_info<uint>(), N);
return verify_impl<N + 1>{cause};
@ -548,11 +551,12 @@ inline auto verify(const char* cause)
// Verification helper (returns value or lvalue reference, may require to use verify_move instead)
template <typename F = verify_func, typename T>
inline T verify(T&& value, const char* cause, F&& func = F())
inline T verify(const char* cause, T&& value, F&& pred = F())
if (!func(std::forward<T>(value)))
if (!pred(std::forward<T>(value)))
fmt::raw_verify_error(cause, 0);
using unref = std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
fmt::raw_verify_error(cause, fmt::get_type_info<fmt_unveil_t<unref>>(), fmt_unveil<unref>::get(value));
return std::forward<T>(value);
@ -560,11 +564,12 @@ inline T verify(T&& value, const char* cause, F&& func = F())
// Verification helper (must be used in return expression or in place of std::move)
template <typename F = verify_func, typename T>
inline std::remove_reference_t<T>&& verify_move(T&& value, const char* cause, F&& func = F())
inline std::remove_reference_t<T>&& verify_move(const char* cause, T&& value, F&& pred = F())
if (!func(std::forward<T>(value)))
if (!pred(std::forward<T>(value)))
fmt::raw_verify_error(cause, 0);
using unref = std::remove_const_t<std::remove_reference_t<T>>;
fmt::raw_verify_error(cause, fmt::get_type_info<fmt_unveil_t<unref>>(), fmt_unveil<unref>::get(value));
return std::move(value);
@ -635,28 +640,7 @@ struct narrow_impl<From, To, std::enable_if_t<std::is_signed<From>::value && std
// Enum to integer (TODO?)
template <typename From, typename To>
struct narrow_impl<From, To, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<From>::value && std::is_integral<To>::value>>
: narrow_impl<std::underlying_type_t<From>, To>
// Integer to enum (TODO?)
template <typename From, typename To>
struct narrow_impl<From, To, std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<From>::value && std::is_enum<To>::value>>
: narrow_impl<From, std::underlying_type_t<To>>
// Enum to enum (TODO?)
template <typename From, typename To>
struct narrow_impl<From, To, std::enable_if_t<std::is_enum<From>::value && std::is_enum<To>::value>>
: narrow_impl<std::underlying_type_t<From>, std::underlying_type_t<To>>
// Simple type enabled (TODO?)
// Simple type enabled (TODO: allow for To as well)
template <typename From, typename To>
struct narrow_impl<From, To, void_t<typename From::simple_type>>
: narrow_impl<simple_t<From>, To>
@ -670,7 +654,7 @@ inline To narrow(const From& value, const char* msg = nullptr)
if (narrow_impl<From, To>::test(value))
// Pack value as formatting argument
fmt::raw_narrow_error(msg, fmt::get_type_info<typename fmt_unveil<From>::type>(), fmt_unveil<From>::get(value));
fmt::raw_narrow_error(msg, fmt::get_type_info<fmt_unveil_t<From>>(), fmt_unveil<From>::get(value));
return static_cast<To>(value);

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@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ void RawSPUThread::on_init(const std::shared_ptr<void>& _this)
// Install correct SPU index and LS address
const_cast<u32&>(index) = id;
const_cast<u32&>(offset) = verify(vm::falloc(RAW_SPU_BASE_ADDR + RAW_SPU_OFFSET * index, 0x40000), HERE);
const_cast<u32&>(offset) = verify(HERE, vm::falloc(RAW_SPU_BASE_ADDR + RAW_SPU_OFFSET * index, 0x40000));

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@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ SPUThread::SPUThread(const std::string& name, u32 index)
: cpu_thread()
, m_name(name)
, index(index)
, offset(verify(vm::alloc(0x40000, vm::main), __func__))
, offset(verify("SPU LS" HERE, vm::alloc(0x40000, vm::main)))

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@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ ppu_error_code sys_memory_allocate(u32 size, u64 flags, vm::ptr<u32> alloc_addr)
// Allocate memory, write back the start address of the allocated area
*alloc_addr = verify(vm::alloc(size, vm::user_space, flags == SYS_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE_1M ? 0x100000 : 0x10000), HERE);
*alloc_addr = verify(HERE, vm::alloc(size, vm::user_space, flags == SYS_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE_1M ? 0x100000 : 0x10000));
return CELL_OK;
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ ppu_error_code sys_memory_allocate_from_container(u32 size, u32 cid, u64 flags,
// Allocate memory, write back the start address of the allocated area, use cid as the supplementary info
*alloc_addr = verify(vm::alloc(size, vm::user_space, flags == SYS_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE_1M ? 0x100000 : 0x10000, cid), HERE);
*alloc_addr = verify(HERE, vm::alloc(size, vm::user_space, flags == SYS_MEMORY_PAGE_SIZE_1M ? 0x100000 : 0x10000, cid));
return CELL_OK;

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@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ ARMv7Thread::ARMv7Thread(const std::string& name, u32 prio, u32 stack)
, stack_addr(vm::alloc(stack, vm::main))
, stack_size(stack)
verify(__func__), stack_size, stack_addr;
verify(HERE), stack_size, stack_addr;
std::memset(GPR, 0, sizeof(GPR));

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@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ HMODULE D3DCompiler;
void loadD3D12FunctionPointers()
D3D12Module = verify(LoadLibrary(L"d3d12.dll"), "d3d12.dll");
D3D12Module = verify("d3d12.dll", LoadLibrary(L"d3d12.dll"));
wrapD3D12CreateDevice = (PFN_D3D12_CREATE_DEVICE)GetProcAddress(D3D12Module, "D3D12CreateDevice");
wrapD3D12GetDebugInterface = (PFN_D3D12_GET_DEBUG_INTERFACE)GetProcAddress(D3D12Module, "D3D12GetDebugInterface");
wrapD3D12SerializeRootSignature = (PFN_D3D12_SERIALIZE_ROOT_SIGNATURE)GetProcAddress(D3D12Module, "D3D12SerializeRootSignature");
D3D11Module = verify(LoadLibrary(L"d3d11.dll"), "d3d11.dll");
D3D11Module = verify("d3d11.dll", LoadLibrary(L"d3d11.dll"));
wrapD3D11On12CreateDevice = (PFN_D3D11ON12_CREATE_DEVICE)GetProcAddress(D3D11Module, "D3D11On12CreateDevice");
D3DCompiler = verify(LoadLibrary(L"d3dcompiler_47.dll"), "d3dcompiler_47.dll");
D3DCompiler = verify("d3dcompiler_47.dll", LoadLibrary(L"d3dcompiler_47.dll"));
wrapD3DCompile = (pD3DCompile)GetProcAddress(D3DCompiler, "D3DCompile");