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synced 2025-03-12 13:13:32 +00:00
312 lines
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312 lines
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using Mirror;
using OWML.Common;
using QSB.Player;
using QSB.Utility;
using QSB.WorldSync;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;
namespace QSB.Syncs
* Rewrite number : 11
* God has cursed me for my hubris, and my work is never finished.
public abstract class SyncBase : QSBNetworkTransform
/// <summary>
/// valid if IsPlayerObject, otherwise null
/// </summary>
public PlayerInfo Player
if (_player == null)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - trying to get SyncBase.Player for {netId} before Start has been called! "
+ "this really should not be happening!\n"
+ Environment.StackTrace,
return _player;
private PlayerInfo _player;
private bool IsInitialized;
protected virtual bool CheckReady()
if (netId is uint.MaxValue or 0)
return false;
if (!QSBWorldSync.AllObjectsAdded)
return false;
if (IsPlayerObject)
if (_player == null)
return false;
if (!isLocalPlayer && !_player.IsReady)
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// can be true with null reference transform. <br/>
/// can be true with inactive attached object.
/// </summary>
public bool IsValid { get; private set; }
protected virtual bool CheckValid()
if (!IsInitialized)
return false;
if (!AttachedTransform)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Error - AttachedObject {this} is null!", MessageType.Error);
return false;
if (!AllowInactiveAttachedObject && !AttachedTransform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy)
return false;
if (!AllowNullReferenceTransform && !ReferenceTransform)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - {this}'s ReferenceTransform is null.", MessageType.Warning);
return false;
if (ReferenceTransform == Locator.GetRootTransform())
return false;
return true;
protected abstract bool UseInterpolation { get; }
protected virtual bool AllowInactiveAttachedObject => false;
protected abstract bool AllowNullReferenceTransform { get; }
protected virtual bool IsPlayerObject => false;
protected virtual bool OnlyApplyOnDeserialize => false;
public Transform AttachedTransform { get; private set; }
public Transform ReferenceTransform { get; private set; }
public string Name => AttachedTransform ? AttachedTransform.name : "<NullObject!>";
public override string ToString() => (IsPlayerObject ? $"{Player.PlayerId}." : string.Empty)
+ $"{netId}:{GetType().Name} ({Name})";
protected virtual float DistanceLeeway => 5f;
private float _previousDistance;
protected const float SmoothTime = 0.1f;
private Vector3 _positionSmoothVelocity;
private Quaternion _rotationSmoothVelocity;
protected Vector3 SmoothPosition { get; private set; }
protected Quaternion SmoothRotation { get; private set; }
protected abstract Transform InitAttachedTransform();
protected abstract void GetFromAttached();
protected abstract void ApplyToAttached();
public override void OnStartClient()
if (IsPlayerObject)
// get player objects spawned before this object (or is this one)
// and use the closest one
_player = QSBPlayerManager.PlayerList
.Where(x => x.PlayerId <= netId)
.OrderBy(x => x.PlayerId).Last();
QSBSceneManager.OnSceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
public override void OnStopClient()
QSBSceneManager.OnSceneLoaded -= OnSceneLoaded;
if (IsInitialized)
this.Try("uninitializing (from object destroy)", Uninit);
private void OnSceneLoaded(OWScene oldScene, OWScene newScene, bool isInUniverse)
if (IsInitialized)
this.Try("uninitializing (from scene change)", Uninit);
protected virtual void Init()
AttachedTransform = InitAttachedTransform();
IsInitialized = true;
protected virtual void Uninit()
if (IsPlayerObject && !hasAuthority && AttachedTransform)
IsInitialized = false;
IsValid = false;
private bool _shouldApply;
protected override void Deserialize(NetworkReader reader)
if (OnlyApplyOnDeserialize)
_shouldApply = true;
protected sealed override void Update()
if (!IsInitialized && CheckReady())
this.Try("initializing", Init);
else if (IsInitialized && !CheckReady())
this.Try("uninitializing", Uninit);
IsValid = CheckValid();
if (!IsValid)
if (ReferenceTransform && ReferenceTransform.position == Vector3.zero)
DebugLog.ToConsole($"Warning - {this}'s ReferenceTransform is at (0,0,0). ReferenceTransform:{ReferenceTransform.name}", MessageType.Warning);
if (!hasAuthority && UseInterpolation)
SmoothPosition = SmartSmoothDamp(SmoothPosition, transform.position);
SmoothRotation = QuaternionHelper.SmoothDamp(SmoothRotation, transform.rotation, ref _rotationSmoothVelocity, SmoothTime);
if (hasAuthority)
else if (!OnlyApplyOnDeserialize || _shouldApply)
_shouldApply = false;
private Vector3 SmartSmoothDamp(Vector3 currentPosition, Vector3 targetPosition)
var distance = Vector3.Distance(currentPosition, targetPosition);
if (Mathf.Abs(distance - _previousDistance) > DistanceLeeway)
_previousDistance = distance;
return targetPosition;
_previousDistance = distance;
return Vector3.SmoothDamp(currentPosition, targetPosition, ref _positionSmoothVelocity, SmoothTime);
public void SetReferenceTransform(Transform referenceTransform)
if (ReferenceTransform == referenceTransform)
ReferenceTransform = referenceTransform;
if (!hasAuthority && UseInterpolation)
if (IsPlayerObject)
AttachedTransform.SetParent(ReferenceTransform, true);
SmoothPosition = AttachedTransform.localPosition;
SmoothRotation = AttachedTransform.localRotation;
SmoothPosition = ReferenceTransform.ToRelPos(AttachedTransform.position);
SmoothRotation = ReferenceTransform.ToRelRot(AttachedTransform.rotation);
protected virtual void OnRenderObject()
if (!QSBCore.DebugSettings.DrawLines
|| !IsValid
|| !ReferenceTransform)
/* Red Cube = Where visible object should be
* Green cube = Where visible object is
* Magenta cube = Reference transform
* Red Line = Connection between Red Cube and Green Cube
* Cyan Line = Connection between Green cube and reference transform
Popcron.Gizmos.Cube(ReferenceTransform.FromRelPos(transform.position), ReferenceTransform.FromRelRot(transform.rotation), Vector3.one / 8, Color.red);
Popcron.Gizmos.Line(ReferenceTransform.FromRelPos(transform.position), AttachedTransform.transform.position, Color.red);
Popcron.Gizmos.Cube(AttachedTransform.transform.position, AttachedTransform.transform.rotation, Vector3.one / 6, Color.green);
Popcron.Gizmos.Cube(ReferenceTransform.position, ReferenceTransform.rotation, Vector3.one / 8, Color.magenta);
Popcron.Gizmos.Line(AttachedTransform.transform.position, ReferenceTransform.position, Color.cyan);
private void OnGUI()
if (!QSBCore.DebugSettings.DrawLabels
|| Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint
|| !IsValid
|| !ReferenceTransform)
DebugGUI.DrawLabel(AttachedTransform.transform, ToString());