mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:27:00 +00:00
dualsense: add gyro support
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ LOG_CHANNEL(ds4_log, "DS4");
//const auto THREAD_SLEEP = 1ms; //ds4 has new data every ~4ms,
//const auto THREAD_SLEEP_INACTIVE = 100ms;
const u32 DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G = 8192;
const u32 DS4_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S = 16; // technically this could be 1024, but keeping it at 16 keeps us within 16 bits of precision
const u32 DS4_FEATURE_REPORT_0x02_SIZE = 37;
@ -922,8 +919,7 @@ void ds4_pad_handler::get_extended_info(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device
pad->m_battery_level = ds4_device->batteryLevel;
pad->m_cable_state = ds4_device->cableState;
// these values come already calibrated from our ds4Thread,
// all we need to do is convert to ds3 range
// these values come already calibrated, all we need to do is convert to ds3 range
// accel
f32 accelX = static_cast<s16>((buf[20] << 8) | buf[19]) / static_cast<f32>(DS4_ACC_RES_PER_G) * -1;
@ -123,7 +123,6 @@ private:
// Copies data into padData if status is NewData, otherwise buffer is untouched
DS4DataStatus GetRawData(const std::shared_ptr<DS4Device>& ds4Device);
// This function gets us usuable buffer from the rawbuffer of padData
// Todo: this currently only handles 'buttons' and not axis or sensors for the time being
bool GetCalibrationData(const std::shared_ptr<DS4Device>& ds4Device);
void CheckAddDevice(hid_device* hidDevice, hid_device_info* hidDevInfo);
int SendVibrateData(const std::shared_ptr<DS4Device>& device);
@ -6,13 +6,17 @@ LOG_CHANNEL(dualsense_log, "DualSense");
//const auto THREAD_SLEEP = 1ms;
//const auto THREAD_SLEEP_INACTIVE = 100ms;
//const u32 DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G = 8192;
//const u32 DUALSENSE_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S = 1024;
const u32 DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G = 8192;
const u32 DUALSENSE_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S = 1024;
inline s16 read_s16(const void* buf)
return *reinterpret_cast<const s16*>(buf);
inline u32 read_u32(const void* buf)
@ -104,6 +108,13 @@ void dualsense_pad_handler::CheckAddDevice(hid_device * hidDevice, hid_device_in
serial += static_cast<uchar>(ch);
if (!get_calibration_data(dualsenseDev))
dualsense_log.error("CheckAddDevice: get_calibration_data failed!");
if (hid_set_nonblocking(hidDevice, 1) == -1)
dualsense_log.error("CheckAddDevice: hid_set_nonblocking failed! Reason: %s", hid_error(hidDevice));
@ -111,6 +122,7 @@ void dualsense_pad_handler::CheckAddDevice(hid_device * hidDevice, hid_device_in
dualsenseDev->has_calib_data = true;
dualsenseDev->path = hidDevInfo->path;
controllers.emplace(serial, dualsenseDev);
@ -242,10 +254,12 @@ dualsense_pad_handler::DualSenseDataStatus dualsense_pad_handler::GetRawData(con
std::array<u8, 128> buf{};
const int res = hid_read(device->hidDevice, buf.data(), 128);
// looks like controller disconnected or read error
if (res == -1)
// looks like controller disconnected or read error
return DualSenseDataStatus::ReadError;
if (res == 0)
return DualSenseDataStatus::NoNewData;
@ -254,6 +268,7 @@ dualsense_pad_handler::DualSenseDataStatus dualsense_pad_handler::GetRawData(con
switch (buf[0])
case 0x01:
device->dataMode = DualSenseDataMode::Simple;
@ -267,6 +282,7 @@ dualsense_pad_handler::DualSenseDataStatus dualsense_pad_handler::GetRawData(con
offset = 1;
case 0x31:
device->dataMode = DualSenseDataMode::Enhanced;
@ -288,10 +304,158 @@ dualsense_pad_handler::DualSenseDataStatus dualsense_pad_handler::GetRawData(con
return DualSenseDataStatus::NoNewData;
if (device->has_calib_data)
int calib_offset = offset + DUALSENSE_INPUT_REPORT_GYRO_X_OFFSET;
for (int i = 0; i < DualSenseCalibIndex::COUNT; ++i)
const s16 raw_value = read_s16(&buf[calib_offset]);
const s16 cal_value = apply_calibration(raw_value, device->calib_data[i]);
buf[calib_offset++] = (static_cast<u16>(cal_value) >> 0) & 0xFF;
buf[calib_offset++] = (static_cast<u16>(cal_value) >> 8) & 0xFF;
memcpy(device->padData.data(), &buf[offset], 64);
return DualSenseDataStatus::NewData;
bool dualsense_pad_handler::get_calibration_data(const std::shared_ptr<DualSenseDevice>& dualsense_device)
if (!dualsense_device || !dualsense_device->hidDevice)
dualsense_log.error("get_calibration_data called with null device");
return false;
std::array<u8, 64> buf;
if (dualsense_device->btCon)
for (int tries = 0; tries < 3; ++tries)
buf[0] = 0x05;
if (hid_get_feature_report(dualsense_device->hidDevice, buf.data(), DUALSENSE_CALIBRATION_REPORT_SIZE) <= 0)
dualsense_log.error("get_calibration_data: hid_get_feature_report 0x05 failed! Reason: %s", hid_error(dualsense_device->hidDevice));
return false;
const u8 btHdr = 0xA3;
const u32 crcHdr = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(&btHdr, 1, crcTable);
const u32 crcCalc = CRCPP::CRC::Calculate(buf.data(), (DUALSENSE_CALIBRATION_REPORT_SIZE - 4), crcTable, crcHdr);
const u32 crcReported = read_u32(&buf[DUALSENSE_CALIBRATION_REPORT_SIZE - 4]);
if (crcCalc == crcReported)
dualsense_log.warning("Calibration CRC check failed! Will retry up to 3 times. Received 0x%x, Expected 0x%x", crcReported, crcCalc);
if (tries == 2)
dualsense_log.error("Calibration CRC check failed too many times!");
return false;
buf[0] = 0x05;
if (hid_get_feature_report(dualsense_device->hidDevice, buf.data(), DUALSENSE_CALIBRATION_REPORT_SIZE) <= 0)
dualsense_log.error("get_calibration_data: hid_get_feature_report 0x05 failed! Reason: %s", hid_error(dualsense_device->hidDevice));
return false;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::PITCH].bias = read_s16(&buf[1]);
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::YAW].bias = read_s16(&buf[3]);
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::ROLL].bias = read_s16(&buf[5]);
s16 pitch_plus, pitch_minus, roll_plus, roll_minus, yaw_plus, yaw_minus;
// TODO: This was copied from DS4. Find out if it applies here.
// Check for calibration data format
// It's going to be either alternating +/- or +++---
if (read_s16(&buf[9]) < 0 && read_s16(&buf[7]) > 0)
// Wired mode for OEM controllers
pitch_plus = read_s16(&buf[7]);
pitch_minus = read_s16(&buf[9]);
yaw_plus = read_s16(&buf[11]);
yaw_minus = read_s16(&buf[13]);
roll_plus = read_s16(&buf[15]);
roll_minus = read_s16(&buf[17]);
// Bluetooth mode and wired mode for some 3rd party controllers
pitch_plus = read_s16(&buf[7]);
yaw_plus = read_s16(&buf[9]);
roll_plus = read_s16(&buf[11]);
pitch_minus = read_s16(&buf[13]);
yaw_minus = read_s16(&buf[15]);
roll_minus = read_s16(&buf[17]);
// Confirm correctness. Need confirmation with dongle with no active controller
if (pitch_plus <= 0 || yaw_plus <= 0 || roll_plus <= 0 ||
pitch_minus >= 0 || yaw_minus >= 0 || roll_minus >= 0)
dualsense_log.error("get_calibration_data: calibration data check failed! pitch_plus=%d, pitch_minus=%d, roll_plus=%d, roll_minus=%d, yaw_plus=%d, yaw_minus=%d",
pitch_plus, pitch_minus, roll_plus, roll_minus, yaw_plus, yaw_minus);
return false;
const s32 gyro_speed_scale = read_s16(&buf[19]) + read_s16(&buf[21]);
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::PITCH].sens_numer = gyro_speed_scale * DUALSENSE_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::PITCH].sens_denom = pitch_plus - pitch_minus;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::YAW].sens_numer = gyro_speed_scale * DUALSENSE_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::YAW].sens_denom = yaw_plus - yaw_minus;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::ROLL].sens_numer = gyro_speed_scale * DUALSENSE_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::ROLL].sens_denom = roll_plus - roll_minus;
const s16 accel_x_plus = read_s16(&buf[23]);
const s16 accel_x_minus = read_s16(&buf[25]);
const s16 accel_y_plus = read_s16(&buf[27]);
const s16 accel_y_minus = read_s16(&buf[29]);
const s16 accel_z_plus = read_s16(&buf[31]);
const s16 accel_z_minus = read_s16(&buf[33]);
const s32 accel_x_range = accel_x_plus - accel_x_minus;
const s32 accel_y_range = accel_y_plus - accel_y_minus;
const s32 accel_z_range = accel_z_plus - accel_z_minus;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::X].bias = accel_x_plus - accel_x_range / 2;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::X].sens_numer = 2 * DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::X].sens_denom = accel_x_range;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::Y].bias = accel_y_plus - accel_y_range / 2;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::Y].sens_numer = 2 * DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::Y].sens_denom = accel_y_range;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::Z].bias = accel_z_plus - accel_z_range / 2;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::Z].sens_numer = 2 * DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G;
dualsense_device->calib_data[DualSenseCalibIndex::Z].sens_denom = accel_z_range;
// Make sure data 'looks' valid, dongle will report invalid calibration data with no controller connected
for (const auto& data : dualsense_device->calib_data)
if (data.sens_denom == 0)
dualsense_log.error("get_calibration_data: Failure: sens_denom == 0");
return false;
return true;
bool dualsense_pad_handler::get_is_left_trigger(u64 keyCode)
return keyCode == DualSenseKeyCodes::L2;
@ -347,6 +511,8 @@ PadHandlerBase::connection dualsense_pad_handler::update_connection(const std::s
dualsense_log.error("Reconnecting Device %s: hid_set_nonblocking failed with error %s", dualsense_dev->path, hid_error(dev));
dualsense_dev->hidDevice = dev;
if (!dualsense_dev->has_calib_data)
dualsense_dev->has_calib_data = get_calibration_data(dualsense_dev);
@ -368,6 +534,43 @@ PadHandlerBase::connection dualsense_pad_handler::update_connection(const std::s
return connection::connected;
void dualsense_pad_handler::get_extended_info(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device, const std::shared_ptr<Pad>& pad)
auto dualsense_device = std::static_pointer_cast<DualSenseDevice>(device);
if (!dualsense_device || !pad)
auto buf = dualsense_device->padData;
//pad->m_battery_level = dualsense_device->batteryLevel;
//pad->m_cable_state = dualsense_device->cableState;
// these values come already calibrated, all we need to do is convert to ds3 range
// gyroX is yaw, which is all that we need
f32 gyroX = static_cast<s16>((buf[16] << 8) | buf[15]) / static_cast<f32>(DUALSENSE_GYRO_RES_PER_DEG_S) * -1;
//const int gyroY = ((u16)(buf[18] << 8) | buf[17]) / 256;
//const int gyroZ = ((u16)(buf[20] << 8) | buf[19]) / 256;
// accel
f32 accelX = static_cast<s16>((buf[22] << 8) | buf[21]) / static_cast<f32>(DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G) * -1;
f32 accelY = static_cast<s16>((buf[24] << 8) | buf[23]) / static_cast<f32>(DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G) * -1;
f32 accelZ = static_cast<s16>((buf[26] << 8) | buf[25]) / static_cast<f32>(DUALSENSE_ACC_RES_PER_G) * -1;
// now just use formula from ds3
accelX = accelX * 113 + 512;
accelY = accelY * 113 + 512;
accelZ = accelZ * 113 + 512;
// convert to ds3
gyroX = gyroX * (123.f / 90.f) + 512;
pad->m_sensors[0].m_value = Clamp0To1023(accelX);
pad->m_sensors[1].m_value = Clamp0To1023(accelY);
pad->m_sensors[2].m_value = Clamp0To1023(accelZ);
pad->m_sensors[3].m_value = Clamp0To1023(gyroX);
std::unordered_map<u64, u16> dualsense_pad_handler::get_button_values(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device)
std::unordered_map<u64, u16> keyBuffer;
@ -42,6 +42,19 @@ class dualsense_pad_handler final : public PadHandlerBase
enum DualSenseCalibIndex
// gyro
PITCH = 0,
// accel
enum class DualSenseDataStatus
@ -56,11 +69,20 @@ class dualsense_pad_handler final : public PadHandlerBase
struct DualSenseCalibData
s16 bias;
s32 sens_numer;
s32 sens_denom;
struct DualSenseDevice : public PadDevice
hid_device* hidDevice{ nullptr };
std::string path{ "" };
bool btCon{ false };
bool has_calib_data{false};
std::array<DualSenseCalibData, DualSenseCalibIndex::COUNT> calib_data{};
DualSenseDataMode dataMode{ DualSenseDataMode::Simple };
std::array<u8, 64> padData{};
bool newVibrateData{true};
@ -91,6 +113,22 @@ private:
std::shared_ptr<DualSenseDevice> GetDualSenseDevice(const std::string& padId);
DualSenseDataStatus GetRawData(const std::shared_ptr<DualSenseDevice>& dualsenseDevice);
bool get_calibration_data(const std::shared_ptr<DualSenseDevice>& dualsense_device);
inline s16 apply_calibration(s32 rawValue, const DualSenseCalibData& calib_data)
const s32 biased = rawValue - calib_data.bias;
const s32 quot = calib_data.sens_numer / calib_data.sens_denom;
const s32 rem = calib_data.sens_numer % calib_data.sens_denom;
const s32 output = (quot * biased) + ((rem * biased) / calib_data.sens_denom);
if (output > INT16_MAX)
return INT16_MAX;
else if (output < INT16_MIN)
return INT16_MIN;
return static_cast<s16>(output);
void CheckAddDevice(hid_device* hidDevice, hid_device_info* hidDevInfo);
int SendVibrateData(const std::shared_ptr<DualSenseDevice>& device);
@ -102,5 +140,6 @@ private:
PadHandlerBase::connection update_connection(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device) override;
std::unordered_map<u64, u16> get_button_values(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device) override;
pad_preview_values get_preview_values(const std::unordered_map<u64, u16>& data) override;
void get_extended_info(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device, const std::shared_ptr<Pad>& pad) override;
void apply_pad_data(const std::shared_ptr<PadDevice>& device, const std::shared_ptr<Pad>& pad) override;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user