Add loop building utilities for ASMJIT

Refactor copy_data_swap_u32 a bit
This commit is contained in:
Nekotekina 2022-01-24 22:22:42 +03:00
parent 11ee1f3eb2
commit 0db9850a73
2 changed files with 137 additions and 98 deletions

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@ -209,6 +209,60 @@ namespace asmjit
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
template <uint Size>
struct native_vec;
template <>
struct native_vec<16> { using type = x86::Xmm; };
template <>
struct native_vec<32> { using type = x86::Ymm; };
template <>
struct native_vec<64> { using type = x86::Zmm; };
template <uint Size>
using native_vec_t = typename native_vec<Size>::type;
// if (count > step) { for (; ctr < (count - step); ctr += step) {...} count -= ctr; }
inline void build_incomplete_loop(native_asm& c, auto ctr, auto count, u32 step, auto&& build)
asmjit::Label body = c.newLabel();
asmjit::Label exit = c.newLabel();
ensure((step & (step - 1)) == 0);
c.cmp(count, step);
c.sub(count, step);
c.align(asmjit::AlignMode::kCode, 16);
c.add(ctr, step);
c.sub(count, step);
c.add(count, step);
// for (; count > 0; ctr++, count--)
inline void build_loop(native_asm& c, auto ctr, auto count, auto&& build)
asmjit::Label body = c.newLabel();
asmjit::Label exit = c.newLabel();
c.test(count, count);
c.align(asmjit::AlignMode::kCode, 16);
c.sub(count, 1);
// Build runtime function with asmjit::X86Assembler

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@ -28,17 +28,14 @@
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || !defined(__SSE2__)
#define PLAIN_FUNC
#define SSSE3_FUNC
#define SSE4_1_FUNC
#define AVX2_FUNC
#define AVX3_FUNC
#ifndef __clang__
#define PLAIN_FUNC __attribute__((optimize("no-tree-vectorize")))
#define SSSE3_FUNC __attribute__((__target__("ssse3"))) __attribute__((optimize("tree-vectorize")))
#define PLAIN_FUNC
#define SSSE3_FUNC __attribute__((__target__("ssse3")))
#define SSE4_1_FUNC __attribute__((__target__("sse4.1")))
#define AVX2_FUNC __attribute__((__target__("avx2")))
@ -139,115 +136,103 @@ namespace
template <bool Compare>
SSSE3_FUNC auto copy_data_swap_u32_ssse3(u32* dst, const u32* src, u32 count)
u32 result = 0;
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang loop vectorize(enable) interleave(disable) unroll(disable)
for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++)
const u32 data = stx::se_storage<u32>::swap(src[i]);
if constexpr (Compare)
result |= data ^ dst[i];
dst[i] = data;
if constexpr (Compare)
return static_cast<bool>(result);
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
template <bool Compare, int Size, typename RT>
void build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3(asmjit::x86::Assembler& c, std::array<asmjit::x86::Gp, 4>& args, const RT& rmask, const RT& rload, const RT& rtest)
template <bool Compare, uint Size, bool Avx = true>
void build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3(native_asm& c, native_args& args)
using namespace asmjit;
Label loop = c.newLabel();
Label tail = c.newLabel();
native_vec_t<Size> vdata{0};
native_vec_t<Size> vmask{1};
native_vec_t<Size> vcmp{2};
// Get start alignment offset[3].r32(), args[0].r32());
c.and_(args[3].r32(), Size * 4 - 1);
// Load and broadcast shuffle mask
if constexpr (!Avx)
c.movaps(vmask, x86::oword_ptr(uptr(&s_bswap_u32_mask)));
if constexpr (Size == 16 && Avx)
c.vmovaps(vmask, x86::oword_ptr(uptr(&s_bswap_u32_mask)));
if constexpr (Size >= 32)
c.vbroadcasti32x4(vmask, x86::oword_ptr(uptr(&s_bswap_u32_mask)));
// Load and duplicate shuffle mask
c.vbroadcasti32x4(rmask, x86::oword_ptr(uptr(&s_bswap_u32_mask)));
if (Compare)
c.vpxor(x86::xmm2, x86::xmm2, x86::xmm2);
// Clear vcmp (bitwise inequality accumulator)
if constexpr (Compare && Avx)
c.vxorps(x86::xmm2, x86::xmm2, x86::xmm2);
if constexpr (Compare && !Avx)
c.xorps(x86::xmm2, x86::xmm2);[3].r32(), -1);
c.xor_(x86::eax, x86::eax);
c.or_(x86::eax, -1);
// Small data: skip to tail (ignore alignment)
c.cmp(args[2].r32(), Size);
// Generate mask for first iteration, adjust args using alignment offset
c.sub(args[1], args[3]);
c.shr(args[3].r32(), 2);
c.shlx(x86::eax, x86::eax, args[3].r32());
c.kmovw(x86::k1, x86::eax);
c.and_(args[0], -Size * 4);
c.add(args[2].r32(), args[3].r32());
c.k(x86::k1).z().vmovdqu32(rload, x86::Mem(args[1], 0, Size * 4u));
c.vpshufb(rload, rload, rmask);
if (Compare)
c.k(x86::k1).z().vpxord(rtest, rload, x86::Mem(args[0], 0, Size * 4u));
c.k(x86::k1).vmovdqa32(x86::Mem(args[0], 0, Size * 4u), rload);
c.lea(args[0], x86::qword_ptr(args[0], Size * 4));
c.lea(args[1], x86::qword_ptr(args[1], Size * 4));
c.sub(args[2].r32(), Size);
c.or_(x86::eax, -1);
c.align(AlignMode::kCode, 16);
c.cmp(args[2].r32(), Size);
c.vmovdqu32(rload, x86::Mem(args[1], 0, Size * 4u));
c.vpshufb(rload, rload, rmask);
if (Compare)
c.vpternlogd(rtest, rload, x86::Mem(args[0], 0, Size * 4u), 0xf6); // orAxorBC
c.vmovdqa32(x86::Mem(args[0], 0, Size * 4u), rload);
c.lea(args[0], x86::qword_ptr(args[0], Size * 4));
c.lea(args[1], x86::qword_ptr(args[1], Size * 4));
c.sub(args[2].r32(), Size);;
c.bzhi(x86::eax, x86::eax, args[2].r32());
c.kmovw(x86::k1, x86::eax);
c.k(x86::k1).z().vmovdqu32(rload, x86::Mem(args[1], 0, Size * 4u));
c.vpshufb(rload, rload, rmask);
if (Compare)
c.k(x86::k1).vpternlogd(rtest, rload, x86::Mem(args[0], 0, Size * 4u), 0xf6);
c.k(x86::k1).vmovdqu32(x86::Mem(args[0], 0, Size * 4u), rload);
if (Compare)
build_incomplete_loop(c, x86::eax, args[2].r32(), Size / 4, [&]
if constexpr (Size != 16)
if constexpr (Avx)
c.vptest(rtest, rtest);
c.vmovdqu32(vdata, x86::ptr(args[1], x86::rax, 2, 0, Size));
c.vpshufb(vdata, vdata, vmask);
if constexpr (Compare)
c.vpternlogd(vcmp, vdata, x86::ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0, Size), 0xf6); // orAxorBC
c.vmovdqu32(x86::ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0, Size), vdata);
c.vptestmd(x86::k1, rtest, rtest);
c.movdqu(vdata, x86::oword_ptr(args[1], x86::rax, 2, 0));
c.pshufb(vdata, vmask);
if constexpr (Compare)
c.movups(x86::xmm3, x86::oword_ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0));
c.xorps(x86::xmm3, vdata);
c.orps(vcmp, x86::xmm3);
c.movups(x86::oword_ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0), vdata);
if constexpr (Avx)
c.bzhi(args[3].r32(), args[3].r32(), args[2].r32());
c.kmovw(x86::k1, args[3].r32());
c.k(x86::k1).z().vmovdqu32(vdata, x86::ptr(args[1], x86::rax, 2, 0, Size));
c.vpshufb(vdata, vdata, vmask);
if constexpr (Compare)
c.k(x86::k1).vpternlogd(vcmp, vdata, x86::ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0, Size), 0xf6);
c.k(x86::k1).vmovdqu32(x86::ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0, Size), vdata);
build_loop(c, x86::eax, args[2].r32(), [&]
c.movd(vdata, x86::dword_ptr(args[1], x86::rax, 2, 0));
c.pshufb(vdata, vmask);
if constexpr (Compare)
c.movd(x86::xmm3, x86::dword_ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0));
c.pxor(x86::xmm3, vdata);
c.por(vcmp, x86::xmm3);
c.movd(x86::dword_ptr(args[0], x86::rax, 2, 0), vdata);
if (Compare)
if constexpr (!Avx)
c.ptest(vcmp, vcmp);
else if constexpr (Size != 64)
c.vptest(vcmp, vcmp);
c.vptestmd(x86::k1, vcmp, vcmp);
c.ktestw(x86::k1, x86::k1);
#ifndef __AVX__
if constexpr (Avx)
@ -260,17 +245,17 @@ namespace
if (utils::has_avx512_icl())
build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3<Compare, 16>(c, args, x86::zmm0, x86::zmm1, x86::zmm2);
build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3<Compare, 64>(c, args);
build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3<Compare, 8>(c, args, x86::ymm0, x86::ymm1, x86::ymm2);
build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3<Compare, 32>(c, args);
if (utils::has_ssse3())
if (utils::has_sse41())
build_copy_data_swap_u32_avx3<Compare, 16, false>(c, args);