More memory mapping functions for libgcm

This commit is contained in:
elisha464 2014-01-18 23:36:22 +02:00
parent 509d46a544
commit 48726e8fed
3 changed files with 90 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -686,6 +686,19 @@ u64 VirtualMemoryBlock::getRealAddr(u64 addr)
return 0;
u64 VirtualMemoryBlock::getMappedAddress(u64 realAddress)
for(u32 i=0; i<m_mapped_memory.GetCount(); ++i)
if(realAddress >= m_mapped_memory[i].realAddress && realAddress < m_mapped_memory[i].realAddress + m_mapped_memory[i].size)
return m_mapped_memory[i].addr + (realAddress - m_mapped_memory[i].realAddress);
return 0;
void VirtualMemoryBlock::Delete()

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@ -259,6 +259,9 @@ public:
// return the real address given a mapped address, if not mapped return 0
u64 getRealAddr(u64 addr);
// return the mapped address given a real address, if not mapped return 0
u64 getMappedAddress(u64 realAddress);
#include "DynamicMemoryBlockBase.inl"

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@ -17,16 +17,29 @@ enum
Memory Mapping
struct gcm_offset
u64 io;
u64 ea;
void InitOffsetTable();
int cellGcmAddressToOffset(u32 address, mem32_t offset);
u32 cellGcmGetMaxIoMapSize();
void cellGcmGetOffsetTable(mem_ptr_t<gcm_offset> table);
int32_t cellGcmIoOffsetToAddress(u32 ioOffset, mem_ptr_t<void*> address);
int cellGcmMapEaIoAddress(const u32 ea, const u32 io, const u32 size);
CellGcmConfig current_config;
CellGcmContextData current_context;
gcmInfo gcm_info;
struct gcm_offset
mem_ptr_t<u16> io;
mem_ptr_t<u16> ea;
//gcm_offset offsetTable;
u32 map_offset_addr = 0;
u32 map_offset_pos = 0;
@ -44,26 +57,14 @@ int cellGcmMapMainMemory(u32 address, u32 size, mem32_t offset)
return CELL_OK;
int cellGcmMapEaIoAddress(const u32 ea, const u32 io, const u32 size)
cellGcmSys.Warning("cellGcmMapEaIoAddress(ea=0x%x, io=0x%x, size=0x%x)", ea, io, size);
if(io % 0x100000 != 0 || size % 0x100000 != 0) return CELL_GCM_ERROR_FAILURE;
//Memory.Map(io, ea, size);
//Emu.GetGSManager().GetRender().m_ioAddress = io;
Emu.GetGSManager().GetRender().m_report_main_addr = ea;
return CELL_OK;
int cellGcmInit(u32 context_addr, u32 cmdSize, u32 ioSize, u32 ioAddress)
cellGcmSys.Warning("cellGcmInit(context_addr=0x%x,cmdSize=0x%x,ioSize=0x%x,ioAddress=0x%x)", context_addr, cmdSize, ioSize, ioAddress);
if(!local_size && !local_addr)
u32 local_size = 0xf900000; //TODO
u32 local_addr = Memory.RSXFBMem.GetStartAddr();
local_size = 0xf900000; //TODO
local_addr = Memory.RSXFBMem.GetStartAddr();
@ -78,9 +79,10 @@ int cellGcmInit(u32 context_addr, u32 cmdSize, u32 ioSize, u32 ioAddress)
current_config.memoryFrequency = re32(650000000);
current_config.coreFrequency = re32(500000000);
Memory.MemoryBlocks.Add(Memory.RSXIOMem.SetRange(0xD0000000, 0x10000000/*256MB*/));
Memory.RSXIOMem.Map(ioAddress, ioSize);
Memory.MemoryBlocks.Add(Memory.RSXIOMem.SetRange(0xE0000000, 0x10000000/*256MB*/));//TODO: implement allocateAdressSpace in memoryBase
cellGcmMapEaIoAddress(ioAddress, ioSize, 0);
u32 ctx_begin = ioAddress/* + 0x1000*/;
u32 ctx_size = 0x6ffc;
@ -539,6 +541,23 @@ int cellGcmSetSecondVFrequency (u32 freq)
Memory Mapping
gcm_offset offsetTable = {0, 0};
void InitOffsetTable()
{ = Memory.Alloc(3072*sizeof(u16), 1);
for(int i=0; i<3072; i++)
Memory.Write16( + sizeof(u16)*i, 0xFFFF);
offsetTable.ea = Memory.Alloc(256*sizeof(u16), 1);//TODO: check flags
for(int i=0; i<256; i++)
Memory.Write16(offsetTable.ea + sizeof(u16)*i, 0xFFFF);
int cellGcmAddressToOffset(u32 address, mem32_t offset)
cellGcmSys.Log("cellGcmAddressToOffset(address=0x%x,offset_addr=0x%x)", address, offset.GetAddr());
@ -598,47 +617,8 @@ u32 cellGcmGetMaxIoMapSize()
void cellGcmGetOffsetTable(mem_ptr_t<gcm_offset> table)
static gcm_offset temp = {NULL, NULL};
u32 mem = Memory.Alloc(sizeof(u16) * 0xBFF, 1);
for(int i=0; i<0xBFF; i++)
Memory.Write16(mem + i*sizeof(u16), 0xFFFF);
} = re(mem);
u32 mem = Memory.Alloc(sizeof(u16) * 511, 1);
for(int i=0; i<511; i++)
Memory.Write16(mem + i*sizeof(u16), 0xFFFF);
temp.ea = re(mem);
*table = temp;
/*Memory.Write16((table->io), 0xFFFF);
Memory.Write16(table->io + (uint)2, 0xFFFF);*/
/*Memory.Write16(table->ea, 0xFFFF);
Memory.Write16(table->ea + (uint)2, 0xFFFF);*/
table->io = re(;
table->ea = re(offsetTable.ea);
int32_t cellGcmIoOffsetToAddress(u32 ioOffset, mem_ptr_t<void*> address)
@ -655,12 +635,38 @@ int32_t cellGcmIoOffsetToAddress(u32 ioOffset, mem_ptr_t<void*> address)
return CELL_OK;
int cellGcmMapEaIoAddress(const u32 ea, const u32 io, const u32 size)
cellGcmSys.Warning("cellGcmMapEaIoAddress(ea=0x%x, io=0x%x, size=0x%x)", ea, io, size);
if((ea & 0xFFFFF) || (io & 0xFFFFF) || (size & 0xFFFFF)) return CELL_GCM_ERROR_FAILURE;
//check if the mapping was successfull
if(Memory.RSXIOMem.Map(ea, size, Memory.RSXIOMem.GetStartAddr() + io))
//fill the offset table
for(int i=0; i<size/(1024*1024); i++)
Memory.Write16( + ea/(1024*1024) + i, io/(1024*1024) + i);
Memory.Write16(offsetTable.ea + io/(1024*1024) + i, ea/(1024*1024) + i);
//Emu.GetGSManager().GetRender().m_ioAddress = io;
Emu.GetGSManager().GetRender().m_report_main_addr = ea;
return CELL_OK;
int32_t cellGcmMapLocalMemory(mem_ptr_t<void*> address, mem_ptr_t<uint32_t> size)
if(!local_size && !local_addr)
u32 local_size = 0xf900000; //TODO
u32 local_addr = Memory.RSXFBMem.GetStartAddr();
local_size = 0xf900000; //TODO
local_addr = Memory.RSXFBMem.GetStartAddr();
Memory.Write32(address.GetAddr(), local_addr);
Memory.Write32(size.GetAddr(), local_size);
@ -685,7 +691,6 @@ void cellGcmSys_init()
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x21397818, cellGcmSetFlipCommand);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x3a33c1fd, cellGcmFunc15);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x4ae8d215, cellGcmSetFlipMode);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x63441cb4, cellGcmMapEaIoAddress);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x5e2ee0f0, cellGcmGetDefaultCommandWordSize);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x72a577ce, cellGcmGetFlipStatus);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x8cdf8c70, cellGcmGetDefaultSegmentWordSize);
@ -725,11 +730,12 @@ void cellGcmSys_init()
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x4d7ce993, cellGcmSetSecondVFrequency);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0xdc09357e, cellGcmSetFlip);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x983fb9aa, cellGcmSetWaitFlip);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0xdb769b32, cellGcmMapLocalMemory);
//Memory Mapping
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x21ac3697, cellGcmAddressToOffset);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0xfb81c03e, cellGcmGetMaxIoMapSize);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x2922aed0, cellGcmGetOffsetTable);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x2a6fba9c, cellGcmIoOffsetToAddress);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0x63441cb4, cellGcmMapEaIoAddress);
cellGcmSys.AddFunc(0xdb769b32, cellGcmMapLocalMemory);