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using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
namespace Mirror.Weaver
// Processes [TargetRpc] methods in NetworkBehaviour
public static class TargetRpcProcessor
// helper functions to check if the method has a NetworkConnection parameter
public static bool HasNetworkConnectionParameter(MethodDefinition md)
return md.Parameters.Count > 0 &&
public static MethodDefinition ProcessTargetRpcInvoke(WeaverTypes weaverTypes, Readers readers, Logger Log, TypeDefinition td, MethodDefinition md, MethodDefinition rpcCallFunc, ref bool WeavingFailed)
MethodDefinition rpc = new MethodDefinition(Weaver.InvokeRpcPrefix + md.Name, MethodAttributes.Family |
MethodAttributes.Static |
ILProcessor worker = rpc.Body.GetILProcessor();
Instruction label = worker.Create(OpCodes.Nop);
NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteClientActiveCheck(worker, weaverTypes, md.Name, label, "TargetRPC");
// setup for reader
worker.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, td);
// NetworkConnection parameter is optional
if (HasNetworkConnectionParameter(md))
// on server, the NetworkConnection parameter is a connection to client.
// when the rpc is invoked on the client, it still has the same
// function signature. we pass in the connection to server,
// which is cleaner than just passing null)
// a) .connectionToServer = best solution. no doubt.
// b) NetworkClient.connection for now. add TODO to not use static later.
worker.Emit(OpCodes.Call, weaverTypes.NetworkClientConnectionReference);
// process reader parameters and skip first one if first one is NetworkConnection
if (!NetworkBehaviourProcessor.ReadArguments(md, readers, Log, worker, RemoteCallType.TargetRpc, ref WeavingFailed))
return null;
// invoke actual command function
worker.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, rpcCallFunc);
NetworkBehaviourProcessor.AddInvokeParameters(weaverTypes, rpc.Parameters);
return rpc;
/* generates code like:
public void TargetTest (NetworkConnection conn, int param)
NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter ();
writer.WritePackedUInt32 ((uint)param);
base.SendTargetRPCInternal (conn, typeof(class), "TargetTest", val);
public void CallTargetTest (NetworkConnection conn, int param)
// whatever the user did before
or if optional:
public void TargetTest (int param)
NetworkWriter writer = new NetworkWriter ();
writer.WritePackedUInt32 ((uint)param);
base.SendTargetRPCInternal (null, typeof(class), "TargetTest", val);
public void CallTargetTest (int param)
// whatever the user did before
Originally HLAPI put the send message code inside the Call function
and then proceeded to replace every call to TargetTest with CallTargetTest
This method moves all the user's code into the "CallTargetRpc" method
and replaces the body of the original method with the send message code.
This way we do not need to modify the code anywhere else, and this works
correctly in dependent assemblies
public static MethodDefinition ProcessTargetRpcCall(WeaverTypes weaverTypes, Writers writers, Logger Log, TypeDefinition td, MethodDefinition md, CustomAttribute targetRpcAttr, ref bool WeavingFailed)
MethodDefinition rpc = MethodProcessor.SubstituteMethod(Log, td, md, ref WeavingFailed);
ILProcessor worker = md.Body.GetILProcessor();
NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteSetupLocals(worker, weaverTypes);
NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteCreateWriter(worker, weaverTypes);
// write all the arguments that the user passed to the TargetRpc call
// (skip first one if first one is NetworkConnection)
if (!NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteArguments(worker, writers, Log, md, RemoteCallType.TargetRpc, ref WeavingFailed))
return null;
// invoke SendInternal and return
// this
if (HasNetworkConnectionParameter(md))
// connection
// null
// pass full function name to avoid ClassA.Func <-> ClassB.Func collisions
worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldstr, md.FullName);
// writer
worker.Emit(OpCodes.Ldc_I4, targetRpcAttr.GetField("channel", 0));
worker.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, weaverTypes.sendTargetRpcInternal);
NetworkBehaviourProcessor.WriteRecycleWriter(worker, weaverTypes);
return rpc;