Merge pull request #884 from Nekotekina/master

PSV loader fixed
This commit is contained in:
B1ackDaemon 2014-12-08 10:24:34 +02:00
commit 1ba5b27f45

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@ -92,19 +92,151 @@ namespace loader
auto armv7_thr_stop_data = vm::psv::ptr<u32>::make(Memory.PSV.RAM.AllocAlign(3 * 4));
armv7_thr_stop_data[0] = 0xf870; // HACK
armv7_thr_stop_data[0] = 0xf870; // HACK instruction (Thumb)
armv7_thr_stop_data[1] = 0x0001; // index 1
u32 entry = m_ehdr.data_le.e_entry + (u32)Memory.PSV.RAM.GetStartAddr();
u32 entry = 0; // actual entry point (ELFs entry point is ignored)
u32 fnid_addr = 0;
auto code = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(entry & ~3);
// load section names
//assert(m_ehdr.data_le.e_shstrndx < m_shdrs.size());
//const u32 sname_off = m_shdrs[m_ehdr.data_le.e_shstrndx].data_le.sh_offset;
//const u32 sname_size = m_shdrs[m_ehdr.data_le.e_shstrndx].data_le.sh_size;
//const u32 sname_base = sname_size ? Memory.PSV.RAM.AllocAlign(sname_size) : 0;
//if (sname_base)
// m_stream->Seek(handler::get_stream_offset() + sname_off);
// m_stream->Read(vm::get_ptr<void>(sname_base), sname_size);
// very rough way to find entry point in .sceModuleInfo.rodata
while (code[0] != 0xffffffffu)
for (auto& shdr : m_shdrs)
entry = code[0] + 0x81000000;
// get secton name
//auto name = vm::psv::ptr<const char>::make(sname_base + shdr.data_le.sh_name);
m_stream->Seek(handler::get_stream_offset() + m_shdrs[m_ehdr.data_le.e_shstrndx].data_le.sh_offset + shdr.data_le.sh_name);
std::string name;
while (!m_stream->Eof())
char c;
m_stream->Read(&c, 1);
if (c == 0) break;
if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceModuleInfo.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceModuleInfo.rodata analysis...");
auto code = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr);
// very rough way to find the entry point
while (code[0] != 0xffffffffu)
entry = code[0] + 0x81000000;
if (code.addr() >= shdr.data_le.sh_addr + shdr.data_le.sh_size)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unable to find entry point in .sceModuleInfo.rodata");
entry = 0;
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceFNID.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceFNID.rodata analysis...");
fnid_addr = shdr.data_le.sh_addr;
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceFStub.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceFStub.rodata analysis...");
if (!fnid_addr)
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, ".sceFNID.rodata address not found, unable to process imports");
auto fnid = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(fnid_addr);
auto fstub = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr);
for (u32 j = 0; j < shdr.data_le.sh_size / 4; j++)
u32 nid = fnid[j];
u32 addr = fstub[j];
if (auto func = get_psv_func_by_nid(nid))
if (func->module)
func->module->Notice("Imported function %s (nid=0x%08x, addr=0x%x)", func->name, nid, addr);
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "Imported function %s (nid=0x%08x, addr=0x%x)", func->name, nid, addr);
// writing Thumb code (temporarily, because it should be ARM)
vm::psv::write16(addr + 0, 0xf870); // HACK instruction (Thumb)
vm::psv::write16(addr + 2, (u16)get_psv_func_index(func)); // function index
vm::psv::write16(addr + 4, 0x4770); // BX LR
vm::psv::write16(addr + 6, 0); // null
LOG_ERROR(LOADER, "Unimplemented function 0x%08x (addr=0x%x)", nid, addr);
vm::psv::write16(addr + 0, 0xf870); // HACK instruction (Thumb)
vm::psv::write16(addr + 2, 0x0000); // index 0
vm::psv::write16(addr + 4, 0x4770); // BX LR
vm::psv::write16(addr + 6, 0); // null
else if (!strcmp(name.c_str(), ".sceRefs.rodata"))
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, ".sceRefs.rodata analysis...");
u32 data = 0;
for (auto code = vm::psv::ptr<const u32>::make(shdr.data_le.sh_addr); code.addr() < shdr.data_le.sh_addr + shdr.data_le.sh_size; code++)
switch (*code)
case 0x000000ff:
// save address for future use
data = *++code;
case 0x0000002f:
// movw r12,# instruction will be replaced
const u32 addr = *++code;
vm::psv::write16(addr + 0, 0xf240 | (data & 0x800) >> 1 | (data & 0xf000) >> 12); // MOVW
vm::psv::write16(addr + 2, 0x0c00 | (data & 0x700) << 4 | (data & 0xff));
case 0x00000030:
// movt r12,# instruction will be replaced
const u32 addr = *++code;
vm::psv::write16(addr + 0, 0xf2c0 | (data & 0x8000000) >> 17 | (data & 0xf0000000) >> 28); // MOVT
vm::psv::write16(addr + 2, 0x0c00 | (data & 0x7000000) >> 12 | (data & 0xff0000) >> 16);
case 0x00000000:
// probably, no operation
LOG_NOTICE(LOADER, "sceRefs: unknown code found (0x%08x)", *code);
arm7_thread(entry & ~1 /* TODO: Thumb/ARM encoding selection */, "main_thread").args({ Emu.GetPath()/*, "-emu"*/ }).run();