mirror of
synced 2025-03-30 22:20:54 +00:00
520 lines
15 KiB
520 lines
15 KiB
using Mirror;
using QSB.ClientServerStateSync;
using QSB.EchoesOfTheEye.Ghosts.WorldObjects;
using QSB.HUD;
using QSB.Player;
using QSB.Player.TransformSync;
using QSB.ShipSync;
using QSB.ShipSync.TransformSync;
using QSB.ShipSync.WorldObjects;
using QSB.TimeSync;
using QSB.WorldSync;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using QSB.Menus;
using UnityEngine;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace QSB.Utility;
public class DebugGUI : MonoBehaviour, IAddComponentOnStart
private const float _debugLineSpacing = 8f;
private const float FixedWidth = 200f;
private const float Column1 = 20f;
private static float column1Offset = 10f;
private const float Column2 = Column1 + FixedWidth;
private static float column2Offset = 10f;
private const float Column3 = Column2 + FixedWidth;
private static float column3Offset = 10f;
private const float Column4 = Column3 + FixedWidth;
private static float column4Offset = 10f;
private const int MaxLabelSize = 15;
private const float MaxLabelDistance = 150;
private static readonly GUIStyle guiGUIStyle = new();
private static readonly GUIStyle labelGUIStyle = new();
private void Awake()
enabled = QSBCore.DebugSettings.DebugMode;
guiGUIStyle.fontSize = 9;
private static void WriteLine(int columnID, string text)
var currentOffset = 0f;
var x = 0f;
switch (columnID)
case 1:
x = Column1;
currentOffset = column1Offset;
column1Offset += _debugLineSpacing;
case 2:
x = Column2;
currentOffset = column2Offset;
column2Offset += _debugLineSpacing;
case 3:
x = Column3;
currentOffset = column3Offset;
column3Offset += _debugLineSpacing;
case 4:
x = Column4;
currentOffset = column4Offset;
column4Offset += _debugLineSpacing;
GUI.Label(new Rect(x, currentOffset, 0, 0), text, guiGUIStyle);
private static void WriteLine(int columnID, string text, Color color)
guiGUIStyle.normal.textColor = color;
WriteLine(columnID, text);
guiGUIStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
public void OnGUI()
if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)
private static void DrawGui()
guiGUIStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
column1Offset = 10f;
column2Offset = 10f;
column3Offset = 10f;
column4Offset = 10f;
#region Column1 - Server data
WriteLine(1, $"FPS : {Mathf.Round(1f / Time.smoothDeltaTime)}");
WriteLine(1, $"Ping : {Math.Round(NetworkTime.rtt * 1000.0)} ms");
if (!QSBCore.DebugSettings.DrawGUI)
WriteLine(1, $"IsHost : {QSBCore.IsHost} (WillBeHost : {(MenuManager.Instance != null ? MenuManager.Instance.WillBeHost : "MenuManager null")})");
WriteLine(1, $"HasWokenUp : {QSBWorldSync.AllObjectsReady}");
if (WakeUpSync.LocalInstance != null)
WriteLine(1, $"Server State : {ServerStateManager.Instance.GetServerState()}");
var currentState = WakeUpSync.LocalInstance.CurrentState;
WriteLine(1, $"WakeUpSync State : {currentState}");
var reason = WakeUpSync.LocalInstance.CurrentReason;
if (currentState == WakeUpSync.State.FastForwarding && reason != null)
WriteLine(1, $"Reason : {(FastForwardReason)reason}");
else if (currentState == WakeUpSync.State.Pausing && reason != null)
WriteLine(1, $"Reason : {(PauseReason)reason}");
else if (currentState != WakeUpSync.State.Loaded && currentState != WakeUpSync.State.NotLoaded && reason == null)
WriteLine(1, "Reason : NULL", Color.red);
WriteLine(1, $"Time Difference : {WakeUpSync.LocalInstance.GetTimeDifference()}");
WriteLine(1, $"Timescale : {OWTime.GetTimeScale()}");
WriteLine(1, $"Time Remaining : {Mathf.Floor(TimeLoop.GetSecondsRemaining() / 60f)}:{Mathf.Round(TimeLoop.GetSecondsRemaining() % 60f * 100f / 100f)}");
WriteLine(1, $"Loop Count : {TimeLoop.GetLoopCount()}");
WriteLine(1, $"TimeLoop Initialized : {TimeLoop._initialized}");
if (TimeLoop._initialized)
WriteLine(1, $"TimeLoop IsTimeFlowing : {TimeLoop.IsTimeFlowing()}");
WriteLine(1, $"TimeLoop IsTimeLoopEnabled : {TimeLoop.IsTimeLoopEnabled()}");
WriteLine(1, $"Selected WorldObject : {(DebugActions.WorldObjectSelection == null ? "All" : DebugActions.WorldObjectSelection.Name)}");
if (Locator.GetDeathManager() != null)
WriteLine(1, $"Invincible : {Locator.GetDeathManager()._invincible}");
if (Locator.GetToolModeSwapper() != null)
WriteLine(1, $"Tool Mode : {Locator.GetToolModeSwapper().GetToolMode()}");
WriteLine(1, $"Input Mode Stack :");
foreach (var item in OWInput.GetInputModeStack())
WriteLine(1, $" - {item}");
WriteLine(1, $"HUD Icon Stack :");
foreach (var item in MultiplayerHUDManager.HUDIconStack)
WriteLine(1, $" - {item}");
WriteLine(1, $"Sectors :");
foreach (var sector in PlayerTransformSync.LocalInstance.SectorDetector.SectorList)
WriteLine(1, $"- {sector.Name}");
#region Column2 - Player data
WriteLine(2, "Player data :");
foreach (var player in QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList)
WriteLine(2, player.ToString(), Color.cyan);
WriteLine(2, $"State : {player.State}");
WriteLine(2, $"Eye State : {player.EyeState}");
WriteLine(2, $"Dead : {player.IsDead}");
WriteLine(2, $"Ready : {player.IsReady}");
WriteLine(2, $"Suited Up : {player.SuitedUp}");
WriteLine(2, $"In Suited Up State : {player.AnimationSync?.InSuitedUpState}");
//WriteLine(2, $"InDreamWorld : {player.InDreamWorld}");
if (player.IsReady && QSBWorldSync.AllObjectsReady)
WriteLine(2, $"Illuminated : {player.LightSensor?.IsIlluminated()}");
var singleLightSensor = (SingleLightSensor)player.LightSensor;
// will be null for remote player light sensors
/*if (singleLightSensor?._lightSources != null)
foreach (var item in singleLightSensor._lightSources)
WriteLine(2, $"- {item.GetLightSourceType()}");
var networkTransform = player.TransformSync;
var referenceSector = networkTransform.ReferenceSector;
var referenceTransform = networkTransform.ReferenceTransform;
//WriteLine(2, $" - Ref. Sector : {(referenceSector == null ? "NULL" : referenceSector.Name)}", referenceSector == null ? Color.red : Color.white);
//WriteLine(2, $" - Ref. Transform : {(referenceTransform == null ? "NULL" : referenceTransform.name)}", referenceTransform == null ? Color.red : Color.white);
//WriteLine(2, $" - Local Position : {player.Body.transform.localPosition}");
//WriteLine(2, $" - Position : {player.Body.transform.position}");
//WriteLine(2, $" - Entangled Object: {(player.EntangledObject == null ? "NULL" : player.EntangledObject.Name)}");
var visibleAnimator = player.AnimationSync.VisibleAnimator;
var invisibleAnimator = player.AnimationSync.InvisibleAnimator;
foreach (var param in visibleAnimator.parameters)
object value = null;
switch (param.type)
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Bool:
value = visibleAnimator.GetBool(param.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Float:
value = visibleAnimator.GetFloat(param.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Int:
value = visibleAnimator.GetInteger(param.nameHash);
case AnimatorControllerParameterType.Trigger:
value = visibleAnimator.GetBool(param.nameHash);
//WriteLine(2, $" - {param.name} | {param.type} | {value}");
WriteLine(2, $" - VISIBLE ANIMATOR");
for (var i = 0; i < visibleAnimator.layerCount; i++)
var layerName = visibleAnimator.GetLayerName(i);
var weight = visibleAnimator.GetLayerWeight(i);
WriteLine(2, $" - {layerName} : {weight}");
//var currentState = visibleAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(i);
//WriteLine(2, $" - Hash: {currentState.fullPathHash}");
//WriteLine(2, $" - Speed: {currentState.speed}");
WriteLine(2, $" - Clips:");
foreach (var item in visibleAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(i))
WriteLine(2, $" - Clip name: {item.clip.name}");
//WriteLine(2, $" - Weight: {item.weight}");
if (QSBSceneManager.CurrentScene == OWScene.SolarSystem)
#region Column3 - Ship data
WriteLine(3, $"Current Flyer : {ShipManager.Instance.CurrentFlyer}");
if (ShipTransformSync.LocalInstance != null)
var instance = ShipTransformSync.LocalInstance;
if (QSBCore.IsHost)
var currentOwner = instance.netIdentity.connectionToClient;
if (currentOwner == null)
WriteLine(3, "Current Owner : NULL");
WriteLine(3, $"Current Owner : {currentOwner.GetPlayerId()}");
var sector = instance.ReferenceSector;
WriteLine(3, $"Ref. Sector : {(sector != null ? sector.Name : "NULL")}", sector == null ? Color.red : Color.white);
var transform = instance.ReferenceTransform;
WriteLine(3, $"Ref. Transform : {(transform != null ? transform.name : "NULL")}", transform == null ? Color.red : Color.white);
WriteLine(3, "ShipTransformSync.LocalInstance is null.", Color.red);
WriteLine(3, "QSBShipComponent");
foreach (var component in QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects<QSBShipComponent>())
var attachedObject = component.AttachedObject;
if (attachedObject == null)
WriteLine(3, $"- {component.ObjectId} NULL ATTACHEDOBJECT", Color.red);
WriteLine(3, $"- {component.AttachedObject.name} RepairFraction:{component.AttachedObject._repairFraction}");
WriteLine(3, "QSBShipHull");
foreach (var hull in QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects<QSBShipHull>())
var attachedObject = hull.AttachedObject;
if (attachedObject == null)
WriteLine(3, $"- {hull.ObjectId} NULL ATTACHEDOBJECT", Color.red);
WriteLine(3, $"- {hull.AttachedObject.name}, Integrity:{hull.AttachedObject.integrity}");
if (QSBWorldSync.AllObjectsReady && QSBCore.DLCInstalled)
var ghost = QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects<QSBGhostBrain>().First(x => x.AttachedObject._name == "Kamaji");
WriteLine(4, ghost.AttachedObject._name);
WriteLine(4, $"Action:{ghost.GetCurrentActionName()}");
WriteLine(4, $"Threat Awareness:{ghost.GetThreatAwareness()}");
var interestedPlayer = ghost._data.interestedPlayer;
WriteLine(4, $"InterestedPlayer:{(interestedPlayer == null ? "NULL" : interestedPlayer.player.PlayerId)}");
foreach (var player in ghost._data.players.Values)
WriteLine(4, $"{player.player.PlayerId}");
WriteLine(4, $"- isPlayerVisible:{player.sensor.isPlayerVisible}");
WriteLine(4, $"- isPlayerHeldLanternVisible:{player.sensor.isPlayerHeldLanternVisible}");
WriteLine(4, $"- isIlluminatedByPlayer:{player.sensor.isIlluminatedByPlayer}");
WriteLine(4, $"- isPlayerLocationKnown:{player.isPlayerLocationKnown}");
WriteLine(4, $"- timeSincePlayerLocationKnown:{player.timeSincePlayerLocationKnown}");
var lantern = player.player.AssignedSimulationLantern;
if (lantern != null)
WriteLine(4, $"- IsHeldByPlayer:{lantern.AttachedObject.GetLanternController().IsHeldByPlayer()}");
WriteLine(4, $"- Concealed:{lantern.AttachedObject.GetLanternController().IsConcealed()}");
WriteLine(4, "- LANTERN NULL", Color.red);
var playerCamera = player.player.Camera;
if (playerCamera != null)
var position = playerCamera.transform.position;
WriteLine(4, $"- Camera in vision cone:{ghost.AttachedObject._sensors.CheckPointInVisionCone(position)}");
WriteLine(4, $"- CheckLineOccluded:{ghost.AttachedObject._sensors.CheckLineOccluded(ghost.AttachedObject._sensors._sightOrigin.position, position)}");
WriteLine(4, "- CAMERA NULL", Color.red);
#region Column4 - Quantum Object Possesion
foreach (var player in QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList)
WriteLine(4, $"- {player}");
var allQuantumObjects = QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects<IQSBQuantumObject>();
var ownedQuantumObjects = allQuantumObjects.Where(x => x.ControllingPlayer == player.PlayerId);
foreach (var quantumObject in ownedQuantumObjects)
WriteLine(4, $"{quantumObject.Name} ({quantumObject.ObjectId})");
WriteLine(4, $" - IsIlluminated:{quantumObject.GetVisibilityObject().IsIlluminated()}");
WriteLine(4, $" - IsVisible:{quantumObject.GetVisibilityObject().IsVisible()}");
foreach (var tracker in quantumObject.GetVisibilityObject()._visibilityTrackers)
WriteLine(4, $" - {tracker.name}");
WriteLine(4, $" - IsVisible:{tracker.IsVisible()}");
WriteLine(4, $" - IsVisibleUsingCameraFrustum:{tracker.IsVisibleUsingCameraFrustum()}");
WriteLine(4, "");
WriteLine(4, "Enabled QuantumObjects :");
foreach (var qo in QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects<IQSBQuantumObject>())
if (qo.ControllingPlayer != 0)
if (qo.IsEnabled)
WriteLine(4, $"{qo.Name} ({qo.ObjectId})");
private static void DrawWorldObjectLabels()
if (QSBCore.DebugSettings.DrawLabels)
var list = DebugActions.WorldObjectSelection == null
? QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects()
: QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects(DebugActions.WorldObjectSelection);
foreach (var obj in list)
if (obj.ShouldDisplayDebug())
DrawLabel(obj.AttachedObject.transform, obj.ReturnLabel());
public void OnRenderObject() => DrawWorldObjectLines();
private static void DrawWorldObjectLines()
if (QSBCore.DebugSettings.DrawLines)
var list = DebugActions.WorldObjectSelection == null
? QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects()
: QSBWorldSync.GetWorldObjects(DebugActions.WorldObjectSelection);
foreach (var obj in list)
if (obj.ShouldDisplayDebug())
public static void DrawLabel(Transform obj, string label)
var camera = Locator.GetPlayerCamera();
if (camera == null)
if (obj == null)
labelGUIStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
var difference = obj.transform.position - camera.transform.position;
if (Vector3.Dot(difference.normalized, camera.transform.forward) < 0)
var cheapDistance = difference.sqrMagnitude;
if (cheapDistance > MaxLabelDistance * MaxLabelDistance)
var screenPosition = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(obj.position);
var distance = screenPosition.z;
if (distance <= 0.05f)
if (distance > MaxLabelDistance)
if (screenPosition.x < 0 || screenPosition.x > Screen.width)
if (screenPosition.y < 0 || screenPosition.y > Screen.height)
var mappedFontSize = (int)distance.Map(0, MaxLabelDistance, MaxLabelSize, 0, true);
if (mappedFontSize <= 0)
if (mappedFontSize > MaxLabelSize)
labelGUIStyle.fontSize = mappedFontSize;
// WorldToScreenPoint's (0,0) is at screen bottom left, GUI's (0,0) is at screen top left. grrrr
screenPosition.y = Screen.height - screenPosition.y;
GUI.Label(new Rect(screenPosition, Vector2.zero), label, labelGUIStyle);